Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 37: Heading back to my old world

Down there on the brick-laden driveway sat my old Sportage. It had been a trusted friend for many years, ferrying me everywhere I needed to go. Since I hadn’t had need of it in the past few months, it basically sat in the garage unused. Well…not quite.

Marie had gotten her hands onto it and overhauled it from the ground up, while throwing in a few “tiny” modifications. In other words I was essentially driving a brand new car.

Rachel and I climbed down the stairs and walked over to it. I pulled out my keys from my coat pocket, and unlocked it.

I looked down to see that Fenris had shrunken down to the size of a large dog, and folded his tails together as one. During the latter part of last spring, he began to walk about the campus unimpeded. I guess he was tired of hiding.

It was a shock for sure to many, with me having to gain permission for him to be there. You cannot imagine the hoops I had to jump through to push that form through. Total nightmare. The wolf soon became a favorite among nearly all of the students, including the girls.

I opened the backdoor; watching as he easily climbed into the backseat and lied down. I closed the door and opened the driver’s side door. I slid in and placed my bag onto the front seat.

Rachel leaned and buckled me in. I sat motionless as she did. Despite easily being able to do it myself, she wanted to make sure I was secure. I smiled to her.

She then looked up to me, cupping my face, “Promise you’ll be safe as you drive.”

I nodded, “Promise.”

She stared at me for a moment, leaning up and kissing my forehead, “I’ll see you tonight my love.”

I nodded once more, “Till tonight.” She stood up and slowly closed my door.

I pushed the key into the slot and turned on my car. It goes without saying how weird it is to actually be driving myself again. You do kind of get used to being driven around after a while. I shift into Drive and start to pull away down the driveway.

As I strolled down the long winding drive, I watched as the rows of trees, which lined the road, pass by me. I took a long deep breath the closer I came up to the main entrance.

My mind went into a trance as I turned onto the main road. The Estate rolled passed me on my right, it was a sight that I used to hate, and still do to this day.

I was leaving home again, and returning to a world that I thought was behind me. Funny how no matter what world you leave, you have to go back to the one you first were a part of.

The forest below was still mostly leafless, with only the pine and spruce still bearing green. My attention then turned back to the front, with the tunnel ahead, my path and reminder back to my old world. I passed under the cave of trees that formed the entrance to the tunnel and then forward into the darkness.

Now, you might also ask why my mother doesn’t simply have me driven to campus. Short answer…it would seem strange to have me show up in some sort of luxury car. Even if Rachel were to enchant my own car into one of her TARDIS cars, I’d still opt to drive myself. That was the main reason.

The other would be that I simply had to do this, for myself. Not to prove anything, or to maintain some sense of autonomy. It was something that I had to do alone.

A bright light softly shine at the other end of the tunnel, signifying that I was approaching the exit. I passed out into the open air, seeing Lakeside Road before me.

One thing I will be grateful for Jenn’s visit would be that returning here wouldn’t have been the shock that it could’ve been. I turned left onto the road, eyeing Lake Travis off in the distance. Fenris lied quiet behind me.

Well I used the term “quiet” loosely. I still hear the wolf’s breathing, but it was just enough to let me know that he was there. Lord knows Rachel would be right with me in the front seat, even driving me to campus herself.

I giggled softly, picturing her taking me to school if she were a normal parent. But she’s not normal, by any means. Nor am I for that matter, not anymore at least.

620 soon came into view and as predicted, traffic heading towards Concordia was a mixed bag. From where I turned, I was only about ten minutes at least from the school, short hop.

Fewer stops than when you compare my route from my old apartment. Although driving through Lakeline possessed a certain charm and beauty to it. I eased a left turn onto the highway and drove onwards to school.

Now I mentioned that Marie made some modifications to my car. They really revolved around extra safety with a stronger frame, better brakes, and removal of the gas tank, replacing it with a magicore. Also installed into the car was the ability for it to be driven remotely from home if the situation called for it.

The automaton also ripped out the stereo system and installed new one with a more advanced one. Complete with satellite radio (newer version) LCD touchpad display, which also had a built-in communication system with video calling. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if she installed a coffeemaker or mini fridge.

