#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 29


There really was no recovering from the moment Caspian and I shared earlier. Any ounce of casual conversion was gone and the silence wrapped around us like a heavy, wool blanket. I had to drag Viv out of her room just to break up the tension.

The day crept along until I finally threw myself down the steps and into the bar, an hour earlier than normal. Thankfully, Cole and Jett came around then and the extra company helped to defuse the situation.

“What happened today?” Cole chuckled, leaning across the bar to mock me.

“Nothing.” I grumbled.

“I haven’t seen Caspian this on edge in a while.” Cole continued to hound me.

“We were just hashing out some apologies, that’s all.” I shrugged.

“Oh, that makes sense. Caspian doesn’t do apologies very well.” Cole nodded studiously and I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic remark.

“Junebug.” Vivan whined as she clung to my arm, her gaze locked on Jett.

“What is it now, Vivian?” I sighed. She had been a mess since Jett arrived.

“He keeps staring at me.” She whispered loudly.

“Here’s a thought, go say hi.” I detangled her from my arm and motioned across the empty bar.

Jett and Caspian were clearly hiding from us on the other side of the room, with their heads ducked down in a private conversation. It was still early, so no one else was here and we had the place to ourselves.

“I don’t wanna.” Vivian pouts.

I was beginning to feel frustrated. Frustrated by my inability to communicate well enough with Caspian, frustrated by the fact that I have to deal with Vivian’s human needs and her mate bond with Jett on top of all of my issues. Frustrated by everything. I grumbled loudly and threw the dish rag I was holding angrily down on the bar.

“Alright.” I snapped, storming across the bar and squaring up to Jett, “You need to man up and stop eye fucking Vivian from across the room. I’ve had just about enough.” I snarled.

Jett was fuming as he glared at me, standing up from his chair and towering over me. Caspian stood at the same time and, almost on instinct, moved around Jett to stand next to me protectively.

“Excuse me?” Jett’s jaw twitched. I could practically feel Caspian gearing up for a fight beside me.

“You heard me. Viv is a human, she’s new to all of this and you’re treating her like a plaything. Either accept her and be a decent mate or reject her and let us all move on.” I refused to back down from Jett or allow Caspian to squash me.

For once in his miserable life, Jett was silent. Slow clapping came from behind us and, of course, it was Cole.

“That was the best thing I’ve heard in my entire life.” Cole cheered.

Jett was just staring at me with a blank expression, unmoving and not reacting to any of Cole’s idiotic jokes. Caspian hadn’t moved from my side and Viv was hiding somewhere behind the bar. Suddenly, Jett’s face seemed to come to life with a new, determined spark in his eyes. He walked around us and towards the bar, all of our eyes glued to him the entire time.

“Vivian?” Jett said, catching her attention. Viv froze, her face as white as snow.

“Y…yes?” She stammered.

“I would like to stop treating you as a plaything and accept you as my mate.” He shocked us all by saying.

Viv gasped, Cole looked like he was about to piss himself, Caspian had a stone cold expression, and I felt smug for making him speak up in the first place.

“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to that.” Viv mumbled.

“You can accept me back and we can start this thing properly.” Jett said, walking around the bar to stand face to face with Viv.

“Properly?” She squeaked.

“I know this is all a lot for you, as a human, so I’d like to take it slow for you. We can….date.” Jett looked way out of his depth, but the poor soul was at least trying.

“Why do I feel like accepting you seals my fate for eternity?” Viv laughed nervously.

“No, it doesn’t. It’ll just help our connection grow. Marking would be the point of no return.” Jett explained. I groaned internally, I hadn’t gotten to the marking part, yet.

“Uhm, marking?” Viv asked. Jett looked back at me and I quickly shook my head.

“We can talk about that later,” He mumbled, “Let’s just focus on this first part.”

Viv looked around Jett and towards me. I smiled at her encouragingly, lamely giving her two thumbs up. Cole stifled a laugh.

“O…okay. What do I say?” She asked.

“How about I go first and then you copy me?” Jett offered and Viv nodded, “I, Jett Black, Beta to the Alpha King, accept you, Vivian Ryan of the human realm, as my mate.”

