Python: Soldiers Of Hades MC, #2

Python: Chapter 8

All three Valin men looked over.

Peggy Sue stood there with Tory by her side.

She marched over  towards them, though they could all see she had a definite limp when she walked.

She came to their table. “Please?” She looked Cobra in the eyes. “I-I dreamed of being home for so long. Please don’t fight because of me.” Tears filled her eyes as she swung her gaze to Cotton.

He sighed and shook his head.

Her violet gaze so much like her sons, looked over to Python. “Don’t blame him,” she told Python. “To have to grow up thinking your own mother left you? It had to be awful.” Turning, she looked back over at both her sons. “You both are such magnificent looking men. Anyone with eyes can see that you stand tall and proud of who you are. That was Python’s doing. Even if he doesn’t see that. The pain you carried cause of me was never your fault. I-I want to hug you both and never let go.” She sniffled and swiped at her tears. “Though you are both so huge, I doubt I could do that. But please let this all go?”

Cobra seemed to deflate. His anger dissipating.

“Besides, she smiled through her tears. “I have found that one thing hasn’t changed a bit.” She looked back over at Python. “And that is you, pissing people off till they can’t see straight.”

Python blinked then he grinned. “Yeah, that’s me all right.”

Cotton seemed to relax. “Damn, I thought we were gonna have Smackdown right here in the club. Or at least a super collider explosion.”

Some men from the corners laughed a bit as everyone seemed to relax a bit.

“Shouldn’t you be resting?” Cobra asked his mother.

She shrugged. “I will. I hope to…” She shook her head. “It will take a while. But I’m worried about all of you getting hurt or worse.” She met Cobra’s gaze, then Cotton’s, then Python’s. “And for all your men. That devil…” She visibly shuddered. “…he won’t stop this time.”

Python stood and wrapped an arm around her. “Don’t worry, Peg. We got it handled.”

She said nothing as he led her back down the hallway.

Tory had to swipe her tears away from her cheeks as she stared at Cobra. “This isn’t like…” she paused. “Any of my business, but please give her a chance? She is the sweetest lady, and she deserves better.” Tory met Cotton’s gaze too, then turned and went down the hall.

Cobra huffed out air and grabbed a napkin to clean up his coffee mess.

Cotton sat down in his chair and watched him.

Cobra then tugged his chair up and sat down. After a long minute, he grumbled, “Go ahead. Say whatever the hell it is.”

Cotton shook his head. “I was just observing how well you cleaned up that mess. Seems to me, you can clean up good. And before we meet that devil as she calls him, we all need to clear out our own demons.”

Cobra looked over at him skeptically. “Have you done that?”

Cotton shrugged. “I was a pathetic drunk for a whole fucking year. Forgot who the hell I was, who all of you were and I coulda give a shit.”

Cobra’s brows rose at this admittance.

Cotton leaned forward and met his brother’s eyes. “Then I got my shit together. I did it for my kid. Then it was for me. Then for my family. I faced it, admitted what I did, where I failed. Then… moved on.”

Cobra stared at him for a minute then looked away. “I am still trying with Lola. I never felt the need to make amends for anything in my life before. But she and my grandbaby…Well, I would walk through fire for them. And for my own woman. So, I’d thought I was past what happened with Lola’s mother.”

Cotton shook his head and rapped his knuckles on the table. “I hate to say this. I mean I really fucking HATE it.” He hung his head. “But Pops is right. You gotta make it right with Mom” He raised his head to meet Cobra’s gaze. “That’s where it started for you and that is where it will end.” He stood from the chair. “I’m gonna check with Blitz and see if he’s got anything new.” He then walked down the hall.

Cobra sat alone for a while.

No one approached him. No one dared to.

He looked like he would burn you with his blazing eyes if you got too close.

Python gave Tory a smile as she took Wolfie with her and he shut the door. “Damn, dog,” he muttered under his breath.

Turning, he found Peggy Sue, sitting in the chair at the window, staring out. He let out a sigh and went over to her. Placing his hands onto her shoulders, he caressed her muscles. “Baby, it will all work out.”

Peggy Sue gave a slow nod. “I hope so. And I don’t want to lose any of you. I wish we could all just run away or something.”

Python chuckled. “That doesn’t work in real life Peg. We gotta finally face this dragon and slay the fucker.”

She chuckled a bit. “My dark knight.”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’d rather be that than the asshole I was when we were younger.”

She smiled. “You weren’t so bad.”

“You are a liar, woman. I was always in one fight or another and it is true, I lived to piss people off.”

“Yeah, it was an annoying hobby of yours.”

He grabbed her up from the chair. “I got something to show you.”

She looked surprised. “Where?”

He carried her to the restroom.

“I’ve seen the bathroom, Tiberius.”

He laughed. “Yes, I know but this door at the end…You’ve never seen this.” He set her down and opened the door. Stepping back, he motioned her in.

Shaking her head with her eyes full of curiosity, she stepped through. Then she halted and gasped as her hands rose up to her mouth.

It was another bathroom. Only this one had a clawfoot, gleaming copper tub in the middle. A very large tub. Next to it, stood a small table with soaps and shampoo items. Next to that was a towel rack with towels. A vanity table with mirror and chair sat in one corner.

“Python…” Peggy Sue whispered. “W-what is this?”

He looked away. “I had been building it in secret…Um, when we were together. Was gonna spring it on you as a surprise.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Because you used to tease me about me loving baths so much, and my grumbling about only having showers! Oh my god, I am remembering more and more!”

He nodded. “Then I couldn’t even come in here for the first ten years.” He let out a sigh. “Then there were times when I would. Just to maybe, feel close to you. Like a spot no one knew about, a place to get my head straight. It was years after you left. Sometimes, I think it helped.”

Peggy Sue turned to him. “A life interrupted. We had plans. You did this for me. And I was…” Her voice faded away.

He lifted her chin up with his finger. “What?”

“I had a savings going,” she explained. “It was for something I intended to get for you.”

Python cocked his head at her. “For what?”

Shaking her head she said, “No. It has been so long since then. Maybe I will tell you someday.”

Python went over and turned the water on to the tub. “I won’t let that lie long as you know. I hate surprises.”

Laughing, Peggy Sue nodded. “Yeah, I remember that too now. We all were never allowed to throw you surprise birthday parties or anything. What a grumpy bear you were.”

He smiled a bit and placed the stopper in the tub. “Still am. Just ask any damn person who knows me.”

She laughed.

He stood up from the tub and stared at her.

Batting her eyes at him, she asked, “What?”

He shook his head. “I haven’t heard that laugh in all these years. It used to give me little chill bumps. The most beautiful sound in the world.”

Peggy Sue stared back at him. “Don’t make me cry, again…” She tried to smile. “It’s all I’ve done since I came—h-home…” She burst out crying again.

Python stepped close and grabbed the shirt she wore and unceremoniously tugged it up and off her head. “I’m going to make you feel better than you have for a long ass time.” He moved her to the chair and set her down. Kneeling, he took her sandals off. Then stood her up and tore her jeans down.

“Um…Python, no. I mean—I don’t look good right now,” she tried to protest.

He had her step out of her jeans. “Woman, when I look at you, all I see is my Peggy Sue.” He slowly looked up at her.

She bit at her lip. “You used to say that all the time. I cannot believe…”

He stood and looked her over. “Your breasts are still so lickable. Your skin is still creamy.” He tugged her close. “You still have the same scent. Just be with me. Let me take care of you.”

“L-let you?” she stammered. “It is all I have dreamed of for so long.”

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