#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 18


“This has to be some kind of joke.” I grumbled with my head in my hands.

“I, for one, think it’s pretty hysterical.” Cole said from where he stood in the back of my office. I spared him an annoyed glance before focusing on Jett, again.

“Does she know anything about us?” I asked and Jett shrugged. Once again, Cole replied,

“No, but Junie was telling her when I left.”

“Alright, listen, Jett, you can make your own decisions. I don’t want you to decide anything because of my history with Junie.” I sighed, “You’ve always wanted to find your mate.”

Jett frowned and looked down at the ground, I could tell he was wrestling with himself.

“She’s human.” Jett said.

“Yes and there’s nothing wrong with that.” I said and Jett nodded,

“I know, I know. But, if I take Viv as my mate then you won’t be able to get away from Junie.” Jett points out.

“That’s my problem, not yours. Don’t reject you mate because of my issues.” I replied.

“I just….need time to think.” Jett grumbled and looked towards the door.

“Sure, you can go.” I nodded once, dismissing him.

“Cole, I’m glad you came in.” I looked towards my friend.

“I just wanted to make sure that Jett filled you in.” He said, moving towards the door.

“Wait, I’ve been wanting to call you in. Cole, come back to the pack as my Gamma.” I stood up and paused his retreat.

“I’m not doing your dirty work, Caspian.” Cole sighed.

“No, I don’t want you to. Whatever you’re doing to protect Junie is fine, you can just…keep doing it.” I stammered. Cole raised an eyebrow at me curiously,

“To be clear, I’m not going to report on her whereabouts or her actions nor am I going to control her for you.” Cole said.

“I know and that’s fine. You’re in charge of her safety, whatever you need, it’s yours. I’ll just….stay out of the way.” I replied.

“What’s gotten into you?” Cole asked. I sighed and walked away from him, heading back towards my desk.

“I told you Cole, you were right about everything. Choosing to stay away from Junie has nothing to do with her personally and the way I’ve been acting towards her is inexcusable. It’s better if I just stay away from her and leave you to continue doing what you’re doing. It’s clear you two have built a bond.” I confessed.

“You’re not….” Cole’s eyes pulled together in a strange expression, “You know you have nothing to be jealous about, right?” I chuckled at him,

“I know, Cole.”

“Good,” He relaxed, “Because everything I do is as her loyal Gamma and in the interest of getting the two of you together.” He said.

“Just worry about her protection.” I said, sitting behind my desk again.

“So, is that the long term plan? I stay with her in the human realm?” Cole asked.

“It’s up to you and whatever you think the best course of action is. When I need you here for other duties, you can have a fill-in warrior take your place.” I suggested. Cole nodded slowly,

“Make it two fill-ins. I’m worth at least that.” He smirked and I couldn’t help but laugh at his joke.

“You got it.”

“Deal.” Cole nodded and stretched out his hand.

“I’m glad you’re back.” I shook it.

“I better head back to Junie and make sure everything’s going okay with her and Viv.” He said.

“Let me know how it went, please?” I asked kindly and Cole looked at me like I had three heads, “I can say please.” I replied defensively.

“Since when?” Cole mocked me, “I’ll check in after I speak with her and see where Viv stands on everything. You get Jett to stop being a dumbass and accept his mate.” Cole said and I nodded in response.

After Cole left, I decided to get changed and head out for some more training. I pushed open the door to my room and saw Ruth was laying in my bed with only a sheet covering her body.

“It’s the middle of the afternoon, Ruth, what are you doing here?” I sighed, not at all pleased to find her in my room.

“I wanted to be here in case you needed a break today, sire.” Ruth was laying on her stomach with her legs in the air, swinging casually.

“Leave, Ruth.” I ignored her flirting as I walked into the closet.

“Does this have to do with that girl from the yacht club?” I heard the pout in Ruth’s voice.

I sighed loudly and refused to respond. I undressed from my formal wear and changed into my sweats before returning to the bedroom. Ruth was now dressed and sitting on the corner of my bed.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” I replied, heading for the bathroom.

“She reeked of rogue.” Ruth said with an attitude. I grind my teeth together in frustration as I twisted my hair up into a bun.

“Shut it, Ruth.” I snarled, grabbing her arm and showing her the door, “Next time, don’t come in here uninvited.”

Ruth whined the whole way down the hall.

“Who kicked her puppy?” Ally watched Ruth walk away as she approached my door.

“Don’t worry about it.” I huffed, shutting my bedroom door and attempting to walk past her.

“You’re always in such a horrible mood, Cassie. Why don’t you just get with Junie and be happy already?” Ally crossed her arms over her chest and planted herself in front of me.

