A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 27- Seeking Answers, Finding Questions

A History Of All Things Regarding The World And Within.’ ‘This was the book which we were looking for. This was the book, where our answers were to be found. If we were to find the Keeper, and reverse the curse, defeat Ichabod and restore order into the world, this book we must find. This was a book which has been lost and forgotten by many, its words unknown to more. The words unknown, even to the ones who possess the book. For if they were known, then we would not be making this journey to find it.’

These were the thoughts going round Hector’s mind, as they made it slowly down the dark staircase, going deeper and deeper under the waves, through this breathing shaft. The air blowing through, almost whistling, as the air rushed in from above.

Hector’s journey was closing in on a month since he left Tammerville, and he began looking back at all the danger that he had endured. Hector wondered if all this was worth it. ‘I mean, I just hoped that I’ll actually be able to fix everything. If I were to give up, there’d be no Tammerville to return to. The curse had consumed the majority. I could almost feel the weight of the entire town on my shoulders.

They began to reach the bottom of the staircase, to the dwelling place of the mayor of this underwater city. They began to hear the mayor as he was humming some tune.

“Who’s that?” Jessy asked. Hearing Shamus’ humming.

Looking back to Jessy Hector said, “It’s a friend.”

As they walked onto the floor, as the staircase came to its end, Hector shouted out towards Shamus, who was sitting in his grand throne. “Shamus. Hello.”

Shamus quickly shot up from his throne, shocked as he heard Hector’s echoing voice. Quickly drawing his pistol, spinning around, trying to determine the origin of the voice, as it bounced around the vast cavern. He then dropped his gun, as his back locked in a spasm of pain. “Agh!” he shouted, returning to his seated position.

“Guards!” He shouted, as his top-hat tumbled off his head onto the ground.

“Shamus, it’s me, Hector.” Hector said. Questioning as to whether he even knew his name.

Hector then walked up to his throne, standing in front of him. “Who. What!” Shamus said, confused, scared and in pain. “Oh it’s you.” He said, as he finally laid eyes on Hector. “What the bloody hell are you doing here?”

“Are you ok?” Hector asked, staring at Shamus, half-slid off his seat.

“It’s just my back. I’m fine. Couldn’t be better.” He responded, red faced, climbing back in his chair.

“Shamus do you have-” Hector was cut off with Shamus’ words.

“How do you know my name? I didn’t tell you my name. Are you working with them?” He said, pointing his gun at Hector.

“Moab told me.”

“You spoke with them? How come they didn’t kill you? You must be working with them!”

“It’s a long story, I escaped. Now will you shut up and let me speak?”

Still suspicious, Shamus quieted down.

“All things regarding the world and within. The book. Do you have it?”

His eyes stunned, Shamus answered. “Of course. Yes.”

“Let me see it.”

“There’s no point boy, it’s useless.”

“What do you mean?”

“What it says. Nothing but history and riddles. I’ve been studying it for years, but it’s not helpful. You’ve wasted your time looking for it.”

“Just show me the book.”

“Very well. But I’m not sure what you will find.”

Shamus then led them to where he kept the book. Hector thought he would have kept it close to him. In his dank little palace. But Shamus led them out of the hollowed mountain, and down the street.

Hope began looking around the strange streets, at the spherical buildings and dwelling places, and at the bluish lights that illuminated the otherwise dark city.

“How can this be? So you've been here before? Hector?”

“Yes. I couldn’t believe my eyes either. Even now, being here a second time, I feel as though my eyes deceive me.” Hector responded. “So Shamus, how long has this city been around?”

“Yes Artemus. We have dwelled here for many years. However I’m not sure to be exact. There is no sunlight here. It’s hard to tell when a day has passed. The reason I made this town, was that the machine, the control room if you will, focuses geographically. I made this place in secret, so that we’d remain untouched by the corrupted hand of Malachi.”

Hope spoke amazed and in wonder. “The underwater city of Artemus. In all the stories of my childhood, never have I heard of such a place. If I hadn’t seen this place with my own eyes, then I’d hardly have believed such a tale if I were told.”

“Ah yes, there are many a tale, that spit in the face of reality. However there is much in this world more inventive and improbable than fiction.” Laughed Shamus.

There they walked, breathing in the dense, thick air which filled the claustrophobic city. Down the main street, and along a side road, which twisted around a small hill, or perhaps dune is the correct word to describe such a thing. There they were faced with a large building. The largest in the city.

“What is this place?” Hector asked, as they stopped at the entrance of the structure.

“This is a hall or chapel, which ever takes your fancy, where the book you seek is held. For like myself, the people of Artemus regard said book to be important. As you are here a second time, I think it is only proper, to take a few minutes, to tell you everything.”

