#5 When the New Moon Falls

Chapter 15


The rest of the week went on similarly. I met Austyn in the morning and the evening, slowly getting her used to me and my affection. She was skeptical still, but there were moments when it was clear she was warming up to my presence. It was finally the weekend and I had no work to get done, so I could spend the entire day with my mate.

I knocked on the cabin door and Austyn’s sweet face appeared in front of me.

“Good morning.” She smiled, welcoming me inside.

“Good morning, love.” I responded walking through the entryway,

“I was hoping you would accompany me on a date today.” I asked after we settled into the living room. Austyn looked over at me with her wide hazel eyes,

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” She asked curiously. I grinned,

“There’s a restaurant in the city that’s a favorite of mine. It sits right on the bay. But, it takes a few hours to get there, so I thought we could make a day trip out of it.” I explained my plan. Austyn bit her lip, thinking it over before slowly nodding her head,

“That sounds nice.” She said and I attempted to contain my excitement. Quinn, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about being calm. He howled and paced in my head.

“There are a few spots in the city that we could visit. Would you be opposed to staying overnight in a hotel?” I asked, deciding to press my luck. Austyn narrowed her eyes at me, telling me that I was, indeed, pressing my luck.

“Separate rooms, of course.” I added. She rolled her eyes at me and fought off a smile,

“Alright.” She answered hesitantly. I jumped off the couch, thrilled.

“I’ll pick you up in two hours.” I said.

“Wait! What do I wear? Is the restaurant fancy?” Austyn asked, a small blush creeping over her face.

“Don’t worry about that. It’s on the to-do list.” I winked at Austyn mischievously and left her cabin.

I hurried back to the packhouse to arrange restaurant and hotel reservations. The city was almost a two hour drive from here. Compared to our little town, Newport was alive with energy. I called a boutique I knew about and made arrangements for us to stop there so Austyn could shop for a dinner outfit. I had a few other surprises up my sleeve as well.

“Jacks, I’ll be heading out for the weekend, the pack is in your command while I’m gone.” I told my Beta, meeting him and Nick in the living room.

“Sure thing.” Jacks nodded.

“Nick, how’s Amber?” I had met with Amber after Austyn and I’s tour. She was more than willing to submit to my command and pledge her loyalty to New Moon. She even went as far as to cut herself off from Dark Moon, relinquishing her mindlink with her old pack and her obedience to her father. She didn’t have my trust, but that didn’t mean I distrusted her, either.

“She’s lonely. The other girls aren’t eager to befriend the daughter of Dark Moon’s Alpha.” Nick sighed.

“I’ll talk to Austyn, maybe she’ll be willing to talk to her. They do have some things in common.” I said.

“I know that Amber feels badly about how her pack treated Austyn and the part she played. She’s already expressed a desire to apologize to the Luna.” Nick nodded at my suggestion.

“I’ll bring it up. In the meantime, if you could help Jacks out while I’m gone I’d be grateful.” I said.

“Of course, Alpha. Have a good trip!” Nick slapped me on the back as he walked away.

“How’s the Luna?” Jacks asked.

“She’ll come around, I can feel it.” I sighed.

“Of course she will, she’s your mate.” Jacks shrugged. He was eager to meet his own mate, having gone just as long as me without her.

“You’ll find her soon, man.” I told Jacks, sensing his anxieties.

“I’m more concerned about the Luna being comfortable here.” Jacks said.

“I know. When we return, I want you and Nick to formally meet her.” I said.

“Sure, Alpha, whatever you want.” Jacks agreed.

“Thanks for covering the pack this weekend. See you on Sunday.” I gave Jacks a fist bump and left to pack my things.

I shoved some clothes into a duffle bag and threw it over my shoulder. I grabbed a garment back that was hanging in the closet with my nice outfit ready for the restaurant and hurried down the steps. I had already been gone from my mate long enough for one day.

As I neared the door, I collided with my mother,

“Oh, Mom? What’s wrong?” I steadied her and myself, eyeing her with concern. My mother didn’t come to the packhouse for just a casual visit. She stayed in a cabin in the village, as far away from my father as she could get.

“I heard you found your mate.” Mom said.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself. It’s been a little crazy. She’s adjusting slowly.” I sighed, feeling guilty.

“I know, I understand, Leo. I just wanted to congratulate you and offer my help, if you want it.” My mother and I didn’t exactly have a normal relationship. She was emotionless and shut off from the world, and who could blame her? Being mated to a man like my father was enough to drive anyone mad.

“Thanks, Mom. We’re going out this weekend, actually. When we get back, I’m hoping our relationship will be stronger. Maybe we can arrange for you to meet her then?” I suggested.

“Whatever she’s comfortable with. Leo, just….treat her right.” Mom replied softly, patting my chest with her hand. I laid my hand overtop of hers,

“Of course, Mom. I’m not Dad.”

“I know you aren’t. You’re so much more than your father ever was. A better man, a better Alpha, and a better mate. I have faith in that.” Mom said, offering me a small smile.

“Has Dad been bothering you? I told him he either had to accept my mate or leave, and he elected to leave. I was worried he would try to come home.” I asked.

“No. I didn’t know he wasn’t staying here.” Mom shook her head,

“He has….other places to stay.” She sighed and I knew what she meant. He had plenty of mistresses and plenty of beds to sleep in.

“Well, with him gone, you’re welcome to stay here, if you want.” I offered.

“Thanks, Leo, but I’m happy where I’m at. Let me know when you want me to meet your Luna.” She gave me a light kiss on the cheek and left the packhouse as quietly as she entered. I sighed and followed her out, heading towards Austyn’s cabin.

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