A Hunter's Keep - #1 of "The Hunter's Series"

Chapter 19

Lizzy’s POV – present day

“What do you mean?” Derik’s booming voice brought me back to the present.

“That’s their system,” I scoffed, actually happy he was holding me. I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. “They take---”

I groaned, trying to wipe the tears, anger and everything else that clouded my judgement, away. I couldn’t say it! I couldn’t look at him! I felt so much same and anger and… Like I abandoned them! My heart clenched. I hated this!


I flinched away from his anger. I’d seen him angry before, but nothing like this. And I knew, all his promises meant nothing. In this moment he was ready to kill me. I knew it! I was the enemy. And that somehow broke my heart just as much as the thought of never seeing Sif again did…

“They find strong females to breed,” I screamed, my body shaking. I dared to look up, meeting his horrified expression. “The boys get locked up until they shift and then they’re used for training. The girls---,” I paused, swallowing the bile that kept rising in my throat. I felt sick having to say it out loud.

“The girls are used for the Initiation of Hunters.”

He let go of me and I sank to the floor. I crawled away from him, pulling my legs as close to my body as possible. I gulped but tried to look at him. He looked at me, like he suddenly realized I was dirty. Like I was carrying a disease.

I looked away. I couldn’t really blame him. I felt the same. I felt dirty, used and sick. I was a disease. I was in league with the monsters who murdered innocent baby girls…

“And they call us monsters,” he growled, his fists clenching and unclenching. I didn’t answer. What could I possible say? He was right. Monsters didn’t crawl out form under your bed or shifted into huge wolves. They were cold and soulless creatures. Without empathy and care for anyone, but themselves.

“If Sif’s goes back, she’s in danger,” I said, trying to keep my mind on the only thing that mattered. Keeping Sif safe. I couldn’t help Derik find his mate, I couldn’t help Sif’s mom or the other baby that died, because I failed to aim the gun at the real monsters in the room. All I could do, was keep Sif away from harm…


Derik’s voice was dark and void of any emotions.

“Because if a werewolf has been taken from a pack…” I started but gave up. I had to explain more, before he understood. “They know werewolves don’t move out of their territory easily,” I sighed, doing everything in my power not to look at him. “If a werewolf is captured, they mark that area. They wait, they dig up information, they study from afar. And once they’re ready, they attack! But only after they’ve confirmed that the taken wolf is strong. That they can be used for training and that the female can---”

“Say that word one more time,” Derik cut me off, his voice booming. I flinched away from his anger. I didn’t need to see his eyes to know, that they were black as night.

“And I’ll rip your throat out.”

I swallowed and stayed silence. My body shivering in fear, while I tried to muffle a sob. I was terrified. And yet, I could help but see the irony in it all. He made so may promises, that I desperately wanted to believe, but the second he threatened to kill me, I believed him without hesitation.

“What else?” he continued, once he’d gotten his anger under control.

“They also need to confirm who the leading wolves are,” I answered, not even daring to hesitate. “Take them out so the pack falls apart on its own.”

“A hunter can’t take down an alpha?” another voice suddenly sounded, this time sounding genuinely surprised. I didn’t need to look up, to know it was Alpha Vector.

“The bigger the pack, the stronger the alpha, beta and sometimes even the gamma are,” I informed him. “Sliver doesn’t have the same effect on them.”

“That’s good to know,” he said, his voice strangely monotone as he came closer. I don’t know what it was about this man, that freaked me out, but the second he stepped closer, I jumped to my feet and moved away from him.

To my surprise, Derik stopped him from coming any closer. And for a second I was genuinely grateful. If I was scared of Derik I was mortified of Alpha Vector.

“My daughter has been missing for 11 months,” He continued, but I understood his question.

“How big is your pack?” I asked, not really expecting an answer, so I continued. “The bigger the pack, the more preparation is takes.” I bite my lips, trying to remember my training. “But if you’re not there, they may have already taken the opportunity and attacked…”

I felt something connect to my face. Pain erupted everywhere. I vaguely head Derik roar before my scull connected to the wall and everything went black from there.

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