“Allycat, please.” I wasn’t in the mood to argue as I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“You’re really upset about all this, aren’t you?” Ally’s voice softened, “Come on.” She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the steps.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“I’m hungry.” Was all Ally said.

“Why does that involve me?” I mumbled.

“I miss my big brother and want to have a late lunch with him.” She said in a sing-song voice, dragging me towards the front door.

“Out of the castle? I’m dressed for training.” I complained.

“No one cares at Mario’s.” She smiled at me and I groaned loudly.

Mario’s was a pizza place inside the realm. There weren’t many restaurants, markets, or shops in the realm, yet. Most residents went through the portals to the human world to shop and eat. There was a modernization plan in the works to add more businesses inside the realm, Mario’s Pizza was the beginning stages of that plan. It’s been around for about ten years now and it was Alice’s favorite place to eat.

“I can’t go to Mario’s, Alice.” I complained more sternly this time.

“Why?” She asked while relentlessly pulling me towards the car.

“I’m the king.” I said obviously.

“Kings don’t eat?” She was already inside the car and refused to get out.

“You’re impossible.” I shook my head but couldn’t help the small smile on my lips as I sat behind the wheel.

I drove us to Mario’s and, because it was 2 o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon, it was relatively empty. Alice walked ahead of me and got a booth. By the time I entered the restaurant, everyone was on edge hosting two members of the royal family. I grumbled a greeting before following Alice to a table in the back of the restaurant. She ordered two pizzas, fries, and sodas for each of us.

“What is this really about, Ally?” I sighed.

“I told you, we haven’t spent any time with each other.” She said, picking at the french fries.

“Since when did you want to spend time with anyone other than your girlfriends and boys?” I asked.

“They’re busy.” She shrugged and I rolled my eyes,

“Lovely.” I snorted.

“You know, Malcolm is still home.” She added absentmindedly.

“He is?” I didn’t know that.

“Yeah, he didn’t leave after the explosive dinner show. I think he’s worried about you.” Alice said.

“Or he’s waiting around like a vulture for another reason to challenge me.” I grumbled. Alice looked up at me with a disappointed expression,

“You two are ridiculous.” She huffed.

“Have you seen him?” I asked her.

“Yes, actually, he took me out for lunch the other day and has been down for dinner every evening.” She replied smugly.

“Fantastic, he can win over everyone’s hearts and minds with his charm.” I said sarcastically.

“Nobody is upset with you, Cassie.” She sighed, reaching across the table and touching my arm, “We’re just worried about you.”

“You should worry about yourself, Ally. You’re sixteen, you don’t need to concern yourself with my matters.” I tried to keep my voice gentle yet stern.

“I’m more than your silly teenage sister.” She frowned.

“You don’t need to be. You’re the only one of us who gets a life, don’t drown in ours.” I pat the top of her hand before pulling away.

“You really do think you have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, don’t you? You know you’re not alone in this life, you have a family.” Ally said.

“Our father died. Malcolm and I were forced to grow up quickly so mother wasn’t alone and so you would be cared for. We chose our burdens.” The pizza came then and we ate in silence.

“I know I was only nine, but I remember Sabrina. I remember her laugh and her kindness. I remember that she was like a sister to me from the very beginning. But, I also remember her being submissive and polite, too polite. She did everything exactly right, she obeyed you and never wanted to ruffle any feathers.” Alice said as she finished up with her second slice of pizza.

“What are you getting at?” I sighed.

“I’m saying that Sabrina was a great mate and Queen Luna, she was made in your image. But, Junie, I think was made to challenge you, better you. Sabrina was your submissive but Junie is your equal.” She spoke carefully.

“How would you even know that?” I grumbled.

“Cole talks about her a lot.” Ally shrugged.

“You shouldn’t speak out against Sabrina.” I was fighting the urge to snap at my sister.

“I’m not, I loved Sabrina.” Ally shook her head quickly, “I’m trying to show you how the two women are different. You’re not replacing Sabrina by being with Junie. The life you lived, the life you would have lived with Sabrina, is gone. With Junie, you’ll be living a different kind of life with a different kind of mate.” Ally explained, speaking with a wisdom beyond her age.

I relaxed and smiled at her. Before I could respond, the waiter came over with our check. I handed him the credit card and motioned for Alice to stand up. I gave her a hug,

“When did you get so smart?” I asked her, my chin resting on the top of her head.

“I have my ways.” Her tone of voice made me laugh. I pulled her away and held her at arm’s length,

“Don’t grow up too fast.” I ruffled her hair and she shooed me away.

The waiter returned with my card and I drove us back to the packhouse.

“Go talk to Mal, would you?” Alice said before disappearing inside the house.

I stood in front of Malcolm’s bedroom door for ten minutes trying to work up the courage to knock. Before I had the chance, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I sighed and pulled it out, pressing the speaker to my ear.

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