Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 39; Good Graces

Finally, everything was back to normal. And you can bet not a dam one of us taken men will ever do that again. I told Rain about the phone call I received from Donna. Rage she is hurting so bad. Donna just cannot handle another man trying to control her and then Beast did that. Rain, I could tell she was crying when she asked me for a sister in law cut. I know that she should be wearing Beasts property cut. She knows she is not safe here without wearing someones that why she asked for a sister in law cut.

I put the box on her bed so she has it when she gets home. She will be home in time for the club party. Beast is also pissed of that Raven keeps sending her flowers. I actually got a phone call from him. He let me know that he, his VP, Eagle, and his enforcer Falcon will be here. Jesus Rage. Do you want Beast to tear the club apart? Might be interesting.

We got dressed and walked down the stairs. I had just walked out of the kitchen and saw the door open. I watched as Donna walked in. She shut the door and picked up the other suitcase and walked toward the hallway. I watched her until she disappeared out of sight. You love her don't you Beast my sister asked me? More than anything in this world. The club party is tonight. Everyone that know I was going to claim her will be here.

Everyone has been forgiven but me. She walked past me like I wasn't even here. I looked at Star. Beast If you really love Donna stop hurting her. Try to talk to her. Why are you pushing her away? Star, Donna is beautiful. Look at me? Do I look like a man who has a woman that looks like her on his arm? You know she does not care about that scar. I turned and walked away from Star.

I got on my bike and rode out of the compound. I drove to the park and got off my bike. I sat on the table and looked at my hands. I don't know what I am doing. Why can't I get her to talk to me? I got on my bike and drove back to the club. I parked my bike to find three I have never seen. I walked in grabbed a beer and walked over to the VIP table. Rage looked at me. Beast meet Raven, president of the Nighthawk MC, his VP, Eagle, and his Enforcer Falcon. I gripped my beer. This is the bastard that wants to take Donna from me.

I refuse to let him. So, you are Beast. The man who was supposed to claim Donna? I leaned back in the chair looked at the anger on Beast's face. That is none of your business. You know I saw her at a restaurant on her way to Virginia. I heard her phone conversation with her sister. I lost the woman I loved because I was stupid. If you are not careful Beast you will lose the woman that you love.

She is beautiful and a lot of men would give their right arm to have a woman like Donna love them as much as she loves you. But make no mistake. No matter how much a woman might love us. They will take only so much before they leave.

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