True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 48: Ready for War

Alexandria closed the laptop and sat back on the couch in her mother and father's house. Algebra was kicking her ass. She frowned down at the laptop and reached for the glass of iced tea she had been sipping on.

"Stabbing it won't help." her father grinned. "What is the problem?"

"Algebra sucks." Alexandria replied. John laughed and took a seat on the couch. He reached questioningly for the laptop and she nodded. He opened it up and looked at the problem that was giving her a hard time.

"Mmmhmm. Yes, is see the problem." John closed it back up. "Algebra sucks." He grinned and set it down. "How about I make us sandwiches and we watch some TV."

"You have a TV?" Alexandria asked.

"Yes unlike others I happen to appreciate culture on a screen." John laughed. He got to his feet and padded to the kitchen. It was just them in the five bedroom bungalow. Andrea was helping the women get the Victorian ready for the festivities tonight and the triplets had said they had a few minor details to see to before the ritual tonight so her father took charge of her until five o'clock when Andrea would come to get her to get ready.

William had shown Quincy and Rick the footage he had found. Both were just as surprised and confused as he was. "She will not be happy if we are bruised and beat up for the ritual tonight." Rick pointed out. "But this needs to be dealt with immediately."

"I have gone over the timeline and it just does not add up. Unless Terrence had lost them at some point." William replied.

"It is possible." Rick sighed. Thinking about the conversation with Terrence at the gardens. He had said that he was three steps behind. "He would have noticed though if they someone else with them. Right?"

"Perhaps that is why there were only two outside Mom and Dad's in town. The third was guarding." Quincy put in standing. "He does not look like he wants to fight."

"He is asking for help. We have left him out there to deal with this on his own." Rick sighed. "A week he has been out there tormented by Moon knows what."

"Let's go find out." William said and climbed the steps two at a time.

"Do we have time?" Rick asked. "It is nearly three."

"We have three hours until we are expected. We can at least find out what has happened so we can plan accordingly." Quincy answered.

The trek out took no time running fast through the woods to not give away what they were up to. They crossed the line of the perimeter of the house Roland was sitting on his porch alone. He stood when he caught their scent and waited. As the three got closer relief crossed the male's face. "You forgot about the camera above the door." Roland said.

We did." William replied. He stopped just short of the steps to the old cabin

"What has happened?" Quincy asked halting next to William.

"Why did you not come to us?" Rick took his spot next to Quincy.

Roland opened his front door. May was in a rocking chair their youngest pup in her lap. "Good afternoon, May." Rick said gently walking toward her slowly.

The female looked up. A touch of fear in her eyes. "I didn't know. Please I didn't know." Rick shook his head.

"Neither did we. You are in no trouble. We just needed to find out what was going on so we can help and take the steps needed to protect the pack." Rick said gently and dropped to his haunches so his height did not affect her. "Tell me what you can."

"My car broke down." May said. "I was trying to fix it when this awful looking old Ford Focus pulled up behind me. Three males. Destruction and mayhem is what they smelled like. They caught my scent as they got out of their car. I did not stand a chance. They were too strong." Tears formed in her eyes. Roland was at her side. A gentle hand on his mate's arm.

"They did nothing other than beat her into telling them who and where she was from. With that information they were able to use her." Roland said bitterly.

"They just released you then?" Rick asked gently.

"No." May replied. "I am good at playing timid if I want. They let their guard down. I put a knife in one and ran." May grinned fire in her eyes. "We will be at the ritual tonight.

"Do you recall where you were?" William asked then. Wanting to hunt. Needing to hunt.

"Yes. Seventeen miles north of Springfield. Abandoned farmhouse. Nasty place for nasty males." May replied shuddering. "I am fine. Healing. The pups and Roland will help me. Dr. Kaitlyn came by early this morning. She will have a full report for you. I am sorry." May said a tear slipping free.

