The Emerging Part I: Dream


The sun falls over Munda Luna. Clouds form, casting shadows over the entire landscape. Dreadful weather, lightning storms, thunder raging, tornadoes touching down all over, sandstorms rage in the desert, blizzards coat the north and the mountains, blanketing every inch of land with white powder.

Teqqc gazes out the window, watching the dreadful weather continuously wreak havoc on Munda Luna. She turns her head towards the bed. She sees Uxxok’s stomach calmly rising and falling.

Uxxok’s eyes suddenly twitch, his head shakes. He opens his eyes, finding himself lying down in a comfortable bed inside an apartment. He glances around with confusion. His neck feels sore. He tries to speak, but hears Teqqc clear her throat, shaking her head.

Uxxok glances at Teqqc. He smiles widely, but find even that hurts his neck. He coughs, hurting his neck even further. Teqqc frowns at him.

“Quit hurting yourself,” she scolds. Uxxok just stares at her with kind eyes, making her face flush.

“Have you ever seen me kind?” Uxxok asks, not even a rasp to his voice. Teqqc glances at Uxxok with surprise in her expression.

“You can speak clearly?”

“Of course I can. My neck is very sore, but other than that, I feel fine.”

Teqqc laughs, feeling her stress wafting away from her in droves. Uxxok smiles at her, listening to her laugh as a giddy girl. Teqqc’s laughter slowly declines and finally comes to an end. She looks at Uxxok with kind eyes as well.

“No, I have never seen you kind, Uxxok, but it looks good on you.”

Uxxok smiles, “Thank you, Teqqc. That means a lot, coming from you.”

Teqqc places her hand on Uxxok’s cheek, letting her warm hand rest on his cooler cheek.

Uxxok’s kind eyes suddenly change, fill with anger, and spark in flames. He rises from the bed and stands up. Teqqc stares at the wound on Uxxok’s neck. She frowns. Uxxok pays Teqqc no attention.

“I caught a glimpse of that woman’s aura. I know where she is and I know what that golden inlaid key is for,” Uxxok says quickly.

“What-” Teqqc begins, but before she can finish, Uxxok grabs her arm and flashes her to the Chamber Rniti.

The Daijoks turn towards the flash of light, kindness in their eyes.

Uxxok wastes no time, “We have to move, now.”

The Daijoks stare at Uxxok. Uxxok’s anger rises and explodes.

“There is no time to explain! We need to move, now!” Uxxok yells at the Daijok statues.

Vaiqon speaks with a calming voice, “Uxxok, what do you mean we need to move now? What have you discovered?”

Uxxok disappears and reappears just inches from Vaiqon’s face, “What do you think I discovered. The mission you sent me on of course. I found the source to the slave trade, to the murders that were committed, I know everything, but, we have to move now, before she can feel my aura.”

“Who is this she?” Vulcan asks.

Uxxok appears in front of Vulcan, seething, “There is no time to explain, we need to-”

“Uxxok!” Teqqc shouts.

Uxxok turns to face Teqqc, anger blaring in his eyes. Teqqc looks at Uxxok with a frown, but kinds eyes.

“Come here,” Teqqc says sweetly.

Uxxok then appears next to Teqqc. Teqqc seems unfazed by Uxxok’s intensity. She speaks to him softly, so only he can hear her.

“You need to calm down, Uxxok,” she says.


“No. You need to at least explain to the Daijoks what we found. You are speaking as if you have gone mad. And surely this agitation is doing nothing but harm for your already scarring neck.”

Uxxok looks down. “I suppose you are right.”

Uxxok turns from Teqqc and approaches the Daijoks. The Daijoks listen intently to Uxxok as he explains his and Teqqc’s discoveries over the past few weeks.

“And so, we need to move now before that woman discovers she can feel my aura inside of hers. We have a window of opportunity here that we need to seize. That golden key opens the mines, we can free all that are trapped inside. We can corner that woman as well, and if not capture her, at least execute her. Either way, the slave trade will end and this threat will be gone.”

The Daijoks nod and glance at one another, speaking quickly to each other through telepathy.

Vaiqon turns to Uxxok, “We agree with you, Uxxok. But, unfortunately, all of us cannot accompany you. If we all leave, the Rniti still training will notice. We have to appear strong even for them.”

“You cowards, bring them along. I know you are speaking of the Pentad,” Teqqc says. “And from what I have observed from your aura, they are no longer mere Ummkoniyo, but Keer. They have surpassed the serial event in one attempt and with relative ease. They are ready.”

Vaiqon scoffs, “That is for me to decide,” dismissing Teqqc altogether. “Now, Uxxok, though I and my fellow Daijoks cannot accompany you, there are three very promising Rniti that may jump at the chance. They are quite exceptional Jayyojjeks eager for a mission to test their skills.”

Uxxok grits his teeth and almost spits out his words, “You plan for me to attack an unknown enemy with merely more than neophytes? I need battle-hardened Rniti, Vaiqon!”

