The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 35: Don’t Starve Tyler!

It was hours after Jackson, Tyler and Elijah had left, when they finally walked back into the house. They were tired, dirty and starving. They had made a pit stop by Kenzi’s as well and cleaned up after the dinner her and Adonis never got to have. She didn’t need to clean that up, she didn’t need to clean any of it up. They picked up the shattered lamp, cleaned the blood off the floor and were surprised when they saw an all too familiar colour. They knew full well that it didn’t belong to Adam, and the only other one in the house at the time was Kenzi.

“Everything went ok?” Adonis asked as he came down the stairs to see them.

“We sat in a tree and watched a polar bear dismember someone. Everything went fine” Elijah responded,

“A polar bear? In the mountains?” Adonis arched an eyebrow and looked between all three of them. What’s a polar bear smell like? I don’t know! Maybe that’s what was in her house! How the fuck did it get here is what I want to know!

“We was jus as shock. FYI incase you ever wonderin, don’t hit em wit a stick, piss em right the fuck off” Tyler said.

“You hit it with a stick?” Adonis asked him,

“I threw rocks firs, it ignore me” Tyler replied,

“We stop off at Kenzi’s too. Clean up. Shame bout that dinner, smell delicious.” Jackson said.

“I’m surprised you didn’t eat it” Adonis replied,

“Thought bout it, but look like somein already did. I tack up some plastic, keep thins out, I fix the door tomorrow.” Jackson said laughing.

“Thanks!” Adonis moved towards the kitchen, he was starving as well and they had to have something to eat.

“I fuckin starvin, please tell me we got food.” Tyler complained,

“We got nothing. How do we not have anything to eat?” Adonis asked, as he looked in the empty fridge as Jackson checked the cupboards only to shake his head as he closed them. Tyler melted down the wall and looked like he was about to have a tantrum on the floor, when he heard there was no food in the house.

“Cause we eat pizza or burgers, or Kenzi feed us” Jackson replied,

“None of us have gone grocery shopping” Elijah added,

“I’ve been in the city” Adonis said,

“Workin on the cabins” Jackson countered,

“Dealing with Alpha Leon, or your brother and trying to find information on any bears in the area” Elijah defended himself.

“Everthin else” Tyler huffed from his spot on the floor.

“Alright, alright! One of us needs to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Jackson and I….fuck….have a meeting in the city with Alpha Malone” Adonis huffed, that took them out.

“I’m spending the day at the house of tacky. I’m negotiating with Alpha Leon over compensation regarding his whore of a daughter” Elijah stated, they all looked at Tyler.

“I fuckin busy, Kenzi got her appointment in the city tomorrow, an her made plans to meet some Jordan, whoever the fuck that is. Now on, Kenzi go, Tyler go. Tyler fuckin busy!” Tyler snapped, he still hadn’t got up from the floor.

“Tyler!” Jackson huffed at him,

“Don’t you fuckin Tyler me. I grumpy, I tired, I dirty, I watch a polar yogi rip somein to pieces in the woods an I fuckin hungry. I haven’t eaten anythin since lunch an we ain’t got no food, cause we all too stupid to grocery shop” Tyler barked falling backwards on the floor. Stomping his foot and putting a fist through the wall beside him, now he was having a tantrum.

“I’m going to let that slide,” Adonis remarked glaring at Tyler. Someone gets pissy when they’re hungry! Odin was laughing in his head at Tyler on the floor.

“Thank you!” Came his reply.

“Feed him!” Adonis looked at Jackson,

“The fuck I gonna feed him? We ain’t got no food” Jackson replied, bewildered.

“Fuck this, I goin back to Kenzi’s her got food” Tyler was off the floor and out the door heading back to her house.

“I talk to him, I talk to him” Jackson was moving out the door to follow his brother.

Elijah and Adonis watched out the back door as Jackson was trying to talk to Tyler but he wasn’t hearing any of it, the boy was on a mission.

“Clearly starving Tyler is not in anyone’s best interest” Elijah commented, as they watched him push Jackson.

“Clearly!” Adonis replied,

“How is she doing?” Elijah asked, turning his attention back to Adonis.