Knowing her…I just hadn’t found it yet. Who knows what else that mad engineer decided to add to my car. In any case, I was just happy to know that home was still just a few minutes away.

I saw the sign stating that Concordia was coming up soon. Traffic slowed down the closer I came to it. When I got close enough, I pulled onto the shoulder, which made it easier to turn onto the street, allowing traffic to pass me by without issue.

I made a gentle right turn and pulled up over the hill. A moment later I could see the main parking lot, already with a few cars visible.

When the guardhouse came into view, I pulled out one the slips of paper I had drawn the clone formula onto, and placed it over my chest. The image of my old self soon took shape around my body. I now saw through its eyes, and “feel” with its hands. Even my voice would be still be the same, but when I spoke, that only thing that would be heard would be my old male voice.

It’s the same spell that Rachel used when I spoke to my birth mother during my birthday and when I had to talk to the police captain in Georgia. A useful spell which took me a few months to master. I uttered a couple words just to make sure the spell worked. Hearing that it did, I made a soft nod.

I pulled up to the card reader and lowered the window. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my wallet and ID, pressing the card to the reader. The bar then rose into the air, allowing me entry.

First hurdle over with, I thought to myself.

Snow did cover the grounds, giving the campus very much a winter wonderland vibe. Trees were spread throughout the campus, with many crowding around Lots A and B. In front of me, the walls to the dining hall faintly could be seen. To my left sat the Annex and Building A. I could hardly believe that I was actually back.

The car then turned another right onto Killian Road and a couple seconds later I pulled into the Lot C. Parking spots were a plenty, with a few being close to the front.

I pulled into a spot and stopped the car, shutting it off. I leaned back into the seat, listening the passing by of other students, a few of whom I possibly knew.

A thick and taught knot formed within my stomach. Another feature Marie added was that windows could project the image of an empty car if I wanted. When a student walked past, I toggled the feature.

My seat then slid back, allowing me to pull my legs into my chest, finally wrapping my arms around them. I sat quietly in the car, forehead resting on my knees. The urge to simply restart the car and go home began to rise in my mind. I didn’t want to be here.

A gentle chill enveloped me, wrapping around my body like an embrace. I raised my head to see Fenris’ ice-blue eyes staring at me. His head poked through in between the seats, and looked right at me.

A soft smile rose on my face. The wolf could easily see through my spell, so all he saw was a scared and nervous little girl. My hand rose up to his face, stroking it tenderly.

I shall be by your side, little Aria,” speaking tenderly, “have the courage of a wolf within your heart and cunning of the fox upon your mind. You shall overcome this trial.” The wolf then leaned in close and licked my face, causing me to giggle.

My head nodded softly, hand still stroking his face, “Thanks Papa Wolf.” He nodded softly. Feeling my confidence returning, I unbuckled myself.

I leaned over, grabbed my bag, and opened the door, leaving my car. I stepped to the backdoor, doing the same for Fenris. The wolf easily hopped out of the back and onto the pavement.

A few students walked by and eyed him, with a few girls even stopping and wanting to come over. “Is he your dog?” one asked.

I nodded, “He is.”

Again, all they heard was my male voice, but to me, it was my normal teenage girl voice talking. Fenris peered at them, eyes softened, appearing gentle and welcoming.

He didn’t even react to being called a dog, it just didn’t faze him. They walked over to us, not looking at me, but at the illusion of where my eyes would be.

“May we pet him?”

I looked at him, and then back at the girls, “You may, but I do have to get to Security and take care of my permit.” The girls giggled and began petting my bonded. The wolf’s tail wagged happily as they petted his fur.

“He’s so big, and doesn’t look like any dog I’ve seen before,” spoke another girl.

I smiled, “His breed is more wolf-like than others. A bit rare, hailing from Poland.” They nodded slowly, still stroking him.

If only they could see his real form, standing well over five foot tall at the shoulder, muscular yet sleek body, and twin tails. No doubt they’d freak. But at the moment, he was just a big dog to them.

The wind picked up, causing the girls to yelp and hold onto their beanies. I of course didn’t mind it; even my long hair blew with the wind, unseen to the girls.

