A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 55

I can see the hint of a smile on his lips, he only understands what I'm telling him, what I've been wanting to make him realize all along.

- Are you sure about yourself, love?

- Of course I am. Go ahead and bring him back here. And you can believe me, we're going to make him pay for it, honey. And at a high price. But before that, you need to get her cute little a*s back here.

- You surprise me that I'm going to bring him back.

- And above all, you too must come back in one piece. Promise me.

- Promised love. I'll get him and we'll start our lives again as a threesome.

- 50 go ahead now and make sure that the three of us have a future together.

He kisses me tenderly as I place my hands on his cheeks. I don’t want to think about it, but it almost feels like goodbye, like it's the last time we kiss.

~ There will be plenty of other times of love, I swear. Now that I have found you and Dorian has also entered my life, I dor plan on losing you. Neither.

I really want to believe it, to drink in these words as if they could only be truth, but deep inside, I almost blame myself fo sending him to face dangers alone that I cannot even imagine. not imagine. I would like to put on a good face, show him that I believe in him, but I am afraid, afraid of never seeing them again, neither of them.

I see in his eyes that he hesitates, he senses my fear of losing them forever so I smile at him with as much sincerity as possible before telling him, ~

Everything will be fine for me, as long as you come back to me.

He may feel that I am sad but he also knows that I am determined and that I will not change my decision. My heart sinks little more at the simple idea of not seeing Dorian again.

~ I'll bring him back, he said in a loud and clear voice that made me tremble slightly. 'm going to bring him back and you in the meantime, take care of yourself, you rest, you make sure you take care of yourself.

- Of course I will. You have to go now.

~ I know, I just don't want to leave you alone behind.

- Go ahead, there's someone more important than me at the moment, there's him.

Dorian’s POV

I rushed forward as soon as Jason's back was turned. My Wolf taking the upper hand in order to better distance me to protect them. I can't guarantee their safety here, but if I surrender, if I capitulate, I could take responsibility for his daughter's death, take responsibility for everything to make sure he leaves them in peace. Because I know him better tha many others. I know that even though he has fought many battles, he would not put the lives of his people in danger without a good reason and Jason is enough of a brake. He is a former beta, an excellent fighter, a Wolf capable of bringing down several opponents before falling under numbers.

My Wolf is accelerating, we must get there as quickly as possible, even before he launches his army against us, before he crushes us under his strike force, before he ends up killing the only two beings who mean more than anything in the wor to me. My Wolf growls just at the thought of the pain this could cause. He knows as much as I do that this time, if we lost just one, none of us would be able to survive.

These strides become faster and faster, so much so that I barely have time to see the landscape pass by, but I know wher am going, I know exactly which direction I must take. I don't turn around, I don’t have time for that, to think about anythi other than saving their lives. Basically it was intended for her, he will fulfil her, I know it, he will ensure that she ends up forgetting me in the warmth of these arms.

A tear runs down my Wolf's muzzle. He, like me, knows that we are heading towards certain death. We won't come back, w will never see them again. My heart tightens, breaks a little more although the simple idea that they are experiencing is enough to keep me moving forward.

I have to focus on my goal. Only think about that so as not to turn around and rush to find them. I have to save them, I ha to succeed where I failed years ago. I will not reconsider my decision, their lives are worth much more than mine, they ar made to be together, I am only a patch to which they have managed to restore a semblance of brilliance during the time that it will take hard.

The road is long, but I have endurance and I know that I will be there before sunrise and hope that nothing comes in my way before then. Because if he's already launched these troops, I'm going to have to kill them before they can reach the couldn't let them pass. I'm not leaving everything so they don't have a chance.

jason’s POV.

I know she wants it and I want it too but I blame myself for leaving her there, alone, with no help nearby. Yet, despite this veil of sadness, I see only determination. She needs me to do it for her and I owe it to both of them. And then, I don't war to live without him. He became as important as Emma. I can't let him sacrifice himself like this.

I kiss her one last time, those lips taste salty, those tears flow without her being able to hold them back. I quickly wipe them off before standing up and leaving. I must not let him gain too much time, he must not get too far ahead even thou I know exactly where he is going. How could we not know what he's going to do.

As I pass the door, I look at her as if to freeze her face in my memory and I rush forward before letting my Wolf take over and we hurtle down the kilometers, letting ourselves be guided by our sense of smell. He will not be able to lose us. I ma not be a warrior up to his standards, but I know what I'm doing, stalking, tracking, defense, it's my domain and I won't los it.

The landscape flies by at the same time as my memories, the first time I met Emma, the first time I saw them both, the fir time 1 understood that despite my mistakes, I could again to have a chance, a possibility to experience something unique and this first time where for a few hours, we let ourselves go, the first time where we were really united, as if we were finally complete.

I hadn't considered that but what I feel for him pushes me to leave her alone, hurt to pursue him and bring him back. I accelerate, knowing that I will pass her house shortly. I may not be able to stay with Emma, but I can ask for a helping hand. It only takes me a few minutes to get there. I don't take the time to change back into my human form and just grow loud enough for her to hear me. She may not have transformed in a long time, but she remains a Wolf, an old Wolf who could help Emma, who could take care of her.

I'm almost surprised to see her open the door so quickly, but as soon as she sees me, she understands and nods at me a if she understands the situation and goes back to her house before quickly coming out with a shopping bag. worn spine. could almost smile if the situation were right, but this old Louve is really surprising.

- I'm going, she said, you're going too.

She has no idea what is happening and yet she does not hesitate, as if she is ready to fight this last battle, this final mission, the protection of our companion. She is already walking away without even turning around and I leave without further delay. I have to go, I have to go, this old Wolf will protect her, while I have to protect him.

POV Loic

I barely slept. I sent my Beta to take over my daughter's pack. I know he will succeed without the slightest problem and before long he should return with additional Wolves, Wolves who will be less important in my eyes than those who I have known for years.

Even if it means choosing, the decision is quick, mine before others, nevertheless, I continue to believe that it is a bad id until I feel it and I get up suddenly. My Wolf is still sleeping, well if you can call it sleeping, she is in a sort of trance which is crushing her heart a little more every second. Before long, if I don't close our connection, it will hit me too with the sar force and that, I can't afford. For now she has to suffer for both of us. She has to take it, a little longer until I solve this problem.

I quickly get dressed and leave my room. So he moved, but he is alone. Where are the others 7 Is this some kind of trap h trying to create just so he can go after the last person I hold dear?

I turn around one last time, grimacing, my Beta isn't there and I don't like knowing she’s alone when she's so weak. While she is dying little by little. I run through the house quickly and rush out while the pack is still asleep. I smell it, this smell gives off, how could I forget it? My Wolf reveals himself as I cross my territory in just a few minutes.

He hasn't passed yet, not yet, but I only have a few meters to go to see him facing me. till as big, imposing, the same as I remember, except this time, there is something more. A little thing, which leads me to believe that he is slightly different from the one I knew.

That simple sparkle in his eyes, that spark of life that I hadn't seen in so long. It's him,

My Wolf grows fiercely, he shows that here he is the master of the place and that his presence changes nothing. Yet it doesn't bend like it did when it was mine. Like during this period when he obeyed me without putting up the slightest resistance. He's different and that only makes him more dangerous.

How could he become this creature that I have never seen before, even when he was with his partner, I feel it. He's much stronger than he was back then, he has something he didn't have back then. Something that intrigues me to no end. He's alone and that can only mean one thing. He comes to open up while maintaining his presence.

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