#8 The Archer and her Wolf

Chapter 3


“Archer! You’re hurt.” The buff guard, Thomas, ran up to me.

“Is the boy okay?” I ignored him, looking back towards the produce stand. The boy was gone.

“Yes, he’s being taken to his father. You need to go to the infirmary.” He insisted.

“That’s alright. I’m fine.” I shrugged, whipping the blood from my leg.

“The dagger was silver.” Thomas said, like it matters.

“I’m not a werewolf.” I stated. Thomas’ eyes widened.

“Even more reason to go to the hospital!” He cried.

“I’m an Archer, we heal quickly.” I scoffed.

“I have to insist, Archer. Alpha will have my head if I let the woman who saved his son’s life go away harmed. He wants to thank you himself. You’re a Royal Archer, we have an obligation to see to your wellbeing.” Thomas rambled. I sighed dramatically, knowing damn well he wasn’t going to stop until I agreed. He would probably follow me around like a puppy until then.

“Fine, fine.” I grumbled.

“Good! Our pack is Valor Moon, it’s just a few miles from here. It’s the closest to the camp.” Thomas explained and I groaned.

Valor Moon was one of the largest packs on the east coast, third only to Blood Moon and Crescent Moon, and the oldest with the longest Alpha bloodline in the entire country. The pack I was raised in was only two hours from Valor Moon and the Alpha families have been friends for decades. I knew all about them and their pretentious nature.

They were compassionate and kind, but also arrogant and the furthest thing from humble as you could get. What other packs had in brutality, Valor Moon made up for with their riches and endless favors they were owed by other packs. I had never been myself, but I guess that was about to change.

I followed Thomas to his car and proceeded to pout the entire drive to Valor Moon. It was only about 30 minutes away, but it felt like forever. Like most rich packs, Valor Moon was over the top and grand. There was an enormous front gate with a watch tower on either side and ten wolves patrolling it. The driveway on the other side was surrounded by ancient oak trees on either side and at least 5 miles long. We pulled in front of a literal castle, which I could only assume was their packhouse.

The castle was made of some sort of dark stone with gothic architecture. It looked like it was straight out of a storybook from medieval times. It had huge stone steps that led to a ridiculous set of arched wooden doors with iron detailing. Judging by the windows and balconies, I guessed the castle was 6 or maybe even 7 stories high. There was definitely a dungeon in this place, I had no doubt.

“Right this way, Archer.” Thomas opened the car door for me and motioned towards the side of the castle.

I followed him as he led us away from the front door. Alongside the castle was a smaller version of the entrance with a wooden sign that read: Infirmary.

“The hospital has its own entrance.” Thomas explained.

“Of course it does.” I muttered to myself. Thomas opened the door and I walked inside.

I walked right into a monotone waiting room with white tiled floor, plaid chairs, generic tables, and a glass receptionist window. It looked like any other hospital waiting room. The second Thomas closed the door behind him, the door on the other side of the waiting room burst open and a woman in a lab coat scurried out.

“Archer! Right this way!” She nearly shrieked at me. I flinched at her volume but followed after her, “Oh! It’s your leg. Do you need a wheelchair?” She looked at the gnarly wound on my thigh, reaching for a wheelchair.

“No, I’m fine.” I waved her off and walked through the door without so much as a limp.

The doctor quickly recovered and hurried to lead the way again. She walked us to the first door and pushed it open, revealing a huge, steril looking room. It was way too luxurious to be a hospital room, so I assumed it was fit for the Alpha and Luna, and their family. I sighed at all the fanfare but listened when the doctor asked me to sit on the exam table.

“I’m Dr. Miranda Costco, ma’am.” She bowed her head.

“This all really isn’t necessary. I’ll be healed by tomorrow.” I sighed.

“It’s our honor to assist you, Archer.” She said with a forced smile, “Could you please put this on?” She handed me a gown.

“I’ll wait outside.” Thomas cleared his throat awkwardly before stepping out.

“It’s fine.” I said, pushing the gown away.

Instead, I unclasped my cloak and folded it over the back of a chair. I unzipped my pants and shimmed out of what was left of them, tossing them on the chair as well. I unbuttoned the top of my tunic and loosened the thin belt around my waist that kept the flowy material of the shirt from getting in my way. I took off my shirt and it joined the rest of my clothes. I was left in my sports bra and underwear.

“Oh, uhm, okay.” Dr. Costco looked uncomfortable as she placed sticky circles on my chest and back, “This is just to check your vitals.” She said.

She asked me to lay back and so I did. She got to work on my leg wound. First, she cleaned it and then she started prepping the numbing injection.

“That won’t be necessary. Just stitch me up.” I shooed away the needle.

Honestly, I hated needles more than just about anything else on the planet. I would rather take the pain of any medical procedure over being injected with that thing.

“Are you sure?” She froze.

“Yep.” I nodded vigorously. The doctor looked worried as she sat the injection down and picked up the medical tray.

