#9 The Lonely Rogue

Chapter 13


“Excuse me?” I laughed without humor.

“Your Gamma left you due to a lack of confidence in your leadership and you have denied the pack a Luna and an heir. You are failing this kingdom and, so, I challenge you for the crown.” Malcolm squared up to me, puffing out his chest as he made his declaration.

“Malcolm, don’t.” Mother gasped, reaching out towards her eldest son.

“The fight is to the death, Malcolm.” I replied plainly.

“I know.”

“That’s not the way to handle this.” Alice spoke up for the first time, standing between us, “We already lost our father, our family can’t lose someone else.” Tears were welling up in her eyes.

Malcolm and I both looked over at her, momentarily forgetting about our anger towards each other. Ally was a soft spot for both of us. She was only a year old when our father was murdered by rogues during an attack on the castle. We were the only father figures she ever knew.

“It doesn’t have to be to the death, if one party submits.” Granny Austyn points out. Malcolm and I were both too stubborn to do that, and everyone knew it.

“Take the girl as your Luna and I will withdraw my challenge.” Malcolm said in a calmer voice.

“I won’t force her to be my mate.” I shook my head, “She hates me.”

“Because you’ve made her hate you. Change her mind.” Malcolm said matter-of-factly.

“No, I won’t take a second chance mate.” I replied stubbornly.

“Malcolm, listen, he’s refusing because of Sabrina. Tell him, son.” Lydia begged.

“What about Sabrina?” Malcolm looked at me.

Malcolm loved Sabrina like a sister. She was the one thing we both agreed on, her kindness, her compassion, and her fitness for the rank of Luna. For the briefest moment, Malcolm and I weren’t at each other’s throats because of Sabrina. She brought us together. Her death was the final straw in our relationship. Malcolm blamed me nearly as much as I blamed myself.

“Leave her out of this.” I warned Lydia.

“Don’t speak to our mother that way.” Malcolm shouted.

“Enough, both of you!” Lydia rose from the chair, speaking in her threatening Luna voice, “Caspian, it’s time to tell the truth, to your brother and to yourself.” She demands. I bowed my head in shame and nodded,

“Alright,” I said in defeat, “I can’t accept a second chance mate because I don’t deserve her. Junie is beautiful and strong, everything a Luna Queen should be. She’s defiant and isn’t threatened by me, she feels no dominance from my wolf and doesn’t submit to me. Cole has nothing but amazing things to say about her, I have no doubt she would make the perfect mate,” I took a deep breath,

“But, I can’t have her. I can’t dishonor Sabrina’s memory by moving on and taking someone else. I can’t validate my weakness by taking another mate who I won’t be able to protect. I had everything once, a relationship with you, the perfect mate, the crown. Now, all I have is my loyalty to the kingdom and that’s all I deserve. Happiness, love, a mate, none of that is in the cards for me anymore.” I confessed everything I had been feeling the past few weeks.

Malcolm looked at me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Alice was crying, my mother was covering her mouth, and Granny was leaning back in her chair. Everyone was overwhelmed by my omission. My chest was heaving, the emotional toll of spilling my darkest thoughts made me breathless and weak.

“I….didn’t know.” Malcolm mumbled.

“I did.” Mother looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“Cassie.” Ally sobbed, throwing her arms around my neck, “I loved Sabrina, and she loved you. She wouldn’t want you to do this.” She cried into my chest. I rubbed her back, looking at Malcolm over the top of her head.

“She’s right,” Malcolm said, shocking me, “Sabrina was too sweet, too kind, to want you to torture yourself over her death. She’d want what’s best for you and for the kingdom.”

“What about Junie and what’s best for her? Because it’s certainly not me.” I said in anguish, stepping away from Ally.

“You really care about her.” Malcolm said, I stayed silent, “Fine, I withdraw my challenge. But, for the record, I still think you should give your second chance mate a chance.” He said before leaving the dining hall. My mother followed after him.

“Did Cole really leave?” Ally asked me.

“Yes, he gave up his position and left the pack to stay by Junie’s side.” I answered.

“Woah.” Ally looked impressed, “I want to meet her.”

“You’ll stay away from her. She’s been bothered enough already.” I warned her. Ally rolled her eyes and sat back down, finishing her dinner.

