A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 84

These howls drown out all other sounds. That's all I hear, just like his blood dripping onto the floor. My heart is beating s fast. The hatred I feel for him is immeasurable compared to the carnage I inflict under our roof. I know I shouldn't, that I should kill him now, but he's stronger than me. My Wolf is mad and doesn't intend to end it like that. On the contrary, he unleashes himself, shows him the Wolf that everyone feared in the past, the merciless Wolf who has already killed so mar times.

Little by little, these cries fade away while others appear. The children. They cry, they call me, they scream in fear. I meet the gaze of this Wolf whose name I will never know and place my paws on his mouth, pressing on them with all my strength. I see in these eyes that he knows that he is not going to get up, that he knows that I am much stronger than hin and little by little, these bones sink, crack, give way before his skull is reduced to a boil.

I immediately turn towards the children’s room and rush to the door before returning to human form. I'm hurt, it's true, b it's nothing and the little ones come and throw themselves into my arms while I see that Jason is unconscious. They are a hurt and I am the only one who can help them all.

~ It's thin. Now I have to take care of mom and dad. You're going to have to be strong for a little longer, okay?

- Okay, they say in their hearts.

As I approach Jason, I turn my head towards Antoine. I'm really sorry for him but I'l take care of him last. I wouldn't put anyone else before them.

- Go, he said, understanding without me saying anything to him.

So I grab Jason in my arms and forget all the pain in my body before taking him into the living room. The table is broken but the armchair is still intact, I place it on it before rushing towards Emma. As I pass my hand over her head, I see that s is bleeding and above all, she does not wake up. I place her next to Jason and take care of him first. I collect materials scattered everywhere. I already know that it won't be enough. I'm not a doctor and they need real care. But I have to do everything I can to stabilize them before I can move them.

Luckily winter is just starting, if it had happened in a week or two I wouldn't have been able to bring them back to town b now it's still possible. I cut up Jason's shirt and grimaced at the wounds. Damn this is really deep. I can't sew it up, it woul take too long and above all, I'm not sure I would do it correctly.

I g0 get some sheets and tear them up and wrap them around his body before pulling them as tight as I can. It's going to have to hold, no choice. I quickly take care of Emma and go to prepare the car. I knew it was a good idea to keep it. I insisted for a long time years ago now. And I did well, just as I did well to start it regularly and maintain it, just in case. W this just in case happened. I tilt the seats, it will be tight but it's the only solution I have.

I quickly go inside and get some blankets before telling the children,

~ Get dressed warmly, both of you, we're leaving in five minutes.

I don't give them any explanations but they are no longer ready for that and I first wrap up Jason before carrying him to t car, I then do the same with Emma and sigh before going to get Antoine whom I manages to sneak past them.

- I'm sorry, I know it's not going to be comfortable but it's all I can do. I can't treat all three of you at the same time, it's impossible.

~ Thank you, he replies before passing out.

He's one hell of a Wolf, he fought much longer than many others would have. I go get the kids who are ready and slide them into the passenger seat before buckling them in.

“We're going to have to go into town," I said, getting behind the wheel. The road is going to be long, try to get some sleep even though I know it won't be easy.

They say nothing, hold each other close and remain motionless. They're going to need time to get over it but before that, they're going to need to know that all their parents are okay and so am I. I start to drive, slowly. The snow makes the roac slippery but I have to make it, I have to do it. I can't lose them, I couldn't take it again. I don’t even know what I'm going t do. I take them to the hospital and then? We have nowhere to go and I'm not even talking about money. I sigh, focusing o the road. I must not let my mind wander.

When we finally emerge from the forest, daybreak begins. The snow is increasing in intensity, as if I'm not going to be spared anything. I have to drive even more slowly until we reach the first village. From there, the road is cleared of snow and I can drive a little faster. I'm starting to really worry, I haven't heard anyone in the back for a while now and I don’t know if that's a good sign or not.