She sat down on her stool and started to stitch up my injury. She kept looking up at my face to see if I was in too much pain. I grinned at her the fifth time she did it and that scared her enough to stop. After a couple of minutes, I was all stitched up and she excused herself.

I sat up and looked at her handiwork. It was pretty good, considering all the times I’ve had to stitch up myself using my left hand in the middle of the woods. I hopped down from the bed and pulled on my pants again. The left leg was shredded from the knife wound, leaving a gaping hole in the thigh part of the pants. It didn’t matter, there was still enough left for me to be decent. I was just about to pick up my shirt when there was a knock at the door.

I turned towards the door just as it opened. Before I saw the face of the intruder, I felt my entire body go numb.

It was like the air had been sucked out of the room and was replaced by static electricity. Every single hair on my body was standing straight up. My fingertips were tingling with energy and my body was on high alert. It felt like someone had reached into my chest and wrapped their cold hand around my heart, constricting its movements. And yet, not an ounce of me was worried or afraid. I knew I was in no danger. In fact, my survival instincts were at an all time low, like I had never been safer.

The door opened wider and a man walked in. He was impossibly tall, taller than any other Alpha I had seen. He had to be pushing seven feet. His biceps and quads were large, I could tell even from under his clothing. His tight, long sleeved cotton shirt showed off his rigid chest and six pack. He had soft chestnut colored hair that dangled just above his enchanting deep blue eyes.

I shook my head, what the hell was I thinking?

The man’s eyes widened when he saw that I was half naked. His body tensed and he sniffed the air. I wasn’t at all surprised, used to the strange animalistic behaviors of werewolves. His eyes were black for a second, his wolf peeking through, before he regained control. His hands balled into fists at his side as he remained rooted in his spot.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to walk in on you.” He said, but refused to look away. I shrugged, not one to be shy,

“It’s fine.”

“Dr. M says that you should stay off your leg and rest for at least twenty four hours.” He raised an eyebrow at me accusingly.

“Obviously I’m no stranger to injuries.” I smirked, gesturing towards my body that was littered with scars, “I don’t need rest.”

I turned around to grab my shirt from the chair and suddenly the man was right behind me, inches from my body. His warm breath was blowing across my bare shoulders and involuntarily shivered at his closeness.

“What is this?” He touched my right shoulder blade and I shivered again. His fingertips on my skin sent sparks scattering across my body.

“My Archer’s mark.” I mumbled.

“I know that one,” He said, tracing the first brand on my shoulder. It was a circle with a crown and a bow stamped in the middle. “What about these?” He traced the second and third marks.

They were both circles like the first, but with different symbols in the center. The second brand was beside the Archer’s marks and had a star in the center with two arrows making an X on top of it. The third was below the first two and had a howling wolf in the middle.

“The second mark indicates my rank as a captain in the Royal Archers and the third is for my Alpha bloodline.” I explained, hardly able to think straight from his touch. I grinded my teeth together, trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

“Alpha blood?” His question brought me back to reality.

I yanked my shirt over my head and turned around to face him. His eyes cast down my body and I knew he was eyeing the unbuttoned V that laid open over my chest, exposing the tops of my breasts. I quickly worked on the buttons as I glared at him.

“Who are you?” I snapped.

“My apologies, I’m Alpha Xaiver. You saved my son’s life, twice.” Alpha Xaiver’s expression changed as he stepped away from me.

“I was just doing my job.” I replied casually.

“I doubt that your mission was to protect my son.” He said plainly.

“Well no, but it was to take out any rogues associated with Hugo. He’s the one who sent those rogues after your son.” I said.

“Hugo? I don’t know who that is.” Alpha Xaiver’s eyes pinched together in worry.

“He’s working for a rogue named Matt. I was sent to figure out the inner workings of a rogue pack assembling in Florida and what their purpose is. Hugo is their mercenary, he works for Matt who ordered him to go after your son. They want to ignite some sort of feud involving your pack.” I told Alpha Xaiver everything that I knew. It was better that he was informed so he could better defend his son and his pack himself, so the Archers didn’t have to.

“Matt? None of this sounds familiar. We haven’t had any rogue attacks in years. No one dares to attack us.” Alpha Xaiver said.

“Yes, well, someone is planning something.” I replied as I finished securing my cloak. “Anyway, I have to get back to my mark. Once I deal with him, I’ll return to my base and figure out what’s going on. If there’s a need, the Archers will inform you of the situation.” I said sternly, picking up my bow and quiver.

“You’re leaving?” Alpha Xaiver suddenly looked very concerned.

“Yes. I have work to do.” I answered simply.

“Your leg. You should rest. It’s the least I can offer after what you’ve done for my son, please.” His voice remained expressionless until the end, breaking on the word please. I had no idea why he was struggling with his composure.

“I really….” I started to argue but Alpha Xaiver interrupted me,

“At least stay for dinner.” He was actually begging me, “And properly meet my son.” I wanted to deny him, to storm out of the hospital and get back to my job. But, the look in his eyes gave me pause.

“Fine, dinner, but that’s it.” I grumbled.

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