Zodiac Academy: The Awakening As Told By The Boys

The Awakening As Told By The Boys: Chapter 26

I’d watched Darcy and Seth dancing until it had felt like my eyes were going to bleed. I hadn’t taken a single sip of the beer locked in my grip and I’d tuned out Washer as he’d recounted stories of his days here at Zodiac Academy and all the ‘cheeky’ things he’d gotten up. Most of which seemed to involve his cock. As Nova was off dancing with a couple of the female staff, I supposed he felt like it was a great opportunity to tell me his messed up stories.

When Darcy and Seth had disappeared in the direction of the exit, I’d gotten anxious. And as the minutes ticked by, the desire to hunt them down grew to a desperation.

“I need another beer,” I muttered to Washer and walked straight off.

“But that one’s full,” he called after me and I placed it on a table, ignoring him as I headed for the door, pushing students out of my way as I went.

My jaw was pulsing as my teeth rammed hard together and my heart rioted as I made it outside. If Seth was planning something, I had to warn her. I couldn’t just stand idly by and let him hurt her. It was my duty because she was my Source. At least, that was what I was convincing myself.

There were a few students hanging around outside, but none of them were her, so I turned down the path and started my hunt, praying I wasn’t going to find that asshole kissing her or worse. I cringed at the thought and my fangs sharpened as the beast in me awoke. I was in a dangerous mood, a volatile one, and I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do if I found them together.

As I made it further around The Orb, my gaze landed on her alone, standing off the path with her back to the building and her eyes closed. A line of tension was on her brow and she looked like she didn’t really want to be found, but I was still walking, full of relief that she wasn’t here with Seth Capella. But that didn’t mean she was out of the woods yet. The Heirs were up to something and I needed to make sure she was aware of that.

I approached her, recognising this need in her for some space because it was how I felt at every party I’d ever attended. And as I came to a halt in front of her, studying her beautiful face and revelling in the quiet in the air, I wondered what it would be like to lean in and taste her lips. To feel her pulling me closer and welcoming me into the warmth of her body.

Her eyes opened, landing on the predator before her and surprise crossed her features, but not fear.

“Oh,” she breathed and dawning concern fell over her as she realised we were alone. Her eyes darted to the path like she was hoping to find more company, but we were alone.

She pushed off the wall, clearly intending to leave but I stepped straight into her path.

“Professor,” she warned, clearly fearing I’d come here to bite her. But that wasn’t my intention, even if I did hunger for her blood with the desperation of a starved animal.

My hand fell to her waist, pinching the material of her dress as I leaned in to the maddening urges in me to get closer to her. She was the sun embodied and I’d spent so long in the dark, all I wanted was a few moments in its heat. Was that really such a crime?

Yes, it was. But still…Gabriel’s words lingered in my mind and though I knew this was every shade of wrong, it also felt every shade of right.

She sucked in a breath and goosebumps rose across her neck, making my fangs prickle and my cock jerk. Did she feel this too? Was I as tempting to her as she was to me? It didn’t seem possible. And yet the look in her eyes said maybe it was.

I withdrew my hand, regaining my self-control and sharing a look with her that said she knew I’d crossed a line, but she didn’t reprimand me for it. I was only indulging a little. Just enough to feed the creature in me who demanded more of her. Gabriel had told me to lean towards the light, and there wasn’t any Fae that burned brighter to me than her. But I wasn’t supposed to be here pushing the boundaries of my sordid fantasy of her, I was here to pass on a warning.

“Why do you keep flirting with the devil?” I asked and she frowned like she thought I was talking about myself. “Seth Capella.”

She folded her arms, tilting her chin as her walls immediately went up. “You’re my Liaison, sir, not my life guru. If I want to date Seth, I will,” she said coolly.

Great. This is going swell already.

I glanced at my watch, cursing internally at the approaching time. Almost nine o’clock. I had to deliver this warning then follow Gabriel’s orders to leave.

I could hear approaching students and knew it wasn’t a good idea to be found here alone with her. It would look shady.

“Keeping you am I?” she asked bitterly.

“Yes, now give me your wrist.” I reached for it, needing a cover story for why I was here if anyone showed up, but she stepped back again.

“Really? You’re going to bite me tonight of all nights?” she hissed, but I was too distracted to answer, throwing a look down the path again as laughter headed this way. I stepped forward to take hold of her and suddenly she laughed. At me. And the sound was like gunfire ripping through my chest.