“Dr. Martin sedated her. It was in her best interest or she would still be awake sitting in the corner of my room covering her ears, singing something about teddy bears having a picnic. She has a few new bruises and minor scrapes, and the laceration on the palm of her hand needed sutures to close. She hit him with a lamp.” He replied.

“She was singing about teddy bears having a picnic?” Elijah asked,

“She lost her phone and was trying to make the world be quiet.” Adonis answered.

“I wonder how long she’s used music to quiet the world?” Elijah contemplated.

“I think it has been a while,” Adonis replied. The orphanage maybe! Perhaps!

“I wonder what Tyler will find to eat?” Elijah asked, trying not to laugh.

“Knowing Kenzi’s fridge, something good,” Adonis replied, laughing.

“Think he’ll bring us some?” Elijah asked,

“If he knows what’s good for him, he will,” Adonis answered. They really needed to go grocery shopping.

“The fuck Tyler?” Jackson asked when they got out of the backyard.

“Nuttin!” He huffed,

“Don’t nuttin me, the fuck?” Jackson asked again pushing his brother, “Callin everbody stupid, callin Adon stupid”

“Don’t push me!” Tyler pushed him back, causing Jackson to push him again and again Tyler pushed back. When Jackson pushed him to the ground. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. Tyler lost it and lunged at him. Jackson braced himself for the hit ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. Fists flew, growls and snarls echoed through the night. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr….

“….grrrrrr….Don’t bite me!” Jackson growled, trying to shake his brother off his arm. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. They rolled around the ground hitting and kicking. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. They stumbled down the path leading to the dock attacking each other. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. Letting it all out, letting out all the frustration they had kept inside. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. All the anger that had their blood boiling. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. The hatred for the man that beat their Luna, the disdain for the bitch that lied to her, her whole life. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. The bitch that was trying to take everything their sister worked hard to build. It ended when Jackson threw Tyler in the lake.

“Feel better?” He asked, when Tyler surfaced,

“This lake fuckin cold!” Tyler sputtered as he swam towards the dock.

“Mountain fed!” Jackson held out his hand to pull Tyler back onto the dock. “The fuck?” He asked again for the third time.

“The fuck happen her not call? The fuck happen? Her a lil girl! A lil girl! Ask for none of this. Her done nuttin to no one an look what happen to her. The fuck the debt karma collectin from her? What debt her owe?” Tyler asked. He didn’t get it. Kenzi was the sweetest little thing who’s done nothing to no one to deserve the life she got and in his eyes karma kept kicking her.

“I don’t know brother. I don’t know” Was all Jackson could say. He didn’t get it either. “Come on let’s get some food”

“The fuck you think her got?” Tyler asked,

“Knowin Lil Kenzi Cakes, somein good” Jackson replied, as they both moved towards her house.

Adonis went back upstairs to check on Kenzi. Doctor Martin only gave her a mild sedative to calm her down, she wasn’t letting anyone near her, let alone touching her. Her passing out from it was an unforeseen side effect, but it made it easier for him to check her over for any more damage than what was done to her face and hand. Adonis had stayed the whole time he wanted to see as well, he had also got her changed into one of his shirts after he cleaned her up. He hoped this was the very last time he would ever have to do that. He hoped it was the very last time her blood would be smeared across his chest. If he was going to clean her up, he’d rather it be because she was covered in chocolate. Um….! Shut up! Odin was snickering in his head as he climbed the last of the stairs to the second level. When he entered his room, he looked at her lying in his bed. This little tiny form, lying on her left side, surrounded in a sea of covers on his great big bed. She was so tiny, but she was as big as the sun to him. How did we get so lucky? Cause we deserve the best! Wow Odin, and you say I have an ego! It would take someone special to be mated to The Devil, Adonis! Nice! She’s special! Yes she is! She is our special mate. Now hurry up and tell her about us, before I bite her ass and do it for you! You are not going to bite her ass, Odin! If she’s a bunny butt around me, I’m gonna bite her ass! Classy as always Odin! I try!

Kenzi started to stir in the bed, at least he thought she was stirring, it was hard to tell under all the covers, but when her head popped up, he had to bite back a laugh. That bed swallowed her up.

“Hello sweetheart!” He said, walking towards the bed.