"This is not your fault, May. This is ours. Our information is not coming soon enough." Quincy replied. "We warned everyone too late of the threat. Because we did not know the threat was already here. If there is anything you or your family needs."

"A head." Roland said. "I just want a head." The protective anger in his eyes a blaze that would make hellfire look tame. The Alphas nodded.

They said their goodbyes after that and walked back to the main compound. "Could have been worse. For her and for the pack." Rick said shaking his head. "They have not hesitated to do serious damage to others why her?"

"Because the others were unmated females. Roland would have blood on his hands and we would be without a fight." William replied. "As mated males now would that not push the limits of our control over the bestial anger that runs deep?"

Quincy growled in response. Rick's eyes flashed yellow at the very thought. William nodded. "That is why."

They stepped out of the woods and into the backyard of Joseph's house. Joseph was outside with his son playing in the dirt. "You are early. I have cold beer and a game on the TV."

Rick wasted not time and patting the dark haired toddler on the head as he walked by climbed the steps to grab the first alcohol he had consumed in a week. After that he needed a drink.

"That bad?" Joseph stood with his child protective in his arms.

"The threat got May. She is safely back home but rather than tell us something was wrong Roland did what their bidding instead." William shook his head. "Are we that untrustworthy then?"

"No. Roland probably did not know who to turn to. You or your father plus Roland is a proud male. He and his family have been far out there for generations. He is a protector. Turning to you or your father would have been a sign of weakness." Joseph replied. Then sighed. "I should have checked in on them. I usually make a round but Alexis has been more demanding of my attention than normal. I think she is ready for another." He grinned and kissed his son's head.

William and Quincy shared a knowing look but said nothing. They followed Joseph into his house. Marcus was inside with Rick. Both of them discussing the game and relaxing. William could not shake the anger that had pushed into what should be a peaceful day. Quincy caught his eye and nodded. Quincy was of the same mind.

"Do not do too much damage to each other. Remember the bond and remember the ritual tonight." Marcus warned as they headed back out the back door.

"Fists no weapons." William replied.

"Yeah, that is so much better," Rick raised his beer over his head from the couch. "I prefer self-medication."

"So you can slur through your vows?" Quincy laughed getting the appropriate response. Rick set down his beer and stood to join his brothers. "Good William needs more of a distraction than just me." Quincy patted his brother on the shoulder as all three filed out of the house.

Alexandria stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. A crown of daisies was on her head with ribbon woven into it and streamed down from the back of her head to the middle of her back.

The white dress was silk with a layer of gossamer lace over the top. It fit her form perfectly. She felt like she was naked. The sleeves came off the shoulders a little. Her shoes were a pair of simple flats. "You look beautiful, dear." Margarette said with a huge smile. "It is almost time. Are you nervous?"

"Of course." Alexandria replied a small lift of her lips at the corner in the mirror.

Margarette laughed. "I was too." Andrea poked her head into the room on the third floor of the Victorian.

"Oh you are a vision, my daughter." Andrea said with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Mother." Alexandria replied meeting her eyes in the mirror.

"It is time," Andrea said wiping her eyes.

Margarette and Andrea would walk on either side of Alexandria with the other women joining as they came from their homes after getting ready. The walk was long but beautiful with the scent of the wildflowers in the air and the way the sun was casting shadows through the trees on the road to the meeting house. Margarette and Andrea started the ritual song of the first female to mate with a wolf. The beginning of the wolf ways and the lives that have come after. It was beautiful.

They crested the hill half a mile from the meeting house and the men were already gathered. Their own voices adding to the song. A wolf who loved a female so much he shed his blood before the Moon to be given the chance to be human. The Moon and Sun granted his wish. But only for part of the month. For three nights he would return to wolf form and restore balance to the woods around his home. Any offspring from this union would carry this blessing. And so the werewolf was born.