I smiled, “We should head inside before it gets too cold.”

They nodded, placing a kiss into the wolf’s head, “Seeya cutie.” He shook his head, tail still wagging. I nodded, pulling on his leash, and walked away.

The campus still felt familiar to me, but at the same time, completely alien. The smell of spruce and birch filled the air. I instantly felt back at home. Memories of walking throughout the campus played out in my mind, of attending classes with friends, and listening to lectures.

I was comfortable being there, yet uneasy at the same time. I kept a subtle but weary eye about. The old protections Rachel had placed there were still in effect even after all this time.

She always was looking out for me, even long before I truly became hers. It's one of the many aspects I love about my mother. Still wish she learned how to cook though.

The covered walkways which connect the library to the dining hall had snow on the roofing. As we descended down the hill, I eyed the entrance to the tunnels. When I was still visiting Rachel, I often would sneak into them and transform.

I’d then exit the tunnel, head up to my car and leave. Now I can simply walk to my car without fear of discovery. And with Fenris here with me, that fear no longer is a factor.

We passed onto the planking, seeing a few students heading over from the dorms. To my left was the dining. I remembered when I’d sit and eat there. Straight ahead of me was the library, my favorite place to go and hide myself away. It would be so again.

My plan was to stash away in the downstairs Treehouse, a study room at back of the library and often the most popular due to its isolation, between classes and disappear during the downtime.

We approached the entrance to the bridge that spanned the part of the Preserve. Snow covered most of it, with clear signs of foot traffic, some even showing that a few people had actually slipped on it. Heh, would’ve loved to have been there to see it.

Fenris and I easily walked across the bridge. The sounds of rushing water could be heard below us, a small comfort to further ease a nervous mind. I looked out onto the Preserve.

The nearly endless sprawl of nature was another reason why I love Concordia so much. It made me feel even more like I was back home on the Estate, surrounded by nature.

We entered the other side, with Building D a little further down the walkway, again with the dining hall up the opposite direction. We headed down and slipped inside.

First stop was the campus police, had to deal with getting my permit taken care off, which didn’t take too long. The staff also had to look over Fenris, who sat stoically at my side.

They wanted to double-check that he wasn’t a threat to anyone. Yeah…only if you threaten me first would he be a danger to anyone. After receiving the permit, we exited out of the office and back into the hallway.

We constantly were given stares as passed through the building. A few people knew who Fenris was and nodded to him. My first class was in C, in the usual room of C-220. Always loved that classroom. We exited out of D and walked under the “Deck” (what the bridge between C and D is called).

I looked out towards the Pier. A year ago, I sat there and simply stared out into the preserve during my first day back after burying my birthmother. I could always go back to it at some point, which I might. But right now, had a class to attend.

We entered into C and saw that very little had changed since last May. Well there were a few new art pieces littering the floor and the little gardens had had new trees planted under the stairs. Other than that, not much else was different.

Fenris and I slowly ascended the stairs to reach the second floor. I then turned to cross over another bridge to reach the room.

“Clay Edge.”

I turned to see a familiar face walking towards me. A soft smile broke on my face, “Hey Chris.”

Chris Tillmans was an old friend and the director of the DCE program at the school. We often would seek each other out on occasion to talk. I will admit that it took me a moment to adjust to being called “Clay”.

It had been months since someone referred to me by that name, and it felt really strange to hear it. I wasn’t Clay anymore, no longer that person. Just a little girl who no longer had any ties to the name.

So now I had to play the part of who I once was. A simple matter, but it still had to take a lot of effort to pull off and time was ticking.

“Been a long time, hasn’t it Clay?”

I nodded to him, still looking up at him from my perspective. I never really knew how tall he was compared to me. The man was practically a giant.

He looked to Fenris and knelt down to the wolf’s eye level. My bonded sniffed his head, staring up at Chris. The wolf played the part of a dog well, alleviating any doubts about his cover.

“Looks like Fenris is doing well. Still can’t believe how big he is.”

I grinned, but not shown through the clone. If you only knew Chris. The man started to pet my bonded, who in turn nudged his hand happily.

