When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 7

Annabelle Virgo

Sweat glistened on my forehead. I had to get a maid to wipe off the perspiration without removing my carefully done makeup. My dress and face felt heavy, not to mention the jewelry holding me down.

“Good, then.” Granny spat. “Your accessories can be your restraint.”

Rasal unsuccessfully tried to make me less jittery. Granny looked like she wanted to lock him up but I told him to attach himself on my back and slither around my chest and shoulders with yellow eyes and his stones glowing along with the Ophiuchus Sign.

I flinched at the flashback. She had spoken to me when I was getting dressed for the ball. I was ready but Granny wanted every inch of me covered.) Thankfully she didn’t forcefully cover up my Signs with makeup. Though she demanded that I put on false lashes, arched eyebrows, thicker lips and tighten my dress to the point where I had to take short breaths.

“You look nice.” Lydia smiled. Her green eyes flashing in front of mine.

“Thank you, so do you.” I tried not to sound surprised. I had decided a while ago that Lydia wasn’t stern or rude, or spoiled. She had let down her bleached blonde hair, undone from its usual high ponytail, now it fell in cascades around her waist with a silver headband across her face with emeralds dangling on her forehead. Her dress matched the emeralds, silky and tight like mine except she didn’t look as bothered. Years of experience.

The quantity of her makeup matched mine. She had a small smile permanently plastered to her face. She greeted guests, whether she knew them or not as if they had been friends for years. She sat and walked with poise, spoke politely and there was something about her tone that made you fond of her instantly.

“Enjoying your time, Your Highness?” McKenna’s face focused in front of my eyes. The last two words stung. I eyed her from head to toe. Her body and face unnatural, looking grotesque. Lips had been swollen since the sixth grade and nose, surgically reduced in size since junior year. One could tell that there was no padding inside her dress, she didn’t need it given that she had been altered completely since the last time we met.

“May I help you, Lady Scorpio?” I asked, emotionless. She had a glass in her hand which never finished and if you got within five feet of her you could smell the alcohol and perfume radiating off her. She tapped her long black nails on the glass and I flinched as something crawled over her shoulder. I squinted and saw a scorpion traveling up and down her body. Then another, another. Two scorpions attached to her dress and one rested on her head like a tiara.

Dressed in all black with silver piping across her chest and a neck humiliatingly deep and provocative. One thing that didn’t look so alluring to me was her hair, deep brown with gold highlights and curled tightly.

“I just want to know how the girl who everyone is dying to be is doing at her first Celestial Ball.” she slowly circled me before adding, “As princess.”

The words are meant to stab me but I don’t let them. I never have. I never will.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Luckily there was no one watching. McKenna eyed Rasal and sneered. He hissed back at her, his red tongue spitting in her face. McKenna’s scorpion lifted its head, glistening black skin. She lifted her hand and picked it up from her head, she stared into its dot-green eyes, speaking to him telepathically no doubt.

“Stay away from me, Lady Scorpio,” I said with venom.

“Fine,” she spoke in an irritatingly charming way. She searched the room and a wicked grin appeared on her face when she saw who she was looking for. “I’ll go to someone who enjoys my company.”

She sauntered off with her chin high and hips swaying. I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was approaching Alec, he was speaking with Violet Libra but they were both startled with McKenna embraced Alec which reminded me that they were old friends.

“If you become so distant from Alec he won’t keep you much longer.” Granny whispered in my ear, making me yelp.

“Could you please stop sneaking up on me?” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“I’m just giving you the best advice.” Granny shrugged innocently.

I lifted my head which felt as heavy as a dozen Stars Stones and opened my eyes carefully. The bed was silky and the sheets were holding me down, I turned around and rested my head on the plush pillows. The comfort making me betray my intentions of waking up. Before the bright Starlight burned open my eyes I heard the sound of curtains being opened.

A cold hand touched my face, “Annabelle, wake up.”

The voice made me obey. I didn’t look at him out of embarrassment. My gaze fell on the new surroundings. It wasn’t much different from my suite, only there was armour, more books and papers with a bigger desk and everything looked like it was dipped in gold. The fireplace was lit and the window beside the large bed was similar to my room.

I nearly squealed and gasped at the realization.

I’m in the prince’s suite.

“Why did you bring me here?” my voice was hoarse due to disuse.

His green eyes flashed in front of mine. “I didn’t bring you here, Annabelle.”

“I should have stayed in my room.” I cleared my throat.

I cheeks felt hot, painted pink from humiliation no doubt. Judging by the orange and pink sky dotted with Constellations shining bright, it was early morning.

“I have to go,” I announced and lightly threw off the sheets. But I couldn’t move. My eyes scanned the room, trying to remember what happened after the ball last night. As the memories flooded my head, my face turned red and I quickly stood.

The night gown fell to my thighs, it was slippery and made out of fabric so light it felt like I was wearing tissue paper.

“Do you need medicine?” Alec snapped me back. His eyes flashed in front of mine and for a minute I forgot how to breath.

