A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 26


It was disappointing how easy it was to subdue Jason's Beta.

A few punches and Noel was already lying on the floor, holding his broken ribs while bleeding from his nose. While I was untouched from our encounter.

“It was fun playing with you, but we adults have things to do.

I turned my back on him to return to the mansion.

-Don't do it.

He whispered to me as he coughed up blood. I ignored him as I kept walking.

“If you do, he'll never forgive you.

I stop.

“Who told you I expect him to forgive me, no, after what he did to me 1 just want to cause him the same pain he caused and then disappear.

“You don’t want to do that.

I turn my face to look at him. He raises a mocking eyebrow.

-Oh no, why wouldn't I want to do that?

-Because my Alpha, Jason, didn’t want to turn you down, not really.

That gets my attention and I turn around to get a good look at him. I signal for him to continue.

Jason was desperate to get you to react, when you let your she-wolf take control, it was going to turn into carnage, and you wouldn't listen to rational commentary, so that's all he could think of to snap you out of your hysteria.

My heart clenched at his words.

I shake my head after a seconds thought, I don't think Jason would have done that.

He couldn't have been that stupid.

“What I think is that your Alpha is a coward, he saw that my life was too complicated and because he wanted to save himself the trouble he took the easy way out and decided to reject me, and because he's so unmanly he decided to do it front of both packs, to make it clear to me that he would never accept someone like me at his side.

Noel shakes his head.

-No no no no, that's not what happened.

A shiver runs down my spine.

-Whatever it is, I don't care.

I continue on my way.

1 don't care anymore.

I say quietly.

This time without anyone being able to stop me I enter Jason's mansion, the door is smashed in thanks to my poor manners and little patience. Inside is a little chaos, the furniture is in disarray, some of it is even broken, a glass table is completely broken, showering glass all over the floor, being careful not to step on any of it I cross the room.

My sense of smell detects a metallic odour that catches my attention, and instead of going to the basement my feet take me in the direction of the dining room.

A body lies on top of the table, a piece of wood, (which I assume is the leg of one of the chairs), protruding from the plac where the heart should be.

The black colour of the blood and the greyish tone of the skin warns me that it is a vampire, and my senses confirm it. Once it is confirmed that it is a vampire my position changes to a defensive one.

How the hell had they managed to get into the mansion if it was so far away from the field where we fought?

I scan the entire room, looking for any clues as to what had happened.

The first thing that caught my attention was the amount of blood that had been spilled, it was impossible that so much blood belonged to a single individual. It was splattered not only in a puddle under the body, but also on two entire walls while there was another small puddle on the other side of the dining room.

with my senses incredibly sensitive and an alarm going off inside me I heard a noise outside the room, I didn't think abo it, I just ran towards the spot, which was a door leading to the stairs leading to the basement.

It didn’t take me long to go down the stairs, skipping several steps.

At the bottom of the stairs I found a man trying to crawl down them.

it took me one look to recognise him as a wolf, one of Jason's warriors.

He was in a rather pitiful state, his right leg was in tatters as the bone could be seen protruding from several places, his hands were clutching his abdomen, a wound from which blood was flowing, his throat showed signs of having been torn, (by a bloodsucker most likely), and his breathing was heavy.

My body moved without thinking, one of my hands put pressure on his wound, while I brought the other wrist to my mou and with my fangs I tore my skin.

As soon as the taste of my blood hit my taste buds, I brought the wound closer to the man’s abdomen, let it bleed on top for a few long moments, and when his skin finally began to regenerate I brought my wrist to his lips.

The man turned his head away, rejecting my blood.

I insisted.

But he refused again with a sound of dissent. I frowned, couldn't he see that I was trying to save his life?

Drink, or die.

My voice came out cold and serious, but I regretted it almost immediately when I saw the panic fll his eyes.

Sighing to calm my temper, I looked around the room at last, there were three other bodies lying around, one was headle one was twisted like a lump of amorphous clay beyond recognition, and the last one had his sternum ripped open, exposing his obvious lack of organs which were scattered on the floor.

The few pieces of furniture, a couple of chairs, a table, and a sofa, were in pieces as a sign of struggle.

