#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 24

New Moon - Leo

The fighting was finally over. We had won, but not without casualties. Thanks to Marigold’s magic, all of the elders were captured and taken to our cells. We also managed to capture a bunch of the rogues and Council wolves, putting them in the cells as well. The infirmary was overflowing with injured wolves, so much so that we had to create a medical tent outside for the less urgent injuries. Evie, Mari, Noah, and Fox arranged the tent themselves.

“I can’t believe two babies were born today, during all of that.” Austyn sighed, looking over the wounded tent.

Dover was sitting off to the side with his newborn baby daughter, Rosie. After spending some time inside with Navy and Knox and their son, Briggs, he came outside for some air. Everyone was eager to see Rosie and offer Dover their condolences. Eventually, they left him alone to his thoughts, a heavy aura of sadness surrounding him.

“I can’t believe we lost Natasha.” Julia, Beta Clay’s mate, sighed as she watched Dover and Rosie.

“I’m so sorry for your loss, Julia.” Austyn hugged Julia tightly.

Things calmed down enough in the hospital for Josie to finally be set free. She came outside with August and a grief stricken Marigold. I felt terrible for her loss as well, her eldest brother and the king of the Fae, was dead. Fox kept his mate close to his side at all times. Knox escorted Navy out of the hospital, their newborn left behind with Navy’s family. Evie and Noah were close beside the tent, overseeing the warriors as they prepared to interrogate the prisoners.

“Leo, look.” Austyn pulled my attention away from the group and towards what was left of our front gates.

The gates were dangling off the hinges, the guard towers had just been on fire not too long ago. We had a few warriors on patrol just in case. They were escorting a huge group of people through the scorched fields.

“Oh, what now.” Leo sighed.

“No, Leo, look.” Austyn said again with a smile on her face.

I looked at her and realized what she meant. She was telling me to look with more than just my eyes. I focused on the group and sensed their love and acceptance. These people were not a threat, they were our allies. They were here to help.

“Come on.” I motioned for the other Alphas and Lunas to follow us. We strolled across the field as a fierce line of defense, stopping in front of the crowd. One of them stepped forward.

“The Moon Goddess told us all to come.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We can’t explain it, but we were all led together by the Moon Goddess. After Queen Luna Austyn-Rose’s announcement over the mindlink, large groups of us started to travel towards your pack. Then, the Moon Goddess came to us and said that we needed to hurry, she said that you all needed help.” The man explained.

“The Council just attacked us. We lost large numbers, but we have all of the elders in custody and a large number of their wolves for questioning.” I said.

“You misunderstand us, King Alpha. We aren’t here for your evidence. We don’t need to be convinced. We’re here to follow you.” The man said before everyone in the crowd hit their knees.

“We bow to you Queen Luna and King Alpha.” They said in unison.

I looked at Austyn whose eyes were wide and then around at the other Alphas and Lunas. They all seemed as surprised as me. No one was expecting this. We thought people would come out of curiosity or for a need of support. No one believed that they would come willing to follow us without evidence or a trial.

“Please, follow us.” Austyn spoke first, smiling at the crowd, “We all should talk.” She motioned back towards the packhouse.

We led the crowd to the packhouse, not far from the medical tent so that the wounded could also be included in the meeting. Those who could be, were discharged from the hospital and sent to the medical tent as well. The Alphas and Lunas stood on the top of the steps to the packhouse as a makeshift stage, overlooking the crowd of followers.

Austyn was regal as she addressed the group, repeating what she said over the mindlink and explaining everything that we had learned. She offered to bring forward the witnesses, but the crowd declined. They were ready and willing to follow us no matter what. The four Lunas stepped forward to join Austyn and explain their plan.

I didn’t even know that they had a plan and I wasn’t the least bit bothered that they didn’t include us. Our Lunas were much smarter and more capable than we were anyway.

“The werewolf realm exists.” She began, earning a collective gasp from the audience, “It was sealed by the Moon Goddess to protect it after the Council massacred the royal family. Now, it will be open again.” She smiled at the other Lunas. Josie stepped forward,

“Each of our packs will offer up representatives that come from the Alphas bloodline to join the royal pack in the werewolf realm. Volunteers only.” She said.

