The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter Thirty Two : Found

In the middle of the night, there was no one to see me struggling against my attackers.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

It was a hopeless situation.

I had no one to fight off my monsters except for myself.

The tears started leaking from my eyes at the deadening realization.

It seemed as if my life had become a roller coaster ride recently. One minute up and then the next down. It made me an emotional wreck in the process.

The two males dragged me through the home before carelessly tossing me onto the ground. My body made contact with the tile and I could hear a sickening thud resound.

The pain was excruciating.

The tears seeped from the corner of my eyes. I choked back a sharp gasp of pain and made a move to roll around and get back up but it seemed as if the air had been knocked out of me.

“Did you think we are that stupid, bitch?” one of them cackled out, spitting onto my clean floors like an uncivilized mongrel.

The older and skinnier male grabbed my long hair at the ends, yanked me up slowly with every single hard tug of his hand. I could smell his onion and garlic breath when my face was in direct line of his breathing and I couldn’t turn my head away from it.

His grip was extremely tight, leading me in his direction by the hair, but I was quick to grab his hand to stop him from yanking any harder.

“Tried to pull a fast one on us, huh?” the other male said when I felt the burning pain on the side of my face.

The sound of his hand making contact with my face was loud and rang in my ears like a repetitive beat of the drums. I stumbled back and fell onto my ass.

He smacked me.

The asshole dared to hit me!

Oh, it’s on.

The stinging sensation set my face on fire when I noticed bits of my hair crumbling down around me from being ripped out when he had tugged me up.


I don’t understand why males have to go around grabbing women by their hair just to get their attention.

It’s extremely rude and impolite.

“Let’s rough her up a bit before we hand her off to the facility,” the older male chuckled out darkly. His hand moved down to his belt and just the crisp metallic sound made me sick to my stomach.

I bit down hard on my tongue to keep myself from throwing up while pretending to glance around for anything that I could use to defend myself.

The TV remote didn’t look very threatening and neither did the couch pillows. Both were too far away from my reach anyway.

I tried to make myself cry harder and look as weak and docile as possible in order to distract them when I put my hand into the bag.

Then, I remembered that I had tucked the pepper spray into the side pocket for easy reach.

I mentally berated myself before grabbing the black bottle with my right hand.

I pushed the safe switch to the side with my thumb and pushed down on the button, putting the younger male in direct contact with the initial spray of liquid.

“Fuck!” the younger male with red hair shouted when the liquid went directly into his open eyes. He fell back onto the floor with a deafening thud, rubbing at his eyes. I quickly tried to spray the other one but missed because he had anticipated my attack after I got his partner.

“Beat the shit out of her, Sean,” the male, who was still floundering on the ground, screeched out. His entire face went red as he continued to spread the burning substance around with his hands like an idiot.

Before I could try to spray at him again, the male, known as Sean, smacked the bottle out of the palm of my hand, leaving me defenseless once again.

Since that had failed, I bit down on my tongue hard before dodging his hands that came at me.

My eyes narrowed.

With strength from who knows where, I tackled the skinny older male and knocked him back. My fist was quick to pound down on his face with deft precision that I never knew I had.

Neither saw it coming.

Compared to punching werewolves, I would much rather punch humans because it actually did more damage than it ever would on a werewolf.

Punch after punch came in contact with his face. I could hear the disgusting crunch of his nose breaking underneath my fist.

The satisfaction was magnanimous.

My knuckles started to burn in the beginning but soon became numb as my fist rained down on his face.

I don’t even know if it was his blood or mine when it started to stain his face in rivulets. The maroon liquid smeared across his skin until his entire face was red.

His fist had hit me a couple of times in the shoulder and neck but, because of the awkward angle, it didn’t do any damage.

I was completely numb to pain now because of the rush of adrenaline running through my system like a drug induced high that hasn’t come crashing down yet.

Noticing that his punches didn’t connect as he had thought, he made a move to dislodge me but I was adamant on keeping him sustained. I grabbed the bottle of pepper spray on the ground and sprayed it into his eyes and all the bleeding parts of his face. I made sure that it burned the hell out of him while I continued to beat him.

“Fuck!! You crazy bitc—” He was crying by now, but I was not going to relent. When I pulled my arm back and slammed it into his face one final time, he completely fell silent.

The other one was blindly grabbing at me, unable to pull me off when I kicked him in his knee and then again in the area where the sun doesn’t shine. When he fell back cussing, I punched him in the face too.