She narrowed her eyes, the power shifting into her grasp as she realised why I was acting this way. But I couldn’t have that. She wasn’t in control here. I was.

I darted forward, crushing her against the wall and baring my fangs at her, forcing her to submit. Her heart hammered against me and being this close to her was a mindfuck of mass proportions.

“Not strictly allowed this, is it sir?” she said icily, her words cutting deep as she realised she had some ammo against me. And I needed to unload her little weapon fast.

I kept my hand locked around her arm, my gaze on her neck as the urgent desire to feed from her that way ran through me. It was a more intimate way of feeding, though I knew even more intimate ways than that – not that I was thinking about those. My cock was going to give me away if I didn’t move soon, but I couldn’t let her go. It was too exciting having her like this. And why shouldn’t I bite her? She was my Source after all.

“And where did you get that idea?” I asked dryly, hoping to throw her off the scent of my misdemeanour.

“From the shifty way you’re acting. Why did you follow me out here anyway? You could have bitten me inside.”

I shrugged. “Seemed like easy prey.”

Warn her and leave for fuck’s sake.

But I was enjoying this interaction a little too much and I still had a couple of minutes to kill.

She released a cold laugh and the acid in her eyes made my grip loosen on her. Maybe I’d imagined her desire for me after all. Maybe I really was overstepping the mark here in more ways than one. And I didn’t like the thought of that.

“I don’t buy it,” she said.

“Why am I even tolerating this conversation?” I muttered to myself. We’d moved into dangerous territory. I had her pinned to a wall and I still wasn’t biting her. And honestly, the thing my mouth wanted to do most wasn’t even in the biting territory. One kiss from her would be a sin, but it might just be worth getting down on my knees in penance for.

You can’t. You’re her professor. Her enemy.


“Fine,” I sighed like I was tired of this conversation, but it was the most tantalising one I’d had – possibly ever. “I shouldn’t be here alone with you. It’s not appropriate.”

Her brows arched. “We spend time alone in your office every Monday.”

“That’s different,” I growled, glancing up the path again. Students were going to come this way. I really had to move.

“What would happen if I told Principal Nova about this?” she asked, making my heart lurch violently.

“Would you?” I hissed. Hell, maybe I’d underestimated this girl. Maybe she’d throw me to the wolves for this. But then a shiver ran through her that was so telling, I was certain it was to do with me. Her pupils dilated and she wet her lips in a way that drew me to her so forcefully, it took all of my willpower to stop myself from kissing her.

“Try me,” she whispered, but her body had given the game away. She wasn’t going to tell because she felt this too, it was written into her flesh, the way her eyes dipped to my mouth and her throat bobbed. I wasn’t sure she was even aware of how much those eyes were pulling me in, begging me to commit a crime with her.

I slid my fingers up her arm, temptation like a demon whispering in my ear. Just one taste. Could it really do that much harm?

My hand slid onto her throat, caressing her velvet soft skin and I leaned in, feeling like the stars were pressing against my back and forcing me closer. Blue tilted her chin up, her lips an offering I wanted to seize. And I knew in that second I was going to do it. I was going to kiss a Savage Princess and damn the consequences. Because this girl was everything good in the world I’d been missing and I had to know what it felt like to drown in her. Even if it meant my downfall. Even if I corrupted her to her core.

Someone cleared their throat and we both jolted, my Vampire hearing picking it up tenfold. Fuck!

I glanced back, finding Seth there with an impatient expression on his face and I immediately looked back at Darcy.

“What’s he doing?” She tried to push me back, but I didn’t budge.

“He’s waiting for me to bite you,” I said, pulling back an inch and hating that it felt like a chasm. “So he can have you back.”

She shivered, her eyes growing distant and I knew the heated moment that had passed between us was now dead and gone, never to fucking return.

“Well get on with it,” she hissed. “Or are you going to continue playing with your food?”

I’d run out of time, too enraptured by her to do what I’d come here to do. But I had to try. I leaned in to speak in her ear, my voice nothing but a breath of a whisper. “Stay away from him. Go inside.” We were so close and her scent was like a drug, making my thoughts hazy and hard to grasp. Please listen to me, Blue. I don’t know what will happen if you don’t.

I hoped it was enough because my time was up and I had to walk away like Gabriel had instructed. I knew better than to go against his guidance.

With a wrenching feeling in my stomach, I pulled back, leaving my teeth firmly out of her and I shot away with a burst of speed, knowing if I moved any slower I’d pause to smash my fist into Seth’s face.

I just hoped I’d done enough to make her listen.

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