“This is not my room!” She looked at him and blinked a few times before she looked around the room.

“No, this is my room. Do you remember what happened?” He asked,

“I was making dinner. We were gonna has chicken, and someone knockded on the door. But it didint sound like a happy knock, it was an angry knock. The only one that knocks on the door like that is….” Her eyes widened as she looked around the room more frantically. Trying to sit up to get a better look, her hip protesting the movements and causing pain to rip through her. Adonis wrapped his arms around her and held her to his chest. She needed to relax, she was going to hurt herself.

“He’s not here. He can’t hurt you, he will never hurt you again” He spoke calmly, keeping his voice low and soothing, his breathing even, and waited for her to settle into him.

“He was yelling at me to let him in. I didint, I didint, I didint let him in. I tried to go out the back door. If I could get out the back door I could make it to your house and I’d be safe, but he came around the house and I hid under the bed in a spare room. I waided till he was away from the room before I call-ed, but he hear-ed me, and he p-pu-pullded me from under the bed and hit me” She touched her face and flinched at the flash of pain it caused. He wrapped his hands around her shaking ones and let her grab onto his fingers. Squeezing them, seemed to give her something else to think about then the nightmare running through her head. She could only do it for so long before her hand started to hurt. And she saw the bandage wrapped around it.

“I hit him with a lamp. I breakded it. And I tried to run but he grab-bded me and I kickded him. I kickded him really hard, where it really hurts, and ran.” She kicked him there? Like there, there? Well it’s where it really hurts! Adonis was trying not to cringe, but he couldn’t help it. Just hearing about another guy getting kicked there is enough to make any man cringe.

“I went to go outsigh-d and I tried to make it down the deck, but my legs gave out, and I fell, so I crawlded uner the planter and stayded there.” If her back wasn’t injured she would have made it to the safety of his house. It also explained the huge bruise that was forming on her other hip.

“After I heard a bit of the altercation I ran to your house and broke open your front door. I saw Adam standing there, and threw him outside, then went to find you. I am assuming the boys strongly advised him to leave town, when I brought you here, his truck was gone” He filled her in on what he could. When she is ready he’ll tell her the rest….maybe! She’s ours to protect. If that means people die to keep her protected, then people will die!

“You breakded my door?” She asked,

“I needed to get in. I might have accidentally broken part of the wall. I hit it really hard. But it does look like we will get our sleepover at my house, in my new bed tonight. Jackson said he’ll fix it tomorrow, but you’re welcome to stay as long as you need. And no it will not be a burden or a bother.” He said, wrapping his arms more around her. She cuddled into him keeping his arms secure.

“We never got our dinner” She said, though she sounded sleepy, her stomach growled slightly.

“Tyler is raiding your fridge, hopefully he brings us back something” He waited to see what she would say to that.

“I hope he brings back the spaghetti” A smile crossed his face as he kissed the side of her head, she truly was something special. When her stomach growled again, he knew they had to get up. She was hungry and needed something to eat. If Tyler hasn’t eaten since lunch chances were she didn’t either. Tyler threw a tantrum on the floor and put his fist through a wall, he didn’t want to know what she would do if she went hungry.

As carefully as he could he lifted her out of the bed. Doctor Martin warned him she was going to be sore, and movement might be a bit difficult for her, but he was not to baby her. He wasn’t allowed to carry her anywhere. He wanted her moving as much as she could. He didn’t want to put her down, he wanted to baby her, he wanted to carry her everywhere. Begrudgingly he listened to the doctor and placed her on the ground beside the bed. His eyes widened when he saw her standing next to it.

“This might be a problem” She said as she almost stood shoulder height to it.

“Maybe just a small one.” He was trying not to laugh.

“A small one? How am I pose to invite myself into your bed if I can’t ev-en get into it?” She looked at him then back at the bed

“We’ll figure out a way” He replied, grinning

“How big of a bed do you need?” She asked another question,

“I’m a big guy, I need a big bed” Kenzi nodded her head in agreement with that statement, he was a big guy. “Hey, now”

“How did you ev-en fit in my lit-tle bed?” She giggled at the look on his face.

