Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 37

Arabella Rivera
I had the intention of avoiding Haiden the next day. Well as much as I could anyway, seeing that we were neighbors. Just the
very thought of him had brought on a red stain on my cheeks temporarily.
But that very morning, I awoke to yells of anger that would’ve terrified anyone. But I had grown used to it. Still, this argument
between mother and son was far from their normal bantering.
Their hostility, well I suppose Haiden’s hostility had carved into one so strong that one could hear the tremble in Charlotte’s voice
when she responded. She tried countering him but it was useless for his words sliced through hers dangerously.
It was too early and definitely too cold for an argument. Yet the two went at each other’s throats with the intention of inflicting
mental pain. Even with my drowsy mind, I tried to force my ears to listen to the words that were spoken with so much hate.
so much hate.
“You must like that don’t you? You’ll finally get the perfect son you’ve always wanted huh? You’ve known for weeks and never
fucking told me until now.” Haiden growls with so much bitterness that it would be mistaken as poison. Like a rose withering
away, that’s exactly what his tone did. So much bitterness, so much animosity.
“We didn’t want to tell you because we feared you’d react the way you are, now. We’re family-” Charlotte’s raspy tone voice
pleads with him to calm down on whatever upset him so early in the morning.
“I don’t fucking care, just keep his shit away from me. We won’t be a fucking family and never will be.” His words would strike
anyone who was just a few distances away from him, I wouldn’t be surprised if it had stricken Charlotte straight through the
By now my eyes were wide open, gone was the drowsiness that weighed them
“I tried to make out sense of his words, but
ied to make out sense of his words, but as I failed to piece them together, I came u p with nothing but a jumbled mess of a brain.

Just from their tone, I could tell that they were already arguing for quite a while now. Which meant I missed out on all the key
points that would’ve pieced out his words perfectly.
“Haiden!” I heard Charlotte shout before I heard the slam of a door overpowering
her voice.
Next came the sound of a revving vehicle skidding down the road. Haiden had left his home early in the morning and that day,
which was practically yesterday, he never showed up at school.
His actions had definitely helped with the whole avoid Haiden at all cost thing. But something I didn’t think I’d ever feel, not even
in a million years for the boy who lives just next door to me, I felt yesterday. The worry was eating me alive.
Today was Friday, the day where every REDMI NO Budent can finally breathe a sigh of AI QUAD CAMERA TIL
relief. That is, until Sunday gives us a
lief. That is, until Sunday gives us a huge hint that Monday is coming in a few hours.
But I didn’t feel relieved, not even one bit. Why? Well because the Cross’s driveway was empty last night and didn’t show any
signs of Haiden’s black truck. I also hadn’t caught a glimpse of Haiden this morning. Which only pushed my worry to
the front.
“Okay what’s up with you?”Gwen’s sugary sweet voice broke me out of my rushing thoughts.
I shrugged, shifting the bag strap on my shoulder as we made our way to our lockers. “Nothing’s wrong. Just didn’t sleep well
last night.”
It wasn’t completely a lie, I just chose to leave out some details. Quite a few actually. The ones that would have made her
unhappy that I was worried for the guy she now strangely, loathed with a passion.

Her brows creased into one of confusion. “How come? Wait don’t tell me, let me guess.” She pushed out her hand in front of her
to show the action of a stopping
her to show the action of a stopping sign as her walk now had a happy bounce to it.
“Did you watch porn? Like more than fifty videos and couldn’t sleep because your hormones were going haywire?” She chirped,
looking to be quite happy with herself that she thought of that.
I sent her a ‘what the fuck’ look, something I’ve been sending her quite often now. “Definitely not that.”
She hummed, bottom lip sucking between her teeth. Gwen leaned closer and whispered.” Did you finally masturbate? You know
the first time kinda makes you a little restless
“Gwen?” I murmur lowly.
“Yeah.” She leans away from me, knowing I wasn’t pleased with her words.
“Shut up.” I hissed, moving out of some jocks way. I rolled my eyes when one winks at Gwen who in return, giggled softly.
”Fine.” She murmurs. “But will you still tell me?” She pleads. “Like, if it has anything to do with some secretive shit, I
ything to do with some secretive shit, I definitely want to know. Oh wait, did a guy finally sneak in your room last night and do
some naughty things to that innocent body?”
Gwen clapped her hands, a beaming smile spreading across her face. “I knew this would happen eventually!” She then turns to
face me, eyes dancing with excitement. “Tell me, how did it feel?”
Her question had almost rendered me speechless. Fortunately, I recovered quickly and shot her a glare of annoyance. “Stop
okay. I just couldn’t sleep last night end of story. There’s nothing secretive, nothing major and definitely not anything that has to
do with sex or any form of it.”
Gwen was about to answer, only to get interrupted. “Arabella!”

The voice was very familiar but I couldn’t quite put a name or a face to it. Sadly I never paid attention to anyone long enough to
get those simple details.
Both Gwen and I turned around and
th Gwen and I turned around and spotted a rushing Rebel bounding towards us. Her hair bounces off her shoulder as she makes
it her mission to get to us by pushing a few teens out of the way
“What the hell does she want?” Gwen voiced out her confusion. “It better not be another invitation to church.” She groans.
“Be nice.” I scowled as I awaited the arrival of the flaxen-haired girl.
As soon as Rebel reaches us, her face had visibly gone a shade of pink as she wheezes for air. She lifts a finger to tell m e to
wait as she bends over and heaves.” Are you okay Rebel?” I asked, out of worry and slightly fear of witnessing a death before
my eyes.
“Yeah perfectly fine.” She wheezes and after a few seconds straightens her spine t o look at me.
“Principal Gibbern needs you in his office right now.” She lets out finally.
My brows line with confusion. “What for?
Rebel shrugs and glances at Gwen quickly. “Don’t know.”
Knowing I would have to go to the officet o ease my worries and confusion, I turned to Gwen. “I guess I’ll see you later. ” I said,
turned around and made my way to the office
“See you later my sugar plum!” Gwen yelled after me. I rolled my eyes, laughing at her ridiculous yet amusing nicknames.

She could never stick to one.
“Hey Gwen, we’re having a Sunday.” Rebel started.
“I have to walk my dog on Sunday.” Was Gwen’s answer.
She didn’t even have a dog.
I knocked on the closed door to the office. There were quiet murmurs and by the different tones, I knew it wasn’t only Mr. Gibbern
in there.
“Come in.” Mr. Gibbern’s gruff and slightly tired voice rang out.
sughtly tired voice rang out.
I did as I was told, slowly cracking the door little by little. The first thing I noticed was a boy with perfect posture sitting down on
the chair mirroring Mr. Gibbern
His blonde almost wheat-colored hair had been curled perfectly which was rare nowadays. Boys usually go for that, ‘I just woke
up from bed’ look. But this one seemed to put effort into his hair.
Mr. Gibbern’s eyes lift to mine and the boy whirled around in the chair. His blue eyes connect with mine, the warmth in them was
almost shocking. I made a quick scan of his features, noting how his face wasn’t carved into the sharp lines like Haiden’s, but
was more on the softer side.
He was good looking, very. And by the confident smirk tipping his lips, he very well knew that.
“Hey.” His voice was soft, soothing even.

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