A Love Rekindled (Nancy and Bruce)

Chapter 24

Cindy stood out in her elegant yellow dress and flawless makeup, exuding the air of a pampered princess. She held onto Bruce's arm unabashedly throughout the upscale event. Suddenly, it clicked for me. I realized that Cindy was the only person who could change Bruce's mind.

Coincidentally, Richard also knew Bruce. "Mr. Harold, you're quite the success story. Your accomplishments are really something to be proud of," Richard praised Bruce. Bruce, apparently accustomed to such praise, responded nonchalantly, "Helix Group has truly made its mark in the industry. We still have much to learn from Mr. Fowler."

As the two business moguls chatted, Caroline and I quietly stood aside, not wanting to interrupt. However, Cindy spoke up, "So, you're the famous Mr. Fowler? It's an honor to meet you." Richard glanced at Cindy and gave her a faint smile, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

Both Caroline and I were familiar with this look; it was the arrogance of someone in a superior position.

While Richard was only being polite, his response made Cindy look embarrassed. She pursed her lips as if she had been mistreated.

"Hungry?" Bruce asked Cindy, sensing her unease. "Let's get you something to eat."

Bruce smoothly changed the subject and gave Cindy a chance to escape the awkward situation. He was really looking out for her.

When I saw the relief on Cindy's face, I instinctively raised my glass, but Douglas stopped me. He ordered me a juice instead. "You have a weak stomach, so it's better not to drink too much."

Actually, Caroline had already diluted my drink with mineral water, but seeing Douglas's sincere concern, I switched to juice anyway.

Richard laughed. "Mr. Irvin really knows how to cherish the ladies."

Douglas didn't respond and changed the topic to the internet. I took the opportunity to look for Caroline, who had excused herself to the restroom.

As I walked a few steps, I saw Caroline hiding in a corner, looking anxious. I approached her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Caroline looked annoyed. "It's a small world. I ran into someone I know."

"Your ex-husband?"

"No," Caroline glanced outside. "Samuel."

Oh, the PR manager she was trying to poach? What happened? Why was she hiding from him?

Caroline avoided my gaze and said, "Well, we got a little... involved."

It took me a moment to understand what she meant, and then it dawned on me.

"I thought it was just a casual thing between two consenting adults. We both got what we wanted. But just now, he suddenly said he wanted to talk to me again," Caroline said with a disdain. "It was clear that he was trying to take advantage of me."

Both got what they wanted? Was this how casual relationships between men and women worked?

Seeing my silence, Caroline spoke

gently, "Nance, I know what you're thinking. It's normal to have romanticideals when you're young. But in this day and age, sleeping together doesn't mean you'll grow old together, and even marriage doesn't guarantee fidelity

Caroline had gone through a brief, failed marriage. So, she would often remind me not to harbor illusions about men.

Her words suddenly cleared up the doubts that had been bothering me all evening.

So, my relationship with Bruce was simple and straightforward—we both got what we wanted. That was fine with me.

Toward the end of the party,

Caroline had already made her

escape. Douglas, worried abonet

going back alone, stopped me at the hotel entrance.

"It's not late, I can go back alone."

"No one would feel at ease letting a pretty girl go home alone."

I was about to refuse when I saw Bruce and Cindy come out of the hall. At that moment, I changed my mind. "Okay then."

We sat together in the backseat of the car. I hadn't drunk much, but soon after getting in, my stomach started churning.

Douglas noticed and asked the driver to pull over. Moments later, I was hunched over a roadside trash can, throwing up unceremoniously.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

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