A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 13

-1 believe that you are trying to stop me, it is something very unlikely, on the one hand, you stop me with your words and on the other you help me to load myself with the powder of drink, at any moment my judgement will be disturbed and tr resulting being, that residue that is only overwhelmed by suffering, will undoubtedly act, he will rush to break destiny, I will be more beast than man like those of your stories, I will go to the bastion of that mafioso to demand an audience wi my beloved, I will go to the bastion of that mafioso to demand an audience with my beloved, I'l act without a doubt, I'l charge to that mobster's stronghold to demand an audience with my beloved, no matter if it leads to my death, why do I want life if she’s not by my side.

-My dear Mike, the liquor speaks for you, thank goodness I came with you, I don't doubt that if you were alone you would already be drowned in a pool of blood and tears, you must think what's best for you, even if you think you're invincible, you're no more so than anyone else here, maybe you could fight the mobster if he were alone and unarmed, sick and sleepy, come on, I better keep telling you, little by little you'll see that the story makes sense with us two or us with them or even both of us.

She was what no one expected, she was supposed to be an old woman, perhaps blind and with a cane to walk, instead th found a beautiful young woman with a curvaceous body adorned with a fine face with big black eyes and a small mouth with full lips whose beauty was topped with a hair that shone despite having it tied very long that tied it to her waist whe she had tied her golden sword which caused Marco excitedly shouted:

-Fire has the glow of fire, Angie has that legendary sword, how can it be?

Angie looked at them smiling, a white circle opened a few meters away from her from where a heavy creature the size of : bear, similar to a reptile, with grey-green scaly skin and sharp spines along its back and huge red eyes jumped at her opening its jaw, showing its yellow fangs full of slime, she was still looking at them smiling, Luis and Guio summoned weapons to defend the girl, but they were blocked by Marcos arms that seemed to extend to the horizon like a barrier, tf beast extended its enormous claws capable of breaking a horse and launched to uncover its victim, she continued lookin at them, Luis and Guio were terrified while the teachers watched smiling, you could see the beast feel some pleasure because it seemed to fulfill its mission those claws would break that tender young girl into several pieces. Luis freed himself from Marco's arm only to be blocked by Francisco, the young girl continued to look at them still laughing with hes beautiful mouth slightly open, revealing her also perfect white teeth, and the claws that already seemed to be part of her hair continued straight, she at the last moment took a funny step to the side, as if she had given it without guilt, the beas who was sure of his triumph buried his claw in the floor losing his balance, stumbling in its uncontrolled fury and now it spun around as if it would crush the fragile Angie with its back, who jumped in a triple somersault, dodging this enraged leviathan that jumped up using its tail like a spring and spun through the air, engrossed, to gobble her up before she touched the ground, Angie looked at it, she wielded her sword and hit the beast with a spinning kick, she released the sheath of her belt and hit the beast in the neck with the sheathed sword, showing that she had the situation under contr the beast fell back to the ground, while she landed like a dancer, The beasts eyes sparkled, it will go pure, it rejoined the ground with desperate grunts and blows, this time Angie looked at it and ran towards the beast, the thing felt it coming, i stiffened its body like a bodybuilder, roaring with all its might, filling the air with babaza, and launched a powerful attack with its claw with all its paw extended, Angie jumped on it supporting herself with her hands, used it as a donkey, gave a pigeon turn and unsheathing her sword she attacked the beast, the beautiful orange blade of this weapon shone in the sun, He sliced the neck of the monster that was still growling, he gave it back to him in a backhand where the sword lost shine due to the sticky blood of the rare animal, he grabbed it with both hands saying a prayer and the blade of the swor turned into a blue fire, Finally it leapt from what was left of the monster and leapt towards us, ending in a vengeance, saluting us as if in a theatre, while a white light carried away the remains of the beast.

-Glorious day, may the Light enlighten you, it is an honour to have such a pleasant visit I greeted them.

Angie, I see you have improved a lot,” Michel congratulated her, that's very good.

-Not so much,” Francisco interrupted, “you are in a controlled environment, it will be very different when you accompany to the war field.

“What are you talking about, maestro,” Luis shouted, still exasperated by the moment, “that beast split the floor like jelly, almost killed him.

-A thousand apologies respectable masters,” said Angie with a beautiful and sweet voice, “Master Francisco is right, this i my training, although the goat-suckers are unpredictable, I am protected by fire glare and of course by my mother.

A glowing white circle appeared on the ground from which emerged another beautiful woman who did not look like his mother but his sister, who also possessed an angelic voice:

“My name is Yaqui for those of you who don't know me, it is a pleasure to see you again masters and in the company of such beautiful apprentices and of course the already legendary Marco, how can we be of service?

Marco stuck out his chest showing off his muscles to answer him and for this Michel went ahead of him:

-My beautiful ladies, it is a pleasure, we have come to talk to the great master and we also need Angie's services as a tracker.

That won't be possible,” interjected Yaqui, “my daughter had an accident and lost that gift.

-Come on mom, you shouldn't lie to a teacher. -I let myself be dazzled by love and he ended up dead, I got distracted for few seconds and a pack of wolves, led by one that had a white star on his forehead, slit his throat, I tried to hunt them down, but I sank into pain and tears, the truth is I still don't get over my loss, I only take solace in killing these beasts. Marco bit his tongue and bowed his head, he watched as Elias arrived shouting:

she can’t be here, she doesn't belong to us.

Pointing to Luisa, who looked scared at Michel and Luis,

she is our guest,” explained Francisco, “so watch your tongue or you will lose her.

She is a very beautiful woman,” said Yaqui looking her up and down, “leave her with us and we will train her to create a trio of warriors for when we travel through the darkness.

-Of beautiful warriors,” this phrase escaped Guio.

Boy, you must go and dive into the cold lake,” Master Francisco growled at him.

Vil go if they take me," Guio joked.

-Boy, that big mouth has rewarded you with a few hours of punishment,” Francisco looked at him undaunted.

-Don't be 50 hard on the kid,” Michel told him, “you'd have to have no blood in your veins not to be dazzled by these beautiful women.

-Beautiful and lethal," added Angie.

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