Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 46

**Song Suggestion: “Turning Page” by Sleeping At Last**

‘Merry Christmas, Rose.’ Lucas woke me up with a small present. He sat on the edge of the bed with an excited smile. ‘Open it.’

I rubbed my eyes, sitting up and grabbing the box. It was small, but had a beautiful red ribbon with printed roses. I untied the ribbon, slowly opening the box to reveal another smaller black velvet box. I furrowed my brow as I opened it. Inside was a beautiful rose ring with a large stone in the center of the rose. The ring’s band had delicate and dainty leaf and twig-style motifs. It was stunningly beautiful, but it looked like an engagement ring. I went to look at him to ask if he realized what he had gotten, but when I looked up, I found him on one knee beside the bed. My eyes widened and my heart began to race. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but God, I was ready for him to ask.

‘Olive Brewer, you are the light of my life. The sun that I revolve around. You are everything good and pure in my life. You are the love of my life. The one I’ve been waiting for, my everything, and I will never let you go. I never imagined I could be this happy again, finding someone like you. Someone who has shown me what true love is. I will never take you for granted, Olive. I love you more than words can say. You are giving me the greatest gift of life, our child, but will you grace me with one more? Will you be my wife and be mine forever?’

I could feel the tears pouring from my eyes as I nodded my head wildly.

‘Yes, a thousand times, yes!’ I choked out, reaching for him. We happily hugged and kissed as he placed the ring on my finger. The ring fit like he had it made perfectly, just for me. He kissed my forehead and then my nose and my cheeks. He kissed my neck and then my collar bone. I felt such happiness envelope me, seeping deep into my heart. It was a moment unlike any other. It was perfect.

‘I love you, Lucas,’ I whispered, cupping his face with my hands. I stared into those deep brown eyes before I kissed him like never before. I let every ounce of love I have for him pour out of me like a faucet. Our kiss deepened with our tongues dancing around one another. Our hands explored one another, familiarizing themselves with each other again.

Lucas’ fingers grazed the skin of my stomach as he lifted my shirt over my head. His eyes admired me with such intensity, I almost shied away. Instead, I stared back in the same manner, reciprocating his love. I took his shirt off next, not breaking eye contact until it went over his head. Our lips met again with a furious hunger and deep passion.

His hands trailed down my thighs as he pulled my sweatpants off along with my underwear until I laid bare for him. He gently kissed me once more before standing to take off his own pants. I watched him, admiring his god-like physique. He propped himself over me, kissing my nose and smiling. His nose nuzzled into my neck as his lips gave me soft kisses. My skin tingled with goosebumps at his touch.

My fingers ran through his thick, soft hair, playing with it lovingly. I felt his dick graze over my wet folds lightly, making me scoot down to let him know I wanted him in me. He happily complied as he aligned himself with my entrance, slowly gliding into me as he stared deep into my eyes. I looked right back into them, the most beautiful eyes you could look into.

I moaned as he hit my special spot. The one I swear is made just for him. His moves were delicate and sensual, moving me to a slow rhythm, driving my body mad. I felt ready to burst in a matter of minutes. Lucas has a way of making everything feel so explosive and intense. He sucked at the hardened buds of my nipples, causing me to moan loudly. My hips swayed involuntarily against him, feeling his muscles against the sensitive bundle of nerves between my legs.

He continued to cause me pleasure until I reached one of the most intense orgasms. I milked Lucas for all he’s worth as his seed squirted deep inside me-no point in pulling out now. We’re already pregnant. We stayed in one another’s arms, lightly kissing each other. Our hands caressed one another mindlessly.

‘Thank you, Rose.’ Lucas broke the silence first.

‘For what?’

‘For saying yes.’ I kissed him once more, pecking his lips.

‘Thank you for asking.’

The rest of the morning went well. I somehow managed to hold my breakfast down. We cuddled on the couch, watching Hallmark Christmas movies together, sipping on hot cocoa. Around two o’clock, somebody took our alone time away. We had decided today would be the day we tell Davis and Carter. I had come up with some excuse to drop out of the championship, and Davis was pretty disappointed. We had a small argument about commitment before he sighed and let me withdraw. I opened the door to find a serious Davis and an ever-smiling Carter.

“Merry Christmas, Twinkle Toes,’ Carter greeted me when Davis said nothing.

‘Merry Christmas, Carter.’

‘Don’t call her that. She obviously doesn’t care about her title.’ Davis crossed his arms, upset as he entered.

‘It’s Christmas, Davis, have some cheer.’ Carter elbowed him in the side, earning him a scowl from Davis.

