#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 52


An old man entered the room with my father hot on his heels. I stood from the table abruptly,

“What is this?” I growled.

“This is Elder Jacobs.” My father said and my jaw dropped. I looked over at Cordelia and Quinton who were both wearing an expression of horror.

“Alpha Knox, your father has informed us of your indiscretion.”

“Excuse me? What indiscretion would that be?” I stepped in front of the table, trying to shield everyone from Elder Jacobs and my father.

“You chose to mate with a siren. Now, I see that you have brought the disgraced Velvet Moon leaders here.” Elder Jacobs’ voice boomed.

“I won’t entertain this line of conversation, Elder Jacobs. I know all about what you did to Velvet Moon’s pack and I will not allow that in my pack. No one and nothing stands above the mate bond, not even the damn Council. Yes, I took a siren mate and yes I have marked her, she will be my Luna. More than that, I’ve also accepted her siren mate,

“And, I will be giving Alpha Quinton and Luna Cordelia part of my territory to rebuild Velvet Moon.” I spoke sternly and confidently.

I was not about to let Elder Jacobs or the Council come in here and destroy my home, my family, and my pack. I was prepared for this and I would stand against whoever I need to.

“You can’t authorize the creation of a new pack without the Council’s approval.”

“I can if I’m giving them a piece of my territory. Read your own damn rules, Elder.

“Watch your tone with the Council, Knox!” My father snapped at me.

“You were banned from my packhouse.” I glared at Alto. I felt my mate step up beside me and I resisted the urge to shove her away. Cameron was standing next to her, making me feel a little better.

“You tried to kill my family.” Navy glared at the Elder. I took her hand, attempting to keep her calm.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who are you to accuse me of such a horrendous crime.” The Elder said cooly.

“This is my Luna and you will show her the respect she deserves.” I growled.

“A siren cannot be a Luna.” Elder Jacob scoffed.

“She is and you don’t get to decide that. The Council does not get to decide on who is the Alpha or the Luna, that is a sacred decision of each pack. The Council also doesn’t get to interfere in the mate bond. All of this is clearly written in your very own bylaws.” I broke out my diplomatic voice. Elder Jacobs turned his snotty glare on me,

“You are quite up to date on the laws.”

“Of course I am. I had a feeling you would be here with your baseless threats.” I said.

“You dare stand there and lie about what you did to my pack?” Quinton was standing now, protectively hovering over Cordelia.

“You have clearly been filling Alpha Knox’s head with your delusions of revenge, Quinton.” Elder Jacobs said with a wave of his hand.

“No, he hasn’t. We just met Quinton today. We discover the truth all on our own.” I said.

“Us sirens are smarter than we look.” Navy smirked at the elder,

“Especially when you screw with our family.”


“What? You don’t see the resemblance?” Navy gave the elder attitude as she stood next to Cordelia. The elder looked between them with wide eyes,

“Cordelia is my grandmother and you messed with the wrong family.” She snarled.

“Not to mention going after a princess with two mates. Bad move there, councilman.” Cameron spoke for the first time.

“That’s Elder Jacobs to you.” he spat.

“No, it’s not.” Cameron shook his head.

“You have warned out your welcome, Elder Jacobs. We will continue to conduct our business how we chose. If you or the Council even think about intervening we will release all the evidence we have on your actions against Velvet Moon, including how the Council is in control of all the rogues and every single rogue attack.” I said in a venomous voice.

“What evidence?” Elder Jacobs said, his calm expression wavering.

“You won’t know until it’s too late.” Navy laughed at the Elder’s expression.

“Should I show you out or can you find it on your own?” Cameron added. The three of us stood side by side in front of the Elder and my father, authority and grace pouring from our bond.

“This isn’t over.” Elder Jacob snapped.

“Oh, but I think that it is.” I said, placing a hand on Navy and Cameorn’s back, demonstrating our unity. Elder Jacobs turned on his heels and stormed out of the room, leaving my father gawking at us with pure fury in his eyes.

“Must I demonstrate a siren’s power to you once again, Alto?” Navy raised her eyebrow at my father.

“You really brought them all here? The vile Velvet Moon. You’re going to let them form right under your nose and let them enact their revenge.” Alto snarled.

“The only Alpha Velvet Moon doesn’t hate is Knox. If they are going to enact their revenge on anyone it’ll be you and the Council, of which I will happily assist.” Navy said.

“And you’re just going to let her bring another siren, another mate, into your packhouse for her to fu….”

“Silence!” I snarled wickedly at my father, grabbing him by the throat and halting his next words.

“You will not speak against my mate, Cameron, her family, her people, or my decisions ever again. This is my family now, they are my life. You mean nothing to me, nothing. You couldn’t even bother to show up for the birth of your first grandson. If you so much as step one foot inside my pack territory again, you will be executed. You have exactly 1 hour to remove yourself from the pack grounds before I have you removed in pieces. Am I clear?” My father was dangling from the ground, scratching at my hand and gurgling for air.

“Knox.” My sweet mate touched my waist and I dropped Alto to the floor.

“She’s the only reason you aren’t dead already.” I told Alto, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her roughly against me.

“You will regret this decision.” My father choked before standing up and retreating from the packhouse. I mindlinked some of my warriors, ordering them to guard him and escort him out in an hour

I bent down and kissed my mate squarely on the lips, pulling her close to me and making her feel my desires for her. Cameron walked up behind her and watched us. When I pulled away he placed his arm on Navy’s back and she stumbled, landing against his chest. I grinned at her mischievously.

“Thank you for saying all of that, Knox.” Cordelia stood from her chair with the help of Quinton.

“You don’t need to thank me. I’ll do anything for Navy. Let me show you guys to the guest quarters.” I motioned for them to walk ahead of me, then I turned towards Cam and Navy.

“You guys head upstairs, I’ll meet you in our room.” I kissed Navy quickly before following her family out.

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