A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 71

Emma's POV

The five of us eat in as relaxed an atmosphere as possible. The children don't seem to notice anything and remain level- headed even as they perform one antics after another, and when everyone has finished, they throw themselves at their fathers begging them to let them see their Wolves. I start to put everything away, having fun with this situation and once have finished, Dorian and Jason have given way to two majestic Wolves who do not hesitate to come and give me a big lic on the face each in their own right. which makes our children burst out laughing.

I take Julien with me and climb on Jason's back while Melissa, who is bigger, no longer needs my help in this type of situation. It must be said that it is something that is as natural for them as the simple act of breathing. They've been doir this since they were born and I have to say that every time, it's a moment that we all appreciate.

That feeling of freedom when the wind rushes through my hair while the air whips my cheeks. It's something so pleasant and at the same time so simple. One of the advantages of this reclusive life, enjoying the little things in life.

jason and Dorian start running, making me forget for a moment what they are feeling deep in their hearts. I even allow myself to close my eyes while holding my son against me and I savor this walk which will surely be one of the last of the year.

Over the years, in addition to becoming almost self-sufficient, we have learned to keep the children busy once winter arrives. If in summer the forest is a huge playground, once the snow has fallen, our outings are much rarer, I cannot affor to get sick here and the children are still too young to face this biting cold and yet offers us a nature that almost resembl a painting, except that we can contemplate it every day without being limited in time.

I smile as the children let out cries of joy that echo throughout the forest. The day promises to be beautiful and yet, at times, I see the gaze of my Wolves lost in the distance, I feel Jason on guard, more defensive than usual and although I don't show anything, I don't don't like it.

On the way back, Jason stops, making Julien protest, who doesn't want it to end now. A low growl comes out of my Wolf, a growl that makes me shiver and silences our son immediately. He undoubtedly perceives something, something that escapes me. I turn my head towards Dorian who is looking in the same direction while coming closer to us.

- What's going on, mom? Asks Julien.

- Nothing my angel, nothing at all. Wolves are hunters and they have surely smelled a hare or even a deer. It's normal for them, they smell animals that are far enough away that we can't see them.

I run my fingers through my Wolf's fur, trying to soothe him, to bring him back to reality, which he does after only a secon or two before resuming the road that leads us to our home. It was well into the afternoon when we finally arrived home. The little ones come down and 1 bring them in, promising them a good hot chocolate before turning back to Jason from Dorian who is returning to their human form.

“You felt it too,” Jason said, looking at Dorian. I didn't dream?

1 felt it, he replies, sighing.

- Can one of you explain to me what's going on or should I try to guess on my own?

- 1 noticed a smell, that of a wolf. Far enough not to be in our territory, Jason said, moving closer to me.

- But close enough that he can smell you too.

~ That's right love.

~ Why would a Wolf come here? It's been years since we've seen one, which doesn't displease me too much.

~1 don't know why a Wolf is coming this way, said Dorian, but we have to stay on our guard.

~1 should go patrolling, Jason said. Just to check that he doesn't get too close to us. Just to be sure.

“Go ahead,” Dorian said to her, placing his hand on her waist. I stay with Emma and the children.

I trust them, I know they just want to protect us but this is all starting to worry me. Jason kisses us in turn before heading back into the forest while Dorian takes me in his arms, placing a kiss on his mark.

- Don't worry, my dear. Jason will kill anyone who dares to come near us.

I know, I know it better than anyone having seen it with my own eyes and yet, despite everything I know, I cannot stop my heart from tightening slightly.

Jason's POV

I let Dorian watch over them, as long as he's near them, I know they won't fear anything. My Wolf takes over and immediately, I return in the direction where I noticed this smell. I am sure of myself. There was indeed a Wolf, even if it w several dozen kilometers away, or even more. But he was there and that alone is strange.

This land is ours and our smell is everywhere. He must have smelled it, he must know that Wolves live here and yet, ther was no smell of fear, just the smell of a foreign Wolf that I have never smelled in the past, I 'm sure of it. I don't like it, after feeling this strange feeling earlier, now this. It can't be a coincidence.

'm gaining speed. I don't want it's time to disappear. I don't want to stay without knowing who he is. I run as fast as I can Feeling deep within me that danger hangs over my family. Nothing should happen to them. Nothing at all, ever, because I couldn't get over it. We almost lost Dorian in the past but now we are a family, a real family that must not be separated. After a few hundred meters, the smell gets stronger, 'm on the right track, a track I won't let go of. Even if Dorian is an outstanding fighter, since what happened, it is up to me to ensure our safety, he must not be injured, not again while he has the after-effects of this last one. battle.

I stop, inhaling deeply, he prowled, went in circles, skirted our borders. A powerful howl comes from my throat, a howl th raises a flock of birds while the smaller game animals tremble as they go to hide in the shelter. I don’t know who this Wol is but given the time he spent here, I already know that he didn't come here by chance. I set off again, following his scent stubbornly.

No matter how long it takes, I will find him and find out who he is. I have no choice and above all no right to make mistakes. We are too isolated, too many now. We won't be able to take the same risks as last time and at the same time, I wonder why someone is trying to get close to us. Why would anyone come looking for us here.

Dorian’s POV

As Emma promised them, we prepared hot chocolate for the children who eagerly drank it and smiled. I feel that she is disturbed, disturbed by what is happening without me being able to tell her that it is nothing at all. 1 would love her, but promised myself 1 would never lie to her and anyway, she would know, immediately.

I approach her as the little ones run into the living room and take her in my arms before kissing her tenderly.

“You know, we might just be a little too careful" I say against those lips. It might be nothing at all.

- Perhaps yes, she replies gently.

- As long as we're together, we're safe, my dear.

~1 know, at least I hope so because soon the snow will start to fall and you know like I do that we will be prisoners here. We won't be able to leave if there is the slightest problem.

- If there were to be a problem, I guarantee we would deal with it. This is our home, this is our house, our own home. We won't leave him. No matter what happens, we're not leaving, my dear.

She smiles gently, not as brightly as she does when she’s really happy, it's a smile that's meant to be reassuring, that's on for me and to soothe me. There are times when I really feel that although she is human, she is the strongest of the three us, the wisest and in many ways the bravest. Her life changed overnight because of us and yet, she is the pillar of this house.

She places her head on my chest, sighing softly. I know without seeing her that her eyes are closed and that she is drinki in my scent. My Wolf is proud of this reaction, proud to know that despite this potential danger, I can calm her down just keeping her close to me. I tighten my arms around her to hold her a little tighter against me. She is my first ray of sunshir and even if the second is running into the forest at this moment, I intend to take advantage of these few minutes, these few moments where she is only mine, just mine.

I place my nose on this hair, I have always loved her smell, the warmth of her body so frail and yet robust enough to easi endure an entire night with the two of us. And this time, I know she’s really smiling when she hears what I'm thinking. “Incorrigible;” she said, laughing softly.

~ Hey, I can't help it. Having you like this in my arms awakens my senses.

She laughs a little louder and then I remember the first time I heard that so melodious sound, that unique sound that made me fall in love with her. It was a long time ago already and yet, I feel like it was yesterday that she hit me head-on i a festival that I barely remember because she overshadowed everything else.

- I'm sure you remember Jason's arrival, she giggles at me.

It's true, I had almost forgotten him, it must be said that at the time I found him much less attractive.

~ What has changed a lot since then.

~ 1 must say that he was very convincing, I say, kissing her forehead as she raises her head towards me.

I was less successful in making her smile, making her laugh and making her forget everything else for a moment. I kiss hi with more fervor, more passion and when I hear him moan softly, my whole being trembles against his.

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