#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 20


I was on cloud nine after today. Everything was going so perfectly. I was finally connecting with Leo. I meant what I told him, I had never been happier or felt more cared for then right now, with him. I couldn’t stop smiling as I used the bathroom and washed my hands. I was pretty sure the other ladies thought I was nuts or on something.

I pushed open the door and nearly collided with another figure.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” I started to apologize as my gaze ran up the figure and connected with the dark eyes of a familiar man.

“You’re a hard one to track down.” Kayden’s voice was dark and cold as he backed me against the wall.

“What are you doing here?” I whimpered, suddenly feeling like the broken little slave girl again.

“I came for what’s mine.” He growled.

“I’m not yours! You rejected me and Leo won the duel.” I argued, finding my voice.

“That duel never should have happened! I’m the Alpha’s son, you were mine!” Kayden yelled, grabbing my arms painfully in his hands.

“I belong to no one, least of all you.” I snapped.

“I see Alpha Leo has you on a much longer leash then I did.” Kayden’s voice turned deadly, a slow smile creeping over his lips,

“We’ll just have to change that.”

“I won’t go anywhere with you. You rejected our bond and I accepted it. It’s broken, gone. Leo and I are mates now.” I glared at Kayden.

“Really? Because I don’t see his mark on you.” Kayden purred, pushing my hair from my shoulder and caressing my bare skin. I shivered, disgusted by his touch.

“Why are you interested in me now, anyway?” I tried to steady my trembling voice.

“I’m not.” Kayden snapped,

“I own you.” Kayden spat in my face and I lost it.

Gathering up all my control, I shoved him away from me as hard as I could. Kayden blinked, stunned at my new found confidence. It was short lived. His hand smacked across my face.

A viscous roar shook the entire restaurant as Kayden was lifted from the ground and thrown across the room. His body collided with a table, shattering it to pieces. The couple sitting at it screamed, scurrying away from Kayden. I blinked in surprise, my hand holding my throbbing cheek as I watched Leo descend on Kayden.

Leo grabbed Kayden by the throat and held him in the air, his feet dangling off the floor. I watched as Leo’s face half shifted into Quinn, his eyes turning black and his canines descending. I looked around the room but nobody was paying attention, they were too busy fleeing the scene.

“You dare touch my mate!” Leo’s voice came out as Quinn’s in a nearly illegible growl. Kayden gurgled, trying to speak. Leo didn’t give him a chance, throwing him into the wall; his body punched a hole through the drywall.

Leo stalked towards him, crouching over his body as he began to throw punch after punch until Kayden’s face was unrecognizable. I shook myself from my frozen state and ran over to Leo. I grabbed his arm as he pulled back for another punch. His face snapped back towards me and immediately softened,

“That’s enough.” I said sternly. Leo nodded and dropped his arm, standing beside me.

“I don’t ever want to see your face again. If you so much as think of my Luna’s name, I will kill you.” Leo threatened Kayden before spinning on his heels, grabbing my hand, and storming out of the restaurant.

Once outside, Leo turned to face me and started inspecting me for injuries. His hands trailed over my body and I couldn’t help but wish that it never stopped. They finally came to rest on my face.

“I never should have left you. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Leo was rambling now, a complete mess. I shocked him, and myself, by grabbing his face and forcing him to calm down.

“I’m fine, Leo. I can take a hit. This wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known Kayden was here.” I said.

“It’s my job to protect you.” Leo’s voice was sad.

“And you did.” I assured him, dropping my hands from his face and gathering up his hands instead.

“Today was going so well.” He pouted.

“It still is.” I squeezed his hands and forced him to meet my gaze,

“Let’s go back to the hotel and watch a movie. I bet the room service even has dessert.” I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows. Leo laughed at me as the tension finally began to leave his body.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He sighed, releasing one of my hands so we could walk together to the car.

Back at the hotel, we settled in my room to watch a movie. After it was over, Leo ordered us both dessert and picked a second movie to watch. It was nearly midnight and I felt myself dozing off against Leo’s chest. He shifted under me and I felt his retreat. I groaned and blinked, reaching out for him,

“Stay.” I said in a sleepy voice.

“What?” Leo’s voice was hesitant. I blinked my eyes again, forcing them open. I saw that he was half standing, half crouching on the bed. I grabbed his arm and tugged him back down.

“I don’t want to be alone tonight. Please, stay.” I said again.

I didn’t know Leo could move so fast as he settled himself back down on the bed. I giggled at his eagerness, arranging myself on his chest. He pulled the covers over my body and wrapped his arms around me. I welcomed the best sleep of my life.

I sighed and rolled over, surprised when my arm collided with a hard lump. I opened my eyes and panicked for a second while I figured out where I was. Leo was lying next to me in the hotel suit. I had asked Leo to stay with me last night. It all started to come back to me and my body relaxed.

