#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 28


“This is where you’ll wear my mark someday.” Hunter’s voice was low and throaty as his lips sucked on a tender spot on my neck. I was barely able to think straight after feeling his lips on mine so I wasn’t sure I had heard him correctly.

“Your mark?” I mumbled. Hunter pulled away from my neck to look me in the eyes, but his thumb was still drawing circles on the place he had just been kissing.

“Werewolves mark their mates right here. It’s a way to let other werewolves know that they are taken and to steer clear. It’ll change your scent so you smell more like me and it’ll make our connection even stronger. With a mark, I’ll be able to find you anywhere in case you’re in trouble and I’ll be able to sense your emotions.” He explained softly, all while sending goosebumps scattering across my skin from his feather light touches.

“How do you do it?” I asked, surprised I could still form complete thoughts.

“I’ll bite you,” He grinned, showing off his canines, “But, it won’t hurt, I promise. It’ll actually feel very pleasant. I would do it while we are….you know, completing the mate bond.” He winked at me and I remembered when Pen was talking about me mating with Hunter in my office the other day.

“Oh,” I knew I was blushing deeply, “When does that have to happen?” I asked nervously.

“Whenever you’re ready, princess.” He cooed, nuzzling his nose against mine, “You’re the boss.”

“I thought you were the Alpha?” I giggled and his entire face lit up at the sound.

“But you’re the Luna, you’re the only one who ranks above me.” He tapped my nose with his finger.

“The Luna?” So, that’s why everyone kept calling me that!

“Yes, that’s your title for being mated with the Alpha. The pack has to respect you and follow your command, and you’re the only one who can defy an Alpha command. So, I can’t boss you around, little Luna.” He smiled widely at me.

“So, if I’m your equal then does that mean I’ll have responsibilities to your pack as well?” I asked curiously. He smiled again, like he was enjoying all of my questions.

“It’s your pack, too, baby. Generally the Luna has certain responsibilities but we can talk about all of that later. Your main job is to keep me and my wolf calm, and to have the heir.” He wiggled his eyebrows at his last statement and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“Hate to disappoint, but there won’t be any heirs anytime soon.” I told him and he threw his head back, laughing.

“I just want you, princess, I have no desire to share you with anyone right now, including a baby.” He assured me, planting a quick kiss on my lips.

“What do we do now?” I asked, suddenly feeling unsure.

“Now we finally go on that date I promised you and I spend every day of the rest of my life apologizing for how I’ve been treating you.” He said in a serious tone, “I’d also like you to move in with me.”

“What? No!” I yelled a little too harshly causing Hunter to flinch back in surprise, “I’m sorry, I mean, no thank you.” I mumbled.

“I want to do this at your pace, Maizey, I really do, but having you away from me is physically painful. I was determined to be patient before but now, after everything that’s happened and after everything with your….you know, I can’t stand to have you away from me.” He was literally begging me.

I gulped as I remembered the events of today and realized my new reality. I would always be looking over my shoulder for Paul.

“I’m just not ready to live with you, yet, Hunter. That’s a big step.” I sighed.

“You don’t have to live with me. We have guest quarters, a hotel basically, you can stay there.” He offered.

“What about my brothers?” Was I actually considering this?

“They can stay, too!” The more excited he got the more nervous I seemed to be getting.

“What will your family think?” I asked, not wanting to look like some kind of gold digger.

“They’ll think it’s weird if you don’t come live with us. Moving in immediately is normal for werewolves. We don’t do anything at half speed.” He chuckled and I was inclined to believe him.

“Let me think about it, Hunter, and talk to my brothers. Give me a few days, please?” I asked. For some reason, I was pretty convinced that he would do anything that I asked of him. Like I predicted, he nodded eagerly,

“Of course, little red, anything for you. But, all of your guards stay and I’m adding more to the detail.” He was looking at me like he expected an argument, almost like he was daring me to start one. I stayed silent and he nodded, satisfied with my reaction. “Can I take you out on that date tomorrow?” He asked.

“If you promise not to show up in the middle of my room and cancel.” I smirked but I could tell it was too soon to make a joke about that day. Hunter’s mouth turned down into a frown.

“I promise, baby, nothing like that will ever happen again.” He grabbed my hands and squeezed them comfortingly.

“Okay then.” I smiled.

“Let me walk you to your room.” He pulled me off the picnic table and walked with me towards the house.

“That day I first saw you, or I guess Watcher, I had fallen off a chair in my kitchen. Was he worried about me?” I asked him as we walked hand in hand through the kitchen.

“Oh, he was terrified. He thought you broke your wrist. He was two seconds away from breaking down the doors, but then Miles yelled at us to come back.” Hunter frowned at the memory.

“Good thing, I probably wouldn’t have thanked Watcher for breaking into my house.” I smirked and Hunter laughed, cheering up. We were standing outside of my bedroom door now.

“You’re not coming in.” I said, nodding towards me door.

“I’ve already been inside your room, princess.” Hunter chuckled and I blushed.

“Oh, right.”

“But, I’ll be a gentleman and say goodnight in the hallway for you.” He kissed my cheek, his nose pressed against mine.