He smiled scratching the wolf behind the ears before standing back up, “I’m betting he’s been a real terror to take care of.”

I shrugged, “Easier that you might think.” Fenris sat onto the floor, ears flickering at every passing sound as students and professors stepped through the halls.

“So how’ve you been Chris?” I asked, turning and leaned against the railing.

“Oh, doing well. My oldest is now in college herself, with this being her second semester here. You might even have a class with her if you two are scheduled together.”

I smiled, “You and your wife must be proud of her.”

He nodded, “We are. So what about you? You practically dropped off the face of the earth after last spring.”

I looked up at him, “Well…kinda been busy in the last few months. I never told you this but I moved out of my apartment last year and moved in with someone.”

He grinned, “A lady friend I take it?”

My head shook, “A woman yes, but she became like a mother to me since we first met. She even sent me abroad twice back in the fall. Went to France and Italy for a time.”

Couldn’t really tell him the whole truth that I was in fact adopted by Rachel. No way would he understand anything that truly had happened to me.

He blinked softly, “That…that’s impressive. She must really be someone if able to do that for you.”

I smiled softly, looking down, “She is. She really helped me get through a lot of what happened.”

He smiled, “I’m glad to hear that. So another question I have to ask is if you’re planning to come back and finish up.”

My smile dimmed, shaking my head, “No…in fact I’m only going to be here for half the spring. After that, you’ll never see me again. I really just returned to complete a few things before I did.”

Chris stared at me, “Are you sure about this?”

I nodded to him, “I am. It’s something that’s been on my mind for a while now. A lot has happened since I was here last spring. So yeah…when spring break starts, you’ll never see me again.”

His arms folded, “That’s…that’s…wow. For you to return after a full semester away to only be here half of one and to never come back, that’s a lot to take in.”

I nodded, “Yeah, sorry about that.”

Fenris’ tail swatted at me, eyeing my classroom. I turned to see that the hallway was nearly empty. “Hey, I have to head to class. Talk later?”

Chris nodded, “I hope to. See you around Clay.”

I smiled, turning to the classroom, “Take care Chris.”

Fenris and I then entered into the room and sat down near the back, with the wolf lying behind me. I knew the professor wasn’t entirely excited to see a “dog” sitting in her class.

My first class was secondary level Ethics. A little pretentious, given how I’ve been living in my new world. While you can apply mortal philosophies to everything, you really can’t when dealing with my new world.

Prime example is my having to deal with two men who are in fact older than me and both men have affections towards me. I really didn’t want to think about Drakon and Savero in that moment, but that’s where my mind went. I sat quietly and listened to the lecture.

The course had a couple long papers that had to be completed before spring break, easily done within a couple weeks. When you compare the fact that I had been studying histories and philosophies of people and civilizations who most would consider fantasies, and whose works filled books the thickness of two phonebooks, and had to write full on reports that were each a hundred paged long, dealing with a couple ten page reports is hardly even a blip on my “trouble-radar”.

I still had to get the books. Do that after the class. So until then, just sit back and “enjoy” the class.

When it was over, my mind had grown exhausted. The spell I was using was starting to wear off, and I still had to go collect my books. I looked to Fenris who nodded to me. The wolf shrouded me in a thin veil of shadow, which basically erased me from everyone’s view.

We quickly left the classroom, where I then applied a second charm. But this was meant as a stopgap until I could cast another full spell. Illusionary magic still wasn’t exactly my forte and it took a lot to maintain it while still having to sit through a near two-hour lecture.

That’s why the long break between my Monday/Wednesday classes was so critical for me. I needed the time in order to rest and recuperate my magic. We made a quick march to the bookstore where I picked up my books, stashing them into my satchel and left the store.

The next stop was the library. To save time, we cut straight across the campus in lieu of going through the buildings and staying in warmth. Fun fact about C and D…their heaters often love to short out when it gets too cold. A lesson I learned twice last year.

So it was better to deal with the cold outdoors than to take the uncertainty of a temperamental H/VAC system. And it really didn’t take us that long to get the library.

