Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 89: A Blast of Lightning With Thunder

Lights began to glow around the city walls, piece by piece it began to build up and began to extend above them like a dome, the barrier was activating itself as the Kraelonia Academy made their decision. There were a lot of problems that would come up if he left the city knowing fully well that a colossal danger would come around soon but [ Professor ] Owen Liddel didn't hesitate for longer, at least less than a minute as he ran out towards the city's gates.

Somehow despite only taking a minute or two to decide, he could already see that the [ Cleric ] had already come at a distance and gritted his teeth. Out of one of his belts, he pulled out a potion and took a quick swig as his senses became clearer. She had already made contact with the captors and they had only decided to stay at the forest instead of running off?

Had they actually been waiting for them all this time?

He considered his options to help fight and defeat them—a shriek came in the distance and it had taken all of his willpower to not jump and challenge the foul creature that attacked his colleague. He needed to watch and consider his options.

Assess the danger, find the child and try to save them while Jeanne kept them occupied? Where were the other two—Owen bent his body lower, feeling the whoosh in the air above him as he swept a kick behind him but it failed to sweep the enemy off their feet. Pulling himself up he came face to face of a man garbed from head to toe and if he were to assess them quickly, it was an [ Assassin ] or [ Rogue ]. He clicked his tongue. How could he allow the man before to come too quickly?

But with the barrier already in place then it meant that there were no chances of them entering into the city at all.

Owen took his steps backward without letting the man leave his sight, he gave them a smile, "It seems that we have failed to properly welcome you into the city." His fingers worked for a moment as several bottles were thrown into the man's every direction: above, right and left, behind and even in front of him.

Poison. Acid. Explosives.

There was no more—the man flickered and reappeared in front of him. stabbing a dagger towards him as he blocked it with his hands. They failed to withdraw the dagger back as Owen trapped it in between his palms. For a moment he could see the man's eye twitch.

He grinned, "My apologies, I've had my fair share of dangerous components. You can say that I've developed a bit of a thick skin to it." He tried to grab the blade and pull it away but the [ Assassin ] or [ Rogue ] kept it tightly with a fair share of strength that could make a fighter or brawler sweat. It was a struggle as both of them tried to grab the dagger away from the other.

The [ Rogue ] threw a front kick towards his stomach.

It made him stagger back for a moment as he stared down at his belly and sighed, "Of course even the very shoes you were have to have a pointed tip." His vest was currently slashed open but the bare skin above it was untouched.

He could see the man before him, if you could really even call them one, their dark eyes widen before narrowing at him.

Owen Liddell fought back the urge to smile, "My apologies, I think I've faced far more high leveled [ Assassins ] than you, they were a pain—

Those eyes weren't narrowed, they were glinting as they held up an item above their hands.

His pouch.

Owen Liddell felt for his pouch for a moment, confirming that the person in front of him had indeed gotten ahold of it. He gritted his teeth, how could they have been too quick for him to not notice? It was a good thing that not all of his—

Something made his [ Danger senses ] screech at him, far louder than when the [ Assassin ] had arrived but there was no need to look as the creature itself appeared right above them as they shrieked as well. Literally above them as Owen Liddell's eyes widened, [ Professor ] Lavelda had said that it would take hours! So why was the Colossal Winged Wyvern here now?!

The creature was large as it stood above the City of Gloria and casted areas of the city into complete darkness.


The Wyvern had been flying one moment and then it suddenly found itself in a new area. Even though he knew that something strange had happened but there was no time to ponder about it, the golden line of light that showed him his destination instead began to spread closely towards targets. So these were his targets?! Flesh bags indeed would pay for this!

He gathered electricity within himself, opening his jaws as lightning shot out everywhere.

Air became charged with energy as bolts of its lightning spewed out and attacked everything within its range.

.contemporary romance

One moment the [ Tiefling ] had been convincing the [ Cleric ] human to flee if she wished to be spared, not a moment later the sky erupted with a brilliance that made the night burn brightly as day. 

Electricity surged everywhere.

And when the night resumed darkness, instead a smaller glow appeared in front of her. Burning not as bright as electricity but with a holy light. The [ Cleric ] had turned her back against her and instead redirected her attention towards the tremendous looking Wyvern that hovered above the city. Glancing around the grass around her, they were scorched and no doubt burnt from the impact.

The woman before her grunted as she held her shield out, the shield was the one glowing, and it was what had protected the [ Cleric ] and the [ Monk ] from that freak lightning attack. 


It had arrived far too quickly. One moment the [ Light Elf ] had paraded herself in front of her and Ellynn as she waved a hand, trying to initiate conversation.

Han frowned at her, "What can I do for you, Lucia? Haven't we agreed that we'd stick to the plan, why aren't you in your position?"

"And you and this little [ Half Elf ] of yours could flirt while I and Odele are to be scouts?" The [ Light Elf ] frowned.

Did it really look that way to them? Han tried not to look embarrassed because it wasn't that but then he felt a strange tingle, no, it was more around the sound of a tinkle of bells that alerted him before as he walked past the [ Light Elf ] and stared out into the city. It wasn't the city as the barrier had already formed as Ellynn explained and he couldn't feel any tremors ei—a huge creature appeared in the sky, coming out from thin air and it shot out lightning from its jaws.

Night turned into day for a moment.

Han automatically moved forwards before being thrown forward more strongly into the grasslands. His ears rang as his vision blurred for a moment. He heard the familiar sound of the menu prompt as his vision returned to see the screen:

[ Skill - Basic Reflexes Obtained! ]

Involuntary movement towards escaping danger 

[ Skill - Basic Agility Obtained ]

Allows rapid movement of whole body 

[ Skill - Instinctual Dodge! Obtained! ]

Heeding your senses allowed you to react before your usual speed

You have evaded a critical hit!

[ You Have Leveled Up In Rogue Class! ]

[ You Have Leveled Up In Rogue Class! ]

[ You Have Leveled Up In Rogue Class! ]

What kind of repetitive—his body ached for a moment as he pulled himself to his feet and stared out towards the humongous creature. It was practically hovering just above the city of Gloria, if it wanted to, it could have body-slammed itself on the barrier and perhaps deal the city damage but it unleashed an attack like that instead?

It roared again but with no lightning this time, a shriek of anger as its tail flicked.

Tearing his gaze away from the winged creature for a moment, he gazed around and barely managed to duck the herd of creatures running towards him and screaming for their lives. His plans were going to kaput. Capiche. Zilch.

The creature won't be interested in prey that would go missing.

Scattered across the grasslands were his fellow [ Players ]. The [ Light Elf ] and [ Mermaid ] were together, both of them looked shocked but were doing well. The [ Mermaid ] had a conch shell in her hand. A little bit more in the distance he could see the [ Tiefling ]... and [ Professor ] Orleans again?! 

He couldn't see the [ Shadow Elf ] but where was—he felt a wind blast him off for a moment as he met the gaze of Ellynn a couple of feet away from him, "Concentrate."

Somehow it seemed like everyone had survived the attack as well.

Han however couldn't relax for a moment at all.

Especially when he smelled something charred and burnt and looked back towards the forest. Most of the lightning blast had decided to conduit itself through the trees as a realization came to his mind as he glanced back at Ellynn. Her face was paler than usual but she tried to keep her face slack as she gazed towards the creature in the distance.

There was only one of them in the forest and it was the [ Wood Elf ].


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