Shamus led them to a bench of sorts, where they sat. “Let’s see, where to begin?” Shamus said, stroking his beard. “Ah yes, as you have probably heard, we found the control room several years ago. About ten years, would be a reasonable guess. For like this city, the control room is out of the suns reach, and I couldn’t say for sure. But for the sake of this story, let’s say ten years. Ten years we were playing god.

Perhaps you have heard or not, that when we found the control room, I thought I saw someone.” He said this for the benefit of Hope and Jessy. As Shamus knew that he had told Hector this story. “We had literally stumbled across it, and as the dust was settling, I saw a figure. But when all had subsided, he was gone. The others quickly dismissed the idea, and thought me stupid, to investigate such things. But I tell you, I am as sure that I saw what I saw, then I am of my shadow forever following my steps.

As the years went by, apart from observing the slow descent into depravity and evil, by my comrades, I was also looking for answers as to what I had seen, that first day. I searched long and hard, for answers, I travelled all over Arccon. I then found the only source of information on the matter. The book, ‘A History of All Things Regarding The World And Within.’ However between the covers, were nothing but riddles and stories beyond imagination. Now you may wonder, why I didn’t just discard the book, if it deemed to be of no use. But I couldn’t bring myself to part with it. I was persecuted by my comrades as I read the book day-in and day-out. Yet my heart urged me to continue reading.

Now, in my search for the answers, I stumbled across a group of people who knew of the book. The Masterials is what they called themselves. They are the ones who inhabit this city, and in this building, they squeeze all knowledge that they can, from the book.” Shamus motioned his hand towards the building as he said those final words.

“The Masterials? I have never heard of them.” Hector said.

“Ah, yes, there seems to be a lot that you haven’t heard of. Why is that?” Shamus chuckled. “They lived in a small village on the eastern coast of the Opal bay. Well near there. Their village was well hidden in the woods. But this is useless information, for the village is no longer inhabited, and the people live here.”

Shamus then stood up. “Well, I’d best be off. You can enter the hall, and search for, whatever it is you are searching for.” He then walked off, back towards his volcanic palace, swaying to-and-fro, as he began humming some tune again.

Hector turned towards Hope saying. “Well, I guess we should enter. Hopefully we can get the answers that we seek.”

Young Jessy, who was sitting rather quiet for a child, then spoke up and asked. “What is it that you seek?”

Hector knelt down towards Jessy and said. “We need to find someone known as the Keeper. I believe that he is the only one who can fix everything. My hometown, your hometown, Hope’s hometown, and everywhere else that had fallen under the curse of the five. Or perhaps I should say, the two. Ichabod and Moab.”

Jessy nodded his head, then chuckled.

“I guess we should enter.” Hope said.

“Yes, let’s enter.” Hector responded.

That they did. Hector, leading the pack, opened the large doors of the hall. The creaking hinges filled the hall. The interior was large, by normal standards, but in comparison to the volcanic palace of Shamus, and the dining hall of Ichabod and Moab, this did seem quite cozy. The air was thick like the rest of the city. Almost overbearing for Hector and his companions. However the residents of this city were no doubt accustomed to the air. The walls were lined with the same posts which gave light to the streets of Artemus. In the hall were a few people.

Many did not even raise an eyebrow at Hector, Hope and Jessy entering. For they were far too busy, studying pages of the book. They were wearing tunics. Similar to what a medieval knight might ware. Greenish-blue in tone.

“Greetings seekers of truth. Come in.” Came a voice.

When Hector saw who the voice was from, he realized that it was the same man, who found him lying on the ocean floor, and the same man who took him to see Shamus when he finally came to. He came and shook Hector’s hand. “Hello, we meet again. I am Logan. I am glad to see you again, for I was greatly distressed that I failed to introduce myself when we first met. In my defense, I was rather shocked when I found you, especially when you woke in our town.”

After the introductions were over, Hector knowing that these people, ‘The Masterials,’ have been studying the book for years, he decided to ask. “Reading the book, what have you come to know of the Keeper?”

“Ah yes, the Keeper. Much is unknown about said person. If he is truly a person. But one thing that is certain, as it is repeated many times throughout the pages of the book, is that one cannot find the Keeper. He cannot be found. But he will find you. If he pleases, that is.”

“He cannot be found? He must find you? What do you mean?” Asked Hector, perplexed and anxious.

“You cannot find him, under your own merits, your own skill, will never seek his dwelling. However he does not hide, nor does he run. He sits in plain sight, but is never seen. He is but an ears length away, but we may never hear his voice. However, if he chooses, if he wills, he will find you. He will seek you out. You will have no choice in the matter, you will follow his will.”

There Hector stood, confused and unsure. He came seeking answers, however he was left with even more questions.

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