Once inside, we hopped down the stairs and entered into the Treehouse. I closed and locked the door, casting a deflection spell which would ward off anyone who might want to enter the room and peer into it. Think of it like a magical cloaking device.

To everyone, the room would look empty, but no one would think about going near it. It was a fae spell that Rachel had taught me back when she first began to instruct me in magic. I pulled off the tag and allowed the illusion to fade away.

I then shoved a table out of the way, which Fenris quickly lied down onto the floor, looking up at me. I smiled, placing my satchel onto a chair and undoing my coat, dropping it onto my bag. I lied down with him, curling up into his side.

The wolf gently draped his tail over my tiny frame. My fingers dug into his soft fur, clinging hold of it. I wanted to take a short nap, but I ran the risk of missing my next class if a drifted away too deeply. So I had to settle with just plain old chill time.

I did have the foresight of bringing my headphones with me. Forcing my body from the comfort of Fenris’ side, I leaned over to my satchel and pulled them out. Placing them onto my head, I held out my phone and queued up some music.

The melodies played softly in my ears as my face once more rested against the wolf’s side. Home wasn’t too far away, that was for certain, but this made it feel all the more closer.

As the music played, I heard little chimes ringing in my ears. My eyes opened to see that Rachel had sent me a text. A blushing smile rose on my lips as I opened it.

I do hope you are doing well my love. I realize that you aren’t too far away but know that I am missing you regardless. I pray your first day is an easy and uneventful one. I can’t wait to see you tonight. Love you my precious.

My smile turned into a broad grin, nearly prodding a soft giggle from me. I rolled to my side and responded to her.

Doing ok so far. Being back really isn’t as bad as I thought it be, but was right in not feeling like it used to. It’s so weird being back here.

Resting in the treehouse with Fenris ATM. Spell took a lot more out of me than I thought. So glad next class isn’t for a few hours. Love you lots and hope to get home soon.

I smiled as I placed the phone beside me, letting the music resume. My eyes slowly grew heavier with each passing lyric. Okay…screw it, I’m tired and I want a nap.

If I had anything to rely on it be for Fenris to nudge me awake. Knowing him, he’d wake me so that I could have my lunch. I softly passed out against his chest feeling his tail wrapping itself gently around my body.

Something warm and wet lapped up the side of my cheek. I groaned in protest, swatting it away. Again it returned, now gentler. I opened my eyes to see Fenris staring into mine.

You have been asleep for the past couple of hours little one. You should eat before you leave for your next class.

I let out a long deep yawn, rubbing my eyes, sitting up from his side. My music had stopped, maybe next time I should pick a different album that lasts longer. In any case, I was awake now, though still droopy eyed.

I rolled back towards my bag and opened it, pulling out the wrapped box that Sebastian gave me earlier that morning. I unraveled it and opened the lid.

A bright smile rose on my face. Grilled chicken panini with fresh pico de gallo and sliced avocados. It was still warm and smelled like it had just been made. I giggled softly, gotta love magic.

I looked over to Fenris, “Want some?”

The wolf shook his head, “I shall go and hunt for myself. You stay and enjoy your meal.”

The wolf nudged my face with his, another form of a wolf’s kiss. He then rose to his feet and disappeared into a shadow, emerging outside the window and leapt into the Preserve.

So there I sat alone, if only for a moment, and then bit into my lunch. Another soft giggle rose out of me as the flavors swarmed into my mouth. I had always loved how good the kitchen staff was, even having learned how to cook from time to time. When I got home, had to go thank Chef for this.

While I ate, I opened a couple of my textbooks, and started to read. Truth be told, I felt bored as I read them. When you’ve been studying magical lore and spell-crafting tomes on a near daily basis for several months, reading mundane human writings on ethics and principles seemed underwhelming.

It then occurred to me, am I really human anymore?

While human in body, in my heart and soul…I don’t really think I was anymore. Not saying that I was now superior to normal people. But I was now…different.

My thoughts then turned back to the philosophy books I once borrowed from Phoenix a long time ago. As much I poured into them, I never really got much in the way of answers.

I then recalled what Rachel told me a month ago while she was comforting me, “I now am of magic.” My troubled heart lightened somewhat.

