Talent Hall

Chapter 15

I’m summoned to the palace to speak with Riley for the very first time. The guards politely guide me to Riley’s room, kindly provided by Princess Sydney, who is having a tea party with her when the two guards and I enter. A tea party with excellent and royalty like manners. It’s as if it’s a real deal to them.

Princess Sydney is being kind enough to get me out of whatever classes, practice sessions or events for me to see Riley so I don’t have any problems, and has made it perfectly clear that I am not required to bow if I don’t want to because she doesn’t make her friends bow and I’m considered a friend to her. The past week we’ve spent a lot of time together. She gave me some Talent Hall pointers, tips on dancing and answering interview questions, and told me more about Riley.

Riley was ripped away from her family screaming and crying. She tried running back to her family away from the guards. Then they slaughtered her parents and brother so she would have nothing to run to. It worked, but made her go crazy. Now she sees blood dripping form walls due to all the blood that was splattered everywhere. The doctors managed to wrangle up a drug that could get it under control for the most part, but no medication stops it completely.I’m still waiting on the day where Tylenol will completely stop a migraine.

That was exactly one year ago, and that year has filled with terror and cruelty to last her a lifetime. She’s endured being raped and multiple beatings. What makes this worse is that she’s eight and has the body of a four year old. She’s incredibly underweight for her age, and you can tell she doesn’t weigh what she should. That could crush or permanently damage a child as frail as she is. She’s probably about the same weight as Holly, but Holly actually is five and doesn’t require as much weight as Riley does.

My point?

Holly has never been abused. Riley has endured nothing but abuse her whole life. Surely, she’s been starved if she’s so underweight. I know she wasn’t starving herself because when the servants offer her food, she doesn’t hesitate. She’s slowly starting to gain some healthy weight, and that brings joy to me and Princess Sydney.

Tonight I’m invited to share dinner with Riley, the king, queen, and princess. To get to know Riley a little better. They asked me three days ago, and I told them I accept. Then the saddest thing happened. Never in my life have I ever seen a king bow to an ordinary kid and thank him for his kindness.

“Your Highness,” I say.

Princess Sydney smiles and clears her throat to grab Riley’s attention. “Riley, this is my friend, Danny. He is in the Talent Hall contest and he’s as sweet as can be.” She curtsies and smiles, but I can see she’s afraid of me. The eyes are the windows to the soul.

“My, aren’t you just adorable,” I say. “It’s nice to meet you, Riley. I’ve heard so much about you.”

She nods and looks down. Princess Sydney says the guards and their services aren’t needed right now and stands by the window. They obey and close the door behind him. I clear my throat and invite her to sit at a table with some tea and cookies

“So do you like music?” I ask, attempting to strike up a conversation.

She whispers her response. “I love music.”

“Danny is actually a dancer in the contest. He loves music as well,” Princess Sydney adds. “And Riley plays guitar and the drums. Electric guitar. I got to listen to her play. She’s very good.”

I glance at the guitar by Princess Sydney. Riley stands and reaches for her guitar before she messes around with a few strings. She makes it look too easy. Her ability to play music is amazing. I could never play guitar as well as she does. It’s as if she’s been practicing her whole life. I tried to play some musical instruments when I was younger. My mom bought me a guitar, both electric and classical, a small set of drums, and some keyboards for my eighth birthday. I played the guitars every single day, but never got better at playing music, so I gave up. The only thing I can do with instruments is make noise so fierce that doves want to peck out my eyes.

When she stops, she smiles and looks down. I clap my hands together slowly. That symbolizes that I’m surprised at her guitar playing abilities. She bows and places the guitar back against the wall before she sits back at the table. Noticing Riley seems happy, Princess Sydney smiles and places a hand over her heart. I wink at her.Riley stares at me for a moment before she cocks her head to the right side and sips on her tea like any princess would. I’m just noticing the tiara on her head too. Fits her small head perfectly. Really brings out her eyes.

“You’re different than your father. You know that?”

I cough and clear my throat. “I’m sorry?”

“Jack Carter has talked about you a lot. Described your exact appearance to the other Elimination members. Icy blue eyes. Bronzed skin. He said you had brown hair, but it seems that it’s grown darker. The only reason I know who you are is your tanned and bronzed skin and your eyes are unmistakable.”

Princess Sydney stares at us, but says nothing.

“You knew my dad?”

“He murdered my parents and kept me imprisoned before he was sent away on another assignment. He said one day, you would be just like him, but you’re nothing like himand I thank you for it. What they do is awful. They slaughtered my family when I was four years old and I remember it to this day. They abused and starved me for years, and forced me to do other things I would never do.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.” Well, I can, but just thinking about what they do makes me sick to my stomach. “I hate what he does, and if I could stop him from doing it to other children, I would.”

