The Otherside: Alice: Tough Decisions (Book 6)

Chapter 18

I woke up to the old familiar sound of my alarm clock. It was the beginning of the day that I would be going back into the rhythmic schedule I had followed the past three years, well minus Summer Vacations. School, was the same pattern, but again like every year, different subjects, teachers and books I chose to read. Duncan for the most part leaves me alone other than the occasional stare here and there, but my social life consists of Ace, Trey, Rachel and Aaron. This year of high school, for once, I had the same feelings as the other high schoolers in my grade. What was I going to do after this year? Stay here and run away from drama back home, or face my mom? It was all so not necessarily confusing (other than the fact I don’t know if she is really out to kill me), but it’s tough. I want to get all my facts straight, but at the same time right now I am not in the position to go home, ask and possibly start an early war if it is true. Sometimes I felt it would just be easier staying here in a human life.

“Alice?” Ace was snapping his fingers in front of my face. “What’s up with that crazy stare?” It was lunch time, I had finished my lunch and was zoning out of the conversation.

“Oh, it’s nothing really.” I replied a tad more defensively than usual, but Ace dropped it from there and they went back to their conversation. I excused myself and sat outside my next class until it started. I pulled the compass Captain Jay gave me out of my bag and stared at it. I sighed. Jay gave it to me to make a choice, but the choice she was implying was my love life. I wished she had a solution to the real choice I need to make. I opened it up and watched it point in the direction of the cafeteria, then I quickly shut it. Just as I thought, it’s still between Ace and Trey. But do I go home or stay here? I thought this as I held the compass closed in my hand. I was staring at it.

While I was in thought Ace showed up and sat next to me.

“Want to talk about it?”

I looked up at him a little startled. “I-I don’t know how. I don’t think I even can.”

“If I was Trey, could you?”


“I know this is the worst time to do this, but Trey has finally talked me into doing this. I love you, I thought I made it clear that night on the ship, but... He was right, if I really loved you, I would not be afraid to say it more than once. I am not telling you to make a life choice to be with me now. I just want you to know.” I looked down at the compass and so did he. “So she gave you her compass?”

“Yeah, she wanted me to figure out my love life. She said I need to not be in denial about it, and this compass does not lie on where the heart lies... that’s for sure.”

“Well then, what does it say...”

“Uh, well, maybe I should show you...” I hesitated for a moment and then I opened it. It was pointing solely at the cafeteria. I dropped it in shock.

“Oh, you fell for him...”

“I-uh, it was wavering between the two of you. I just don’t understand this...” I grabbed it and shoved it into my bag. “I’m sorry. It must be a mistake. He-I don’t think even wants me so it has to be a mistake, right?” I tried to laugh it off at the end.

“Jay, you need to talk to him about this.” Ace said bluntly.

“I-I…” I paused. “How?”

“You will think of a way, but it has to come from you. Don’t be stupid like me and wait.”

I sighed at his response. “Okay.”

“Oh! Nikki told me to give you this on your 18th birthday.” He said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his bag. “It is from my mom to you, but I think this will help you now and instead of making you wait a few more months.”

I stared at it for a moment and took it as the bell rang. “Thanks, I will read it when I get home.”

He got up. “Things will work out.” He said as he held a hand out towards me. I took it and got up. We went to class and the rest of the school day went by fast.

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