A Gold Alpha For A Silver Alpha

Chapter 20

I, Jason Andrewson, Alpha of Golden Moon, reject you Alpha Rayna Elizabeth McKensie..... And 1 shut up before continuing, for I had already accomplished my task, that control would return to Rae instead of Lunz The instant the she-wolf's eyes returned to bright silver as she shrieked in pain, Mack broke through the barrier of my mind and wasted no time in starting to yell at me. YOU'RE STUPID, DON'T YOU DARE REJECT MY MATE YOU IDIOT! I had no intention of rejecting her, I just needed something to bring Rae out of wherever she was, something like the pair of rejection. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR PLAN WAS. Easy, easy. Feeling the claws of my wolf clawing at my mind gave me a severe headache that made me close my eyes as my hands clenched my head. But the worst was not that, but hearing the scream of pain from a Rae who had become human. She was standing on the grass hugging herself as tears streamed down her face, her hair always straight as a waterfall wa now disheveled, her body completely naked, I felt Mack growl at that, but I don't give it a thought as something else catches my attention and that is the skin of that Alpha. A beautiful and creepy tattoo of a red moon began to be painted on her white neck. -RAE-. My body lunged forward as I realised she couldn't hold on, but before I got there other arms wrapped around her and carried her with a familiarity that made Mack grow. -Don’t you dare touch her. Logan's eyes were blue and cold as the coldest winter, his wolf eyes. These are my lands, that back of yours is my home, and that one you're holding in your arms is MY mate. -A mate you were about to reject. He replied with a tone that spoke of someone who had seen many deaths and survived. I wasn't going to turn her down. He raised an ironic eyebrow. Really, then I'm supposed to believe that the whole speech was a lie, aren't 17 I felt him start to look red with anger. 1 don't have to give you any explanation Delta. I spat angrily, and Jason's pupils widened and his fangs came out snarling at me. -As soon as my Alpha wakes up and accepts your rejection, we'll be the ones claiming your pain. Logan's calm exclamation made my spine straighten like a steel pole. “Impossible not to finish saying it. The former Beta's lips tugged at the corners of his mouth into a most macabre smile. Remember that we are not like all the other wolves, our blood is stronger, but it is more delicate when it comes to magic the words I rejected you and their names were enough to break one side of the bond. My hands clenched into fists and my knuckles turned white, my heart stopped and started beating again at lightning spe -No, no, that's not true. “Why do you think it was the idiot tattoo, as soon as she rejects you, you'll get one too. The world just stopped spinning, suddenly everything around me went blurry and a beeping sound stabbed my sensitive cars. Logan's back walking east with Rae in his arms was the last thing I saw. Before he lost his grip on Mack and went out to fight for his partner. [-) “Wake up! Alexis’ hands shake me as she screams. “Let him go Alexis or you're going to hurt him more. A small moan escapes my lips as my eyes struggle to open. A light blinds me for a few seconds before I adjust. What happened? Rae. Rejection. Tattoo. Logan. Mack Fight. As soon as my brain recapped everything that happened I tried to stand up, but hands I recognized as my Beta's stopped me. Wait Alpha, the doctor at the command said you can’t make any sudden movements. “Where is Rae, what happened? A slight hesitation crossed my friend's face before he said. “When he jumped behind Logan Dannia got in the way and hit him, he went flying and hit his head against a tree, he lost consciousness, our warriors rushed to attack the Beta and Delta but the rest of the Alpha pack arrived and protected the they all left, there is no one in the Valley anymore. And words have more power than weapons. do... She's gone. My mate. My second chance at love. Gone. Sadness and anger battled in my chest, but both stopped to be replaced by an icy fury as I heard the words of my son's mother. “Its a joy that that ball of rouges is gone at last, now things can go back to the way they were, I can be the moon of the pack and our son will be proclaimed heir. She spoke in a soothing, cloying voice that made me look at her with revulsion. Alexis stood beside me, wearing a low-cut purple blouse and tight blue jeans with mid-thigh stiletto boots. My wolf growled, demanding her head for her words. -Be careful what you say about my mate, you're nobody, you're certainly not Luna of my pack and never will be. I blurted out with contempt. She blanched, but reddened in a second. -But I'm pregnant, by you! I shrieked loudly. Yes, but that doesn't give you any rights, maybe to my child but not to you, you will be no one in this pack but a rejected wolf who got pregnant by a wolf that wasn't her mate. I said through gritted teeth. She reddened harder and in a second she was through the door in anger. A sigh escaped my lips as my temples throbbed Alpha. Tell me Noel. -Is she really expecting her puppy? “Unfortunately. Noel nodded seriously. Assign her two of our best guards, I want them to be with her at all times watching her, I don't trust her, and no matter what, that puppy is in my blood. -All right Alpha, and with the other matter, what shall we do? I thought about it for a while. I had caused this. Me and my damn pride. When she told me her story I shouldn't have kept quiet, when I met her I shouldn't have underestimated her, but especial when she lost control I shouldn't have rejected her. I was an idiot. The worst slam dunk ever. Mack howled at the loss of his partner. As was I. But Logan's words came back to my mind. As soon as she turns you down you'll get one too... -Quick Noel, do I have a tattoo on my neck? -What? “You just look for it. During the seconds that my Beta searched my entire back, careful not to move my head too much, my heart raced wildly. Please... Please... Please... Please... “No Alpha, there's nothing on it. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. She still doesn't reject us, despite everything, not yet. And it's that small hope that floods my chest that gives me the strength to start devising a plan. If 1 was an idiot, maybe I didn't deserve a second chance, maybe I wasn't the best mate or Alpha, by the goddess of the moon I was convinced that I'm not the best human /wolf for her. But Fk it all. I was an idiot. Proud. Ex-womanizer. Future father. Alpha renegade. About to go to war. But Rayna Elizabeth was still my mate. And I'd already failed her twice. I wasn't planning on a third. So 1 resolutely sought the eyes of my Beta, my best friend, my brother and said: Prepare the warriors, as soon as the doctor declares me fit, Ill go and get my mate, and by hell he won't leave my side tt time. With a nod Noel came out of my room to start taking care of everything. Through my window I could see the night, the moon's rays caressed my skin, and for a second I felt as if someone up ther was watching me, nodding at me, as if signalling that I was doing the right thing. I had made a lot of mistakes. It was time to make up for them. The dream called out to me. And like an old friend I welcomed the dreams, full of an equitable world where a woman with beautiful black hair was waiting for me smiling with a child with silver eyes and golden hair

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