“I believe you,” she says. “He says he believes you’re the reason some kids are refusing their assigned duties. They believe they deserve better and can get it. You’re giving some of my fellow prisoners hope, but it puts you in grave danger.”

“I think I’ll be fine, sweetheart.”

“Danny, take it from me. I grew up in the harsh kingdom of Savadonia. They could kill you in an instant.” She sighs. “ They live by a saying and it somewhat applies to you.” I raise an eyebrow. “They always go after the small and skinny kids if possible. Easier to kidnap and they put up less of a fight. Ever hear of that saying, stay safe, eat cake? That’s where they got the idea from. You look like you don’t eat a lot of cake, so you’re a possible first target. And if you do, I’m sorry. It was kind of rude.”

Her mentioning their idea of kidnapping skinnykids makes me think back to the dagger that I keep with me from dusk to dawn. Whether I hide it in my leather jacket pocket or under my bed, it’s always with me somewhere. Of course, the rules of the mansion strictly say that sharp objects aren’t to leave the kitchen, and if they aren’t from the kitchen, it’s forbidden, but Evie made an exception because the Princess of England, her homeland, gave it to me, demand I keep it for protection, and told Evie that, even though we have a security gate. As Evie said, “They’ll find a way.” She instructed I don’t let anyone see it, on the streets or in the mansion.

“I… know how to defend myself,” I say.

“I’m sure you do, and I don’t mean to insult you,” she whispers, her voice cracking. “It just concerns me because when peo-”

“Oh, sweetie, I know you’re not. I just don’t want you to worry about me. Right now, you need to focus on taking care of yourself, and you’ll have the merciful and loving, princess, king, queen, and I to help you.”

Her right eye gleams. “You mean that?”

“Of course! I know I just met you, but I feel like we’re talking like we’ve grown up together or something.”

She looks at Princess Sydney. “Really?”

She nods. “He loves children like he brought them here. Trust me when I say this: He means it, baby girl.”

She looks down and clears her throat. “Can we play a game?”

I smile. “What game, Riley?”

She thinks for a moment before she runs out of the room with the guards asking if Princess Sydney wants them to bring her back. She says no and Riley comes back three minutes later with some headphones, a blindfold and a macbook. The guards close the door behind her and remain in their positions. She smiles as she struggles to hold the stuff up without dropping it. I turn my head partially in confusion. Princess Sydney giggles.

After playing Guess The Song and laughing nonstop for an hour, we’re all escorted to the main hall. I hug Riley and Princess Sydney, bow to Queen Alice and King Henry and leave with the guards. They do exactly as instructed. They escort me home, make sure I get inside before they walk away. I close the door behind me. Groaning at all the stairs, I try to run up them quickly and turn a few corners to get to my room.

As I’m I’m turning the corner, I get a creepy sensation. I try to shrug it off and close the door. A freshly sharpened knife,is held against my throat. I gulp and look at the knife handle, breathing softly. He pushes down, but not hard enough to make me bleed. I wish he would slice already instead of waiting for me to suffer.

After a moment of dead silence, he rubs around my neck with his hand and chuckles.

“He was right,” he whispers in my ear. He puts his ice cold fingers through my hair, freezing my brain. “You do have a beautiful neck. Perfect to cutting. Oh, I can just picture how glorious the blood would look on your neck. I’m actually kind of jealous.”

“I know my father sent you to kill me, so I would appreciate it if you would just do it already,” I snap.

He presses the knife against my throat harder silence me. “Your father can’t bear to kill you. You are very precious to him,” he whispers.

“Then what’s with the knife?”

He feels around my neck some more. It makes me feel uncomfortable. It reminds me of when my dad let the woman rape me. First, she would touch me for what seemed like forever and then she got around to it.

“Jack always said you had the most beautiful neck. He wasn’t lying.”

I don’t know if I should be scared that he has a knife against my throat and could slice through it at any given moment and kill me or that he’s complimenting my neck.

“Thank you. I make sure it’s smooth and tan for those who want to slit my throat or choke me.”

“We appreciate it.” He slides the knife across and pulls it away, releasing me. I gasp. But I’m not bleeding like I should be. I can feel a drop of blood. It’s just a small cut.

I glance at the mirror and turn back to him. “How did you get in here, exactly?”

“The gate, child,” he sneers. “It’s only locked at night. Anyone can get in when the security guards aren’t around. Your dad could have came in here if he wanted to. He’s… got other plans in mind. As sad as it sounds, his son isn’t his top priority right now. Sorry.”

