True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 46: Getting Answers

The following morning was still gloomy. Not that Alexandria minded as she stood in front of the stove Rick behind her. His hand gently guided her wrist as she poured waffle mix on the iron slowly. A pan with bacon and sausage sizzled and popped next to them. "Easy does it, love," he whispered in her ear. She almost dropped the lipped mixing bowl on the hot iron.

"Not nice, Rick darling," she giggled turning her head slightly to get away from his sultry voice. "You are turning me to mush."

He laughed, and her heart skipped a beat. Then picked up. They were going to give her a heart attack by the end of the week. He had woken her this morning when he had left her bed to start breakfast. She had gotten up with him to help. She had to start doing something or she was going to go nuts.

Quincy had done well to keep her busy yesterday. As they played games and talked. Laughed and he even had put on music. Rick and William had napped for a few hours and then joined her and Quincy in the living room. Where she was treated to them teaching her to dance. It was so much fun listening to blues and dancing with them.

After lunch William noticed her yawn and took her upstairs to rest. She had been so content in his arms. Her head on his shoulder. She had a hard time falling asleep though. Worried about his meeting on Thursday.

William's arms tightened around her. "Stop worrying, sugar. Our strength is in our ability to plan. Besides the meeting is not until Thursday." He slowed his heart concentrated on his breathing. He felt her relax after a time and her breathing evened out. He was touched that she was concerned for him. She had said she loved him. But he had not really believed it. Her concern made him feel good.

Now it was Monday. Rick placed the last set of waffles on the platter with the rest and handed it to her to take to the table. Where the bacon, sausage, and eggs were all waiting. William was in the living room looking his emails over to confirm the change. Quincy was showering before breakfast.

"The investors the meeting at my request. I will still take Joseph and Alex." William announced after everyone was seated at the table. He would not however tell anyone the change until Joseph and Alex were in the car with him. "Colin emailed as well. This afternoon will be the council meeting. After that we can start going through the security tapes and narrowing down who is the betrayer."

"Good." Rick said with a wink to Alexandria. "I feel suffocated being stuck inside with you two."

"Agreed." Quincy replied grinning. "Your ugly mugs are annoying to look at all day."

"Just look in the mirror, jackass." William quipped back laughing. Alexandria smiled at the friendly ribbing. "When does your first class start, sugar?" William turned his gaze on her. She glanced at the small round clock that hung in the hall.

"Twenty minutes." Alexandria replied and shoved another bite of waffle in her mouth. The brothers were happy to see her eating more. Rick pushed the last waffle on the platter toward her. She shook her head. And swallowed. "No thank you, darling."

Marcus and the crew to tear down and rebuild the pack house arrived at ten to get started. Marcus and his sons stepped out to fill their father in on what they had deduced so far from the evidence they had found.

"So tearing down the old place is a good idea." Marcus said the brothers got done. "I have no idea who would have a spare. I never had one made. Even when Diana was alive." Marcus shrugged. "Good thinking with the council today. They need to be made aware of this."

"What about Mom's house?" William asked. "Any chance someone could have gotten the key for that one too?"

"Not a chance. The only guests we have ever enterained in the house are you three and Alexandria. Dana and Gregory only come over for barbeque night. And your mother held her meetings with the females at the library." Marcus replied. Not a chance for someone to get the keys since I have the only ones on my ring."

This made William relax a lot. Alexandria would be safe in the house by herself then. He had been worried about leaving her for the council meeting. He felt Rick and Quincy also relax. They had been concerned for it too.

"You overseeing this project personally then" Rick asked taking in the tattered jeans and torn short his father wore along with his hard hat.

"Yes. Just like I did for the Victorian. I know my crew well. So there is no chance for fuckery." Marcus replied.

"Then we will let you get to it." William said and reached for the door.

"I am proud of you, sons." Marcus said. "You are doing great. I know this is all so much to take on at once." Marcus pulled his children into a hug.

Alexandria put her earbuds in. The noise of the death metal rock in her ears covering the sound of demolition outside. Otherwise she would have been jumping every few minutes from the loud crashes of the building coming down and the beeping of reversing of dump trucks.

She was curled up in a corner of the couch with her laptop when the brothers stepped back in. She tensed a little when the door opened, then relaxed when she saw William first come through the door. He raised an eyebrow but she just smiled and returned to the introduction she was writing for her class. Nodding her head to the drumbeat in her ears.

