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Chapter ch 78

At nine o’clock in the morning, they were both ready. Zack opened the car door for them and they quickly placed the baby in her car seat. They went to drop her off at the grandparents’ and Adriana’s smile was epic as soon as she was in Mr. Nikola’s arms. They said goodbye and began their tour of some of the city’s daycare centers. Zack was very funny. He was still the tough businessman in his six-foot-six frame, but it seemed like stars were coming out of his eyes when he turned to her and asked: “Do you think Adriana will like this one?” At some point, she didn’t know when, Andrea found herself walking hand in hand with him wherever they went. When they got to the next daycare center, their eyes lit up as they looked around; there were endless bright colors, small gardens with playful animals running around everywhere and even a corner to read stories to the little ones. It had just the right atmosphere of love and care that they were looking for for their baby. —This is my favorite —said Zack as the director showed them around the daycare. It’s also a couple of blocks from the city center, very close to our favorite coffee shop. But that wasn’t the only thing that was close, but that was also a surprise and not for that day, but for when Andrea was more recovered. They spent the morning weighing their options and she smiled when she saw that he invited himself to make the final decision. —Baby Sunshine is the best, you can’t deny it —she smiled, moving the daycare brochure in front of her while they drank coffee. —You’re right, I love it. I think Adriana will be very happy there —Andrea admitted. —So… is it okay if mom and dad go to register today? —he asked, making eyes at her and she bit her lower lip to hide her smile. Thanks for reading at LeeNovelas.com. —Yes… of course, we can go —she agreed and that same day they left everything ready so that Adriana could enter a daycare and Andrea just watched attentively while Zack took over the process. Forms, payments, insurance, uniforms, and even the allergy form. He took care of everything and wherever it said “Father’s Name” he would put his signature. When they finished, Adriana’s new teacher gave them a list of everything they needed and Zack went from store to store like a child at a birthday party. “Can you believe it? They wear uniform onesies!” he exclaimed, showing her the pink one they had asked for. Can you imagine? How cute our little girl is going to look in one of these? The rules said they had to take three extra onesies to daycare in case they needed to change her, and Andrea rolled her eyes when she saw him leave the store. “There were four onesies, Zack, not four dozen!” she exclaimed, bewildered. “Well, better to have too many than not enough,” he declared with conviction. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “But who is going to wash all this…?!” —I’ll wash it…!”If you let me go to your house,” Zack smiled at her and she raised a suspicious eyebrow. “It would take you a whole day to wash, dry and tidy all this.” “So I can stay at your house at least one day a week?” Zack flirted with her. Andrea approached him, looked at all the bags and then looked him straight in the eyes while she licked her lips. “No,” she replied and then turned around to get into the car. Zack grumbled seven times, but finally got behind the wheel and together they headed to the Keller family’s house. To his surprise, they were having a very lively afternoon. The twins had to return to Zurich the next day and they had decided to say goodbye with a family dinner. “Please, Andrea, you have to stay,” Nikola asked her so kindly that it was impossible to refuse. “Exactly, besides, Chiara and I are not going to sleep just so we can spend time with our little princess from hell, so please stay. Yes?” Noémi asked him and Andrea ended up giving in. – Okay, I’ll stay… and you go back to the couch —she murmured looking at Zack. —Well, that’s it, tomorrow I’ll buy a dog, at least he’ll have a house where he can sleep every time you throw me out! —Zack growled, pretending to be offended, but as soon as he turned around he laughed excitedly because she was going to stay. They spent a beautiful afternoon and the boys dedicated themselves to making a barbecue on the terrace. Adriana was the center of all attention and was more than happy. —You did well, he needed a good kick in the butt. — Andrea heard that laughing voice and turned to Luana, who put a cup of chocolate in her hands. He’s my son and I adore him, but for him to be happy he has to