#16 Bows and Arrows

Chapter 19


Zale told me I had a few hours to pack and get ready for whatever these big “plans” are. I thought it would be plenty of time until I started unpacking the shopping bags. In the moment, with Balin immediately taking the bags away after we finished in a store, it didn’t seem like I had gotten much. Now, looking at the bags taking over the bedroom, I realized how much I had actually bought.

I shoved all the bags into the closet and focused on packing what I needed first, I would worry about putting everything else away later. I didn’t know what to expect from Zale. All I knew was that I was supposed to dress formal, whatever that meant. I was immediately weary of any plans that required formality.

I had a suspicious inclination that Zale’s sisters were in on the secret considering our first stop on the shopping trip was to a boutique that had fancy evening wear. I agreed to pick out one dress for “formal pod events in the future”. Apparently the future was now.

I stripped down in the bathroom and took a quick shower. Drying my hair, I did the only thing that I knew how to do with it, other than a messy bun or a ponytail, I twisted it into a French braid. Satisfied with how it looked, I paddled back to the closet in a towel.

I picked out one of the matching lace underwear sets that I already had; I needed to wash my new undergarment purchases before I would even consider wearing them, it was a phobia of mine.

The evening gown was hanging in a garment bag that was tossed over a chair inside the dressing room/closet situation. There was an island in the center of the room with drawers for Goddess knows what, a huge floor length mirror leaning against the wall, an oversized chair, and numerous drawers, cabinets, and spaces for hanging clothes.

I hung the garment bag on a hook on the back of the door and unzipped it, staring at the gown like it was somehow intimidating. It was a dark, emerald green color, a shad that I was particularly partial to, and covered from head to toe in glitter. It was an A-line style that clung to my curves and featured a deep v-neck that showed off my chest. The long sleeves looked painted onto my arms and had the same sparkles as the rest of the dress. It zipped up to the middle of my back, leaving the rest of my skin exposed.

Cat had insisted on the tallest stiletto heels she could find in the same green color, but Bre and I had managed to talk her down to a pair that were at a much more reasonable height. Standing in front of the mirror, I looked over my appearances while tugging nervously at my braid. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed until there was a knock on the door and Zale’s voice was invading my thoughts.

“Adira, are you ready?” His smooth voice called out.

I saw how my face twisted in the mirror at the sound of his voice and I frowned at my reflection.

“Why are you fighting this?” Lucille asked me.

“I’m not.” I replied stubbornly, earning an irritated huff from my wolf.

“Yes, you are. You feel something for him, but you’re pushing it away; you’re pushing him away.” Lucille said,

“What if he’s all talk now, but when it comes down to it, he doesn’t hold up to his word?” I expressed my deepest concerns.

“He hasn’t tried to control you, not once.” Lucille argued.

“He also hasn’t mentioned anything about me being an Archer. Does he just expect me to retire?”

“Don’t you want to retire? That’s sort of the career plan of an Archer. Meet mate, retire, have pups.” Lucille said, over simplifying things.

“Does that really seem like me, Lucille?” I scoffed.

“It could be, if you let yourself feel something.” She argued.

“Fine, okay, yes, I’m afraid to feel anything. Happy?” I grumbled.

“You’ve faced all of your fears besides this one. You’ve beaten anything that’s tried to cut you down. Addie, this is no different. You face it like you face everything else, head on.” Lucille said confidently.

“I’m standing in a dress, Lucille, this is me facing it head on.” I said,

“Do it with a smile and then maybe I’ll be convinced that you’re actually trying.” I could practically feel her glaring at me.

“I make no promises.”

“Adira?” Zale’s voice cut through my inner thoughts again.

“Coming.” I sighed, leaving the closet and clicking over the door in my obnoxious heels.

I yanked open the door and leveled my gaze with Zale. Sucking in a breath, I let my eyes trail over his body. He was wearing all black which matched his raven hair and made his moody blue eyes pop even more than usual. By the time I made it back up to his face, I noticed that his eyes were flickering like the embers in a dying fire and the features of his face were rock hard.

He swallowed and stepped into the room, forcing me to take a step backwards to keep some space between us.

“You’re beautiful, Adira,” His voice was gruff and cracked with lust, “Absolutely stunning.” He added in a whisper.

“Uhm, thanks.” I muttered, fighting under his intense expression.

“I wasn’t sure what color you’d wear, so I packed all of my ties,” He chuckled, his eyes looking me up and down again, “I should’ve guessed that it would be green.”

“You could’ve just asked.” I shrugged.

His eyes locked with mine and smirked crookedly at me,

“Where’s the fun in that?” He asked with mischief sparkling in his eyes, “Are you ready?” He offered me his elbow.

“Ready for what?” I asked, reaching for my bag on the sofa while I probed for more information.

