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Chapter ch 28

Zack woke up to the warmth of Andrea’s body beside him. The room was still dark, the light of dawn had not yet begun to filter through the thin curtains. He felt her move and for a few moments he just enjoyed having her to himself. They were lying down, with Zack’s arm over Andrea’s body and their legs intertwined. He couldn’t begin to describe how good it felt to be there with her. She looked beautiful with her hair spread out on the pillow and that tired, satisfied expression. Slowly he saw the dawn through the window and heard her purr. He leaned over her and placed a soft kiss on her lips that made her open her eyes. Andrea tried to sort out her thoughts. The events of the previous night seemed far away, as if they had happened in a dream. So instead of racking her brains over what would happen next, she decided to put on her best smile and accept what had happened between them. After all, just because she had let herself go didn’t mean she wasn’t down to earth. She returned that kiss and after seeing that Adriana was still asleep, she went into the bathroom. A moment later she felt Zack’s arms around her and his soft breath in her ear. “Do you want to talk about what happened last night, Pastelito?” he asked and heard her laugh. “No! If I don’t remember, it didn’t happen!” she said. Zack turned her around and took her face with both hands, bringing it close to his. “We should talk about it, Pastelito. You can’t run away from me or what we did.” Andrea sighed. He was right, she knew. But something inside her resisted the idea of ​​dissecting their situation, of putting it into words. She felt almost as if she were deluding herself, as if naming their relationship was like building a house of cards step by step. “We don’t have to name what happened,” she said, looking Zack in the eyes. Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. “I’m not asking you to do that, but not mentioning it is like… like an elephant in the room that we’re both ignoring. I just want to know that you don’t regret it,” he murmured. Andrea rolled her eyes and threw her arms around his neck. “Of course I don’t regret it, Thorcito, and I know you don’t either, but I think for the moment it’s best if we just let it… move forward or pass, whatever needs to happen. We don’t have to put a name on it. We can be us. Whatever it is.” Zack nodded in confirmation as he kissed her and Andrea tried to contain her emotions. There was a lot growing between them, but she felt like if she admitted what was going on between them, she would somehow be losing the battle. Zack felt a surge of relief. She was right: they didn’t have to label their relationship, they could just live it. He pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. “Let’s get dressed and get out of here,” he said, finally breaking the hug. I’m dying to take you for a walk. Remember.” Read this novel only on LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites.Andrea nodded and they both finished bathing and quickly got dressed. They went down with Adriana to have breakfast and by the time the family joined them, they were happily feeding the baby with a bottle. Andrea gulped when she saw Mr. Nikola come in, thinking that maybe he was resentful with her for the scandal the night before, but Zack’s father greeted her with his usual kindness and immediately became busy with the baby. “Mom, can you take care of Adriana for us for a while?” Zack asked Luana. “I’d like to take Andrea into the city for a while.” Her mother happily agreed and very soon Andrea and Zack were walking through the streets of Lucerne. “Wait here for me, I’ll be right back,” he said suddenly and Andrea saw him hurry towards a store, she didn’t understand the name but soon after she saw him come out with a dark paper bag. “This is for you and everything else is for me,” he explained, handing her a small box with a pill in it. Andrea looked at the pill and her eyes went wide. She knew exactly what it was and why she had bought it. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thank you,” she said, her voice full of emotion. “You are the best.” Zack smiled and kissed her forehead. “To take better care of you, Cupcake.” He smiled at her and she raised an eyebrow pointing at the five boxes of condoms and the small bottle of lubricant. “And what is that for?” “That is to eat you better!” Zack said and Andrea burst out laughing. Andrea immediately took her morning after pill and they spent the rest of the morning walking around the city. Even though they seemed to have a bumpy road, they felt happy and comfortable with each other. Andrea accepted Zack’s invitation to lunch at the best restaurant in town, and everything was going smoothly until she needed to separate from him for a moment. A moment, and that was enough for that woman to