Rick grabbed his laptop and took the cushion next to her. His hand touched her gently on the leg to let her know he was there. She placed her hand on his but did not take her eyes off her laptop. William and Quincy also each pulled out their laptops and took seats in the living room.

As William ran through his emails of late. His eyes kept wondering her. She looked so cute curled up in a ball with her legs underneath her. She seemed so engrossed in what she was doing with a slight lift to her lips. Like she was amused or pleased in some way. He looked to Rick and his hand on her. Lucky fucker. Got to spend the night and claimed the seat right next to her. He looked back to Alexandria to find her looking at him with both amusement and concern. That look had not gone away. She was still worried about his meeting.

Alexandria saw William staring at her from the corner of her eye but did not react. His gaze shifted then and she looked up from her computer. Their eyes met and she found consternation in his. She smiled and held out the hand she was using for the mouse and lifted her other hand off Rick's to continue scrolling. He grinned and laced his fingers with hers.

Quincy raised his eyebrows as he watched his two brothers get her attention and affection. He smirked and moved from the chair on the other side of the room to sit right in front her cushion on the couch. He reached up and put a hand on her other leg. Her smile turned into a grin and she returned to her laptop.

They sat like that until lunch. Each male content with her touch. She content with theirs. William checked the clock on his computer and sighed. Lunchtime. He got up from his chair and kissed her hand then her lightly. Grilled cheese and soup sounded good today.

He debated with himself as to whether they should take her with them to the meeting or not. If for no other reason than just in case. His wolf paced impatiently. Torn between worry and wanting to let her have her peace. She looked so content and relaxed. So happy. He did not want to disturb that. But what if Dad is wrong? What if someone did have a key? He had been on enough job sites with his dad to know that Marcus would not be focused on anything but the job.

Quincy and Rick could sense the tension from William in the kitchen. They looked up at Alexandria who was also looking into the kitchen. She removed her earbuds and touched both Rick and Quincy's hands to let her up. A crash happened outside and she flinched a little but got up and joined William in the kitchen. She touched his arm gently to get his attention. He looked down at her. His internal war in his eyes.

"What is wrong, darling?" She asked gently.

"We have the meeting with the council after lunch. Do you want to go or do you want to stay here?" There let her make the decision.

"Neither." She said. "I will go to my mother's. They emailed me to let me know they were back from their weekend away." She stretched and then kissed him. "I will go and shower then get dressed while you make lunch." She loved how affectionate they were. Ready for a touch or a kiss at anytime. Needing it as much as she did. He grinned and nodded. Excellent idea.

"That is perfect. I am sure that Andrea and John missed you." William replied with a grin. Guess work out.

Rick and Quincy were also pleased by this answer. She would be protected and entertained. Nothing to worry about. They nodded their agreement as well. "I will miss you though." She said softly as she walked out of the kitchen and behind the couch to the stairs that led to the bedrooms.

Rick grabbed her hand gently. "We will miss you too, love." He placed a kiss on the palm of her hand and Quincy got to his feet to meet her at the staircase.

"Most definitely, honey," Quincy added and lightly kissed her lips as she put a foot on the first step. His hands cupping her face gently then curled the backs feather light against her cheeks. She smiled and continued up the stairs to shower and change.

The walk to Andrea and John's house was not long. They passed Alexis who looked less than thrilled with something at the moment. Walking at a brisk pace in the direction they had just come. The three brothers exchanged a look but did not comment. They would not accuse until they had evidence. They could not accuse until they had evidence. That's what the meeting with the council was about.

Marcus and Margarette had spoken of setting up a camera system within the compound to watch the houses therein. No invasion of privacy within but the doors and the streets around. The council had agreed but with one caveat. That the Alpha had to ask permission from the council and offer extensive reason to access the video. That way no one thought that there was anything nefarious about it.

So the three new Alphas needed to ask permission from the council to access the videos and see who had been in the pack house without permission. None of the brothers thought that this would be a difficult thing. William had his laptop with the undeleted emails and his phone with the texts. Proof that something was going on.

Andrea and John were sitting on their porch when Alexandria waved happily. She had missed her mother and father. She climbed the stairs and hugged both parents without a hint of awkwardness. Then waved to her three mates that she was fine and started talking to her mother about her trip.

The three were still tense about leaving her. Though she was in the protective custody of John, she was not with them. All three were on edge when they reached the meeting house. The council was already gathered. The brothers entered and took their seats. Then jumped right in. Not wanting to waste time.

