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Chapter ch 82

Growing that small office was very simple from the moment it was named Nexa Sport Representation. Soon the offices began to fill up, athletes began to arrive and contracts were obtained with the main advertising agencies in the country. Andrea was in charge of the general order, while Zack was in charge of training the team of sports representatives. He passed by them every morning to take Adriana to daycare, and every night he had to make an enormous effort to separate his lips from Andrea’s and return to his mother’s house. “Have you heard anything from Loan?” she asked him with concern almost a week after his return from Paris. “Only what we already knew: he didn’t find Danna in his city and he kept looking. The girl’s mother almost set her dogs on him, but he’s not going to give up,” Zack murmured. “I hope he finds her soon,” Andrea said, feeling sad and worried about him. Zack saw her sigh. They were going through tough times, but she knew Loan had the family’s support and would manage to find Danna. He patted her shoulder affectionately and she felt pampered. “I have an idea,” he said. “Why don’t we go out tonight? We could stop talking about everything that’s bothering us and just… hang out.” Andrea smiled. It was clear what Zack meant by that: he wanted to go out for a romantic dinner. “Are you asking me on a date?” he asked with a flirtatious wink. “A date, a dinner, a night… whatever you want to give me… but there are things I want to talk to you about and they’re important,” Zack said leaning in to kiss her. Thanks for reading at LeeNovelas.com. Andrea’s eyes lit up with excitement when she understood what Zack was suggesting. She nodded, accepting the invitation as a special plan for that night and as soon as she got home she looked for her favorite dress. She gave Adriana dinner and put her in Milo’s hands, who came to pick her up on orders from the grandparents. Andrea finished getting ready and couldn’t contain her excitement as she waited for Zack. She knew that with all of this they were slowly forging a bond between them, something deep and that they really needed. Finally he appeared at her door and she felt herself melting when she saw him in that tuxedo, so elegant and at the same time so nervous. “You look beautiful,” Zack said, taking her hand and leading her to his car. She smiled and got into the passenger seat, letting him take the reins of the night. He took her to a beautiful restaurant he had reserved for them, with a table by the window where they could see the city lights. It was the perfect place to tell Andrea that news. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “Cake… there’s something you should know,” he said. I already told my father the truth. He saw her open her eyes with a frightened expression but he immediately knew why. “He’s fine! He’s very fine,I told him a few weeks ago, but I had to do it — Zack told her — You’re right, we can’t start a real relationship if we do it on lies… and I want something very real with you Andrea. He took her hand across the table and kissed her knuckles. —And how did she take it? — she asked with a sigh. — He officially disinherited me — Zack said holding back his smile — My entire share of the inheritance will go entirely to Adriana. — Whaaat…!? — And you better not dare to contradict him or he will disinherit you too — he laughed. — Zack, it can’t be true!… We don’t want anything from…! — Andrea exclaimed but Zack pulled her hand and pulled her out of her chair, making her sit on him. — This isn’t about what we want. You are our family and my father adores you, he explained. The way things are going, I’ll have to ask my own father for your hand, so let him be happy and we’ll be happy, okay? Andrea nodded and put her arms around him, meeting his lips in a perfect, sweet and tender kiss that soon became more intense. They had dinner in the most romantic atmosphere and then Zack took her home. “I’ll call Milo to bring Adriana to us,” he murmured, pressing himself against Andrea’s front door and she shivered with his heat. He passed on the message and then moved closer to her mouth, kissing her with that need that wouldn’t go away. “God, one of these days I’m going to spontaneously combust at your front door!” he sighed and ended up pressing her against the wood and lifting her skirt to caress the skin of her thighs. A second later he received a message back, but this time it wasn’t from Milo. “Oh oh!” Zack said, showing her that message from Luana. “This is not the time to be sending a baby on the road! Irresponsible! We’re all asleep already. So don’t knock, we won’t open the door for you.” Andrea almost choked on laughter because the poor guy had been left outside and opened the door to her house. “I have a couch you can stay on,” she invited him and he bit his lip before nodding. They entered and Andrea pointed to the bedroom. “I’m going to get some blankets for you,” she said, but as soon as she returned Zack put a glass of cold wine in her hand. “How about you stay with me a little longer?”You are our family and my father adores you, he explained. The way things are going, I’ll have to ask my own father for your hand, so let him be happy and we’ll be happy, okay? Andrea nodded and put her arms around him, meeting his lips in a perfect, sweet and tender kiss that soon became more intense. They had dinner in the most romantic atmosphere and then Zack took her home. “I’ll call Milo