Alexandria was entrance both by the song and by the three males standing next to Colin. She met each set of eyes. There were fading bruises around eyes and on cheeks. What had they been doing all day? She had felt little pinches earlier but had thought nothing of it.

They looked downright sexy in their suits. William wore no tie, Quincy's was loose round his neck, Rick's was not tied but hung loose under his collar. Each making their personalities clear. The sharp cut coats and white shirts underneath made their chests and shoulders look wider. Each had a daisy in their lapel. The somber expressions on their faces belied the light of absolute delight in their eyes when she crested the hill and they saw her for the first time in her dress.

The song ended as she reached them. The males and females separated by the road. Colin's old but strong voice rang out over the crowd. "Let us begin." He opened the door and led the way into the house. Dimly lit by seven candles one of them at the altar. Andrea accompanied behind Alexandria, Marcus behind his sons. Colin took his spot in front of the altar. Alexandria with Andrea behind her to his right the triplets to his left.

Colin picked up the knife and the bowl. "This is a bond of blood. But also of hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. The Moon has granted you a special bond with your mates. Listen to that bond. It will guide you in understanding needs, wants. See you through hard times and good." Colin handed the knife to William first. Alexandria indicated the spot she wanted. Holding his eyes. Trust and warmth in hers.

He made the cut on her upper arm just below the sleeve of her dress. And handed the knife back to Colin who captured a couple drops from Alexandria and so it went. Three mates. Three cuts. Trusting each. Then it was her turn. All three rolled up their sleeves to indicate their left arms. Just above the wrist. She swallowed but held firm. Colin handed her the knife and she did as they had done. Handing the knife back after each. Colin collecting the blood in the bowl. After the last one he poured the a little of the blood onto the plate above the open flame. The sizzling of liquid and the metallic scent of it filled the room. "The Moon accepts. Have you the rings?"

Marcus produced four gold bands. Inscribed in each was simply "Forever and Always." With initials. Hers had all three. Theirs had just hers.

"Repeat after me." Colin said handing the first ring for William to Alexandria. She nodded and concentrated on his words as she slipped the ring onto William's hand. Repeating after Colin. Then Quincy and then Rick. Their hands so warm in hers. He handed her ring to the three. All three repeating perfectly in sync to Colin's words. All three holding her ring. "It is done." Colin said and turned to blow out the candles. "The sun will set in ten minutes. That should give you plenty of time to meet your pack."

He, Andrea, and Marcus filed out the door closing it behind them. Leaving the four in the house. This was the first time they had been alone all day. The brothers immediately relaxed and grinned at her. "Not too bad." Quincy said eyeing the small cut on his arm.

Rick approached her to put his arm around her waist. "You did well, love." He kissed her. Then lifted his hand to the zipper on the back of her dress. William and Quincy were already shedding their coats and shirts. "You are now Luna." Rick said in her ear. "We run with the pack tonight." William and Quincy joined him around her. They were already undressed. Rick slid the sleeves of her dress of her arms as William removed her flower crown gently from her hair. Quincy slipped her shoes off her feet. Rick stepped back as her dress fell to the floor so William and Quincy to finish undressing her and he could remove his own clothes. There was nothing sensual in their touch or their eyes but there was a tension in the air. She had no doubt that by the end of the night she would end up in bed with all three of them. And anticipation filled her.

The door opened as they shifted together. Though the three brothers were black wolves each had a special marking. William's was on his forehead. Quincy's was on his nose. Rick's was on his tail. Little white patches.

They were huge in comparison to her smaller red wolf. She hunkered down a little with her tail between her legs. Ears twitching inquisitively. William approached her and nuzzled her with his forehead. Reassuring her. Quincy and Rick doing the same in turn. She relaxed as they led her out the door. The waiting pack clearing a path for the the Alphas and Luna. William was directly to her right. Quincy and Rick lined up directly to her left. Unison. The brothers howled. She added her voice and the the pack answered. William stepped first and as a unit the four leading wolves took off.

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