Tears and blood made their faces messy and unrecognizable. If only their people could see them now.

By this point, I’ve decided to forgo being the weak girl who needed to be saved.

Screw anger management.

I was so blinded by pent up anger and rage that I hadn’t even realized that the back door had opened again until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off of the male I was currently violently beating.

The sprinkling of sparks danced along the exposed areas of my arm. Just the comforting tingles were a tell-tale sign of who it was that had entered, but my currently murderous mindset could not be swayed. I continued to punch downwards like a machine built only to hit and punch in set intervals.

“That’s enough, mate,” the familiar voice interjected, drifting into my ears like the swirling mist of heat from a cup of green tea.


I don’t know why but at the sound of his voice, my entirely rigid and stiff body had relaxed. My bloody hands lost purpose and completely uncurled from the painful fist that I had retained in order to continue punching the man underneath me.

Almost immediately, I was leaning into his embrace, my face seemingly cold when I realized that I must have been crying for a while now. My chest was heaving repeatedly at each intake of air while my entire body seemed to be trembling like a drug addict.

Somehow, just the thought of knowing that Eros was here made me feel safe and protected. All of my worries and sorrows disappeared just with his comforting tone of voice and warm touch.

And all my defenses and barriers came shattering down in a mass array until I was a sobbing mess in his arms.

I was truly really tired of all of this. The constant paranoia and fear that enveloped me like a cocoon were already suffocating enough as it is.

“W-What took you so long?” I sobbed out uncontrollably, completely losing my cool when I buried my face into the crook of his neck as if to seek comfort.

“Sorry, Emira,” he murmured into my hair with this tone of voice that sounded so regretful and sincere it made me cry again.

I knew that Eros could smell something on me because his entire body had stiffened by now. His jaw clenched tightly while his fingers slightly dug into the fabric of my shirt, tight but not enough to hurt me. It was obvious he didn’t want to cause me any harm, choosing to push down his rage and anger while trying his best to comfort me. Yet, the red that started to tinge his beautiful blue eyes told me just how close he was to losing control.

I didn’t say anything, choosing to wrap my arms around his neck and closing the distance between us. In return, his strong arms encircled my waist and comfortingly patted my back until I hiccuped the last of my sobs out.

At this point in time, I’ve come to realize just how much I needed Eros. Just the thought of him managed to keep me calm.

Only he seemed to keep my inner monsters at bay.

And I felt more comforted just by his mere presence.

Possibly because he had succeeded in making me as dependent on him as possible, to the point that I didn’t want to go back to being without him.

I could save myself but I much rather have him save me instead. It’s too tiring playing heroine to myself while being too prideful to ask for help.

I liked him too much to care about face or pride anymore. It’s bad, I know.

But I just don’t care—I couldn’t afford to care.

With that thought in mind, I tightened my arms around his neck, set my chin against his shoulders and hung onto him like a baby monkey. He carefully, almost cautiously, lifted me into his arms and kicked the body of one of the unconscious males out of the way when he walked towards the door again.

I was terribly exhausted now, choosing to nestle my face against his neck and lovingly rub and nudge my nose against his warm skin. I sighed out in comfort for once.

He stiffened lightly at my slightly instinctive action until I nudged his jaw and chin with my nose in hopes of calming his raging beast.

From what I know, this action meant submission, yielding and conforming to him as my Alpha.

It was odd that I could do this rather smoothly like it was built into my DNA. I quickly brushed that awry thought aside.

Eros’ tensed muscles relaxed slightly when I heard him murmur out my name against my hair with this extremely longing tone of voice.

By now, my tears have finally subsided.

When I paid attention to my surroundings again, I realized that he had managed to transport me into a vehicle with two large males in the front seats, steering the car.

“How did you find me?” I curiously asked. I’m sure that Zanthos must not have been any help. But who knows? Maybe Eros tortured it out of him.

“Zanthos said that he sent you to Kyrgyzstan. I went to Kyrgyzstan, but I was a little late because you already got yourself out of that situation,” he explained. “From there, I had one of the pack members hack into the government system and look for your information. I wasn’t too sure that you would be at your house, but it was worth a try because I managed to find you, Emira. You don’t know how relieved I was when I found you.”

Eros kissed me softly on the brow and his arms tightened around my body.

“I’m just glad that you came for me,” I murmured softly, and continued to cling onto him like he was my last anchor.

“I always will, Emira,” he said against my hair.

At this point, I didn’t care as to where he was taking me because I trusted him enough to know that wherever it is, it would be safe.

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