‘What did you want to talk about?’ Davis asked, ready to leave. I sighed, feeling extremely nervous about telling him.

‘Sit down, this is serious.’ I gestured for them to take a seat on the couch. Davis’ demeanor changed instantly upon hearing the phrase. I sat beside Lucas, needing his support to spill the news. Carter sat on the recliner to the right and Davis on the one to the left. I looked at Davis knowing this news was intended for him to hear. He was the father I wish I had. The person I respect the most and I need him to approve.

‘What is, Liv? You’re worrying me.’ Davis clasped his hands in front of him, having his thumbs poke at his lip.

‘The reason I couldn’t fight isn’t because I didn’t want to or because I was sick. It’s because…’ I bit my lip, feeling so scared to say the words.

‘Because I got her pregnant,’ Lucas said it for me, wording it so all the blame was on him.

‘It’s not just his fault, obviously. I wasn’t being careful either. We have a plan, and I know we’re young, but-‘ I stopped talking as Davis got up. His face was unreadable as he stalked toward us. I was so scared he was going to punch Lucas, but instead, he lifted me off the couch and into a giant hug. He held me close to him for a long while. In all our years together, Davis has never once held me so tightly, except maybe after I spilled my life story.

‘Congratulations, Liv. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and if this is something you want, then I fully support it. We’re here for you always, no matter what. You know that, right?’ He said, pulling out of our hug, placing his hand on my shoulder as he stared into my eyes. I felt them mist over again, feeling overly sentimental. I nodded, unable to speak through the thick emotions in my throat.

‘I hope it gets your fighting spirit,’ Carter chimed in, boxing the air as if to show my fighting spirit. I snickered at him.

‘Thank you, guys.’

‘You better marry this woman and care for her and your child, right, or I’m coming for you!’ Davis pointed his finger at Lucas with the most intimidating face he could muster.

‘Already asked her to marry me this morning, Mr. Viking, sir.’ Lucas smiled, being his playful self. Davis narrowed his eyes at the nickname, but ultimately let it go.

‘Good.’ He nodded.

Carter and Davis decided to stay for dinner. They helped us cook as we all talked and joked. I loved seeing Lucas bond with the essential people in my life. A knock at the door pulled my attention from this beautiful moment. I guess the next guest has arrived. Hailey came next, but we all banned her from the kitchen after she somehow burned butter. She was designated to work on decorations and music. Ian showed up after, surprised by the two large men in my kitchen. I forgot Ian has no idea I fought competitively.

‘So happy you could make it. Come meet my important people.’ I greeted him, pulling him by the wrist towards the kitchen. ‘Meet Davis and Carter. They run an underground fighting ring I participate in from time to time.’

‘She’s phenomenal,’ Lucas said, wrapping his arm around my lower back, pulling me to his side so he could kiss my temple.

‘She was a title champion for a year before she met some asshole boyfriend named Julius.’ Carter made a face as if to say Julius was the nastiest thing ever. I laughed at his expression.

‘Shit, Red. I left and you became strong. Was I holding you back?’ Ian asked, looking at me differently. Impressed, maybe?

‘No, you were saving me and bringing light into my life at the darkest time. You never held me back, Ian.’ I shook my head. I grabbed his wrist again, pulling him towards Hailey next.

‘Ian, this is my best friend, Hailey.’ I introduced her. She turned with her beautiful wavy black hair swinging over her shoulder. She smiled her bright smile as she placed her arm over my shoulder.

‘Nice to meet you,’ she said. ‘Although, I’m the number one best friend now. I’ll fight you for it.’ Hailey joked, making Ian blush lightly.

‘I’ve known her longer.’ He pointed out, making Hailey laugh.

‘I know her best. Longer doesn’t always mean better.’ Hailey winked at him, stepping towards him. She linked her arm with his, pulling him towards the table she was setting up. ‘Come help me, let’s talk about all things Liv.’ She didn’t take no for an answer as she whisked him away. I smiled after them, happy to see my best friends getting along. Leo came next, with Rachel at his side. I was determined to get these two together today. They would be so perfect for one another.

Lisa was the last to arrive. She stepped in, looking magnificent in a beautiful, floor-length red dress which hugged her figure in all the right places. She had a white fur shawl wrapped around her arms with white, long gloves. Her black hair was pinned into a beautifully curled bun. She was definitely overdressed for the occasion, but man did she look good.

‘Sorry I’m late. I had to sneak out of the business Christmas party. Dad’s pretty pissed you missed it,’ Lisa told Lucas.

‘Let him be. I don’t give a fuck anymore.’ He shook his head.