corner her in the bathroom. Andrea saw her through the mirror and pressed her lips together. “You must be unlucky,” she growled softly, seeing Giselle’s distinguished figure in the mirror. “I suppose I don’t have to remind you who I am,” Giselle said, approaching her without fear. Andrea tensed, but kept her eyes fixed on the mirror. “I won’t let you get between Zack and me.” “Do you know the meaning of ‘between’?” Andrea answered firmly, turning around. Giselle twisted her face, as if what she had said was an insult and the truth was that she had every intention of being one. “Or do you need me to find you a dictionary… or a calendar? Because as far as I know, ‘between’ you and Zack, there has been nothing for a year now.” Giselle let out a furious gesture and cornered her. “And you think that just because of that you have a clear path with Zack?” she asked immediately. He was seriously engaged to me, so why don’t you just disappear from his life? Andrea froze upon hearing those words. She knew that Zack had been in a serious relationship with her, but she didn’t know that he was engaged to Giselle.She finally took a deep breath and shrugged. “I don’t care if he was engaged to you or the Pope of Rome,” she said firmly. “What Zack does is his decision and I respect that. If you want him away from me go and tell him.” She walked past him and out of the bathroom, but she hadn’t walked ten steps when Giselle’s slender body blocked her. She approached her with a smile on her lips, but Andrea was in no mood for games. “What do you want?” she asked tiredly. “One last warning: Zack is not the type to stay,” Giselle replied with contempt. “He’ll soon get bored and move on to another woman, but unlike you, I will be waiting for him when his indiscriminate sex crisis is over. Zack is mine, I won’t let you keep him.” Andrea clenched her fists and gave her a fierce look, but she didn’t move an inch. So get your brat out of his life and get out too, because I guarantee that I won’t be the only one making your life miserable. Zack’s sisters also prefer me, and they won’t rest until they get you out of their way. If they were able to send a plane to find me in the States, what wouldn’t they be willing to do to make you and your daughter disappear? “Well, I don’t know,” a hoarse voice came from behind her and Giselle turned around startled to see Zack’s cold, dark gaze. “But it is very interesting to know how your opportunistic ass ended up in Lucerne.” Zack felt his soul vibrate with rage, but before it could get any worse, he felt Andrea’s hand on his. “Please, let’s go,” she murmured. “What you needed to know you already know, the rest is just empty words.” Zack intertwined his fingers with hers under Giselle’s annoyed look and leaned towards her, mumbling. —Stay away from me, stay away from my wife, and try to keep your own safety away from my daughter, or I swear I’ll make your life a little hell, he threatened her and then put an arm around Andrea’s waist to get her out of there. However, he was far from going home. Now that Zack knew the truth, he wasn’t going to stay stuck with that. He headed to the hotel where he knew his sisters were staying and a few minutes later he left Andrea in the car and furiously knocked on the door of her suite.I will be waiting for him when his indiscriminate sex crisis is over. Zack is mine, I will not allow you to keep him. —Andrea clenched her fists and gave him a fierce look, but he did not move an inch. So get your brat out of his life and get out too, because I guarantee that it will not be only me who will make your life miserable. Zack’s sisters also prefer me, and they will not rest until they get you out of the way. If they were able to send a plane to look for me in the United States, what would they not be willing to do to make you and your daughter disappear? —Well, I don’t know—a hoarse voice was heard behind her and Giselle turned startled to see Zack’s cold, dark gaze. —But it is very interesting to know how your opportunistic ass ended up in Lucerne. Zack felt his soul vibrate with rage, but before it could get worse, he felt Andrea’s hand on his. “Please, let’s go,” she murmured. “What you needed to know you already know, the rest is just empty words.” Zack intertwined his fingers with hers under Giselle’s annoyed gaze and leaned towards her, mumbling. “Stay away from me, stay away from my wife, and try to stay away from my daughter for your own safety, or I swear I’m going to make your life a little hell,” he threatened her, then put an arm around Andrea’s waist to get her out of there. However, he was far from going home. Now that Zack knew the truth, he wasn’t going to stay stuck with that. He headed to the hotel where he knew his sisters were staying and a few minutes later he left Andrea in the car and furiously knocked on the door of her suite.I will be waiting for him