The next day, Curtis came to my office with his game plan to infiltrate the outskirts rogues. He had four of our best undercover warrior wolves to go in and report back on their findings. I signed off on his plans and waved him away to get started.

After the debate with my family yesterday, I was on edge. Having finally confessed my feelings had Jess acting all smug inside my head and me all filled up with rage. I had to take it out on something.

That’s how I ended up in front of a rundown townhouse outside of Charleston, South Carolina. The Coopers, was written in faded ink on the ugly black mailbox.

“This is a shitty idea.” Jess pointed out, “Unless you’re planning on killing them.” He added, perking up.

“I’m not. I just want to question them.” I said.

“Then it’s a shitty idea.”

I slammed my car door shut and knocked angrily on the front door.

“What?” A bald man answered the door, reeking of cigarette smoke and alcohol.

“Are you Corbin Cooper?” I asked.

“Who wants to know?”

“Your Alpha King.” I seethed, slamming the palm of my hand against the door to keep him from shutting it. Corbin stumbled back, sensing my aura.

“S…sorry, sir. C..come in.” Corbin stammard. I shoved past him and into the house. A younger version of Corbin stood in the middle of the cramped kitchen, “This is my son, Reid.” Corbin said.

“Alpha King.” Reid bowed his head respectfully.

I hated them both already.

“What can we help you with?” Corbin asked, offering me a beer. I declined.

“I am investigating the rumors that a rogue faction is forming outside of town and that you both are involved.” I stated plainly. Corbin’s eyes narrowed on his son.

“We don’t know anything.” He snapped.

“No?” I circled the room predatorily.

“No.” Corbin replied sternly.

“And you?” I turned my gaze towards Reid.

“No, nothing.” Reid shook his head, but his face was as white as a ghost.

“I have it on good authority that you’re working with the rogues.” I said.

“Who told you that? That little bitch?” Corbin’s voice turned venomous.

“And who would that be?” I asked.

“His whore of a sister.” Corbin nodded towards Reid.

“You dare speak about your daughter that way?” I growled between my teeth.

“She’s no daughter of mine.” Corbin argued. I had to reign in my emotions so I didn’t give Junie away. I couldn’t let them know what she told me.

“I haven’t spoken to your daughter. The information came from somewhere else, an investigation that the kingdom is running.” I lied.

“Well, your information is wrong. We haven’t done nothing.” Corbin said.

“Right, see to it that it stays that way. My people will be in touch.” I said in a threatening manner before leaving their home.

I hopped back into my car and parked it down around the corner before jogging back to the Cooper’s townhouse. I slipped into an alley beside their home and waited for them to react to my line of questioning. A few hours later, Reid left the house on foot. I made the decision to follow him through the rundown streets of his neighborhood until he ended up at a playground on the county line.

Reid sat on a park bench, looking skittish and worried; his head snapping in all directions as he looked around. A few minutes later, a ratty looking woman joined him on the bench. She had short-cut greasy brown hair, a pair of dirty sweatpants, and a T-shirt covered in holes. I moved closer so I could overhear their conversation.

“The Alpha King?” The woman questioned.

“Yes, Brittney, that’s what I said.” Reid sounded annoyed.

“What kind of investigation?” The woman, Brittney, asked.

“I have no idea. But, we’re willing to bet that my bitch of a sister is in on it. She’s the only one who knows we’re working with the rogues.” Reid sneered. Jess didn’t like the way he spoke of his mate.

“Please. That girl could care less about you.” Brittney said with a roll of her eyes, “You and Corbin aren’t exactly the brains of the operation. They probably caught you two doing something.”

“We aren’t stupid! We’re careful.” Reid looked offended.

“Whatever. If the kingdom is talking to you, then you’re a liability to the rogues. Take care of it or you’ll be removed from the equation.” Brittney’s threat was clear.

“I’ll take care of it.” Reid said, looking scared. Brittney didn’t appear to believe him as she stood from the bench and left without another word.

I followed Reid back home, but once he was inside, I couldn’t overhear his conversation with his father. I returned to my car and called up Curtis to give him an update. I wanted his inside men to keep an eye out for the woman, Brittney, and any discussions about the realm getting involved.

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