I hesitated, going over his words to confirm what he said.

“Why would I need any medication?” I knitted my eyebrows.

His hand found mine and he touched the Hydra symbol on my wrist, making it tingle, I didn’t flinch at the gesture.

“Because it helps with the pain,” he pointed out.

“I’ll get some from my maids. I’m going to leave, my maids are probably wondering where I am.” I slid out of bed and quietly walked out, letting the warm air of his room wrap me before I walked the halls of the palace.

I shook my head, hoping to get rid of the thought and the feeling of that moment.

Milady, you should go meet your parents now. Rasal suggested, They’re staring at you.

I was in the centre of the room and people were glaring at me.

My what? I almost shouted at him. Rasal flinched, falling from my shoulder to my waist.

Apologies, milady. He met my furious eyes. I meant...you’re father and...


And Miss Ursa Major, he finished.

You can call her Hope, she’s not worthy of that much respect. I balled my fists.

Hope and Dad were sitting at a table in the far corner. Hope was slouching and whenever Granny approached she sat up with her chin held high.

“Your Highness,” I sweet but high pitched voice whispered. I turned around to find a maid standing there.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Lord Virgo and Lady Virgo request your presence,” she told. I glared at those two.

I nodded at the maid and dismissed her.

Lady Virgo. Hope holds that title now.

Don’t gag, Rasal warned.

I wasn’t going to, I snapped.

Yes, of course, his voice dripping sarcasm.

I sauntered towards their table. Hope and Dad were muttering to each other but stopped when I towered over them.

“Annabelle, it is nice to see you,” Hope sang. “You look lovely.”

I faked a smile, “Wish I could say the same about you.”

She frowned and I took the empty seat next to them. Hope was dressed in a silver, almost grey gown, with no neck or back, though it had a long train but it fell around her thighs, leaving her legs open. And her perfume didn’t help with my nausea.

I liked Miss Eloise better, Rasal sneered. He hissed at Hope and I tried not to laugh.

“Dad, how are things in Virgus?” I turned to him with a stiff expression.

“We’re doing well,” he swallowed. “Thanks to you.” he added quickly.

“Why me?”

“You’re relation with the Hydras.” Hope answered before Dad could.

My fake smile dropped, replaced by an angry expression and raised eyebrows.

“Nice to know this marriage was advantageous to everyone but me.” I snapped.

I expected Dad to say something, to try and help me see the “bright side” but instead he sighed and slumped in his chair. Hope was slouching as well, with a hand over her abdomen.

“So, Hope, do you like living in Virgus?” I asked after a while, breaking the awkward silence.

She was surprised by my interest but I just wanted to annoy the two of them and make them feel bad, and guilty.

She looked at Dad for an explanation but he was too busy draining his glass of red wine. “It’s wonderful there,” she finally said. “I love the Stargazer Lilies that are grown there are my favorite. They’ve also been decorated in Clementine’s Mansion.”

“I know. I’ve been there,” I replied instantly, it may have seemed rude but I didn’t care. I knew that since I remembered visiting Virgus but mostly through pictures and reading about it in my lessons here. Virgus exported Stargazer Lilies to Hydrus and the other provinces.

“When did you last visit Virgus?” she asked innocently. Though there was nothing innocent about her.

“Oh, too long to remember.” I eyed Dad. “Dad doesn’t take me there often. I think the last time I went was probably...two years ago.”

“You’re always welcome, it’s your home after all.” she smiled. “It’s your birth place. You should visit once this war is over.”

“Speaking of Stargazer Lilies,” I recalled. “Those are my favorite flowers and the one’s at Clementine’s Mansion are-”

The late Lady Ophiuchus planted those, Rasal informed, giving me an idea.

“-the ones that Mom planted.” I smoothly changed my words. Hope flinched and glared at Dad.

“Dad even gave Mom Stargazer Lily perfume,” I said, hoping to pierce her heart. If she had one.

“I remember Eloise’s signature scent. Though, one time I came to visit and found perfume bottles smashed against her bedroom walls,” her tone changed, she sounded irritated and shocked.

I was about to answer but Rasal spoke through telepathy, Your father used to throw them at her.

Now Dad and Hope were having a silent conversation. Rasal, how do you know this?

Your mother didn’t tell anyone, not even me. He said, but I think she forgot that I could sense her emotions and see what was happening around her through her eyes.

I made a growling sound in my throat. Rasal slithered over my balled fists.

Now, now, he started. No need to ruin your mood because of other people.

“Can you tell your...reptile to go away?” Hope spoke.

“No,” I replied instantly. “He’s my companion and he prefers to be called Rasal rather than snake or reptile.”

“He’s just a snake, Belle,” Dad reminded.

I cleared my throat, “Rasal might be a reptile but he is my friend-”

Rasal looked at me like I was forgetting something.

“-and loyal servant,” I added. “He’s a gift from Ophiuchus. He took care of the Ophiuchus before me. Before they died...sorry, were murdered. He goes where I go.”