"You take such gorgeous pictures, Mother." Alexandria said with amazement. The pictures were a white sand beach on an island in Texas. They were gorgeous. Andrea had not only caught the waves but also some sea life. A sunrise and a sunset.

"Thank you, daughter." Andrea beamed with pride. "A passion of mine." She motioned to the collection of pictures behind her on the wall. Wildlife, trees, and the sea were all in an arrangement that made it look like you were travelling from one ecosystem to the next.

"You are good at it." Alexandria complimented. She was thankful to be far enough away from the construction now. Hopefully when they started to rebuild it would not be so bad. She relaxed back in the couch cushion with a glass of iced tea. "I hope that my visit is not keeping you from resting from your trip."

"Not at all," John said laughing. "We stopped at a motel to rest before we crossed the Missouri/Arkansas border." He leveled his gaze on her. "How was your weekend?"

She grinned and told them about her garden and then the rain. How Quincy had kept her entertained most of the day. How nice it was just to relax for a day. That she enjoyed going out with her mates but to just take a day to relax and truly enjoy their company had been a nice change.

"That's why we get away every weekend. To break the monotony of life." Andrea explained. "Helps us appreciate it more."

"And being away from the pack?" Alexandria asked.

"Not a problem. We keep to ourselves. Like a newly mated couple." Andrea replied with a grin. "And of John had to take a weapons collection with him. The trunk is still full, my love." Andrea laughed.

"I will unload it before I go to the bar tonight." He smiled in return.

"Trunk?" Alexandria asked.

"That is usually where our weapons are at if they are not in the house. You mates do that too. That is why they like the muscle cars. More trunk space for such things." John explained confused. "Have you not noticed?"

"No," Alexandria said with a smile. "I guess it should have been obvious when they took me shopping and the bags ended up in the back seat and not the trunk."

John laughed his tenor so smooth. "I understand if you were googly eyed at the time." Then he got serious. "How are things with them?"

"John," Andrea said smiling but her voice held a note of warning.

"Really good. Still intense but I am getting used to it." Alexandria replied honestly.

"They are not still ganging up on you?" John asked concerned.

"No." Alexandria laughed. "And I do not recall complaining about that." She added. "Which reminds me, I do have a question or two for you, Mother." Alexandria said.

Andrea nodded and stood from the couch with her glass in her hand. "Let's go for a walk in the back." She said. John gave them a quizzical look. "Not for male ears. Especially fathers, love." Andrea laughed. "You may watch us from the house."

He growled a little but did not argue. Following his mate and daughter to the back door and closing it behind them. Watching intently as they walked down the back steps of the beautifully decorated porch. Andrea had potted and hanging plants on her porch. Along with a four man outdoor set.

"So what questions do you have, daughter?" Andrea asked with a smile.

The council was aggrieved at the news that there may be a traitor in their pack. Gave their consent for the Alphas to access only the footage from the days in question and would give full support to punish whoever was behind the betrayal. The brothers nodded solemnly. "This was not supposed to ever come into question." Colin said after the meeting and the other members had left. He had lingered to have a word with the Alphas not just about this but also about their ritual in a little over two weeks.

"You are right." William replied. "It wasn't. I am still trying to understand who would do such a thing and why. It makes no sense."

"Stranger things have happened in packs." Colin shook his head in disappointment. "How is Alexandria handling this?"

"She understands the implications of this." Quincy replied. "Taking precautions as we would expect. She is with her mother and father right now since they just got back from their weekend away."

Colin grinned. "John always was one for knowing exactly how to keep a female happy. His own mate no exception. Is she prepared for the ritual?"

"We are not sure as to that." Rick replied. "Mother and Andrea still have much to go over with her. They are to resume that tonight at Andrea and John's."

Colin nodded in acceptance of this. "She did not flinch during her adoption ceremony though she had little time to prepare herself for what that truly was." He grinned. "I will touch base with your mother on how the preparations are going on that end. I am sure that it will just as beautiful as your parents' ritual was. Are you also going to exchange rings?"

"Yes. We have them on order. Should be ready in time." William replied.

"Excellent." Colin replied with a grin. "I have not been able to use that credentialing since your parents. Your father having asked me to get it specifically."

"We did not know that." The three said surprised.

"Oh yes. Your father was most adamant that your mother would have a symbol of the human world as well since she wanted to be still apart of it after the ritual." Colin walked to the door. "I hope you find the culprit." And he exited the cabin.

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