“Well, unfortunately we do not have any other Rniti to spare,” Vaiqon says.

Uxxok’s frustration comes to a breaking point, “Fine. Who are these Rniti?”

Vaiqon closes his eyes for a moment then opens them. The Chamber is illuminated by three flashes of light. In the lights’ wake stand Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon. Uxxok nods at the three. Teqqc greets them with a warm smile.

“Uxxok, I presume?” Firose says, offering a hand to Uxxok.

Uxxok nods, taking the hand. “And you are?”

“My apologies,” Firose says. “I am Firose. This is Oukton and Jtoon,” she says pointing to the two men to her left.

Oukton, Jtoon, and Uxxok shake hands before Uxxok says to the three, “Though Vaiqon informed you of this mission, let yourself not be diluted into thinking it is merely training. This is life or death. We are storming the leader of a slave trade deep within the mountains, expect heavy resistance Leave now and acquire whatever weapons and armor you see fit. Return in five minutes.”

Firose, Oukton and Jtoon flash on the instant to gather their accouterments and weapons.

“I wish you luck in this endeavor,” Vaiqon says, returning his gaze back to the stone model of Munda Luna. The Daijoks close their eyes in deep meditation, connecting their auras with one another.

Uxxok stands close to Teqqc.

“I will not be accompanying you either, Uxxok,” Teqqc says in a quiet voice.

Uxxok’s eyes widen, staring at Teqqc with hurt and anger. “What? Why?”

“Because, I do not like the fact the Daijoks are constantly dismissing us, especially me. I do not like the fact Vaiqon casually summoned three ill-trained Rniti to possibly their deaths under the pretense of training. I think it is time I heed your advice and make myself a more vital part of the Rniti.”

“Well, you are capable of whatever you see fit, Teqqc. You proved that saving my life just yesterday.”


“Yes, when you saved me from that woman.”

“Uxxok... that was three days ago...”

Uxxok’s eyes widen again, “What?!”

“Yes, it is true. I felt your aura dying and flashed away from the bald man whom was trying to molest me anyway, and appeared just in the nick of time. Do not force me to do that again.”

Uxxok grabs Teqqc’s hand, “You knocked that bald man unconscious did you not?”

“Probably more than that, but I do not really care. I do not want you to get hurt.”

“You know I will. I am not as young as I used to be.”

“Neither am I, but I still saved your behind. Now promise me, you will come back to me. After I resolve the conflict with the Daijoks, I will need a strong hand behind me, helping me, guiding me even.”

Uxxok smiles, kisses Teqqc on her forehead, and nods, “I will come back.”

“Promise,” Teqqc demands.

Suddenly, Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon appear in a flash of blue light. Uxxok steps away from Teqqc a few steps and grabs Firose’s arm.

“Are you ready?” Uxxok asks the three young Rniti. They all nod. “Excellent, hold on to each other. After Firose grabs Oukton’s arm and Oukton grabs Jtoon’s arm, Uxxok flashes them all to the mountains on the Eastern side of Munda Luna.

Teqqc glares at the Daijoks, suppressing memories stretching back to the times she was a child, training at the Injhihato with the Daijoks. She slams her fists onto the stone model of Munda Luna, obliterating it. The Daijoks immediately open their eyes and find Teqqc standing before them, her teeth bared in anger.

The Daijoks glance at one another, dread in their expressions.

Uxxok, Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon appear at the base of the Eastern Range. The three younger Rniti crane their necks at a pain-inducing angle, and yet still, they cannot see the peaks of the giant mountains.

Uxxok walks determinedly towards the mountains. Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon have to sprint to catch up to Uxxok after noticing Uxxok was not marveling at the mountains. Even after they catch up to Uxxok, they have to almost run to keep up with the older man.

“Why the hurry?” Firose asks.

Uxxok does not slow, “We have to attack while this window of opportunity is open to us. Teqqc and I have been on this mission for quite some time now.”

“And?” Oukton asks.

Uxxok still does not slow, “You would not understand. We need to act quickly. No more questions, not until reach our destination.”

“Which would be?” Jtoon asks.

Uxxok only points at the nearest mountain. “You see that tiny spot of black in the snow in the middle of the mountain there?” Uxxok continues without awaiting a response from the three younger Rniti, “that is where the entrance to the mines lies, but to get there, we have to climb.”

“Why could you not flash us there?” Firose asks.

“I tried, this was as close to the mountains as I could get us,” Uxxok spits.

Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon feel Uxxok’s frustration and keep their mouths shut. The four trek upwards as the land begins to ascends rapidly. Their legs begin to burn as the angle continues to increase. Uxxok continues his break-neck pace.

Soon, snow begins to fall and a blanket of new powder is littered on the ground. Uxxok and Jtoon use their fuhok to move the snow away from them. Firose uses her sigo to melt the snow around her. Oukton uses his okit to constantly raise the ground beneath him.

