Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 57: Goldware Corp

Novis was currently in the dream world talking with Arthur and George. George said that the two of them had been talking to each other trying to gather what information they both knew. It turns out Arthur didn't remember much of anything apart from his sword skills and his name.

After they had finished talking, they thought it was only right to tell Novis since they were currently occupying his mind.

George had explained, that he and Arthur use to belong to a band of knights called the Dragon knights and that Arthur was their leader. The next few things Novis heard from George's mouth Novis couldn't believe.

George had told Novis that the Dragon knights were legendary. That they had been sent on tasks throughout the land to exterminate creatures Novis had only heard about in fairy tales. They fought goblins, demons and even dragons.

Novis found the whole thing crazy. The two of the people Novis was talking to sounded and looked like humans but the world George was describing was one that he did not recognise. But the whole situation for Novis so far had been crazy.

Arthur had confirmed some of the things George was saying so it had to be true.

"Do you know how you ended up in the weapons?" Novis asked.

"Sadly, neither of us remember how it happened. While in the weapons our bodies remained dormant as if we are in a sleeping state. I was able to come out from the sword from time to time but it would take a huge amount of energy. When I would feel a person's presence I would try to see if they could hear me."

"What about Daiki's teacher."

"He was the first of many that finally succeeded. When I came out, I could tell a lot of time had passed, the whole world looked different. With nothing else to do, I decided to help the man sharpen his skills. As the man got older, I could feel his body weaken and as he passed away, I was returned back to the bamboo sword."

"Are there others then, if you two are here then perhaps the other members of the dragon knights are here?"

"This is something I wish to confirm myself. Until this day I thought I was the only one until I met Arthur. This is why I wanted to talk to you Novis. I wish for you to help me find the others in any way possible. I know it might be an impossible task and I don't expect you to go out of your way but just if you tried a little, I would be truly grateful."

Although Novis didn't mind helping them he was worried about what would happen if he did find them. Would they all enter his mind like Arthur and George? Were they expecting to just stay in his head until Novis grew old and passed away?

George could see the concerned look on Novis's face.

"If we find more people then maybe one of the members remembers how we came to be in the weapons in the first place. They might be able to help you get rid of us."

Novis was starting to enjoy Arthur's company. Arthur had given him something to finally be interested in but at the same time, it felt strange to have someone watching everything you were doing. While Novis didn't want Arthur to disappear, he at least wanted him out of his head.

"I will try," Novis said.

It was a lot for a boy Novis's age to take in but at the same time, there was nothing he could do about it.

George then picked up his metal kendo sword.

"Arthur tells me he's been teaching you, let's see what you got."

Before Novis could answer George was already dashing in towards Novis. This was at a speed even greater than Arthur produced. Luckily for Novis the distance between the two of them was great, so Novis had enough time to prepare his duel blades.

Just like with the fight against Ashley, George would charge in and out like a fencer. And each strike Novis produced back, would miss.

"Come on, you need to be faster than that!" George shouted.

Novis then switched to the chain swords and started swinging it at him. George was simply just too fast managing to move at the right time to avoid the chain swords attacks.

"Too slow." George then dashed in at the right moment avoiding both of the chain swords and pierced Novis right in the chest.

"ARghh!" Novis shouted as he woke up in his room. His heart was still beating loudly form the adrenaline. Even though he felt no pain it was a horrible feeling to die in your dream and get woken up by it. contemporary romance

Novis looked outside to see the sun was starting to rise.

After fighting against George. Novis realised that it was useless for him to just focus on strength. What was the point of having all that power if you weren't able to hit your opponent?

"Don't be disheartened Novis, Arthur tells me he has only been training you for a short while. To be honest, I'm impressed." George said.

This made Novis feel slightly better but not much. At the end of the day, Novis was unable to even touch George and lost quickly.

After fighting with George Novis noticed something. George looked oddly familiar to him but of course, Novis had never met George before so why would he think that?

Novis went and turned on his laptop to go to the official VSW website. He was currently browsing through all the characters they had in the game.

"Stop right there!" George shouted.

Novis's mouse currently hovered over one of the warriors, the warrior George told him to stop on was the Interfector, the assassin character Bill played as.

"Arthur don't you know who that is! It's john!" George shouted.

Arthur had no memory of any of the dragon knights, unlike George. The three of them continued to look through the website. George recognised two other warriors as well as a character that looked identical to himself.

This meant in total there were five people in the game that was from the same world as Arthur and George.

This was where Novis had recognised George from, it was the game. And George recognising others only confirmed Novis's suspicion. The game had something to do with the spirits.

Meaning Goldware corp, was hiding something.

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