Both of Leo’s arms were wrapped around my body tightly. I tried to shimmy away from his grip, but it was no use. He groaned and rolled over, still asleep. He smashed his body even closer to mine. I felt a hot blush creeping over my body as something poked my leg. I was fairly certain it wasn’t a pencil.

I examined Leo and found that he had taken his shirt off in the middle of the night. Werewolves naturally produced more body heat than any other species. Sharing a bed with another person probably engulfed Leo in warmth. I couldn’t blame him for removing his shirt. But, his pants? Those could’ve stayed on. I recognized the feeling of his underwear rubbing against my thigh.

I was wearing a pair of shorts and a thin T-shirt. I had elected to keep my underwear on in his company, but, still, I wasn’t wearing much. I struggled to remove myself from the bed again, this time, Leo’s eyes fluttered open. Busted!

“Austyn?” I held my breath at Leo’s voice. Oh God, it was sexy. I froze in my wiggles, memorized by his husky, tired voice. He blinked his eyes a few more times, seeming to come to a realization of his situation. A slow smile crept across his face,

“Well, good morning.” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him, not even bothering to hide my embarrassment. I knew the flush on my cheeks was giving me away anyway. I shoved against Leo’s chest and he laughed loudly before finally releasing me.

“How did you sleep?” He asked, laying flat on his back now. I yanked the covers over my chest,

“Good, you?” I mumbled.

“Best sleep I’ve ever had.” Leo admitted, crossing his arms behind his head as he laid back on the headboard.

“Yeah, right.” I huffed at him. Leo looked offended as he sat up, his face now just inches from mine.

“I’m being serious. Sleeping beside my mate is the best sleep I could ever have. Quinn and I are both completely at ease when you’re here.” His eyes were pinched together like he was in pain.

“I’m sorry. It’s hard, I don’t feel it the same way.” I sighed.

“I know, but you will, give it time.” Leo’s face relaxed, his mischievous grin returning.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“With humans, the mate bond takes a while to form. I’m thinking you’re the same way.” He shrugged.

“Oh, that’s what you think?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yep.” He leaned back again, popping the p dramatically.

“I’m getting a shower.” I grumbled, jumping out of bed and scurrying across the room. Man, it was freezing in here. I paused to look at the thermostat,

“50 degrees!?” I nearly shouted, turning my gaze on Leo. He just shrugged,

“It was hot as hell in here last night.”

“No, it wasn’t. You were.” I accused him.

“Oh, yes, I know I was.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, completely distorting my meaning.

“Whatever.” I snapped playfully, opening the bathroom door. In a flash, Leo was standing behind me. He pressed his body against mine and I felt a familiar poking at my butt.

“Don’t use that attitude with me.” His voice was dark and rustic as his breath blew across my neck.

“Wh…what?” I couldn’t form a coherent thought.

“You should respect your Alpha.” Leo’s voice sounded strange. I craned my neck and saw that his eyes were pitch black.

“Quinn?” A growl escaped Leo’s mouth in response,

“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” I felt my bottom lip begin to quiver. Leo turned me in his arms, our bodies the closest they’ve ever been. His finger grazed my lip, stopping its pout.

“Oh, I’m not offended, little mate. You’re my Luna, you’re the only one who can get away with talking to me like that.” Quinn purred.

“Why did you take over control from Leo?” I asked quietly.

“I wanted to speak to my mate. Leo wouldn’t let me come out so I had to force it when we were at our weakest.” He explained, his finger still exploring my face.

“His weakest?” I didn’t understand. Quinn’s eyes looked down at Leo’s waist and back up to me, they swirled with lust,

“He wants you, little mate, we both do. He has more control than I do. He’s the better man.” Quinn said as he grabbed my hips and shoved me against him.

“Quinn!” I yelped in surprise.

“What? You don’t like what you feel?” A deep growl was forming in his chest.

“I’m not….I don’t….I can’t….”

“Don’t worry, mate, not until you’re ready. Not until you ask for it.” Quinn smirked at me.

Suddenly his grip relaxed and I was able to escape it. I threw myself inside the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I pressed my back against it, attempting to control my heavy breathing.

“Austyn?” I recognized Leo’s gentle voice immediately, but I didn’t reply.

“Austyn, I’m sorry. Quinn is a dick.” Leo grumbled,

“I’ve been holding him off for so long, he just broke through. I’m so sorry. He doesn’t mean anything by it. Please, don’t be afraid of him, of us.” Leo was begging now. I sighed and opened the door a crack,

“I’m not afraid, I promise. I just…need a minute.” I said, offering him a comforting smile before disappearing behind the door again.

“Of course, love.” I heard Leo’s voice say before I turned on the shower and attempted to cool my burning desires.

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