#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 21


Dinner was incredible. August was able to successfully guess Italian as my favorite food even before our game of twenty questions. The venue was unique, just like our relationship, and absolutely perfect. It was nearly eight when our dinner came to an end.

“I have two plans for how the rest of the night will go, the choice is yours.” August began. I rested my elbows on the table and my chin on my hands as I leaned in and listened to my mate.

“Plan A: I pay the bill and we go check into our room at the B&B. At midnight, there’s a vineyard tour that ends with a moonlight picnic which includes a delicious smorgasbord of desserts and wine. Then, we spend the night and head home in the morning. Or, Plan B, I pay the bill and we go home. We can stay at your cabin and watch a movie, or not. Either way, it’s up to you.” August shrugged like he generally didn’t mind which option I chose.

“Plan A, definitely plan A.” I grinned happily. Plan A sounded absolutely dreamy. August’s smile reached his eyes. He waved down the waiter and handed off his credit card.

“I just wish I would have known you were planning a sleepover, I would have packed some clothes.” I suddenly realized that I had nothing with me. I wasn’t sure why it took me this long to figure it out, but August’s mischievous grin was a good indicator.

“Kasey took care of it.” He said, signing the bill and putting his wallet back in his pant’s pocket. I rolled my eyes at him,

“Of course she did.” The waiter held open the plastic, zipper door and August motioned for me to go first. He helped me across the grass, stabilizing me so my short heels didn’t sink in the grass.

He led the way back to the car to get our bags and then we took the short stroll to the B&B which was right next to the restaurant. It was a small building with an old Victorian charm. August strolled up to the front desk like he owned the place.

I had come to notice that August exuded confidence, he always looked like he belonged; not only that, he always looked like he was in charge. He gave the front desk attendant his name and we were handed a key.

“You’re on the second floor, the Midnight Moon suite.” The man said. I gave August a look and he just shrugged. I couldn’t help but laugh at the name of our room.

August carried both our bags in one hand and held onto my hand with the other as we climbed the stairs to the second floor. Our room was at the end of a very long hallway. August unlocked the heavy looking door with the old skeleton key the desk attendant had given us. The room was quite large with a four poster bed, a sitting area, a wood burning fireplace, and attached bathroom. There were a set of french doors leading out to a small, Juliet balcony.

“Do you like it?” August asked, looking down at me. I bit my lip and nodded, suddenly very aware of our sleeping situation.

“What’s wrong?” August tossed our bags onto the small sofa in the sitting room.

“Nothing.” I shook my head, but even I didn’t believe me. August shook his head, running his hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. He didn’t push the matter, though. Instead, he suggested that I change into something more comfortable for the midnight tour. He said it would be outside, so I should change into something warm and casual. I picked up my bag and prayed that Kasey made smart choices when packing my bag.

“August,” I paused before entering the bathroom,

“Thank you for dinner.” August shot me his crooked smile and I felt the tension in the air start to life.

“Anything for you, baby.” He winked at me. I blushed and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I pulled my hair down from the elaborate up-do Kasey had constructed. I found a cosmetic bag inside my overnight bag and pulled out the hairbrush. I tugged it through my hair and let it fall naturally over my shoulders. I decided that brushing my teeth was probably a good idea after eating pasta. Next, I rummaged through the bag, examining the multitude of options Kasey left me with. I decided on a pair of dark denim jeans and a thick, olive green sweater. I laid out my clothes on the bathroom sink.

It was then that I realized my dilemma. Kasey had helped me into my dress and I was surely going to need help getting out of it. I struggled to reach behind me for the zipper. Hopping around the bathroom, attempting to get a better angle on the back of my dress, I stumbled into the vanity. I cursed out loud as my toe crushed into the solid wooden leg.

“Josie, are you alright in there?” I heard August call from outside the door. I grumbled at my clumsiness, looking down at my already swelling toe. I sat down on the vanity stool and poked at my black and blue pinky, whimpering at the pain.

“Josie!” August called out, clearly getting concerned as Arlo’s instincts allowed him to feel my pain through the bond.

“You can come in.” I said to the door in a small voice. August flung open the door and rushed to my side, he knelt down in front of me.

“What happened?” He asked, looking down at my toe.

“I stubbed my toe on the vanity,” I began as August gently took my foot in his hand,

“Trying to get my dress off.” I finished. August looked up at me and I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

“A traumatic experience, I’m sure.” He smirked. I slapped his shoulder,

“Don’t laugh at me!” I warned him.

“Never, baby.” He fixed his face and took a look at my toe.

“It’s definitely broken.” He declared. I looked at him amused.

“You don’t say?” August looked up at me, nodding like he just told me something profound.

“Did a PHd from Duke University tell you that or an MD from NYU, Dr. Hayes?” I laughed at him. August face twisted with confusion until it finally dawn on him,

“Oh, right. I guess you can probably diagnose a broken toe, huh?” I ran my hand through his thick mop of dark hair.

“Yeah, but it was cute watching you play doctor.” I said amusingly. August carefully sat my foot down and settled himself between my legs, tilting his face up to meet mine.

“I didn’t mean to overstep, Dr. Taylor.” He said in his husky voice. I giggled,

“You can be my nurse anytime.” I replied seductively.

