#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 33


It had been three days since Kayden took me from the packhouse. He gave me just enough food and water to keep me alive. At first, I refused to eat, but eventually, I had no choice. I only saw Kayden when he brought me my food. He wasn’t very big on talking any of those times.

“I brought a visitor today, mate.” Kayden bit the word as he entered the bedroom. Behind him followed Alpha Victor. I flinched back from his presence. With Kayden I at least had Robin on my side. Alpha Victor showed no mercy.

“Well, well, I see you’ve taken care of her as a proper Alpha should take care of his Luna.” Alpha Victor chuckled darkly, crouching down to examine my bruises and cuts.

“You have no idea how to treat a Luna!” I snapped at him. Alpha Victor’s smile faltered.

“But, you haven’t eliminated that nasty little attitude.”

“It’s a work in progress, father.” Kayden mumbled.

“I told you what needs to be done.” Alpha Victor snapped, looking back at his son. I took the opportunity to really do something stupid. I punched Alpha Victor in the face.

He turned back towards me, stretching out his jaw. He hardly even flinched at my assault. His eyes were pitch black, his wolf coming out to play.

“You dare touch an Alpha, you bitch!” He hollered at me, grabbing my wrist in his grip,

“I will teach you what touching something with your filify hands will cost you.” In one quick flick of his hand, he snapped my wrist in half.

I screamed violently as my bone shattered under his grip. I looked behind him, tears streaming down my face, my eyes making contact with Kayden. His expression flashed with pain, Robin’s pain, but he regained his composure before his father could see.

“You ungrateful little slut. After everything we’ve done for you, this is how you treat us?” Luna Michelle came striding into the room then, a sickening smile on her face.

“You’ve done nothing for me!” I cried out.

“We took you in after your pitiful parents were killed. They were traitors and yet we still allowed you to live.” Luna Michelle purred.

“My parents were not traitors!” I screamed. Luna Michelle laughed bitterly as did Alpha Victor and their son.

“Your parents hid you from us, knowing your potential for power. Jason was my Beta, his duty was to me and the pack, and yet he chose you and that bitch of a mate instead. He betrayed us all.” Alpha Victor dared to speak against my parents.

“What are you talking about?” I felt my confidence waver.

“Your mate really is stupid, Kayden.” Luna Michelle rolled her eyes.

“You were meant to be a great she-wolf. Being able to speak to your werewolf at age 4, how could you not be? Your parents knew that and so, instead of presenting you to me, they hid you. When I found out about you, I nearly killed Jason. But, then, he brought you to visit the packhouse and you met Kayden. I knew you two were mates from the very beginning. A Beta’s daughter is a suitable companion for an Alpha, but a Beta’s daughter who could already access her wolf? You had unknown power within you that I was ready to exploit for our pack’s benefit,

“Then you went and lost your wolf. I knew then you would never amount to anything. How could someone who was so weak they couldn’t even protect their wolf be a Luna? Still, I couldn’t let you go. The possibility that your wolf would return was always there. Alas, you turned 18 and you were still wolf-less. You were supposed to do great things, the least you can do is bring down New Moon.” Alpha Victor told his story in contempt, clearly not giving a damn about my parents or myself.

“You’re a liar. You had my parents killed!” I accused him, clutching my broken wrist to my chest.

“Honestly, girl, why would I do that? Your father had submitted to my will, he was giving you up to me and Kayden without argument. I had everything I wanted. The rogue attack made you weak.” Alpha Victor cackled as he stood from the floor and walked away from me.

“I have no idea why the rogues attacked you and your parents. I still don’t.” He added as he approached Luna Michelle and Kayden.

“Kayden,” He addressed his son,

“Deal with her. Finish this so you can come home. We are ready to take on New Moon. Word has it, they are making their way towards the packhouse now.” Alpha Victor ordered in an uninterested tone. He placed his hand on Luna Michelle’s back and guided her out of the room.

I gasped as Kayden turned his gaze to me. He now had his father’s orders fresh in his mind. Nothing mattered more to Kayden than his father’s approval. Nothing could save me from his plan now.

Well, nothing other than Leo. I was surprised Leo hadn’t found me yet, but I suppose I shouldn’t’ve been. I pushed Leo away, I broke our connection. We were weak becuase of me. He couldn’t find me becuase of me. I wouldn’t let him mark me or hold a Luna ceremony, so we couldn’t mindlink and he couldn’t track me as easily. I had no one to blame but myself.

Kayden stalked towards me, his eyes uninterested. He grabbed my arms and yanked me towards him. My entire body ached, my wrist was pounding painfully as I clutched it to my chest and my raw ankle rubbed against the shackles.

“P…please, don’t.” I begged even though I knew it was useless.

“This will be less painful if you just give up and give in to me.” Kayden said. All the venom was gone from his voice, he almost sounded defeated.

“Frank tried to force me just a few days ago, Robin, you can’t do this to me, too.” I whimpered.

“I can and I will. I have no choice, Austyn, just like you have no choice.” Kayden said, pushing me back against the mattress. I froze in my struggles. That was the first time he had used my name in years.

“You came to me at the boarding school when you turned 18, remember? You wanted to take me then but you didn’t because I asked you not to. I’m begging you, Kayden.” I tried again, feeling a spark of hope. Kayden shook his head,

“It would have been easier if I had just marked you then, neither of us would be in this mess if I had. Just lay back and think about something else. Maybe one day you’ll actually like it.” Kayden closed his eyes and when he opened them, his hatred had returned. It would seem that he used the last ounce of his pity on me.

He grabbed what was left of my clothes and ripped them from my body. Swiftly, he discarded my underwear as well. He took off his own clothing and hovered over top of me. I didn’t look at him, instead, I did as he suggested. I thought about my short lived happiness with Leo and his pack. I closed my eyes and waited.

But, the pain never came. I opened my eyes again and Kayden was gone. His clothes were still on the floor. I scrambled to sit up, reaching for my shredded clothing to cover up some of my dignity. I listened closely, hearing the sound of snarling wolves coming from outside.

“Leo!” I screamed, desperate for my mate.

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