Viv took a deep breath before responding in a shaky voice,

“I, Vivian Ryan of the human realm,” She stumbled, “accept you, Jett Black, B..beta, as my mate.”

Jett smiled an actual real-life smile and the tension in the air shifted. We could all sense the connection growing between Jett and Vivian, it was like the calm before the storm.

“Thank you.” Jett whispered, reaching a hand towards Vivian. She flinched, but allowed him to gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

“One down, one to go.” Cole smirked at Caspian and I.

I felt myself blush as I avoided eye contact with Caspian.

“Why don’t you take the night off, Viv?” I offered, bursting the little bubble Jett and her were in.

“Can I take you for dinner?” Jett asked, not taking his eyes off of her. Viv only nodded. Jett took her hand and pulled her towards the door.

“Thank you,” Jett paused in front of me, “And I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted towards you….Luna.” He smiled briefly before leaving the bar with Vivian.

“Good work.” Cole said before the other staff members started filling in.

“He’s right, you know?” Caspian’s voice crept up on me.

“About?” I sighed, not turning around to face him.

“You did good work with Jett and Vivian. A little honesty goes a long way.” His tone of voice shifted slightly as his hands ran up my arms and turned me around to face him.

“What do you need to be honest about?” I whispered.

Caspian’s hands caressed my forearms, our body’s mere inches from each other. His warm breath blew across my face, taunting my lips. I closed my eyes, unable to help myself from swimming in my desire for him. My lidded eyes fluttered open when I felt his hand gripping my cheek.

“I, Alpha King Caspian Storm of the werewolf realm, accept you, June Cooper, packless, as my mate and Luna Queen.” His words swept me off my feet, emotions I didn’t even know I had consumed me.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I lost myself in Caspian’s eyes, frozen and helpless against his power over me.

“You don’t have to say it back right now, my dear Junie.” He purred, running his thumb across my cheek bone, “I just wanted you to know that I’m all in.”

I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth and nodded. Caspian’s crooked smile sent my heart into a flutter. Under his gaze, against his touch, with the feeling of his breath on my face, I was so lost to the matebond it was pathetic. I craved him as much as Violet craved Jess.

“I, packless wolf June Cooper, accept you, Alpha King Caspian Storm, as my mate.” I breathed the words and watched as Caspian nearly melted at my feet.

“You do?” He asked in disbelief.

“I do.” I nodded.

Caspian pressed his forehead against mine as he held my face in his hands. He moved his face and his lips brushed against my forehead. I closed my eyes and savored the moment.

“Thank you, dearest.” His voice was so soft that I nearly missed it.

“Let’s leave with him. Let him mark us.” Violet said in a daze.

“Oh, look who’s suddenly a fan of the Alpha.” I scoffed. She simply purred and showed her belly.

“The bar’s opening soon.” I said, ripping the moment apart without mercy.

Caspian chuckled and let me pull away.

“Put me to work, then, boss.” He said.

“Oh no, you can just sit over there and look pretty.” I laughed, pointing towards the back of the room, “I’m not having the Alpha King work on my watch.”

“Probably for the best. I don’t really know what I’m doing anyway.” Caspian shrugged, plopping down on a bar stool in the back.

“Hey, Junie, how are you feeling?” Sophie asked as I joined the others.

“I’m okay, just a little sore.” I shrugged, looking down at my arm still in a sling.

“Junie?” Buck walked up behind me and stole my attention.

“Buck, how are you?” I looked him over, noticing his black eye and slight limp.

“Ashamed that I couldn’t help you.” Buck frowned.

“Don’t even think about it, Buck. None of that was your fault.” I gave Buck a side hug which he awkwardly returned.

“Is it true that it was your father and brother?” He asked.

“Yeah, I have a dysfunctional family.” I laughed, breaking the tension. Buck rolled his eyes at my joke,

“I think that goes above dysfunctional, boss. You might want to consider a restraining order.”

“Good point.” We shared a laugh, “Now, get to work.” I playfully shoved him away.

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