“We cuddle….a lot,” He replied, his grin getting bigger. You slept on top of her! You shut up! You did!

“Who’s shirt am I wearing?” She looked down at herself,

“Mine,” He answered, looking her up and down. Told you she’d be wearing one of ours! And she looks sexy in it! “Your dress got a little ruined” Kenzi kept the smile on her face as she let that sink in, it made sense that would happen, her goal was survival not preserving her clothes.

“I don’t think it’s my size” She held out her arms as the long sleeves hung from her hands a good six inches, and the hem was well past her knees. “But it’s really com-fy”

“I’m glad you approve, I think it looks better on you than it does on me” He wanted to tell her she could keep it, if she’s going to wear mens shirts he wants them to be his.

“At least I won’t need to member to pack pjs, when I spend nights here. I sometines for-get. When I went to the baking comptetition in Ottawa, I was so ass-cited that I for-getded to pack any, I had to sleep naked.” He probably looked like a grinning idiot at this point, but he didn’t really care. That was an innocent slip of words, but it was the best one he’s heard yet. She plans on spending more nights here! Sounds like it! Who’s excited? I’m excited! Me too, it could be the naked comment too! I wouldn’t be upset!

“Let’s see what they found in your fridge” He was fighting the urge to grab a hold of her and just kiss her into oblivion. Kenzi went to move and her whole body stiffened up as a bolt of pain shot through her. His arms were there to steady her and stop her from falling.

“Dr. Martin said you would be very stiff and sore for the next few days. When you fell, you smashed your right hip into the patio stones and moving is going to be a bit difficult for a little bit.” He explained, as he held her while she worked through the pain.

“He doesint think I should work does he?” Adonis shook his head,

“I know you would feel terrible if you left it all too Maggie. I will help you in the bakery tomorrow morning for as long as I can before I have to go into the city, then Tyler will take over for me. He’s also going to take you to your appointment in the city, and then he and Elijah will help you until close. Don’t even think about arguing with me, or telling me it’s ok. The other option is you don’t go to work because I cuffed you to the bed.” She opened her mouth to say something only to close it again.

“Ok!” She nodded, agreeing.

“Ok! Now hold on to me, and we’ll take it slow” He tucked her into his side so she could lean on him for support, wrapping his arm around her torso he rested his hand slightly above her midsection. He was trying hard to not think about where his fingers were, a simple slip and he would graze her breast. Don’t think about it, don’t think about it. Don’t think about it! And how’s that working for you? Shut up, Odin! It’s all you’re thinking about! Shut up Odin! One slip, one tiny move higher! ODIN! She held onto the front and the back of his shirt to keep herself steady. Trying not to think about where his hand was and the electrical currents running through her body. Trying not to think about how her skin was heating up and the thoughts that were running through her mind, of hands, lips and teeth on her body.

They moved slowly across the room, each movement of her right hip sending jolts of pain coursing through her. Acting like tiny cold showers, her mind no longer running with thinking thoughts. Her whimpers of pain had him holding her closer to him, any thoughts of grazing any part of her wiped from his mind as the pain tore through her body. They weren’t even halfway across his room, before she needed to stop walking.

“I’m sorry!” Kenzi whispered, she thought briefly about just getting back into the bed. They barely made it away from the bed and she was already faltering to go any farther.

Her body protested every movement she tried making. She was being a burden, he was probably hungry and she couldn’t walk. Before she could say she would be okay, and just leave her there, he spoke first, his voice calm and soothing.

“It’s ok sweetheart, take your time. I’m not going anywhere and there’s no rush.” He wanted to just pick her up and carry her down the stairs, but he didn’t want to cause her any more pain. He waited holding beside her till she nodded her head to keep moving. She would push through the pain, she would force herself to keep going. They eventually did make it out of the bedroom and down the hall. Stopping every little bit, until she could proceed. She would apologize and he would tell her it was okay and to take her time.