“I’m crying,” I say bluntly and roll my eyes.

He makes a tsk tsk tsk sound with his mouth. “You know, you have a bad habit of being sarcastic at the wrong time. So much like Jack. If he wasn’t on our side, he would have died years ago. When he couldn’t fathom the thought of everharming you.”

“Was I even alive?”

“Oh, yes. And you were the cutest baby. Your beauty and cuteness was through the roof. Probably to cover up all that sarcasm you were later cursed with. Or blessed with. Whatever you consider sarcasm to be. I’m not one to crush a child’s dreams. Anyways, I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here. Am I right?” I shrug and roll my eyes. “Well I am here to deliver a message to you from your father and The Elimination in their beloved kingdom,” he says. “We don’t like what you’re doing.” I don’t answer. He shakes me. “Don’t play dumb, boy! The Elimination. The only hope the world has to purify this earth.”

I walk to the window and tear apart the two curtains and reveal the chaos outside. Fire. Kids fighting. Police doubling in size. Blood and paper in the streets.

I point to the window. “What part of what is happening outside is pure or holy, whatever you guys believe you’re doing?”

“That’s the effects of you guys stepping in our way.”

“Of course itis,” I mumble, gritting my teeth. “Have you considered it’s the other way around and you’re making it worse than it’s ever been before or do you just slave away for the king without a second though?” I spit.

He pushes me against the wall and holds the knife against my throat again. Come on! Just get it over with!

“What are you yelling at?” a voice asks as the door swings open with Kristian standing there. The man with the knife stares at him with murder in his eyes. Realizing this is the only chance I’ll get before he actually slits my “beautiful” throat, I grab his wrist and knee him in his scrotum. He drops the knife right into my hands and groans. Kristian smashes his fist against the emergency red button. The blaring alarm and red lights along with screaming people distract him long enough for me to push his head down to the floor. I’m using extreme force, and it knocks him unconscious.

His head was already three feet above the floor, so it’s not difficult. I point the knife at him while Jared pokes him with a pencil in places that would make a man in a coma wake up just to throat punch him. That’s when we both realize he’s probably knocked out for a while and that we can probably get Evie in here without him waking up.

The screams grow louder and then silent. Kristian and I glimpse at each other before he opens the door and screams for assistance in my room. Evie demands the other contestants go to the safe room and wait for help to arrive. The knife man starts to groan and move again. I pick up a hardcover book and hit him in the head again and sigh. That takes him back to a deep enough sleep. I drop the book. Evie runs in and stops in her tracks, staring at the unconscious threat.

“He’s with The Elimination,” I say. “Held a knife against my throat.” She stares at me and lightly touches my neck and whispers about there being a small cut, but not too serious. At least she isn’t going on about how my neck is lovely.

“What did you do to him?”

“Let’s just say when he wakes up, he won’t be having kids anytime soon.”

The guards and a few police officers bolt in the room and stare at us and the man on the ground. The alarm immediately shuts off as Evie presses the button again after it’s been ringing for four minutes. They demand I tilt my head back so they can get a better look at my neck. The second I do so, they pick up the knife man rough and gasp before they tell tell each other they must take him to king and queen. I guess he’s a wanted criminal in six other countries.

“What happened?” the head of the guards asks me.

“He held a knife against my throat and said some weird things,” I say as I pick up the book. He starts to move again and mumble, defending his right to say what he wants. I hit him again the book as hard as I can.” The guards wince, but nod and instruct Evie to care for the small cut on my neck as they take him away roughly and with little consideration for him.

So far, today has been unbelievably exhausting: Everyone wants to talk to me, including my family, other contestants, fans, the paparazzi... Caleb even calls me every break he has. This morning, the king has requested that I come before him, his queen and princess, and the criminal himself to explain what happened between Kurt Winston, or Knife Man. They’ll go through our stories of what happened and the evidence, and then they’ll decide if the evidence is enough to have him executed. There’s only twothings King Henry requires for the execution: If he’s a member of The Elimination and his age. Whether the victim has died or not just adds to how he will be executed.

It feels like I’m waiting for what seems to be an eternity before I’m summoned to the palace with guards with me to guide me so I’m completely protected and know where to go. On my way out of the mansion, Emily stops and hugs me, wishing me luck.

As I enter the courtroom, I ignore all the eyes that are on me and bow to the royalty that stand in front of me. They nod their heads and instruct the court to now sit and for me to sit in the front row on the right side with some officials and members of the Anti Elimination Organization of London, and for the guards to bring the prisoner from the dungeon. Although the executions are private, the trials are broadcast so the people of the kingdoms under King Henry and Queen Alice know why one is executed and there is no confusion or indifference towards them.