August growled and placed his hands on either side of my waist, grabbing firstfulls of my dress. I put my hands on his face and pulled his lips to mine. I moved hungrily against him, I could practically hear Arlo howling in his head. I knew that August must have been practicing the patience of a saint while he waited for me to be ready. It wasn’t in a werewolf’s nature to hold off on the mating process. I’m sure Arlo was giving him hell for that, but I couldn’t be more grateful. I wanted August, there was no doubt about that, but my human brain was urging me to slow down.

I stopped the kiss and brought my hands down to his biceps, tugging lightly. August huffed in frustration but pulled back. I could see the lust in his darkened eyes. I trailed a finger across his cheek and he relaxed under my touch.

“What was this about trouble getting out of your dress?” He purred. I rolled my eyes at him and smirked.

“I can’t reach the zipper.” I admitted.

August helped me stand, careful to avoid any further damage to my toe. He turned me around so my back was to him. Somehow this was so much worse than standing face to face. I sighed at my hesitancy. I felt August’s hands go to my back as he pulled down the zipper, painfully slow. I felt the zipper reach the bottom and August’s hands came to shoulders. He pulled my hair to one side of my shoulder and trailed kisses from my cheek to my neck and across my collar bone. He paused at my marking spot and a chill ran down my back as he nipped at it.

My Alpha blood wanted him to sink his teeth into me and claim me as his, mark me as the Luna and solidify our bond. Instead, I stepped out of his arms and turned around, holding my dress up at my chest.

“I’ll need a few more human moments, Alpha.” My voice was barely audible.

“If you keep calling me that you might not get them.” His eyes were dark again as he greedily took in my body. I blushed deeply under his gaze and bit my lip. August smirked before slipping out of the bathroom.

I sighed and let the dress fall to the floor. I shimmied out of my fancy underwear and bra before replacing them with a more comfortable set. I tugged on the jeans and pulled the sweater over my head.

I noticed there was a garment bag hanging in the bathroom. I wasn’t sure if that was standard procedure or August’s doing, but I took advantage of it anyway. I hung up the ridiculously expensive evening gown that I would probably never wear again and cleaned up the rest of my belongings. I grabbed a pair of thick socks and the boots that Kasey had mercifully included in my bag, and left the bathroom.

I froze one step outside of the bathroom, watching as August finished pulling up his own pair of jeans. He was shirtless and I was staring. His back was to me, but that didn’t matter. I could see his perfectly tanned skin and the tattoos that decorated it just fine. I had caught glimpses of him before as he shifted, but never like this. Here he was standing still and within arms reach of me. I studied his tattoos. Many of them were tribal tattoos indiginous to our pack. By the time I finished memorizing them, he had turned to face me.

“Enjoying the view?” He smirked. Slowly, and deliberately, I trailed my eyes across his exposed chest and abdomen before finally coming to rest on his eyes. I bit my lip, this time because I knew it drove him wild, and nodded.

“You’re testing my restraint, little wolf.” August purred, pulling a black shirt on. I pouted as he covered himself.

“I’m just admiring what’s mine.” I said in a low voice. August attempted to close the space between us, but I dodged him, heading for my purse. I grabbed my bag from where I had abandoned it in the seating area and sat down on the oversized chair. I felt August’s eyes on me but I didn’t move to meet his gaze. Instead, I pulled out the tiny first aid kit I carried with me.

“Of course you carry a first aid kit around with you.” August said, sitting on the sofa across from me. I grinned up at him as I pulled out some medical tape. I propped my foot up on the coffee table and winced as I grabbed my toe.

“Let me.” August begged, kneeling down in front of me again.

“I’m a doctor, August, I can handle wrapping my own toe.” I laughed. August looked like he was in pain and I realized then how strongly he felt my emotions. My toe only hurt a little, not even enough to be considered as real pain, but it felt real to August. To him, his mate was in pain and it didn’t matter how little it was, he needed to make it stop. I caved and handed him the tape,

“But, I would love for you to take care of me, Alpha.” I said. August looked up at me and the pain in his eyes wavered a bit at my attempts at seduction. He shook his head at me and took the tape. I had no idea how his big Alpha fingers were so soft and gentle, I barely felt any discomfort as he wrapped the medical tape around my two toes. He gave the tip of my pinky a quick kiss before lowering my foot back onto the floor.

“You do make a good nurse.” I winked at him, tugging at his hair again.

“You are impossible.” He warned me to stop with his eyes. I knew I was testing him, teasing him, pushing him too far. I wasn’t sure that I cared. I looked over at the clock, it was 9:30. August noticed,

“We have a few hours before the tour, why don’t you get some rest?” He suggested. I nodded, a nap didn’t sound like a bad idea. August pulled down the covers and watched as I crawled into bed. He actually tucked me, placing a kiss on my forehead, before retreating back to the sitting area.

“Where are you going?” I asked, hurt by his absence.

“I was going to stay on the couch.” He said. I started to pout,

“Oh.” I whined. August froze with one hand on the back on the sofa,

“Josie,” He purred,

“You have to tell me what you want.” I exposed the bed beside me and patted the pillow,

“For you to hold me while I sleep.” Never in my life had I seen a man move so quickly. August was snuggled up beside me in under 5 seconds. I giggled at his eagerness and pushed my back against him. I felt him groan and tighten his arms around me. I drifted off to sleep faster than I ever had before.

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