Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 6

He is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. He has short, straight, black hair that hangs just above his brow. The tops of his ears are pointed like the Fae. With a sharp jaw that could cut glass, his face is regal, but his eyes draw me in most.

Their blue glow reminds me of the sea alight with a sunset. I allow my gaze to travel down his form. His body is powerful, built of lean, sculpted muscle. His upper body appears mostly human before the tan flesh-colored scales slowly turn into a deep blue tail, starting at his waist, that matches the ocean. It is longer than I expected, and the wide fan on the end is nothing short of stunning, swiping lazily back and forth before him.

His scales shimmer beneath the sunlight, and I note that his entire body seems to glisten with a pearlescent sheen. His fingers are tipped with lethal black claws, but they do not scare me. If he’d wanted to hurt me, he could have done so while he was following me earlier. When he smiles, he bares two rows of gleaming, white fangs. Instead of making me feel afraid, they only add a lethal edge to his handsomeness.

I lift my gaze back to his glowing blue eyes, and the contact makes my heart flutter. Can he tell that I find him attractive?

He lowers his gaze. “Forgive me. I do not wish to scare you.”

“Scare me?”

He blinks. “You are not afraid?”

I smile. “Why would I fear you?”

“My appearance does not bother you?”

“No,” I deny vehemently. “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.” Heat sears my face and neck, and I wince inwardly as the words escape my lips before I even realize I’ve spoken them aloud.

He arches a teasing brow. “I believe the word you were searching for is handsome.

“Yes, of course, it is,” I laugh softly, both surprised and glad by his teasing, avoiding any awkwardness between us after my words about his appearance.

His lips curve in a gorgeous smile that makes my heart rate quicken.

He shifts slightly, drawing my attention back to his tail, and I grow concerned. “How long can you remain out of the water?”

“I am fine for now. My people often lie in the sun for many hours at a time without any consequences.”

My shoulder sag in relief. Cautiously, I scoot closer to him. “May I touch you?”

He stills. His piercing blue eyes study me for a moment before he nods.

Carefully, I reach out and touch his face. I brush my fingers across his cheek, marveling at the silken texture of his scales. “Your scales are so smooth,” I whisper more to myself than to him.

“Is that bad?” he asks.

“No. Just… different than I expected. May I touch your tail?”

He grins and lifts his tail toward me. Carefully, I trace the tips of my fingers over his scales and find that they feel much like the rest of him. When I trace my fingers toward his tail fin, he carefully lays it on my lap. The membrane is not as delicate as it appears; it is thick and tough like cartilage.

“Halla?” A voice calls from the shoreline, and I recognize my brother. “Halla!”

I whip my head in the direction of the beach. “I’m all right!” I shout. “I’ll swim back to you!” I turn to Errik. “It’s my brother, Gerold. I have to go.”

I start to pull myself back to the water, but Errik calls out. “Wait!”

I look back at him curiously. “What is it?”

“Will I see you again?”

I hesitate. “You… wish to see me again?”

A devastatingly handsome smile curves his lips. “Yes.”

I cannot help but smile in return. “All right.”

“Will you meet me here tomorrow?”

I nod.

“Tomorrow then,” he confirms. Without another word, he slips beneath the water and swims away.

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