I again remembered that this isn’t my world anymore, but I still had a job to do. So with all of my studies, I had to push ahead and get through it all. I then returned to my studies, having pulling out a notebook and jotted down notes.

Fenris soon returned, fur covered in a thin veil of snow. I giggled softly, warming my hands with a simple heat spell and stroked his fur, drying it. “Find something to eat out there?”

He walked behind me, lying down, and curled his body around me once more. “Only found a small deer, but was satisfying enough.” I grinned, leaning back into his side, still reading from the textbook.

About fifteen minutes before my second class, I reluctantly packed up my bag, stowing away my lunchbox. Groaning loudly, I stretched my body, feeling and hearing the joints pop.

I pulled out a second tag and placed it onto my chest, watching my old form surround me once more. I rose to my feet and removed the spell I had earlier. Fenris and I then left the room, ascending the stairs to the main floor.

“Oh hey Clay.” I turned to see Sonya Rigel, the head librarian and good friend.

“Hey Sonya, been awhile.”

She walked over to me, smiling softly, “Was starting to wonder if you ever were coming back.”

I nodded, “Same here, but only for half the spring.”

She nodded, “I’ve heard. Chris and I spoke a couple hours ago. Didn’t even see you come in earlier.”

I shrugged, “Always been silent like that.”

A smirk rose on her face as she leaned into me, “If you need anything, ‘Little Scholar’, you have but to ask.”

My eyes flared open as I stared at her. “You have got to be kidding me,” I whispered, “you’re a Loreian?” The woman grinned, placing finger over her lips.

My shoulders slumped, groaning softly. Great…there had been a Loreian at this school all this time and I didn’t even know it. So maybe this semester won’t as bad as I thought it would be. Now I knew that my new world was still mixed in with the old. This gives me some comfort, but kinda pisses me off at the same time.

I adjusted my satchel, looking to her, “Well…crap.”

Her grin broadened, “Just be sure to stop by more often. I can offer a place of respite for you to study in peace.”

I nodded, “Thanks. Might need it.”

She nodded, “Head onto class before you’re late.”

I smirked, “I’m never late,” waving to her as I left. She smiled, watching me leave. Well that definitely was something I was going to tell Rachel when I got home.

My second class of the day was College Algebra 2. I had to pick a math class for whatever reason. I had also held a preference for math, aside from my love of history.

I think it was merely the idea of using my brain to calculate and solve problems is what appealed to me. I also loved solving equations, oh how I could blaze through chapters on equations like they were nothing.

It’s funny how I approached spell formulas that same way. Spell formulas, be they of western or eastern origin, all basically were structured like mathematical equations. So applying that logic to them, it allowed me to solve and write formulas easily.

But then you actually had to infuse magic into said formulas, which still took a lot more effort. But that’s how I was able to create the spell tags I was now using to create a clone of my former self and impose it over me.

Anyway, back to the class. I sat in the classroom where the professor droned on about the coming semester and what was to be expected of us. The syllabus contained the listed assignments, again, I could have this all knocked out rather quickly.

My eyes darted around the class. Many of the students were older than I am now, but to them I was the opposite.

During my ethics class I had remained quiet, while not trying to draw attention to myself. Expect when you factor in have a large black “dog” sitting behind you. The same was true for this class.

The only difference was the large clear windows behind us which exposed us even more into the hallway. I will say that one aspect of the start of the semester is the fact the classes are shorter than during the rest of the semester. While in most cases this would be true, it isn’t always the case.

I had also forgotten how slow normal college professors were compared to my mother. If she and I were having one of our lessons we’d already have sped through at least twice the amount of material we were going over in this class. To say I was growing bored is an understatement.

My dad taught me algebra back in high school and we basically held the same pace that Rachel and I did. Within half a semester, he and I completed the book. Still miss him from time to time.

Once the class was over, Fenris and I quickly exited the room and left the building. The sun had long since set and night had fallen.

Concordia at night is truly something else. The same could be said for early mornings. The campus was quiet, possessing a certain calmness to it. Buildings C and D both had the same eerie stillness; with D it was more prevalent.

