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Chapter ch 74

Chiara stepped off the plane gracefully, her eyes shining and her head held high. There wasn’t a single strand of her hair out of place, not a single wrinkle in her clothes. Jhon, on the other hand, leaned against the door of that plane as if a tornado had passed over him, his tie twisted, his hair disheveled and his face flushed as if he’d been slapped hard. It was more than clear who had climbed on whom… and that it wasn’t precisely him who had won that round. But he barely had time to assimilate what had just happened to him before his phone started ringing in his pocket. He paused for a moment and realized that the message was from one of his guys on the tech team. It gave him the information he needed about where Zack might be. He quickly looked at Chiara, who nodded as if she’d been waiting for that information. Without saying a word, they headed to the parking lot. The two of them moved quickly, and soon found a car waiting for them. “I have an address.” Emil Ambasi has his residence a couple of hours from here. We’ll get there as soon as possible,” said Jhon. He didn’t even see her flinch at the speed the car was going while he was driving, and he smiled sideways realizing that he had stumbled upon a sadistic and flirtatious shoe tree. But at that moment they had to concentrate on something else. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the indicated place and in the small village almost everyone came out to see what was happening, including Zack, who was petrified when he saw his sister accompanied by Jhon Hopkins. Fear took hold of his heart when Chiara informed him that Andrea was seriously ill. “Jhoan helped me find you because we got tired of calling you and… well obviously you didn’t have coverage,” Chiara told him. “But we have to go back immediately, the doctor needs your authorization to give her a stronger treatment.” “What treatment?” asked Zack, confused. “Zack… Andrea is pregnant,” Chiara informed him and she saw him turn pale in a second. The doctor says that the antibiotics she needs are not… compatible with the life of the embryo. Zack was in shock; putting all the pieces of information together as he remembered Andrea’s fever on the plane. She had been sick all this time without them knowing and on top of that she was… pregnant. That last bit of news was like a punch in the gut for him. Damn, she had only been gone for a week! How could things go so wrong in a week!? Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. “My God! How could this happen?” Zack asked with his eyes full of tears. Jhon gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, “Come on, we have to get back as soon as possible.” Zack looked at Jhon with a mix of confusion and despair, but immediately the three of them got into the car. That flight seemed more eternal to Zack than hell itself. He didn’t take his eyes off the phone,Chiara was talking to her brothers who were with Andrea, but she still had a high fever and couldn’t wake up. When they arrived in Lucerne, there was already a car waiting to take them to the hospital. Zack ran off the plane, hoping that when they got to the hospital the news would be better. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. “The plane will take you back to The Hague,” Chiara said, saying goodbye to Jhon on the steps. “I sincerely thank you for everything you did for us today.” Jhon nodded slowly, his eyes scanning the delicious curves of her lips, and he approached her. “I hope your sister-in-law gets better,” he said. Then he took a card out of his suit and handed it to her. “I come to Europe a lot, you should call me sometime. I’ll always be available for you.” Chiara smiled sideways and shook her head. “What happens on the plane, honey, stays on the plane,” she said, returning the card to her pocket. “I’m not going to call you.” Jhon bit his lip with a frustration and desire he hadn’t felt in years. “Are you aware that I have the authority to put a surveillance satellite right over your house?” he threatened her in a hoarse tone. “Well, let me know when you do it, so I can go topless on the roof, so your entire surveillance team can see me,” Chiara smiled, leaving a flirtatious kiss on the corner of his lips. She got off the plane to go get her own car and Jhon sighed when he saw her speeding down the road. “There, I’m in love!” she said. He didn’t know I had a masochistic streak, but it’s obvious that I have one… yes, I have one. Meanwhile, Zack was already entering the hospital doors with desperation vibrating through his body. It didn’t take long for him to find Andrea’s room and he almost stopped breathing when he saw her lying there. He ran towards her and gently took her hand, caressing her fingers, kissing her while trying to hold back his tears. —Cupcake… love —he begged with a broken voice—. Please wake up… Zack caressed Andrea’s cheek, trying to get her to react. She opened her eyes a little and smiled at him although her lips moved slowly trying to say something. Not even ten seconds had passed when she fell asleep again and Zack clenched his fists, scared. A couple of nurses came in to see what was happening but when they saw her face they understood the situation and immediately went out to find the doctor. A minute later the doctor arrived to talk to him. The doctor explained the details of the diagnosis and what they were doing to treat her, seeing the concern in Zack’s eyes he decided to go out into the hallway to have more privacy. —Listen, this is very difficult, but the pregnancy is very recent, it’s only four weeks old. The main thing is to save your wife’s life —he told her. —Is there any way to save both of you? —Zack asked with his eyes full of tears. A blush of concern covered the doctor’s face as he explained the consequences in detail. —I’m so sorry,But no. You need a very strong shock of antibiotics to”She has a very aggressive bacteria that had time to develop,” said the doctor. “We also have to use many other medications to alleviate the damage she already has in her lungs, so we need you to authorize the treatment, knowing that the pregnancy will not be maintained.” Zack pulled his hair in desperation. He felt like he would die of pain right then, but he forced himself to continue listening to what the doctor was telling him. If this was God’s way of making peace with him, then he was charging him dearly for what he had done with Mason. “So… you have to… interrupt the pregnancy… Are you going to… operate on her or something?” His brain was disconnected from his mouth and he felt like he couldn’t string together a single sentence. “No, nothing like that. The embryo doesn’t even measure two millimeters yet, it will just detach and bleed like in any normal period,” the doctor reassured him. What’s more, if we don’t tell her, she probably won’t even find out. Zack felt his heart break, but when the doctor handed him the tablet he signed it without hesitation. “Do what you have to do, but tell me you’re going to recover,” he ordered. “We’ll do everything we can,” the doctor said, and then went to give instructions for the new treatment. Zack returned to the room and dropped into a chair next to Andrea, taking her hand and resting his forehead on it as he silently asked for forgiveness for what he had just done. “Zack?” Noémi called him, placing a hand on the back of his neck in a gesture of comfort. “What did you decide?” He couldn’t contain his sob as he stood up. “Life is so fucked up sometimes,” he murmured. “How ironic! So much that I suffered because Giselle aborted my child and I just signed the death of another.” His sister hugged him tightly and shook her head. “You already have a daughter,” she reminded him. —Besides, with how hot they are, as soon as Andrea gets better you can make her three more —Loan assured him. —That’s true. All that’s needed is for her to get better, little brother, then you make her a litter of kids —Milo tried to encourage him, but the truth was that his brother’s beautiful heart had endured so much in the last year that it seemed like it was only beating by inertia. Zack closed his eyes for a moment and wiped his face. All he wanted was for her to recover, then he would find a way to deal with all that desperation. —I… I need someone to go home —he murmured trying to focus. We need all the documentation for Andrea and me… the insurance papers, the marriage certificate… —About that. —His brothers looked at each other uneasily and Milo sighed. Who tells him? Zack frowned. —Tell me what? Noémi looked around to make sure they were alone and then muttered under her breath. “Your marriage certificate is no longer valid, Zack,” she said, and saw him turn pale. “Andrea annulled the marriage the same day you left.”

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