I would like to stop and check on them but I can’t waste any more time, I can't take that risk. I go faster while remaining a careful as possible, I know that the weather can play tricks on us in this season and under the snow the ice can very easil hide.

I'm not really sure how long it took me but finally, we arrive in town and I find myself in the traffic I left behind a long tim ago. I look at these buildings that I had almost forgotten and am surprised at the ease with which I find my way. It only takes me a few minutes to get back to the hospital and just a few more minutes for an army of nurses and doctors to ari to take care of everyone.

Melissa and Julien get out of the car, clinging to me. Seeing their mother and father taken away by strangers scares them, which 1 can understand given what I feel. I close my eyes, pressing them against me. They will get through this! They must get out of this! They can’t abandon us, not them.

Then the waiting begins. A long and interminable wait, all three of us sitting in a freezing waiting room. The little ones ended up falling asleep on my lap. When a doctor arrives, I shift them without waking them and move away a little with him.

- How are they?

~ They'll be fine. The two men are in the operating room but I am very optimistic for the young woman, she is having a CT scan to rule out head trauma. We will advise later, I admit that his condition is more worrying than for the other two, but the scan is good it will mainly be a question of time. Now could you explain to me what happened?

- An attack by a wild animal. We live in the middle of the forest, there are wolves in the area. We had set traps but it was obviously not enough.

I had prepared myself for this question. I knew people would ask me what happened. I don't know if he believes me but I doesn't say anything more about it.

- When can we see them?

- Not right away, after the operation they wil still have to spend two hours in the recovery room. For the young woman,

- Emma, her name is Emma.

~ For Emma, as I told you, everything will depend on the results. We'll have them in a few minutes. We will come and info you.

- Very well thank you.

- it might take a long time, even if you can see Emma, it should only last a few minutes, I advise you to go home afterwar we will call you if there is the slightest change.

“We don't have a phone” I said, sighing.

He puts his hand on my shoulder to let me know that he sympathizes but that he trusts what he told me. I'm going back t the children. I have to find a solution and the only one I see takes me way back, to another time. I sigh as I play my memory, I have to remember that name, that tattoo parlor she had many years ago.

I look at the time on the wall clock and decide to try my luck. I grab a phone book and scroll through the pages until I cor across what I want. As long as it is always open. As long as she agrees to help us even though Emma hasn't given her any news for a very, very long time.

I call the secretary to ask her to use the telephone and dial the number I found. at each ring, I hold my breath, I can't con home, not now when the weather is going to get worse day by day. And finally, as I'm about to hang up, I hear his voice th I recognize immediately.

- Melissa, I said relieved.

- Yes it's me.

~ It's Dorian. I'm sorry to bother you at work but,

- Emma has a problem?

- She's at the hospital, with Jason. I hate to ask you this, but we had two children and we can't go home. Not until they ge better.

~ I'm coming to get you. I close the living room and arrive.

She quickly hangs up. This girl is great, it doesn't surprise me that she is Emma's best friend, distance and time haven't changed anything in her eyes. She is ready to reach out to us without asking any questions. I turn to the children, they wi discover a whole new world. Since their birth, we have rarely been to the city but this time, it might last a few days. I sigh before going to join them as the doctor returns with Emma's results.

“No concussion,” he said, much to my relief. Apart from two broken ribs and a few bruises, she is doing well. She will neec some rest but she will be back on her feet in a few days.

~ Thank you doctor, thank you for everything you do.

He explains to me that Jason and Antoine are still in the operating room and that it will be a while and that I have to wait little longer before I can see Emma who is still unconscious. I watch him walk away as a tornado appears in the hospital after only a few minutes. She rushes at me while I'm with the kids and doesn't give me time to say anything.

~ Where is she?

- Unconscious at the moment, but the doctor is reassuring. Jason in the operating room, I said quietly so as not to scare the children.

His gaze slides over them and a thin smile appears on his lips.

~ Come on, I think you and I have a lot to talk about.

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