‘Be careful, Lucas. You know how he can be.’ Her warning scared me a bit. I didn’t know Lucas had a party he was supposed to attend, but it explained Lisa’s attire. I began to worry about what Lucas’ father was capable of as an abusive billionaire.

‘I know.’ He sighed, stopping his task as he calmed himself.

‘Merry Christmas, Lisa,’ I finally greeted her.

I introduced everyone to Davis and Carter, which earned me both perplexed and impressed looks at the news I fight in an underground ring. Rachel, Leo and Lisa had no idea, but Hailey told all of them how amazing I was, and Lucas chimed in as well. I’m not going to lie; this is by far the most incredible Christmas of my life. I couldn’t believe how warm and amazing my life had gotten since Lucas entered it. I’ve never felt so loved, having a room full of people to spend this holiday with. A room of people I could call family. It was everything to me. I watched everyone like they were my favorite Christmas movie. I smiled as my heart filled with joy for this beautiful and rare moment in front of me. Everything felt perfect.

We all ate together and exchanged gifts, except for Carter and Davis who didn’t know we were doing this. Everyone looked at Lucas, waiting to see what he got me after I gave him his gift. I had engineered a device for him to help with his car so he would feel less nervous when he drove.

‘Tell me you did not forget to get her a gift!’ Lisa scolded Lucas, slapping him on the arm hard.

‘He didn’t.’ I quickly defended him, feeling my cheeks tinge pink.

‘Oh?’ Lisa arched her brow with a mischievous grin. ‘Was it a sex thing? Kinky.’ She laughed.

‘Oh my gosh, no!’ I shook my hands out in front of me, shaking my head vigorously. Lisa laughed at my embarrassment. She likes to tease just like her brother, but in a more wicked way.

‘So what was it then?’ Rachel asked, curious to know too.

‘I asked her to marry me,’ Lucas answered, staring right at me.

‘And I said yes.’ Looking right back at him, I smiled as I held my hand up to show the ring.

Everyone was surprised, but it was Hailey who broke the silence. She squealed excitedly, like she usually does, starting the line of questioning from everyone. Rachel asked how he did it. Lisa asked if we had a date in mind. The only person to stay silent was Ian. I could see him wiping his hands on his thighs, a sign something is bothering him. After answering everyone’s questions, I got up and grabbed Ian.

‘Come with me. Your gift is upstairs.’

I had already told Lucas I’d be disappearing with Ian for a short while to show him his gift. I’ll take this chance to ask him what’s wrong. I grabbed his wrist and guided him up the stairs to the rooftop. He looked around, admiring the plants and the night sky.

‘I got you a star for being a bright light in my life when I needed it the most.’ I told him, taking him to the telescope I had set up yesterday, keeping it pointed at his star. ‘Go ahead, look at it.’ He leaned down, eyeing the star through the telescope. When he stood back up, I handed him the little certificate.

‘I know it’s cheesy, but I wanted to get you something amazing. I liked the idea of giving you a star. I hope it’s okay.’

‘It’s more than okay. Thank you, Red.’

‘Great, so tell me what’s wrong?’

‘Nothing.’ He shook his head, plastering an all too fake smile.

‘Ian,’ I used a stern, warning voice, calling bullshit.

‘I had always imagined finding you and reconnecting. I imagined winning your heart over and being the one to ask you to marry me. I found you a few months too late. I’ve always loved you, Red, as more than just your best friend. I still do.’ His confession was more than I was expecting, and it tore my heart right down the middle. He loved me in high school, too. I felt stupid for having held back my feelings, but I am glad I did. I wouldn’t be where I am right now if I hadn’t. Lucas is everything to me, and I would gladly repeat all the horrible things in my life if it’s how I get to Lucas.

‘I’m sorry, Ian. I had no idea you felt this way.’ I sighed, looking up at the stars with him. ‘I loved you very much in high school—as more than just friends. I never thought you would feel the same way about me. You were the only friend I had, and I didn’t want to lose you, so I never told you how I felt. I am sorry my dad kept us apart. Things would have been different if he hadn’t, I’m sure. I understand if you want to distance yourself from me again.’ It would hurt, but I would understand it.

‘No, Red, I never want to lose you again. I’m still your best friend. I have to get over this heartbreak and the fantasy I had in my head of you and I. I am happy for you, I mean it. You deserve all the happiness in the world, Red. You’ve been through so much shit.’

‘Thank you, Ian.’ I felt a wave of relief, knowing he didn’t want to leave me again. I had missed him greatly and it would have hurt to lose him again. Our friendship has always meant so much to me. I am glad he feels the same way.

Goodbye to a future that could have been.

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