when his indiscriminate sex crisis is over. Zack is mine, I will not allow you to keep him. —Andrea clenched her fists and gave him a fierce look, but he did not move an inch. So get your brat out of his life and get out too, because I guarantee that it will not be only me who will make your life miserable. Zack’s sisters also prefer me, and they will not rest until they get you out of the way. If they were able to send a plane to look for me in the United States, what would they not be willing to do to make you and your daughter disappear? —Well, I don’t know—a hoarse voice was heard behind her and Giselle turned startled to see Zack’s cold, dark gaze. —But it is very interesting to know how your opportunistic ass ended up in Lucerne. Zack felt his soul vibrate with rage, but before it could get worse, he felt Andrea’s hand on his. “Please, let’s go,” she murmured. “What you needed to know you already know, the rest is just empty words.” Zack intertwined his fingers with hers under Giselle’s annoyed gaze and leaned towards her, mumbling. “Stay away from me, stay away from my wife, and try to stay away from my daughter for your own safety, or I swear I’m going to make your life a little hell,” he threatened her, then put an arm around Andrea’s waist to get her out of there. However, he was far from going home. Now that Zack knew the truth, he wasn’t going to stay stuck with that. He headed to the hotel where he knew his sisters were staying and a few minutes later he left Andrea in the car and furiously knocked on the door of her suite.Or I swear I’m going to turn your life into a little hell, he threatened her and then put an arm around Andrea’s waist to get her out of there. However, he was far from going home. Now that Zack knew the truth, he wasn’t going to stay stuck with that. He headed to the hotel where he knew his sisters were staying and a few minutes later he left Andrea in the car and furiously knocked on the door of her suite.Or I swear I’m going to turn your life into a little hell, he threatened her and then put an arm around Andrea’s waist to get her out of there. However, he was far from going home. Now that Zack knew the truth, he wasn’t going to stay stuck with that. He headed to the hotel where he knew his sisters were staying and a few minutes later he left Andrea in the car and furiously knocked on the door of her suite.“Why?” he growled with such controlled anger that Chiara was the first to back away. “Zack!” “Why did you have to call Giselle and bring her here just to bother me!?” he roared. “What the hell did I do to you two that you two are so intent on tormenting me ever since I arrived!?” Chiara pressed her lips together and gave him a defiant look. “Do you think we haven’t noticed the true situation? That girl isn’t your daughter! We haven’t heard from that woman you brought in this whole year!” Zack frowned in confusion. “Were you…? Were you watching me!?” Chiara and Noémi looked at each other with a bit of unease. “It’s not like that,” Noémi replied impatiently. “But we have a duty to take care of this family and we’re not going to let you cheat on dad with a girl who isn’t even yours…” “Take care of the family?” Zack spat angrily. The only thing you’ve done since you arrived is create trouble and disagreements! You’ve been watching me all fucking year and that’s why you think Adriana isn’t mine? And what the hell do you care if that girl has my blood or not!? —Of course it matters! Because you know that dad will not skimp on…! —Chiara! —her twin tried to stop her, but she had already said enough for Zack to understand the root of it all. —Is this about dad’s money?! —he snapped furiously—. I’ve never wanted him, nor Milo, nor Loan! We have our businesses, we don’t need him to leave us… —but then he stopped, because he seemed to understand—. Is it because… because he left something to Andriana? Is that it? Zack wasn’t aware of his father’s will, but he knew that his sisters, by handling the company’s lawyers, were. And just seeing the expression of guilt disguised as arrogance was enough for him. “So that’s it! Dad left something for my daughter and you don’t want her to have it!” he spat. “Well, you said it right! Milo, Loan and you already have your own companies, your own money…” Chiara growled. “And you want all of Dad’s money, and you can’t stand sharing it with anyone else, not even your own niece!” Zack roared and tore at his hair in disappointment. You know what? The little girls, the little stars, the princesses of the Keller family… we always left everything for you, we wanted everything for yourselves, and we only managed to turn you into a couple of harpies. You want my father’s money? Try to take it from me! Because I guarantee you that after today, what was only for you, will be divided among the five Keller heirs!”

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