#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 28


After it was all said and done, we had 36 dead human bodies that were once rogues. I had them all round up and ordered the Archers’ to take them back to Base for further testing. I also gave them the rest of the syringes. The Archer’s were the only ones that I trust to give an accurate and unbiased description on what was inside that serum. After the Archers’ completed their analysis, I would call a meeting of the Table and order Serenity to present her case before them. I sent them off right away.

In the meantime, I had other things to worry about. Cain gathered up his Warriors and left for their home pack right away. He had his own messes to clean up at home and an entire pack to run. I sent the Sparrow wolves back to the pack immediately to check in on Aidian and Marcy. They were led by Silver and I knew she would take care of her pack.

All that was left were the dragons. Balin and Tirian had them gathered off to the side while Zale pulled me away for a private moment.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest, so close that I had to strain my neck to look up at him.

“Don’t ever do that again.” He demanded of me, his eyes glaring into mine.

I didn’t even pretend to be confused by his statement,

“I knew that I could handle her, Zale. I just needed her to let Marcy go and then I was going to end her.” I said,

“You didn’t know that for sure,” He said, tucking my head under his chin, “I was terrified.”

“She’s dead now.” I said and Zale pulled me away again,

“Is she?”

We both walked over to the spot where I had speared and decapitated the witch.

“Yup, she’s dead.” I declared as we looked down at her body.

“I think just in case we should do something with the body.” Zale said and I looked at him weirdly,

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,” He shrugged, “Put her in a coffin and lock the coffin shut?” He suggested, throwing his arm over my shoulder and tucking me against his side.

I laughed at him,

“Like a vampire?” I joked.

“We could boil her body in acid. You can’t come back from the dead if your body is gone, right?” He said which only caused me to laugh harder.

“You’re bad.” I said, shaking my head.

“No, seriously,” His eyes pinched together as he looked down at me, “We need to do something with it.”

I started pulling him away from the body, walking back towards the dragons,

“Okay, okay.” I agreed to simply placate him.

But, in all honesty, he was right. After all that we had learned about Marlow, one couldn’t be too cautious.

Eventually, Tirian took the rest of the dragons back to the pod and Zale, Balin, and myself went to the Sparrow pack to check on Aidian and Marcy. By the time we made it back, Marcy had been thoroughly looked over by the doctors and cleared. Besides being malnutritious and bruised, Marcy was okay and just needed some rest. Aidian, rightly so, refused to leave her side until she was awake and well enough to leave.

I found Silver handling pack business in Aidian’s office.

“You okay?” She asked me, walking around his desk.

“I’m okay. You?” I asked, checking her over for any injuries.

“I’m good. What was that injection?” She asked.

I explained to her about Serenity, the Secret Keepers, and their story.

“Do you believe them?”

“Well, it did work,” I sighed, “I want to see what the Archers’ find.”

“Fair enough. You’ll let me know what you find out?” Silver said,

“I’ll need to have a meeting with the Table and then we’ll go from there.” I answered carefully and Silver narrowed her eyes on me,

“Everyone has a right to know that a cure exists.” She argued.

“I agree and I’m confident that the Table will as well. The first step will be to inform the royal families of each species and then let them decide.” I replied and Silver sighed at me.

“I hate when you get all diplomatic on me.” She grumbled in frustration.

I laughed at her and forced her to hug me.

“You know I’ll tell you what you need to know.” I said into her ear and she nodded, finally hugging me back.

“I know.”

After a minute, we pulled away.

“Go, spend time with your mate. For the love of the Goddess, you two deserve it,” Silver laughed, teasing me, “And check on my sister. She deserves time with her mate, too.”

“By the Goddess, I hope this is all over now. At least for a little while. I’ve had enough excitement for a while.” I sighed.

“No kidding.” Silver snorted.

We parted ways again and I left to find Zale. He and Balin were waiting for me outside the front door.

“You ready?” Zale asked, holding out his hand for me.

I scurried down the stairs and grasped his hand tightly, pulling myself into him.

“I’m ready,” I said confidently, “Let’s go home.”

Much like the last time I left the Sparrow pack for the House of Ohlson pod, I was both terrified, nervous, and excited. But, this time, it was for completely different reasons. I no longer feared the unknown before me, I no longer craved the familiarity of what I was leaving, instead I welcomed my uncertain future. Truthfully, there was only one certainty that I needed and that was him, Zale Ohlson.

Despite the short time we’ve known each other and despite the circumstances that have surrounded those wild days, we’ve managed to form a bond that’s unbreakable and undeniable. He was mine and I was his, come hell or high water, come war or peace, come dragons or werewolves, come bows or arrows, we belonged to each other.

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