2400 AD

Chapter 66

Lillian’s coffin was placed in the centre aisle of the memorial hall, filled to capacity. Jacob and Thespian, dressed in the distinct uniform of the Denizen High Command stood tall and proud, and when Gideon took to the podium, he received a warm applause from the crowd.

Callum stepped up to Gideon and stood by his side.

“Until a few days ago, I believed the Samarand was manipulating nature through Kinetic energy. Instead, throughout history,” Gideon began, “the Samarand have been protecting us from the scourge of nature for thousands of years.

“The question remains: Who created us? Why are we here? Where are we headed? Where do we come from? These are all questions that have been asked throughout the ages. Did a higher power produce the sun and its functions? The earth and its functions? Was it mankind? We cannot even create life.

“Some believe in a ‘big bang’. Who created the big bang? What was before the big bang? You can’t get something from nothing.

“Even if the big bang were true. What started it? And what materials were used? No matter how one looks at the big bang ‘theory’, it didn’t just ‘appear’. It began from something.

“In addition, one can’t get order from chaos. Take ten white smooth marbles. Mark them 1-10. Put them in a black bag. Shake it up. Then, without looking, take them out one by one in order. It simply cannot happen.

“This universe and all that is within it, runs perfectly. The sun does what it does, so does the moon and the stars. We are not falling out into space though the earth is round nor are the oceans running off the sides of the earth into space.

“No matter how “science” explains things, the one point remains, someone put it all here, someone began the process. Everything needs maintenance to work, even the human body. If left alone, each part would slowly stop functioning till it dies. Humans maintain the Earth. And the Samarand protect us from nature. They have the power.

“Lillian was just such a person. The facilitator. A woman who gave up her life to maintain and ensure the survival of the human race.

“Before her, it was a man who lay there dying, and that is when the Fourth Great War devastated humanity. As much as I would like to believe that the Samarand only protect us, they can also inflict apocalyptic damage if the Facilitator is ill or dead.

“Humankind has been through disease and wars and earthquakes and tsunamis only when the host is unable to control and maintain the simulation. This is how it is.

“You should be asking who is next. The person who takes her place must volunteer. No one has come forward. And so destruction and annihilation has followed. This responsibility is not hereditary.

“And how does one fit the profile? If I were to hand in my CV now and say I want the position, how do I become the facilitator?

“The responsibility is mammoth, that is why there have been no volunteers. The Samarand have been looking, but there is no one. And no person can be forced to take on the role. It will cause chaos, as has happened before.

“But these two young men, Jacob and Thespian have that power. They saved us from Xenocon. And they have volunteered to continue Lillian’s work.

“That’s just not going to happen. I have a confession to make, one that will surprise you, but not kill you. I am Lillian Kinsman’s son and I possess her power. I cannot stand by and watch two young men dedicate their lives to the protection of Earth when they have so much to live for.

“I won’t allow that to happen and, therefore, I volunteer.”

Callum and Cleo stepped before Gideon and Cleo turned off the microphone. “What the fuck are you doing? Have you gone completely nuts?” Cleo asked.

Callum took Gideon’s face into his hands. “Why?”


The War Room was packed. They had immediately whisked Gideon to the War Room where Patrick Nkoni immediately took command. “You’d leave Denizen to fall to pieces.”

Gideon jerked his head to face him. “No! Absolutely not. Denizen is in good hands, Patrick. Yours.

“You have a responsibility to Denizen. You have a duty to perform…” Patrick protested.

“The only duty I have to perform is to not allow the total annihilation of Earth or mankind.”

Callum stepped into the fray. “Gideon, take a day or two to think this over. There’s a lot at stake here. You’ll be alone for the rest of your life.”

“I don’t mind being alone. I’ve been alone far too long.”

Callum took his hand and held onto it tightly. “If you do this I’ll never see you again. We’ve been best friends, the worst enemies, and we’ve always respected each other. I can’t let you do this.”

“You must. It’s the only way, Callum. There is no one else who fits the profile. If I do it right now, right here, the chaos ends immediately.” He turned to face Jacob. “Am I right?”

“You are correct. Everything will return to normal.”

Gideon asked, “What else will happen?”

“Human beings will no longer care about whether they live in a simulation or not. The questions will remain, who are we? What is our purpose? Is there a God? Everything will fall back into place and life will carry on as usual until the next time.”

“You mean humans will wake up in the morning with some kind of mass amnesia?”

“Yes, including ourselves.”

Gideon hugged Callum. “I’m not asking your permission to do this. I want to do this. It must be done.”

Callum held him tightly. Gideon looked away as tears streamed down Callum’s cheeks.

“Are you sure about this, Gideon?” Cleo whispered.

Gideon nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. “

Callum released him. “You’re not doing this alone. I love you. I’m coming with you.”

An elder spoke up. “That’s against the rules. I’m afraid he must be alone.”

Gideon looked his way. “I’m changing those rules. I won’t do this without Callum.”

The elder stepped back.

“Are you sure about this, Callum?”

“If I get tired of you we’ll get a divorce.” Callum smiled.

“There is one more thing before I leave Denizen. I need to see my sister.”

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