When Winston is brought before the king and queen, and their beloved princess, the king stands up and clears his throat.

“My people, last night, a horrible crime was committed. As I’m sure you all know, we have strict laws regarding the members of our worst enemy, The Elimination. A member has attack one of our beloved Talent Hall contestants from the United States. He was able to defend himself, but has an injury. We are all eternally grateful that he was able to fend off the prisoner and keep himself alive. However, today, we are about to hear both stories, review the evidence, and my queen and I will then decide what type of execution he will have for his crimes. My family and I wish we didn’t have to execute criminals, but the rest of you deserve the very best security and protection we can provide for being one of the best kingdoms I have governed, and not only you, but the good people that come to visit our kingdom. What makes this worse is that I see anyone my queen and princess view as a friend as family, and families protect each other. My beautiful princess, Sydney has grown to love the attacked contestant as a friend, and so as our other daughter, Riley. The contestant’s name is Daniel and he is but fourteen. A child, and he was threatened. No child should have to fear for their lives. He could have died. It’s with the welfare of our kingdoms that we execute members of The Elimination.”

Queen Alice clears her throat and asks the female guard beside Princess Sydney who’s holding a paper to read off the list of injures. “A small cut on the throat of the victim, Daniel Colton, an American citizen. Then in defense, Daniel kneed him and hit him his head three times with his book when he felt he was waking up from the impact of the first time, Your Majesty.”

The people in courtroom applaud for me. The king slams his fists against the armrest of his throne, sighing. “Why haven’t I thought of that?Alright, first, let’s see what brilliant reasoning the criminal has, shall we? Now, Mr. Winston, what do you have to say about this crime of threatening a child?”

“I didn’t threaten him, Your Majesty,” he giggles.

“Amalia, can you repeat the victim’s injury please?” Amalia, the guard next to Princess Sydney repeats the injury to my throat and the possible damage that could have been done. The king clears his throat, thanks the guard, andstares at him before the guard shake him, demanding he answers to their king before things get worse for him.

“I was admiring his beautiful neck.” His statement sends shivers down my spine. Queen Alice squeezes her daughter’s hand and scrunches her nose in disgust. “You see, I was sent by The Elimination to... scare him a little bit. They gave no instruction to use the knife. I was looking at his neck to see if his father was right?”

“About his neck, you say?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. You see, Daniel was the cutest baby. I didn’t know he would grow up to have such a glorious neck. His father told me, and I wanted to test his theory before I delivered the message. The only time the knife touched his throat was when I needed him to not scream and I kept it there for a few minutes.”

King Henry gags. “And you believe that holding a knife against a child’s throat is innocent in the eyes of the law?”

“Hey, I almost died, Your Majesty.”

I roll my eyes.

“How so?” Princess Sydney asks.

King Henry cringes at Princess Sydney asking the question. It’s not normal for a prince or a princess, one who is not yet queen or king to ask a criminal anything, and it worries him and Queen Alice because of what he tried to do to me. No wonder they didn’t want Riley here. I’m assuming it’s them because she isn’t here. They probably realize it’s possible that Winston knows Riley and would torment her to the best of his ability.

“Well, Your Highness,” he says with a sly grin. I mentally gag and physically clench my fists. “He beat me in my head with a book and kneed me! Do you know what he beat me with? A bible of all things to beat me with!”

“Well, he didn’t knock any holy spirit into you. That’s for sure,” she sighs.

He ignores Princess Sydney’s last comment. “Do you know where he knee-”

“I think we all have an idea,” King Henry cuts him off. “Explain how that almost killed you.”

Winston scowls. “He could have caused brain damage or hemorrhaging! Your daughter’s ‘friend’ did this, a fourteen year old. A child,” he mocks the king’s speech. “What do you think about that?”

“I’d say he was very kind compared to what I would have done if I were him.”

“I had to put up with his sarcasm and poisonous attitude and didn’t kill him. Do you know how lucky he is!?” He yells at King Henry.

The courts’ people gasp in shock that he dares to shout at a king, one of the two people who decide his very fate. Of course, if it’s known that you’re working with The Elimination, then your fate is pretty much sealed with death, but he always decides how you die… I wouldn’t risk getting a cruel death for a moment of anger and cruelty.

King Henry sneers. “Take him to his corner!” King Henry says to the guards standing behind him. “Before I let Daniel hit him to his literal death.” I shouldn’t be smiling at that.

Queen Alice clears her throat. “Daniel Colton, please stand before the court on the dot.”