We walked up the covered path towards building A, normally I would have simply gone through D and headed back across the bridge towards my car, but I decided to take the longer way.

My eyes scanned the area, noting we were alone. As tempting as it was me for to remove the tag from my chest, I still didn’t know who might pop out and witness the spell fading away. So it would remove where it was until I got back to car.

Another reason as to why I chose this route was because I wanted to take my time and simply “be” here on campus. My thoughts then jumped ahead to when it was to be my final day here. Heh, not even a day into the semester and I’m already making plans for when I leave for good.

When we reached the top of the hill, standing in front of us was the statue of Martin Luther, book open and looking back down the hill. I walked over to him, gently touching the bronze statue.

“It’s good to see you Marty,” whispering to him, “I hope you can forgive me but you won’t be seeing me ever again come spring break. But until then, I’ll be here. So…just keep watch okay?”

I stood there for a moment, thinking the statue was actually going to respond. I smirked, patting it, and then turned for the parking lot.

It took us a couple minutes to get back to the car. Lot C was practically deserted by the time I pulled out my keys and unlocked the car. Monday nights were always quiet, but could never hold a candle to Tuesday or Thursday nights. Both days had an utterly different feeling to them.

Something had always been off about either day. It’s hard to explain, but any student would tell you the same.

I opened the door and watched as Fenris hopped into the backseat, quickly lying down. Closing the door, I then opened the driver’s side and slipped in, removing the tag and ending the spell.

I started the car and slowly pulled out and down back towards the entrance. I easily passed by the guardhouse and after that, on to 620. The sky was still heavily clouded, and it threatened to snow once again. So I had to get home before it did. I turned left onto the highway and headed for home.

The return trip was easier than I had expected. Traffic heading south on 620 isn’t really that bad, especially after seven at night. So making it to Lakeside didn’t take that long. I pulled onto the road and headed down towards the tunnel. I was already feeling the exhaustion from the day.

The illusion spell, both of them, had really taken their collective toll on me. I was looking forward seeing the inside of my home, and to the sight of my mother.

We passed into the tunnel, which now was lit by rows of lights, spanning the entire distance. The final barrier separating both worlds had now been crossed and I was now home where I belong.

I exited out of the tunnel and saw the Manor out off in the distance. It, and the greenhouse, was the only island of light in a sea of darkness. A soft smile rose on my face as my heart started to beat faster to closer in came into view.

I pulled into the main driveway, watching as the trees passed by me once more. I wound through the road until I rounded the garage. The Manor’s lights shone even brighter than before against the dark cloudy sky.

A door to the garage was already opening, and out stepped Marie, standing at the entrance. I smiled to her as I stopped the car just shy of her. The maid walked slowly to me.

I lowered the window to her, “Hey Marie.”

She smiled and bowed to me, “Good evening Young Miss. Her Ladyship requested that I pull your car into the garage, allowing you and Master Fenris to head on in.”

I smiled to her and nodded, unbuckling myself and grabbing my bag and got out of the car.

She had already opened the backdoor for the wolf, seeing him trotting onto the tiled driveway. I looked to her, “How was your day?”

The maid shrugged, “Not too bad in all fairness,” then grinned deviously, “I did make Lyra shrill by making her alarm clock sound like church bells.”

I giggled, “That really must’ve pissed her off.”

The automaton grinned, “Oh it did, but seeing her flying out of her room screaming was all the pleasure I could have wanted.” The two of us giggled together.

Marie and I were known to pull pranks on everyone from time to time, with this maid being notorious for her sometimes more outlandish antics. She was known for her mechanical designs where I used magic. I did it whenever I got bored and had nothing to do. Marie did it simply because she could.

I smiled to her, “Think I’ll head inside.”

The maid bowed her head, “Her Ladyship awaits you in the dining room.”

I nodded, “Thanks Marie.”

She nodded and slipped into the car, pulling it into the garage. I hoisted my satchel over my shoulder and turned, heading for the stairs to the front door.

One of the doors opened and standing there was Sebastian. He bowed his head to me, “Welcome home Young Miss. I pray that your first day of school was without incident.”

