The Defiant Claim - The Claim: Book 2 [LGBTQ+]

Chapter 14 - Mik (Part 1)

Mik anticipated Sam’s move. He could sense it coming with the shift in Sam’s scent. Part of him wanted to immediately react and shove him away but another part wondered if Sam would be bold enough to make such a move.

So he let him linger. Let him inhale his scent. Let him analyze every crease and crevice of his features and the way his scent made him feel.

The way the matebond made him feel.

That was all it was. The effects of the matebond and nothing more.

He prepared himself the way Sam did. Relaxed in the moment. Let the nature of the bond work its magic. Let the tingles of Sam’s gaze travel over his flesh and raise the hairs on Mik’s arms and nape. Let the tingles dance on his lips.

The urge hit his groin and he resisted the temptation to lick his lips.

At that moment, Sam took his chance. It was cautious, like a timid rabbit poking his head out of his burrow, his nose wiggling and ears tilted forward, listening.

His lips were warm, soft little pillows that sent sparks to fire off within him.

Instinctively, Mik shoved him away with a snarl. Chests expanded in deep bursts of breath. He curled his fingers into the collar of Sam’s polo T-shirt as he glared into his startled blue eyes. Rosy cheeks over lips that appeared redder, fuller, like an aroused female, yet his scent was still masculine with sweet undertones that confused his nature.

But the bond persisted.

He wrenched Sam forward and grasped his lips with his own.

More startling sparks fired off and he groaned into Sam. Hungrily, greedily feasting on Sam’s lips as the initial shock wore off and Sam shifted his weight as he leaned over Mik. Heat flared under their skin. Mik could feel it radiating through Sam’s clothes. Felt it in his palm that he rested on Mik’s shoulder.

He could tell Sam had never kissed anyone before—he was all over the place. But fireworks set off by the matebond overtook that fact and it was all Mik could feel. The sensations of it rocketed through him. His body quivered. Weakness took to his arm as he released Sam’s collar and clutched the back of his neck, pulling him down further to deepen the kiss.

Sam’s lips began to move with his rhythm and he whimpered as desire curled between them.

Pushing him away abruptly, Mik's hand pressed against Sam’s collarbone. Gasping, he struggled to fill his aching lungs as his entire body tingled with electricity. His balls clenched tightly. His cock throbbed in his shorts. Desire flooded the air as Sam’s eyes lazily opened, his pupils fully dilated and his cheeks and lips a shade darker.

Fucking idiot! Mik snarled at himself. He curled his fingers around the collar of Sam’s shirt and wheezed, “This doesn’t change anything.”

He shoved Sam and he fell back on the floor, his knees giving out under him. He stared up at Mik as he panted, shock and hurt written all over his face with strands of his black hair in his eyes. Despite the tightness in Mik’s chest, he glared down at Sam.

While the kiss was sensational and unlike anything he had ever experienced before, Mik refused to see it as anything more than the effects of the matebond. Sam was still a male. Kissing him was still disgusting. Getting aroused by him was even more revolting. Nothing between them would ever be real.

“It’s just the matebond. And nothing more.”

Pain and confusion marred Sam’s face as his blue eyes lowered.

Neither of them moved for a minute, both of them breathing hard as their heads cleared.

Finally, Sam pulled himself up and dusted his hands on his pants. “I’ll go get us some dinner.” His voice was a whisper, but he was holding his own.

“There is no us,” Mik hissed.

“Fine. I’ll go get myself some dinner. You can starve.”

Mik groaned and cradled his face in his palm as Sam walked out of his line of sight and out the door.


Well, you’ve survived worse conditions. Skipping one meal won’t kill you.

Heaving a sigh, he stared off into space as he thought about that kiss and the way the matebond twisted his emotions. He couldn’t deny the fact that it had been the most amazing kiss he’d ever had. It angered him that it had to come from a male. If he kissed anyone else, he’d always think back to this and be disappointed.

Nothing would compare.


Tugging his hair free from the ponytail, he raked his fingers through the long strands and heaved a sigh.

What should he do now?

Time ticked slowly by as he waited for Sam to return. He began to wonder what was taking so long when Sam finally came back an hour later—empty-handed.

A growl crept up his throat.

“What?” Sam asked, avoiding his eyes. His fur wasn’t the least bit ruffled as he strode across the cabin to the bed and continued to unpack his belongings from the boxes on top.

“Where’s my dinner?”

“Like I said, you can starve.”

“For how long?”

“That’s up to you. Either we eat together as a couple, or I’ll go and eat on my own.”

Mik’s hand met his face. “For fuck-sakes…”

Sam hummed. “My new rule. Take it or leave it.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

“This is neglect.”

“Well, you’re being manipulative and abusive.”

“Because—” Mik snapped his mouth shut before he really pissed off Sam.

He still needed Sam in order to gain his freedom and independence in the pack. He still needed Sam to take care of him. He still needed Sam for everything for another damn week! Only an idiot would piss off his means of survival because of pride.

Stupid fucking Goddess!

Gritting his teeth, he uttered, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Nope, not good enough.”

Mik’s stomach snarled in protest and Sam snorted, trying not to laugh.

Massaging his face, Mik tried to think of what to say while his stomach continued to grumble hungrily. “I’m sorry, I can’t be the mate you deserve.”

“And what is that supposed to mean, exactly?” Sam looked him in the eye—even if it was for only a second.

“It means…” he trailed off and sighed. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to be the mate you deserve. We’re both males. It goes against my nature, everything I’ve known, and everything I’ve been taught.”

Sam stopped his unpacking and held his gaze. “I know. I get that. But we’re mates. Do you really want to throw that away just because we’re both males?”

Yes. Mik looked away, his throat closing up and disabling him from admitting the truth.

He heard Sam swallow. The lack of a response speaking louder than words. “Why? Why does it bother you so much?”

“I told you already.”

Silence descended on Sam as he mulled over Mik’s answer. “So that’s it, then? You’re not even going to try?”

“What do you want me to do, Sam? Pretend you’re a female? You don’t have the parts that I like. You’re not able to give me the pups I want.”

Sam’s arms wrapped around himself. “I know, but…”

He trailed off, not finishing his thoughts as he hung his head. His hands rubbed his arms, stripping away all of his previous boldness.

The tightness returned in Mik’s chest. The truth hurt, but Sam had to get it in his head that no matter what happened between them, Mik would always desire the soft curves of a female, even if she wasn’t his mate. Even if her kisses didn’t explode fireworks within him.

He and Sam were males. End of story. His nature wouldn’t bend that way, even if that was the way the Goddess intended.

Sam trudged past him without looking up and left the cabin.

The tightness in Mik’s chest constricted further—the matebond forcing him to regret the choices he made.

He groaned a few minutes later when he realized he had to shit and no one was around to help him.

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