“Is she serious?” Hope turned to Dad.

“She’s not my responsibility anymore.” he sighed. And burden, I added in my head.

“Yes, but it’s not like you could keep me under control when I was living under your roof.” I snapped.

One of the butlers brought over a tray with choices of alcohol. Dad just gave his glass and I took one of red wine. Dad’s eyes widened as I drained the glass in one sip. I felt it all come up to my throat instantly, I forced it down still. Hope’s mouth fell open. I exchanged the empty glass with a one full of champagne.

“Oh, how rude of me.” I gulped, turning to Hope. “Would you like some?”

“No, thank you. I can’t have that,” she said.

“Well, then, more for me I guess,” I said as I took another sip.

“What?” I said to Dad, noticing the disappointment in his eyes.

“Aren’t you underage, Annabelle?” Hope wondered.

I turned to Dad and stared at him. “That law didn’t seem to bother anyone when they married me off,” I reminded. My words like venom. “I was underage back then.”

Dad sighed in frustration, sweat dripped from his shoulders and he scratched at his collar.

“But, now I’m not.” I announced. Dad’s head snapped to face me. “Eighteen.” I sighed in relief. “Feels good.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Annabelle.”

I’d know that tone of voice anywhere. I held back and eye roll on Rasal’s suggestion. I stood and faced Granny.

“Yes, Grandmother?” I said, my eyes drooping.

“Have you greeted all the guests?” she had a smile plastered on her face and an empty glass in her hand, she eyed mine greedily.

“Yes, Grandmother.” I repeated and sipped on the drink.

Don’t drink too much, Rasal warned.

I think Granny said something like that but I couldn’t remember at that moment.

“Have you asked Hope how she’s doing?” Granny said. I could see anger in her eyes.

“I was just talking to Antonio and saying how uncomfortable you must be, traveling all the way from Virgus for one night.” Granny said.

“Mother, you know how important it was for us to come.” Dad said as he got to his feet.

“Have you taken a holiday from the hospital?” Granny asked. Hospital? Oh, right, she’s a therapist.

"Yes, I have.” Hope said.

“Well, you rest and take care of my soon-to-be grandson.” Granny smiled brightly.

I cleared my throat and Alec pulled me away for a dance. I already knew how to do the waltz and excused myself from further lessons. It was enjoyable except that I had to give Rasal away for a few minutes and that I was inches away from Alec, enough to make me embarrassed. Not to mention that I was already dizzy from the wine and the constant spinning around the room wasn’t helping.

Lydia was dancing with McKenna’s brother. He smelled of smoke and alcohol mixed with his strong cologne. He wouldn’t stop talking and kept messing up the dance, though Lydia is a tolerant person she snapped at the Scorpio boy after he stepped on her foot for the tenth time. I tried not to laugh and Alec just smiled. Keegan stood beside his sister, he was short for his age and he looked like young Alec to me. I saw them playing football in the halls one day. They resembled their father, Jaxon Hydra, who danced with Sophie beside us.

I curtsied to Alec once the dance was over. Rasal slid up my dress and slithered over me while I walked around the room. McKenna was trying to convince Keegan to dance but he just turned away.

For Stars’ sake, leave him alone. He’s a kid.

After the second Hydra brother didn’t work she retreated to the first one. Her glass was full, black and never finished. She handed it to Alec who drained it in a second, then another. McKenna laughed wickedly as she noticed my bothered expression.

Doesn’t she have anything better to do?

Obviously, not, Rasal said.

The Hydras had a seperate table at the front of the room, unfortunately that meant that I would be expected there as well. I didn’t eat much, I fed Rasal the chicken and ate the salad. After dessert Granny called me to their table.

“I’m leaving with your father today,” she announced. I held back a sigh of relief. “Don’t get too excited,” she snapped. “I’ve taught you everything I can. Your lessons have concluded and now you must practice and study on your own. I will call once a week to check in and see how you are doing. Don’t humiliate us.”

She turned to Dad and Hope, Granny asked a maid to get her bags and I watched as the Grand Hall emptied. I had met people from each Constellation, including the Twelve Major and those who couldn’t be here sent their close relatives to attend. However, I did meet Harold Capricorn, Tristan’s father.

“How is it that you’re here?” I whispered to him. Tristan resembled his father in a lot of ways, chocolate hair and big brown eyes.

“It was a risk coming but I had to.” he spoke quietly. “How’s Tristan...and everyone else?”

I hesitated. “They were fine before I left, nowas you know they’ve set up camp near Hydrus but I’m sure that Harper and Brody and Mrs. Capricorn are still in Crimsyn State.”

“I hope so,” he sighed. “I couldn’t be there since I had to take care of Capricornus. But I’m helping more than enough from there.”

I only nodded my head.

“Lord Capricorn,” a butler approached. “Your driver is waiting.”

“I must go. It was nice meeting you, Lady Virgo.” he bowed and sauntered off. I smiled at the fact that he didn’t call me Princess or Your Highness. I had enough of that for one night.

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