I concentrated on using my sense of smell and isolated the smells one by one.

I smelled hot blood, sweat, and death, I detected particular scents of the wolves making me confirm that they were Jason warriors, but underneath them all, I found one in particular, the one that drove me crazy and made me lose my mind. vanilla and expensive perfume intermingled with mint and masculine cologne.

The smell of the female and the useless smell of my mate.

A growl leaves my throat.

She was definitely here, even if no trace of her is to be found anymore, other than her scent eclipsed by that of the carna that took place.

With more insistence I pressed the skin of my wrist against the lips of the seemingly sole survivor, my eyes shifted to the whites of my wolf's and the voice that left my lips was the voice of an Alpha.

-Drink, that's an order, I need to know what happened here.

The man took a few seconds, which made me growl apprehensively, but eventually he opened his mouth and slowly bega to suck.

He took long gulps before I took my hand away when I judged he had had enough.

His eyes began to close heavily, so using all my strength I lifted him into my arms to carry him out of the cellar.

The blood from his leg was still oozing out, which stained me all over.

I snorted, while rolling my eyes.

Great, as if he didn't have enough blood on him.

Climbing the stairs I heard a group of footsteps belonging to several people enter the door of the mansion.

Undeterred, I exited the basement stairs and made my way to the entrance.

jason, looking terrified at his home, was with Noel who was leaning on another man, and the three of them were accompanied by another adult woman, and a boy no more than twenty years old.

The woman saw me and let out a small scream causing me to become the focus of attention.

jason saw me with his eyes wide open, looking me up and down, I could see how he stopped at the most blood stained parts, the blood of people in his pack, leaving his eyes on the body I had in my arms.

And I swear I could see a hint of madness that made me shudder.

I raised my chin, undaunted.

When our eyes finally meet, a gasp escapes his lips as he grows paler than he is.

I feel a twinge of remorse when I see a little blood where I hit his head, but I don't say anything.

jason takes a step back as he shakes his head.

“What the hell did you do?

His broken voice is like a knife digging into my soul.


He shouted in a voice that made everyone lower their heads in respect.

Even my legs trembled.

I had never heard that voice before, my tongue felt heavy and dry, but I still managed to get my voice out firmly and without hesitation.

“1 didn’t do anything.

He opened his mouth to obviously emphasize the fact that it didn’t seem that way. But I went ahead.

“When I got there this had already happened, apparently someone had the same idea as me and got there first.

jason watched me for a few seconds before motioning for the woman and the boy to go to the stairs leading to the basement.

Don't bother, apart from three dead bodies you won't find anything else down there, but don't worry, none of them belo to your lover or your puppy. I spit the last words with hatred.

He doesn't say anything to me, and I take a step ready to leave, but Jason along with his Beta and the man he was leaning on got defensive. So I had to stay in my place as I couldn't fight my way out by carrying a body.

A few seconds later the boy comes in with a pale face and quivering lips, he approaches Jason and whispers in his ear wh I assume is the report of the scene they found in the basement.

Jason's eyes don't leave mine for a moment.

When the boy finishes speaking to him I can see the energy change in the place.

In the blink of an eye my mate's beautiful golden eyes disappear, giving way to the yellow ones of his wolf and then I see them turn into a pair of black pools.

My mouth falls open as my mind tries to decipher what's going on.

But I don't have time to find an answer, for at a speed faster than any I've ever seen, my mate rushes out of his place and slams into my body, his hand closes on my throat blocking the flow of air into my lungs as he lifts me several inches aboy the ground.

Reflexively my arms release the body I was carrying and drop it with a thud, my hands try to pull Jason's hand away as I r out of oxygen.

But I can’t remove it.

“Where did you take them?

-I-I-1, 1, n,n, 0, n, n, n, 1 did.

I try to say.

He grunts to squeeze harder.

You told Noel you were going to kill her, now she’s gone, this is all your fault, so tell me, where are they!

His fangs come out as he screams the last.

Black specks flood my vision.


But I am no longer able to say anything.

I can hear the bones in my neck begin to give way, and I'm aware that Jason is seconds away from breaking it, so I stop struggling, and close my eyes as I relax.

Accepting my death.

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