Zale laughed at me and took my bag,

“Nice try, Kyrre.”

I hooked my arm with his and allowed him to lead me out of the house. He had a sleek looking black car waiting for us in front of the house. He opened the passenger side door and helped me inside. I pulled the end of my dress up so it wouldn’t get caught in the door and he pushed the door shut. Throwing our bags in the trunk, he slid into the driver’s seat.

“So, I will tell you that we’re going to dinner first and then ending the night at a bed and breakfast nearby. I got us two rooms.” He said as the engine purred to life.

I looked at him sideways,

“You did?” I tried to keep the surprise from my voice.

“Of course,” He replied casually, “The restaurant is in the city, two hours away, so I just didn’t want to drive back home too late.”

“Oh, okay.” I said for lack of a better response.

Before Zale put the car into drive, he glanced over at me with concern,

“Is that okay?” He asked, his eyes pinched together.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I replied.

Zale looked at me for a moment and I thought that maybe he was disappointed with my response. Instead of saying anything, he turned back towards the windshield and pulled away from the house.

We rode in silence for a while and I was afraid that it was going to be an extremely awkward two hours.

“Before we start our evening, I just wanted to get some news out of the way.” Zale said,

Something about the tone of his voice peaked my interest so I turned in the seat to get a better look at him.


“Waverly is in a cell and that’s where she’ll remain for a few days, until she’s ready to publically submit to you.” He said,

“Publically?” I was worried about what exactly that meant.

“In front of the pod.” He explained.

“The pod doesn’t even know me,” I argued, “You haven’t even publically put me before the pod.”

“I hope you don’t think that I’ve been delaying it because it’s not something that I want to do?” Zale glanced at me quickly before turning his attention back to the road.

“I don’t think anything.” I shrugged.

“I’m ready to make the announcement as soon as you are, Adira. I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Besides, nothing stays a secret here for long,” He chuckled, “The rumor mill is already a buzz with your presence.”

“It’s okay, I’m not bothered by it. I just don’t understand how she’s going to publically submit to me if I’m not even technically here,” I said, “Besides, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

“Well, I do, and it’s happening.” Zale’s voice turned stern and I saw how his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

I sighed and decided that this wasn’t a battle I was going to win.


Zale’s posture relaxed as quickly as it had turned rigid and he smiled at me again,

“We’ll figure it all out later. She can sit in there until you’re ready to be announced to the pod for all I care. She deserves it.” He said, his eyes hardening ever so slightly.

I decided the best response was no response in this situation. Clearly Zale was feeling some sort of way about this Waverly situation and I wasn’t going to change his mind. At this point, the punishment wasn’t about me, it was about him, and I just had to bow out and let him do his thing.

“Have you heard from your brother?” Zale suddenly changed the subject.

“Oh, yes, he’s fine. The pack is repairing quickly and all has been quiet. He’s contacted the Warrior pack and they’ve contacted the royal family to let them know of a threat against them.” I explained.

Since I wasn’t joining another pack, I didn’t have to dissolve my loyalties to the Sparrow pack, which was good because then I could remain connected to them via mindlink. The rules were different when becoming a part of a dragon pod and it didn’t interfere with my connection to the werewolf pack. Still being included in the pack wide links made me feel a sense of connection to my home, one that I’ve always had, even when I was away with the Archers.

“We can plan a visit there soon if you’d like.” Zale suggested.

“It’s okay, my brother will start to think I don’t have faith in him if I visit too much.” I laughed.

“And what about the Archers?” He asked.

“What about them?”

“Well, I assume you have to go back at some point?” He wondered and my head snapped towards him in shock, “What?” He caught my movement and eyed me from the side.

“You want me to go back?” I asked carefully.

“I….” Zale paused and chuckled nervously, running his hand through his hair, “I feel like this is a trick question.”

“No, it’s not. I”m sorry, I just meant, you’re okay if I go back? I thought you wouldn’t want me to.” I tried to clarify.

“Listen, Adira, I don’t want you to leave the pod, that’s just the truth. I don’t want you out of my sight,” He smiled at me, “But, I know that being an Archer is a part of who you are and I would never take that away from you. Maybe there will come a time when you want to stay and settle down, but it doesn’t have to be right now.”

“I haven’t really talked to anyone from Base, yet. They know that I’m taking some time after my parents passed.” I said,

“I support whatever you decide, Kyrre.” Zale said,

“Thank you.” I muttered, studying the side of his face.

He just shrugged like it was no big deal, but I quickly shook my head,

“No, really, Zale, I appreciate it.” I said in a bolder voice.

Zale looked at me for a quick moment and then reached across the car to take my hand.

“How easy it is to surprise you.” He teased.

“I guess I just keep expecting one thing and you do the opposite.” I said,

Zale laughed and opened his mouth to say something, but he never got the chance.

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