“You’re going to want to hold onto the banister.” She nodded her head, but when he saw her grip onto it with her bandaged hand, he wasn’t sure how well she was going to be able to stop herself if she fell. He moved to stand in front of her so she could use his shoulder as well when she stepped down on the stairs. First step and her legs buckled under her, as pain tore up her body. His arms around her holding her to him. Nope, stairs not her friend. Pick her up! Odin ordered. My thoughts as well! As carefully as he could he scooped her into his arms, she muffled a whimper and bit back a hiss. This was better than falling on her face. Holding tight to him he carried her down the rest of the stairs. He didn’t put her down till he got to the couch. He only took his hands away when she was completely stable. Kenzi watched as he arranged the pillows on the couch so she could sit more comfortably. Helping her down he raised her feet placing another pillow under them. Then he threw a blanket over her so she would stay warm.

“Good?” He asked,

“Uh huh!” She wasn’t sure what else to say, the last person to fuss over her like that, was her only friend when she was at the orphanage. When he kissed her, her breath caught in her throat. It was just a quick kiss, but it still made the butterflies dance.

“I’ll get you something to eat” He whispered against her lips,

“Thank you.” She whispered back, one more kiss and he left her sitting there, to look around the room.

“Her ok? Kenzi ok?” Tyler asked, when Adonis walked into the kitchen.

“She’s hungry” He replied, looking at all the containers on the counter.

“What her want? We jus grab stuff” Jackson replied,

“I see that. I hope one of them is spaghetti, that’s what she asked for” They started opening lids to discover all kinds of food.

“Her not mad that we was raidin her fridge?” Tyler asked. He was standing back from everyone, he knew he crossed a line earlier when he snapped at everybody and called his Alpha stupid.

“Tyler, I’m not mad at you. Do it again and I’ll put you through the wall, but I’m not mad.” Adonis looked at him, the relief he saw shoot across his Delta’s face almost put a smile on his. “And no she’s not mad, she hopes you brought the spaghetti”

“That girl somein else!” Tyler said, shaking his head.

“Here!” Jackson put a container in his hands.

“That girl is fucking magic in the kitchen” Adonis commented as he looked at the container in his hands.

“We gonna be fat,” Jackson said laughing.

“We’ll need to up our training.” Adonis agreed. Everything about his tiny little dancer was magic.

They all sat in the living room with her while they ate, watching some movie with the sound off. She had them laughing when she started making up her own dialogue for what she was seeing on the tv. Every once in a while one of them would join in. When dinner was done and cleaned up Adonis had her cuddled in his lap. Gently running his hand up and down her back, till he heard her gentle breathing. He asked her several times if she was tired and she said she was fine each time, but they could all see that she was. The hidden yawns and subtle eye rubbing was a dead give away.

“Thought her wasn’t tired?” Jackson asked, trying not to laugh.

“She’s not, she’s just resting her eyes” Adonis replied, he too was trying not to laugh. He went to move her and she clutched tighter to his shirt.

“No, no, no I’m awa….” her voice trailed off as she settled more into his chest.

“Come on sleeping beauty, time for bed” Adonis whispered into her ear. Holding her more secure to him he stood up from the couch.

“Ok!” She wasn’t even going to try and fight it, not that she had a choice in the matter, he was already moving towards the stairs.

“Night Kenzi!” Jackson called, her muffled voice and a slight motion of her fingers was her reply, causing them all to bite back their laughter.

Adonis moved slowly down the hall, he didn’t want to jostle her around too much. She was tired and she needed her sleep and she would be up in a few hours to get ready for work.

“I don’t has my toothbrush.” She mumbled,

“I grabbed some things for you, when the doctor left” He whispered. She snuggled in closer to him, slightly turning her body towards him. When he got to the bedroom, he did place her down and helped her walk towards the bathroom so she could get ready for bed. When she was done he helped her into the bed, she eyed the closet wearily and wouldn’t settle under the covers till he closed the door and checked it twice, then got himself ready. Kenzi was curled under the covers, fighting the sleep that was pulling at her. She wanted him in the bed cuddling with her before she allowed herself to succumb to it. When he crawled in he carefully maneuvered her so she could cuddle with him.

“Ok, sweetheart I’m here, it’s time for sleep now.” He whispered,

“Thank you” her voice was quiet and heavy. “You di-didint need to take care of me, I would has been ok” He stayed quiet after the last of her words slipped into the silence of the room.

“I will always take care of you. I love you!” He whispered, kissing the top of her head. “Always!”

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