Satan's Hunger

Chapter 6

The next time Kaitlyn opened her eyes, she remained snuggled against him, her face buried in his chest. It was still dark, the lamp flickering strangely. His beautiful white wing was curved over her like a soft, warm blanket. His arms were around her. Her breasts were pressed up against his warm, hard chest. And yet there was something different. The bed felt different. The smells were different.

Jacob was different.

Kaitlyn stayed still, trying to figure out what it was. Then she realised—where was his heartbeat? Kaitlyn jerked back, only for the arm around her waist to tighten. She looked up as his wing began to lift, revealing Satan’s perfect face and glittering blue eyes

‘Welcome back.’

Kaitlyn jerked back her head. ‘Let me go.’

He did. Quickly, she slid out of the bed, stumbling in her surprise.

Lifting himself up on one arm, Satan looked her up and down with a frown. ‘Why are you naked?’

Kaitlyn felt a thrill of fear.

His nostrils flared. His eyes blazed. ‘Why are you NAKED?!’

Kaitlyn swallowed, then winced as she felt something hot and warm trickle down her inner thigh. Kaitlyn folded her hands in front of her in a useless attempt to hide it. But all it did was draw his attention.

‘I don’t regret a thing,’ she said before he could speak. ‘Do your—do your worst.’

A shadow passed over Satan’s face. His gaze gleamed red. Kaitlyn shut her eyes.

‘You have no idea what my worst is,’ he hissed. It didn’t sound like his voice at all. High and squeaking and otherworldly, with an echo about it that turned her blood cold. ‘I could pummel you into dust. I could rip your heart from your chest. I could turn you inside out.’

Kaitlyn trembled.

The sheets rustled. There came the slap of feet against the floor. Outside, the Damned screamed. She jumped at the sudden crackle of a fire being lit. It came from the fireplace.

Kaitlyn clasped her hands together, digging her fingers into the backs of them as she tried to control her dread. She shivered at the feel of him standing so close. Be brave. Be strong!

Kaitlyn snapped her eyes open, staggering back when he shoved his hand between her legs. Lifting his hand away, Satan stared at the shimmer of semen on his palm. He didn’t seem angry. He didn’t even look surprised. He looked almost … troubled.

If anything, it made Kaitlyn fear him more.

‘Jacob surprises me.’ He smoothed the fluid between his thumb and forefinger. ’You surprise me. Do you not take my warnings seriously? Do you not know who I am?’ His voice boomed.

Kaitlyn winced, then squeezed her eyes shut again when he raised his other hand. She waited, her heart pounding in her chest, but the blow didn’t come. Instead, he spoke to her in a low, quiet voice, ‘Tell me where you are, Kaitlyn.’

She shook her head.

’Tell me where you are or I’ll make sure everyone you know and love suffers. I’ll make humanity suffer. I will murder old ladies in their sleep. I’ll suffocate babies. I will burn whole cities to the ground.’

Kaitlyn sucked in a trembling breath. ‘If I tell you, the consequences will be so much worse.’

She winced when he laid his hands upon her shoulders. His voice was soft. ‘Then do it for me.’ He kissed her cheek, then her other cheek, then softly on her lips.

‘No,’ she murmured. ’No.

Opening her eyes, she yanked back her head. Satan’s blue gaze was soft and heavily hooded, beautiful and filled with passion. But Kaitlyn felt nothing. For the first time, she felt nothing! His hands fell away as she took a step back. ‘No!’ And she shoved him hard in his chest.

He stumbled back. He actually stumbled. Did she just do that? The urge to run almost broke her courage but she controlled herself. It’s only a dream. It’s only a dream.

I will be here with you. I will stop the pain, the hurt.

It was as though she could hear Jacob’s voice in her ear: Be brave, Kaitlyn. Be brave. I am here.

The warmth and passion and lies in Satan’s eyes were gone. Instead, he glared at her, his mouth curved into a sneer.

‘Kaitlyn,’ he said in a low, dangerous voice that made her heart gallop. ‘That wasn’t very nice.’

She turned and walked towards the door, feeling numb, feeling stiff. Goose bumps erupted up along her arms. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She was walking away!

‘Kaitlyn!’ he cried in a pitiful voice.

A muscle in her chest wrenched but it was only a small one. ‘Jacob,’ she murmured to herself. ‘Jacob,’ she repeated with a smile. She could feel his arms around her, the softness of his feathers against her face. She touched her cheek.

‘Kaitlyn!’ came Satan’s cry.

Kaitlyn didn’t turn back, stepping into the hallway and pulling the door shut behind her.

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