Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 83: Kaiju

Tensions fired up once more as Owen left the room. The [ Headmaster ] had simply let him walk out and it irked some of the others but there was no time to be wasted. The [ Mage ] stood there unwavering and unwilling to leave the people who could activate the barrier. "The [ High Commander ] insists that we activate the barrier immediately, the Endless Passes is a distance away but we don't how much of a threat it will be—"

"And so it makes sense that nearby villages and towns are asked to be relocated here." The [ High Mage ] interjected with a frown. "How can that [ High Commander ] ask such a thing? If he were here, I would have blasted him and taught him a lesson on valuing human life." Unlike her somber and even sleep-inducing drone during her lessons, the older woman was unwilling to give in to such directives.

The [ Headmaster ] however simply sighed and didn't intervene, his wife had a penchant for getting fired up and from within the room itself, there were a lot of staunch supporters with her idea. From the [ Swordsman ] and even the [ Wizard ] who could see that each life was valuable.

If that man had been here, he would have insisted the same.

[ Battle Mage ] Carnus however understood the importance of following orders but even they had curiosity written on their face, they rubbed their moustache and gazed at the younger [ Mage ], "Tell me boy, is there a reason why we need to rush such things? Activating the barrier is important but they're right, a few villagers from the closest locations can be brought here—"

Even with three intruders still outside of its City? 

The [ Headmaster ] simply listened on as they watched the pale [ Mage ] dabbing their sweating forehead with their sleeves. There was an even bigger reason why there were such insistent orders but they weren't telling them anything. The man's body language was telling him that something was up and there was also the use of [ Detect Guilt ] that was practically loud and clear with the [ Mage ] before him. 

"Forgive me [ Battle Mage ] but the [ High Commander ] just sends the message and I'm the mouthpiece."

A blade was pulled out of its sheath as the [ Swordsman ] stood up, "Bullshit." He looked around the room and shook his head, "If there's a Colossal Beast then the [ High Command ] should have taken care of it. But now that it's already heading this way then there's no choice but for us to take care of this matter in our own hands."

[ Wizard ] Lavelda hesitated as she watched the glinting blade, but she needed to reason out with her friend. The man was usually so cool headed so logic would surely reach him, "Uriel, you said it yourself, it's a Colossal Beast—"

"Are we going to hide here like a bunch of cowards?"

Faced with an insurmountable threat that loomed over not only the City but the entire Kingdom itself. How does one act and do in the face of such things after all? 

.. .

The sound of bells rang within the city itself, large chimes of bells as lights began to lit up across the streets. And Timothy could not get enough of a break.contemporary romance

A fist landed in his face as the man staggered back for a moment, "What gives?!" He grabbed his nose and eyed the young woman in front of him. She was rubbing her fist as she threw him a glare. She had been the one who had bumped into him earlier and the reason why he had fallen back on the asphalt road, he even asked her if she was alright…

So why did almost all the women he encountered often give him a hard time?!

"If you wish to leave this alley unharmed, then rid of yourself at once or face the consequences." The woman drew back even more, their gaze wary of him. "Stay back!" She was no Becky, her height was actually much smaller than him and she didn't look as tough as his childhood crush in the village. She was even nursing her own punch now—it had hurt her as much as it did him.

But she packed quite a punch.

Now what was someone like them doing here? But he didn't have any time for that, he needed to—that bastard of a Han had endangered himself and there was a curfew. He couldn't spare any thought for some random girl he met on the street. He wiped his nose and glared at her, "Yes I'm leaving, sorry for worrying about a defenseless girl in an alley. You should get yourself home."

He began to walk out.

Until once again he heard her speak up amidst the din and loudness of the city.

.. .

Of course he didn't expect to lead anything, Han Jing never found himself to be a leader but watching the [ Wood Elf ] make plans and strategize along with the others made it feel like he was unnecessary. He even questioned why he was even around, he was a Level 3 [ Peasant ] that earned his first [ Rogue ] class just today—what could he even contribute? He didn't even have any kind of weapon.

If anything, maybe Ellynn would do something more useful.

And speaking of which, the girl… well [ Half Elf ] was there and was listening to their conversation. They were using terminologies that didn't actually say it was a game but he still had to wonder, what if she was actually real like him?

But it shouldn't be his priority at the moment.

And yet what exactly should he be doing right now?

"Han do you have any input over this matter?" The [ Wood Elf ] asked and gave him a pointed look. Now it felt like they were dealing with a brat child like him and yet Han sighed inwardly and crossed his arms over his chest. The others were giving him looks as if expecting some kind of life changing answer that would turn the tides.

Well the [ Tiefling ] and [ Shadow Elf ] both looked like they couldn't care less of what he said. 

The man frowned for a moment and rubbed his face, "I'm not really sure if I can actually give any input that would actually be helpful…" He didn't know the monster at all so he couldn't even draw in his own lore as his voice trailed off for a moment. 

'Han Jing I don't want you putting yourself down like that.'

But it wasn't like… Han Jing gave up from arguing with his own self and the words of a respected elder. He scratched the back of his head, avoiding a lightning bug that drew dangerously too close, "Hey, [ Wood Elf ] can you still draw in creatures from the forest? Not sure if that's your forte but I've got an idea..."

.. .

Many a creature would prefer to stay in its nest. Its home was its stronghold, it couldn't be bothered and it could sleep all it wanted. A creature of its size had no need to expend too much of its energy. It was a waste. Why would there be any need to go out and search for prey beyond its territory when its own place from precipitous heights provided him with multiple snacks to enjoy and chew on?

When there were those foolish skin bags that came around his nest—then it was also a welcome treat.

And yet something annoying preyed on his mind.

Now the way this creature agonized over this situation wasn't anything close to what Human could consciously and if not endlessly agonize about. But it could sense it, the displeasing and provoking sound that he was aware of.

It disturbed his senses, an annoying sound that couldn't be swatted away by a flick of his talons nor with a blast of lightning that sparked and jostled around its cavern. It wouldn't let him sleep. It continued to blast through his eardrums, it couldn't be explained as it crashed its hind legs into the cave and rattled everything within it.

What was this?!

He let out a roar that made its entire cave tremble and shook its surroundings, even louder as lightning crackled and blasted as his own place was nearly brought to shambles. And yet even its loudest screams couldn't even block it out or scare it away.

Why couldn't it—

And it was there that golden words emblazoned into the air and sparked scriptures that it couldn't read but its own mind could understand. Symbols that embedded and inscripted itself within itself and core—an order that couldn't be dismissed. And it would finally get that annoying sound away from his ears. Well if all it took was eating up some more flesh bags, even if the distance was far off, he would get his peace.

The magnificent creature stalked out of its den and unfurled its wing.

Another irritating giggle sounded in his ears.

It was mocking him in words he didn't understand. He trampled the earth beneath his feet and screeched—electricity blasting itself and brightening the night sky. Unfurling its wings that spanned across the entire mountain it was resting it on, he jumped out of the canyon. And then it took flight.

And conscious it may be of its surroundings with the keenness of any Colossal Winged Wyvern… it failed to see the shimmering figure that appeared from the cliff that it had leapt and flew from. The air glimmered as a figure turned visible and continued to giggle as it watched the creature fly.

"Ah, I wonder how they'd all fare against it~" A young girl covered their lips as she tried to stifle their laughter, their white dress ruffling in the wind, "Would that Human die here? I can't wait to watch~!" 


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