“The royal’s pack is known as the Royal Legacy pack and will be filled with volunteers from any and every pack who wants to be involved. A unified pack of volunteers to represent our people.” Evie added.

“These representatives will come together to create a new unified species, one that is free to make their own choices and be with whoever they want. A realm that will work together with the other realms of the species.” Marigold spoke with a strength that she shouldn’t still have, not after losing her brother.

“The other realms are ready to welcome the werewolves back into the light. Today we have representatives from the royal families of the fae, siren, and vampire realm, all of which are ready to build a new relationship.” Navy said with her own strength despite just giving birth.

“We want to ask you all to take what you have learned today and spread it throughout the species. Tell everyone. Tell your packs, tell your friends, spread the word. Tell everyone that anyone is welcomed to join the Royal Legacy pack inside the werewolf realm. All they have to do is come here, to New Moon. A portal will be created here to allow anyone to gain entrance to the realm.” Austyn said.

“A portal?” I mumbled. Honestly, it was the only thing I had a question about.

“The freaky trio can show their freaky faces and make a portal. If they can’t, Sybil said she can.” Austyn replied quietly.

“Anyone who has questions is welcome to stay. If you would like to speak with the elders or the rogue witnesses, we can escort you to the cells. Please, feel free to stay here until you are rested enough to return to your packs.” I announced.

Everyone clapped and began talking amongst themselves. The Alphas and Lunas wandered into the crowd to greet them, answer questions, and chat. When night finally began to fall, we started a big bonfire in the center of the courtyard for everyone to enjoy. The medical tent was turned into a catering hall once everyone was discharged or moved to the infirmary. Anyone who decided to stay was fed and given a place to sleep.

“Leo, Austyn, can you get all the Alphas and Lunas and meet us in your office?” Jacks said with an odd expression.

“Okay?” I said, looking over at Austyn. She just shrugged and went to gather the others.

In a few minutes, we filed into my office which was already pretty full.

“What’s going on here?” Josie asked, looking at her brother who was waiting in my office.

“We’re the volunteers.” Jared said.

“Excuse me?” Evie asked.

“We are volunteering to go to the werewolf realm and be the representatives from the packs of the four corners.” Noah’s younger brother, Jack, said.

“Are you serious?” Fox was looking at his brother, Frankie.

“Yes.” Frankie was standing with Nadia.

“Nadia, you don’t even know if Frankie is your mate and you’re only 16.” Navy frowned, “Shouldn’t you still be in the hospital, anyway?”

“I’m all healed and I talked to our parents. I know Frankie is my mate, sirens can feel it before they turn 18, you know.” Nadia huffed.

“I know that, Nadia. Mom agreed to this?” Navy looked shocked.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Look, we’ve all made this decision for ourselves and for our own reasons.” Jared said.

I looked around the room properly then and took notice of who all was here. Jared, his mate April, and their daughter Marleigh; the brother from Crescent Moon’s original Alpha bloodline. Meredith and Jack; the brother of Blood Moon’s Alpha and the sister of Blue Moon’s Alpha. Nadia and Frankie; the brother of Silver Moon’s Alpha and the sister to the king of the siren. Representatives from three species; humans, sirens, and werewolves. Representatives from all four Alpha bloodlines of the packs of the four corners.

“Are you all sure about this?” I spoke over top of the bickering.

“Yes.” The volunteers all answered in unison.

“We asked for volunteers so we can’t argue when those volunteers come forward.” I said to the Alphas and Lunas. They all frowned at me. Four pouting Lunas was a lot to deal with.

“Leo is right. Jared, Jack, Frankie, and Meredith are all from Alpha bloodlines. They can take up the posts as the royal guard.” Austyn said, smiling proudly at the volunteers.

“Meredith is too young to be a guard.” Knox argues to Meredith’s utter disgust.

“Knox!” She shouted.

“No, Meredith, your brother is right. Right now, you’re too young. But, with some training, you’ll be ready.” I said, my focus mostly on Knox.

“You are all to be blessed by the Moon Goddess.”

“God damnit! Stop doing that!” Evie shouted, glaring at Merdell, Merida, and Magnus.

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