The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 32 City Attack (2)

The citizens of Stonebrick City, plagued by a constant sense of danger, carried on with their daily routines as best they could.

Their faces were filled with weariness and hunger that gnawed at their bodies.

Chatting with their neighbors, they attempted to find something to do to forget the hunger that tortured them.

As the city guards gathered near the wall, nervousness spread through the air.

The citizens were curious as to why the guards were assembling near the wall, sensing that something was wrong.

Whispers of an impending attack circulated, further adding to their unease.contemporary romance

However, they still curiously looked on, their hunger-consumed bodies leaving them with little energy to spare for a feeling of panic.

To them, the possibility of facing death by a sword seemed more bearable than succumbing to the slow agony of starvation.


Suddenly, a deafening sound reverberated through the streets.

The city gates crashed open, jolting the citizens from their numbed state.

Panic surged through their veins like a sudden shock as their survival instincts kicked in.

In a frenzy, people scattered, seeking shelter wherever they could find it.

Doors were slammed shut, windows were hastily barred, and the once-bustling streets turned eerily deserted within moments.

Within the confines of their homes, people held their breaths as their hearts continued to pound.

They listened intently to the chaotic sounds of battle, the clash of steel, and the cries of battle, growing more nervous with each passing moment.


As the battle raged on, the array formation displayed its overwhelming strength, crushing the enemy without much resistance.

Fortunately, they had been instructed to show mercy and only render the enemy unconscious, as they would be reintegrated into the army later on.

With their immense power and impenetrable barrier, subduing them is relatively easy.

The commanding officer, sensing the hopelessness of the situation, felt a surge of panic.

He realized that they were being toyed by the enemy, and he then quickly looked for an opportunity to escape.

He commanded the city guards to attack more aggressively, preparing to hold the enemy a little longer.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant General Lith saw through the commanding officer's intentions and swiftly flanked him with his four trusted knights, each possessing similar strength as a peak Tier 1 official knight.

They encircled the commanding officer and swiftly formed their specialized formation, granting them increased perception and agility, different from the regular army formation.

Engaging in a fierce clash, Lith's sword clashed with the enemy, nearly launching him into the air.

Fortunately, the specialized formation provided a cushioning ability, quickly dissipating the kinetic energy.

With their precise and calculated attacks, it seemed as though they had eyes in the back of their heads.

The commanding officer could barely evade and parry their strikes, leaving him increasingly injured as the battle ensued.

As the battle raged on, desperation filled the commanding officer's heart.

He found himself heavily wounded, slowing his movements, while his opponents remained as agile as cats, seamlessly rotating to attack him from all angles.

He wondered how a mere five Official Knights could overpower him, a seasoned great knight, with such minimal effort.

Finally, with a swift swing of his sword, Lieutenant General Lith severed the head of the commanding officer.

As the head slowly fall in the air, the battlefield suddenly fell silent, apparently all their attention was on them in this brief battle.

"Soldiers of Stonebrick City!" Lith declared, his voice carrying authority.

"Your commanding officer has fallen. Surrender now, and your lives shall be spared."

His words echoed throughout the silent battlefield, reaching the ears of the crumbling city guards.

The death of their leader further shattered their spirits, leaving them in despair that dwindled their morale.

Lith swept his gaze across the dispirited guards, fully aware that surrender was their only viable option.

They were no match for his troops, especially considering that they had no casualties thus far while inflicting heavy losses upon the enemy.

"Drop your weapons and surrender!" Lith reiterated.

"Those who surrender now will be granted mercy and treated fairly."

As the silence lingered, the city guards, acknowledging the futility of their situation, began to slowly lower their weapons, with hands trembling with fear.

The sound of weapons clattering as they hit the ground became a tangible symbol of their surrender.

True to his word, Lith instructed his troops to secure the surrendered guards, maintaining order amidst the chaos that had just unfolded.

The city guards felt a mixture of relief and gratitude as they realized they had survived the onslaught.

When they surrendered, there was still a glimmer of hope for a future, but continuing to fight will be a dead end filled with despair.


As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded away, silence filled the air.

The once-hidden citizens of Stonebrick City cautiously emerged from their homes, their eyes filled with uncertainty.

Before, stood a group of disciplined soldiers, their crimson-red armor shining in the fading sunlight.

The citizens exchanged bewildered glances, unable to fully comprehend the turn of events.

What would happen to them now?

Fear and curiosity mingled in their hearts as they pondered the intentions of these soldiers.

One man, overcome by a mixture of fear and curiosity, mustered the courage to approach the soldier wearing the crimson-red armor.

"What do you want?" his voice trembled, as he dared to question such a powerful figure.

The soldier, taken aback by the question, remembered the orders given by Lieutenant General Lith to survey the city and ensure no hidden enemies were remaining.

With a stoic expression, he replied, "We are from Moonshadow City. Our Lord has witnessed the suffering of the people and seeks to bring peace to this kingdom."

The poor man was shocked and excited by the soldier's response. "Is it true what they say?"

"Is Moonshadow City the rumored fairyland with unlimited food?" Hope glimmered in his eyes.

Even those who had been hiding and eavesdropping felt their excitement rise as they heard this revelation.

Moonshadow City was said to be ruled by a benevolent lord, and the citizens had long dreamed of finding refuge there.

However, their lord had imposed strict bans and curfews, preventing them from leaving their city.

The soldier in the crimson-red armor noticed their expressions and offered a caring smile. "We are currently distributing food in the center of the city,"

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have tasks to attend to." He said.

With a wave of his hand, the poor man bid the soldier farewell and hurried back to his house, making preparations to go to the center of the city.

The others who had been hiding also emerged from their hiding spots.

Their footsteps quickened as they rushed to join the gathering at the center of the city, fearful that there might not be enough food if they arrived late.


The poor man cautiously traveled to the location the soldier had said.

His eyes fixed on the many people gathering for food, just like him.

With fear and apprehension gripping him, he continued to walk, desperately hoping that it was real and they were truly giving out food.

Upon arriving at the scene, he was shocked to see the long line of people waiting to receive their portion, which turned out to be a pot of porridge.

His stomach rumbled with hunger, and the sweet aroma of the porridge filled his senses.

Joining the line, he observed the orderly queue, with people from all over the city standing patiently, their eyes filled with excitement and anticipation.

The line led to a makeshift distribution area where soldiers worked diligently and efficiently.

Finally, it was his turn.

The poor man inched forward, his gaze locked onto the food before him.

Although it was just porridge, for someone who hadn't eaten for days, it felt like a feast fit for a god.

A soldier handed him a bowl of porridge with a smile and said, "Here you are."

Tears slowly welled up in his eyes. It had been so long since he had last tasted a proper meal.

Unable to contain his gratitude, he whispered, "Can I have another one after I finish this?"

"Yes, of course. You can come back for as much as you want," the soldier replied, understanding the man's plight.

Unable to wait any longer, he stepped out of the line and took his first bite, savoring the flavors that danced upon his tongue.

It was a taste that he would cherish and remember for the rest of his life.

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