Uxxok finally stops, allowing for the younger Rniti to catch their breaths. Firose stares at Uxxok in marvel. She sees Uxxok is not even breathing hard.

“Uxxok, are you accustomed to the mountains?” Firose asks in between breaths.

Uxxok nods, “I lived here some time when I was your age. I learned much about my connection to fuhok. I learned I can breathe easier somehow when I coalesce the snowflakes, melt the resulting clumps to water, and then evaporate them around my heated breath.”

“That does not freeze your lungs?” Oukton asks.

“Alas, no, fortunately. But unfortunately for two of you, you are not fuhoks. But no matter, we are nearly there,” Uxxok says. “Just another hundred yards or so.”

Jtoon nods in agreement at Uxxok’s statement.

Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon groan mutely before Uxxok appears as if he has been struck. Red coats the snow beneath him. Uxxok grabs his arm, a grimace of pain on his face.

“What was that?” Uxxok asks more to himself than anyone else.

Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon quickly fan out, their heads as swivels, searching for anything. Uxxok turns on his heels and begins to search as well. The four search the surrounding area for a few minutes before meeting again, each having the same confused expression.

“I suppose the cold could have splintered my skin?” Uxxok says bewildered.

“It would not cause that much blood to seep from you, or in such a splatter,” Jtoon says.

“Yes, we should really bandage that arm, Uxxok,” Firose says, taking Uxxok’s left arm and pulling up his sleeve.

To her bewilderment, Uxxok’s arm already appears as if it has healed. She looks at Uxxok with wide eyes. She presses Uxxok’s arm, and blood pours from the wound. Uxxok grunts, wincing in pain.

Firose scratches her head. “Either you have been cut by the finest razor I have ever known, or you are dying under your own weight, old man,” she says with a laugh.

Uxxok chuckles as well, “Very well, now, patch me up will you?”

Firose nods, grabs a cloth from a pocket in her tunic and tightly wraps the cloth around Uxxok’s wound. Uxxok nods his thanks as he tests his arm. He smiles to himself, “Alright, we have wasted enough time, we shall continue.”

Firose, Oukton and Jtoon nod as they begin to cover the final stretch to their destination. Suddenly, Jtoon falls to the ground, gasping, holding his left thigh, blood seeps from his finger.

Firose quickly tears away Jtoon’s pants leg, revealing a wound similar to Uxxok’s. Firose purses her lips, “That was no mere accidental cut,” she says.

Uxxok walks over to observe Jtoon’s leg. His eyes widen, “Firose, is that what happened to my arm?” almost frantic in his tone.

Firose nods.

“Bandage him. Quickly. We need to get out of here. Now,” Uxxok says looking about the frozen wilderness around him. Oukton joins Uxxok, sword drawn, ready for anything. Firose sets to work to bandage Jtoon.

“What was that?” Oukton says, pointing his blade in a vague direction to his left.

“What was wh-” Uxxok begins, before seeing a blur in the exact area Oukton is pointing in. “Firose, hurry with that bandage!”

Firose finishes bandaging Jtoon. Jtoon rises, testing out his leg. He places all his weight on his left leg, feeling no pain. He shrugs.

“Come one!” Uxxok yells, already moving quickly up the steep slope. His eyes see another blur behind Firose, Oukton, and Jtoon. A third blur appears as he turns his head back around.

Uxxok begins to run. “Firose, throw a fire blanket behind us, now!” Uxxok orders.

Firose obeys. Her face registers confusion until suddenly, she feels something make contact with her fire blanket. She turns around to see a dark figure caught in the flames. Her eyes widen. She begins to sprint even faster than Uxxok.

Soon, the four cover the final few feet of frozen land and enter the dark opening. They double over, trying to catch their breaths. “What was that thing?” Firose asks.

Uxxok looks away, “You would not believe me if I told you. Come on, we have lost much time.”

The four then stalk through the dimly lit cavern. They follow the only path available to them to their left. The path begins to descend. Torches light the way every few feet. The path begins to wind on itself.

The path then diverges in multiple paths. Uxxok nods his head at the younger Rniti. They split as Uxxok takes the furthest path to the right, Firose taking the next path, Oukton the next, and Jtoon the next.

Soon, each Rniti finds themselves lost as their individual paths rise, fall, turn, bend, and even cross over other paths. They then follow their paths over a deep cavern. The see dense patches of torches offering light to guards patrolling the entirety of the cavern.

Their paths finally descend to the cavern beneath and converge at a point. They nod to each other.

“This cavern is massive,” Uxxok says, “we need to split up to cover it all. We are looking for any kind of door that this key may unlock,” Uxxok then pulls out the golden inlaid key from his breast pocket.

Firose, Oukton and Jtoon nod, but just before they turn to begin their search, Uxxok says, “And, if you see any slaves at all, free them.”

Firose, Oukton and Jtoon smile as they skulk their way through the dark cavern.

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