The center of the throne room has a large Target logo like dot with three colors, used for criminals and the innocent during times of court and needs of justice. A few feet away from the throne where the king and Queen sit with Princess Sydney standing, holding her mother’s hand, and below the chandelier that adds light and enhances the throne room.

When I reach the dot, I bow and stand on the dot, making eye contact with King Henry, him doing most of the talking and all. Two guards stand behind me for protection reasons.They stood behind Winston because he would try to run.

“How is your neck feeling, my boy?”

“Better. Thank you for asking, Your Majesty.”

Winston sneers about me being such a kiss up. Queen Alice rises from her seat and shouts, her voice going in all areas in the room, causing everyone, including myself to flinch. Even King Henry flinches. I would have expected something like that from him. “Silence! He was respectful to you and you will show him the same respect, given you did threaten the poor boy! Be quiet or so help me!” Princess Sydney shares a glance with me, but returns her attention to her father when the queen steps down and leans back into her seat, taking deep breaths to keep herself from killing him in front of witnesses. She even mumbles about why executions must be private.

He looks as if he wants to object some more, but before he has a chance, the guard on his right side draws his sword out and holds it close to his throat. “Know your place and obey Her Majesty!” he roars. He closes his mouth and doesn’t say another word.

This isn’t much different from when my dad was on the brink of prison before he went to prison and broke out. We had a trial. Things are going pretty much the same except for the fact that he had an attorney, I’m sure, and in America, it’s frowned upon to hold a sword against the throat of the guilty, but as for everything else, it’s the same. Except for the gavel. The judge had the gavel and the king has his scepter that he bangs the bottom of on the ground when he needs to provide order and security in the courtroom. Not that he really needs it when he has his queen to shout across the room.

Queen Alice clears her throat. “Now, my child. Your side of the story please.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” I say. “I was walking to my room after I was kindly escorted home, and then Winston popped out of what seemed to be nowhere and held the knife against my throat. Then he complimented my neck and told me to stop causing kids to rebel, which I didn’t know I was doing, and I still don’t believe I did anything wrong. When I questioned what they were doing to the children and referred to the city of London, the riots and overall, all the chaos, he held it against my throat again.”

“Was anyone else hurt?”

Oh, yeah, Kristian did come in and could have gotten hurt. Now that I think about it, why did Kristian come in...?

“No, the boy who sleeps next door came in through the bathroom we share. That’s when he hit the red button. He was going to try to hurt him though. I could see it. Then I kneed him and hit him with the bible, and I didn’t realize it was a bible, but I used what I had. Then my guardian, Miss Evie entered.”

“Oh, yes, Miss Evie. She’s a doll. I adore her. I assume she came with help then, yes?”

I nod. “The guards that took him asked if I was okay. He started moving on the ground, and I was afraid he was waking up, so I hit him again, and then the same thing happen where I had to hit him before he was taken away.”

Princess Sydney plays with her fingers, but makes direct eye contact. “Where is that dagger I gave you, Danny?”

“It’s in my room, Your Highness.”

“Did you have it when you were attacked?”

“Not on me, Princess. I only carry it with me from dusk to dawn and it wasn’t dark yet, so it was under my pillow. I would not have been able to grab it since he drew his knife as soon as I passed the door, which is feet away from the bed.”

“Understandable,” Queen Alice says. “Were you afraid for your life?”

“Mine, not really.”

The court breaks into a series of whispers. “Can you elaborate on that statement?”

“If he did slit my throat quickly, I wouldn’t have cared. I was really concerned about the other contestants, Evie, and citizens of London in general. London is already a mess. He would have added more distress to that. So I tried to stall him long enough for me to find the emergency button hidden in my room.”

She nods. “That’s admirable, don’t you think, dear?”

“Absolutely,” King Henry says. “Our loyal subjects seem to think so as well.”

I turn around and notice many of the subjects here are either in tears or are looking for tissues in case they do. A guard walks in front of me and bows.

“If you are finished, my king, Miss Evie gave our best technologist a sound recording that backs up Sir Daniel’s story along with the camera inside his room. As it turns out,our beloved and adored Miss Evie has baby monitors hidden throughout the entire mansion, and each one has a recording chip inside.

“My people are smart,” King Henry says. “Daniel, you may sit now. Where is our girl?”

The door opens. Two guards escort in a woman who’s holding a baby monitor from the bedroom. As she reaches the target circle, she bows and plays the recording.

Before the recording is finished, the king demands that the woman turns the recording off. “Stand the prisoner up, guards. It’s time for his death sentence.”They stand him up, roughly, and await his punishment, more excited than the king is about it. Head of the Guards clears his throat and bows to the king who doesn’t hesitate, his anger is flaring. “Hang him.”

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