The Otherside: Jay McClayn: A Quest For Love (Book 4)

Chapter 20

Once we entered the dimension Jason was shocked on its appearance. I was too the first time, I went in but never got to look at it without being in a fight. It was a very pretty, yet dark place. It had a tranquil feel but yet a dark feeling at the same time with the sky. We were there about 5 minutes early and we waited until their portal opened. Vincent came through first with Samantha not too far behind him. We took a moment to examine each other.

“Now, let’s get to the point.” Samantha started as she pulled Jason’s memories from her pocket. “I will give it back, if you give me your magic now.”

I sighed. “Don’t be stupid! If she gave you it right here and now, she would die.” Jason interrupted angrily as he stepped in front of me. His hand was grabbing his sheathed sword.

“Calm down.” I said as I stepped beside him. Next thing I knew Jason ran at Vincent they began fighting with swords.

“Help Jason.” Loveless said as she went after Samantha.

I followed her directions. As fast as I could, shifted my arms into metal blades. It took me a little bit to remember how and I jumped in right when Vincent knocked the sword out of Jason’s hand. I quickly blocked the strike headed for Jason. Vincent opened a portal under the sword and it fell in; he closed the portal right afterwards.

“You can’t protect him for long.” He said with a smile. Left, right, left, right we kept clashing swords. He kept trying to get past me to Jason. I knew I was not going to be able to keep him away from him much longer, but I needed time to get to my solution. It took a couple minutes but I found an opening, I kicked him in the stomach and he flew backwards. I shifted back to normal, and ran behind Jason. I put my hand on the back of his neck.

“What are you doing?” Jason asked confused and scared because Vincent was getting up.

“Trust me.” I said as I shifted into a silver necklace with a red heart gemstone. I then shifted his arms into metal blades. I could see through the gemstone. Jason is a better fighter than me and I am the only way he can fight right now. It wasn’t long until he was having to fight like I have been doing against Vincent.

“Jay, I can’t fight like this. It feels like hand on hand combat. I am not good at this.” Jason said calling out to me.

“I’ll say, you really are terrible.” Vincent said taunting him. I had to fix this but how. “Move your blade and his blade away from his chest.” I said to Jason in his mind. I wasn’t sure he would be able to hear me or not, but he did. Once his chest was open I shifted legs first out of the gemstone sending Vincent flying to the wall. Jason shifted back to normal once I did fully. I then grabbed his right hand and shifted into a sword. “Use me.” I said in his mind again and he did. I could no longer see but could feel each clash until it stopped, which I felt us fly back. I quickly shifted back to normal Jason was out of it and on the ground. I stepped in front of him and shifted my arms back into blades.

“Want to switch?” Loveless said to me in my mind.

“I thought you would never ask.” I thought back to her.

“Disarm him and I will do the rest.” She said back. I began striking hard and fast against Vincent. I was catching him off guard and it didn’t take long for me to send his sword flying. Loveless opened a portal and the sword went away. I shifted my arms back to normal and switched with Loveless.

“Finally the two of us can talk.” Samantha said with a smirk, as she began to swing at me. I ducked.

“We already did talk.” We continued fighting for sometime, until she caught me off guard. She had a dagger pressed to my chest, right where my heart was.

“Look at them! You can end it right now. Just give me your magic.” I looked at them Jason was still out and Loveless was up against the wall. Vincent had her pinned. “You can stop this.” Samantha continued. Right then Loveless pushed Vincent off of her and started fighting back harder and Jason was slowly coming to.

“Yes, I can stop this.” I quickly shifted my nails long and sharp and sent it straight through Samantha’s chest. Her dagger went into my chest. My hand shifted back to normal as I grabbed her heart. We both fell back from the blows. The dagger stayed in her hand, and her heart in mine. It felt like an eternity as I fell back. I felt myself dying while hearing Jason freaking out running towards me yelling and crying. As I hit the floor, I heard two bottles fall. I was guessing the one I had and the one Samantha had. Slowly I blacked out for a second and then somehow could see outside of my body. Jason was reading the bottle. I then looked over at Loveless and Vincent who were still fighting.

“Feel something!” he yelled at her as he pushed her down and pinned her to the ground.

“Your mother is dead. Quit fighting a lost cau..” he cut her off with a passionate kiss. Her hair quickly turned black with the grey streaks like before I redid the spell. After he pulled away, it took her a minute but the she quickly pushed him off of her and jumped up. “You are a horrible person. You are only looking out for yourself. That is why we cannot be together.” She said as he got up and slapped him across the face. He quickly grabbed her hand pulled her in. He then tilted her back, gave her another kiss and then set her up right.

“You know you love me.” he said with a smirk and then he opened a portal and left. I looked back at Jason. He was pouring the contents of the bottle into my mouth. Loveless began to walk toward him and then my out of body experience ended. It felt like I got sucked back into my body. I felt fire for a while, but then I felt cold.

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