learn that getting away from problems is not always the best option. Andrea nodded with a tired smile. —Well, we’ll have to make him understand, the good way or the bad way. —The bad ones are almost always better. I can tell you from experience, laughed Luana, pointing at the group enjoying themselves on the terrace. “Look how beautiful they are. I raised five children. And do you know which son was the hardest to educate?” “Which one?” asked Andrea. “My mother-in-law’s son!” replied Luana, and they both burst out laughing. “It’s an indisputable fact: men, no matter how good they are, need training, without exception! Or do you think Nikola was always that beautiful man you know?” she snorted mockingly. “Your dear father-in-law was unbearable, and it took me many years to get him in line, but anything can be achieved!” Andrea sighed as she laughed and spent some time talking to Luana until it was time for dessert. “Well, I also have to tell you something, family,” said Loan as they sat at the table. “In a week I’m going to travel for the championship and this one is… ta ra rán….! in France.” If you want me to bring you something, make your list now. —That’s right, Loan’s trip! I want things, I’ll write them down for you! —her mother hurried up and Andrea watched with curiosity as the whole family wrote down the gifts they wanted.—Is there something special about the trip? —Andrea asked Zack in a low voice. —It’s like a tradition of Loan’s. Every year for the last five years he goes to the world skating championships wherever they are held —Zack told her. —And that’s not normal? I mean… he owns a giant winter sports goods company. Isn’t it normal for him to go to the championships? —Andrea challenged him. —Well yes, but this one is special, because that’s where he sees his red-headed devil… —Hey, hey, more respect! What’s this “redhead”? —Loan mocked, as if he wanted to downplay the word “devil”. —Well, his dangerous Scottish girl —Zack smiled and Andrea looked at Loan curiously. —OK, OK, long story short: I met her six years ago in Zurich at a figure skating championship. We were in a bar, she’s beautiful and I’m a hottie… we were bound to collide! —Loan strutted. We spent every night of that championship together and it was spectacular, but we both decided it was perfect enough to leave it at that. If we saw each other again the following year, we could do the same thing. —And that’s why you go to every championship?“Let’s see if you can find her again?” Andrea asked with a romantic and enraptured smile. “No, I actually manage to find her every year. On opening night she always waits for me at the bar of the host hotel, and we’ve spent every championship together since then. A couple of weeks of incredible sex and then each of us goes back to our lives,” Loan said, making a suggestive gesture with her eyebrows. “And that’s it? Just that?” Andrea was discouraged. “Well… I don’t want a half-hearted commitment and she’s a completely dedicated professional skater, neither of us is looking for anything else,” Loan replied shrugging. “And how do you know she doesn’t want anything else?” Andrea insisted. “Well, because she doesn’t even know my name! I mean, my name, yes, but my last name, who I am… she’s never even asked me. And that’s because Danna could never have something serious with anything or anyone other than her career, she’s just… she’s that kind of girl.” Loan seemed convinced and Andrea not so much, so Zack decided to take matters into his own hands. “What if we go with him?” she asked, turning to Andrea. “Do you want to be his third wheel during the only two weeks that the poor guy can fuck?” “Hey, more respect! Doesn’t anyone respect me here!?” Loan complained. “NO!” Andrea and Zack exclaimed in unison, dying of laughter. “Look, this is serious,” Zack told her. “I’d like to invite you on a date, and it may well be here, but France is beautiful, Paris is iconic… have you ever been there?” Andrea shook her head. “Then let’s go! The three of us can go, we’ll take Adriana for a walk, we’ll go to the championship, to see the city… And we’ll stay away from the horny guy and his dominatrix,” Zack insisted. “Come on, let’s go, I promise it will be very nice!” Andrea hesitated for a minute. When the rest of us said “date,” we thought of the movies, dinner, maybe a boat ride or something. A Keller, however, could only think of a date and immediately book a flight to Paris. “Okay,” she said with a sigh, but deep down she was more than excited. “I’m going to take that date, Thorcito… make it worth it.”

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