“Go home tonight, Hunter, and get some sleep.” I told him, “You must be exhausted, sitting outside my house every night.”

“Being around you rejuvenates me.” He shrugged with a dirty expression. I shoved against his shoulder and he started laughing.

“Well I’m safe with your 27 guards out there, so go to sleep.” I teased.

“27? Well alright, I was thinking more like 12, but if you insist.” His eyes told me that he was serious.

“I was just joking, geez, Hunter, I don’t need that many guards!” I said in horror.

“Goodnight, baby, sleep well and have sweet dreams. I promise that you’re safe tonight and every night.” Hunter said sweetly before pressing his lips firmly to mine.

“Sweet dreams, Hunter.” I whispered. By the time I opened my eyes, he was gone. I frowned at his absence and how cold I felt without his heat.

I pushed open my door and got ready for bed, suddenly exhausted from today’s roller coaster ride of events.

The next day I woke up early and excited. I felt alive for the first time in years and I knew it was because of Hunter Greyback. I wasn’t sure if I completely believed in this matebond thing, but I knew for sure that he made me feel things I never thought I would feel. I felt undeniably connected to him and fiercely protective of that bond, whatever it was.

“There she is! Our very own little red riding hood.” Nicky smirked from the kitchen table. I looked at Matt questioningly.

“He knows everything. I told him last night.” Matt said.

“How are you doing, Maze?” Nicky’s face turned serious, “With everything.” He clarified.

“It’s overwhelming, but being with Hunter makes me feel safe.” I smiled as I thought about Hunter’s hand in mine and his lips on my neck.

“I have to admit, the werewolf thing is easy enough to believe and understand, but this matebond thing?” Nicky said, stirring me from my daydreaming.

“I know, it’s hard for me to wrap my head around, too.” I sighed.

“I’m not thrilled about how he treated you the last few months, but I can’t help but be grateful at how important your safety is to him.” Matt said.

“He’s really upset about his brother and what he’s capable of. I know he was only trying to protect me and he’s determined to make up for it. I’ve already forgiven him for it.” I said, sitting at the table with my brothers. Matt got up to pour me a cup of coffee.

“If you forgive him then we will, too. But, we’re keeping our eye on him.” Matt said with his back to me. I laughed at him,

“Sure, Matty.” Matt sat the coffee cup down in front of me and rolled his eyes at my sarcasm.

“What do you think about this matebond thing? He’s not forcing you to do anything, right?” Nicky was still stuck on the matebond.

“Of course not. He’s definitely confident in himself and that I’ll come around to see things his way, but he’s also being very patient.” I smiled over the brim of the cup.

“Good.” Nicky huffed and I shook my head at him.

“I noticed there are more guards outside and they aren’t being as discreet.” Matt said.

“Yeah, that’s my fault. Hunter wanted me to move to the reservation….er pack grounds, but I’m not ready, yet so he doubled the guards.” I explained.

“He wants you to move in with him?” Matt asked, his eyes widening.

“No, there’s a hotel on the grounds. He wants all of us to go live there.” I clarified.

“Oh, well, that’s not so bad, I guess.” Matt relaxed.

“It still seems a little like moving in to me.” I sighed, “But, he’s really worried about my safety. I guess not being near me is painful for him, because of the bond.” I tried to explain something that I didn’t understand myself.

“You sure he’s not being controlling? I don’t care what his excuse is, you can make your own decisions.” Nicky was frowning now.

“No, Nicky, he’s not controlling. He’s protective and possessive, but he’s not controlling. He’s made it pretty clear that I’m the boss.” I smirked.

“Possessive and controlling seem like the same thing.” Nicky mumbled.

“Possessive as in not letting any other man near me.” I clarified, laughing at Nicky’s face.

“Oh well then I’m possessive.” Nicky grumbled and I laughed harder. He glared at me and I ruffled his hair,

“Relax, big brother, you and Matty are still my favorite boys.” I chuckled.

“We’re not boys anymore, Maze.” Matt huffed.

“I thought you were team Hunter, Matty?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Like I said before, I know Hunter and I know you’re going to end up with some guy eventually, so I’d rather it be someone I know. He’s the lesser of two evils. I’m still not thrilled by the idea.” Matty grumbled and I started laughing at him, too.

“You two are too much.” My phone dinged then and I fished it out of my back pocket, “Hunter’s going to be here by noon. I have to start getting ready.” I said, it was already 10:30. I started walking towards my room.

“Maze?” Matt’s voice made me pause and turned around.

“Yes?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You know that we just want you to be happy, right? Whatever that means. If you want to go stay at the hotel on the reservation, then we’ll support you. If you want us to come with you, we’ll do that, too.” Matt walked over to me and gave me a big bear hug like he used to do when I was small and he could completely cover me up with his body, “Love you, sis.” He mumbled over top of my head.

“Love you, too, Matty.” I squeezed him as tightly as I could. Nicky wrapped his arms around both of us and started sniffing. Matt elbows him, shoving him away,

“Get off me, cry baby.” Matt huffed and Nicky doubled over with laughter.

“My two idiots.” I chuckled, shaking my head, “I’m going to get ready.” They weren’t even looking at me now, they were too busy wrestling with each other.

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