to bring Adriana to us,” he murmured, pressing himself against Andrea’s front door and she shivered with his heat. He passed on the message and then moved closer to her mouth, kissing her with that need that wouldn’t go away. “God, one of these days I’m going to spontaneously combust on your doorstep!” he sighed and ended up pressing her against the wood and lifting her skirt to caress the skin of her thighs. A second later he received a message back, but this time it wasn’t from Milo. “Oh oh!” —Zack said, showing her that message from Luana. “These are not the hours to send a baby on the road! Irresponsible! We are all already asleep. So don’t knock, we won’t open the door for you.” Andrea almost choked with laughter because the poor guy had been left outside and opened the door to her house. —I have a couch you can stay on—she invited him and he bit his lip before nodding. They entered and Andrea pointed to the bedroom. —I’m going to get some blankets for you—she said, but as soon as she came back Zack put a glass of cold wine in her hand. —How about you stay with me a little longer?You are our family and my father adores you, he explained. The way things are going, I’ll have to ask my own father for your hand, so let him be happy and we’ll be happy, okay? Andrea nodded and put her arms around him, meeting his lips in a perfect, sweet and tender kiss that soon became more intense. They had dinner in the most romantic atmosphere and then Zack took her home. “I’ll call Milo to bring Adriana to us,” he murmured, pressing himself against Andrea’s front door and she shivered with his heat. He passed on the message and then moved closer to her mouth, kissing her with that need that wouldn’t go away. “God, one of these days I’m going to spontaneously combust on your doorstep!” he sighed and ended up pressing her against the wood and lifting her skirt to caress the skin of her thighs. A second later he received a message back, but this time it wasn’t from Milo. “Oh oh!” —Zack said, showing her that message from Luana. “These are not the hours to send a baby on the road! Irresponsible! We are all already asleep. So don’t knock, we won’t open the door for you.” Andrea almost choked with laughter because the poor guy had been left outside and opened the door to her house. —I have a couch you can stay on—she invited him and he bit his lip before nodding. They entered and Andrea pointed to the bedroom. —I’m going to get some blankets for you—she said, but as soon as she came back Zack put a glass of cold wine in her hand. —How about you stay with me a little longer?—What if you stay with me a little longer?—What if you stay with me a little longer?—he asked, making her sit on the couch. He knelt in front of her and removed her heels one after the other with a sensual gesture. Then his hands crept up her leg until they found the edge of her black stockings. —Zack… I’m not going to let you sleep in my bed… —she whispered in a muffled voice because the heat of his hands was exquisite. —Don’t worry. The last thing I want to do tonight is let you sleep. Telling what happened on the couch, the carpet, the floor, in front of the fireplace, the kitchen island, the tea table… why go on, right? It would be useless. Suffice it to say that the rest of the night was a mix of kisses, sweat and pieces of heaven. When dawn began to break, Andrea was simply exhausted and Zack carried her up the stairs, laid her down on the bed and gave her a kiss before getting dressed and leaving. Three hours later, when she finally managed to open her eyes, she found a note next to her on the bed: “Little cake: I’m taking Adriana to daycare. I made you a dangerous breakfast but I hope you enjoy it. I have some things to do but I’ll see you in the afternoon at the office. I love you. Thorcito.” Andrea smiled excitedly, and at that moment she didn’t worry about those things to do that Zack was talking about. She got up happily and definitely couldn’t eat that breakfast even with love, so soon after she was passing by her favorite coffee shop. She was about to head to the company when she saw Zack cross the other end of the square in front of the one where the coffee shop was. He walked quickly and seemed nervous, and something stirred inside Andrea, enough to follow him at a safe distance. She saw him go into one of the buildings on the next street, but not before looking around as if he didn’t want to be seen going in there. Andrea stopped in front of the reception and saw that it was a mixed-use building, with offices up to the sixth floor and apartments on the six floors above. What the hell was Zack doing there? She took out her cell phone and called him, but it was reported as off or out of area, so she had no choice but to wait. It wasn’t pleasant, she felt like she was doing something wrong, but she had already been through too many disappointments in her life to turn a blind eye to what was happening in front of her. Fifteen minutes passed… half an hour… it was almost an hour away and Andrea was desperate, maybe there was another way out and he had taken it. But when she was about to give up, when she was about to leave, someone came through those doors and it wasn’t exactly Zack. He saw her look everywhere as if she didn’t want to be seen either, and she left in a hurry; while behind her Andrea felt that knot in her stomach, wondering what the hell Giselle and Zack were doing in the same building at the same time.

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