I nodded to him, “It was, just weird being back. Gonna have to get used to people calling me ‘Clay’.”

The butler nodded, “A necessary yet temporary inconvenience Young Miss I assure you.”

I smiled up to him, nodding, “Thanks Sebastian.”

The old lycan bowed his head, “I am happy to be of service to you.”

I let out a soft yawn, feeling my stomach whine loudly. He smiled warmly, “Dinner should be served momentarily Young Miss. Would you prefer that I take your belongings to your room?”

I smiled in return, handing him my bag, “Yes please.”

He nodded, taking it from my hands. I undid my scarf and slid off my coat, draping both over my arm. Sebastian then held out his hand, to where I handed both to him. The butler bowed softly, turned and disappeared up the stairs. I let out another yawn, before heading towards the dining room.

Rachel was sitting at her usual seat as I slowly opened the door. A broad grin stretched across her face, “Welcome home sweetheart, did you have a good day at school?”

To be honest, it was a little weird hearing her say those exact words. Now I really felt like I was in high school and not college.

I nodded to her, taking my seat, “I did. Still couldn’t believe that I was there. Felt surreal.”

She nodded softly, “Do you wish to rest during part of tomorrow before engaging in your studies?”

Leaning back into my chair, “I might, depends on much work I want to burn through. Given how short of time I have, I think I might as well just go ahead and get everything done by mid-February. It’s not like there’s a lot to do, just heavy loads of things to do.”

She chuckled softly, smiling to me, “You always have enjoyed hurrying through your assignments. This often gave you more time to relax and pursue your hobbies.”

I nodded, pulling my legs into my chest. Fenris stared at me, his eyes shimmering softly, attempting to comfort me. I craned my head over to him, smiling tenderly, reaching over and stroked behind his ears.

My mother smiled, watching us both. “Did you by chance run into your old teacher today? Dr. Tillmans was it?”

I looked up at her, “I’m not even going to ask how you know that.”

She chuckled, “I am your mother, sweetheart. It’s important that I know such things.”

I rolled my eyes, and then trained them on her, “Oh, did you know that there is a Loreian at my school?”

Rachel’s eyes blinked softly, “That I did not know. I knew that Loreians were spread throughout the world, but for one to be at your school. That is interesting.”

I sighed, “She knew who I was, even with the spell.”

“Sweetheart, Loreians are keepers of knowledge. For one to recognize who you are, despite the use of an illusionary spell, is hardly a challenge for them. Apparently you have garnered the admiration of the order due to the Professor.”

I nodded, “She did offer me a place to go to if I wanted it.”

Rachel smiled, “This is a good thing then. You won’t have to exhaust yourself in between your classes.”

A small sigh let out from me, “Just being there is exhausting. I spent two hours napping today, and I’m still tired.”

I felt a finger flicking my forehead. Turning my head up, I stared directly into my mother’s deep violet eyes. “You whine like a five year old child.” I rubbed my head. She smiled softly, “I’m glad to hear such things from you.”

I cocked my head, “What? You’re actually praising me for whining?”

She nodded, “It shows how much of a child you can be. While you are indeed quite mature for your age, it is rather refreshing to see your childish side come forth.”

I was still confused by her words. Be mature or not? Which was it? But she right in saying “my age”. Yeah haven’t really been an adult in a really long time.

I am a teenager in every way now. Thought like one, talked like one, I am one. But was also childish. So I kinda get what she was saying. I smiled to her, still sinking into my seat.

Rachel smiled in return, “Is your club still operational?”

I nodded, “It is. They meet on Fridays so I may stay there a while longer for the meetings.”

A smile rose on her face, “Good, but I don’t want you staying out too late. You need your rest and have to complete your schoolwork. Then there is the fact that I will be resuming your lessons. Not this week of course. More than likely it will be next week.”

Wow…now I really did feel like I was in high school. Rachel didn’t have a curfew for me, but she still wanted me to be mindful of the time. She and I had an understanding back during the fall of when our lessons were to take place and how late I could stay up.

Well…that and the fact that she would also walk into my room a yank the phone out my hands if I was up too late talking to everyone. Which reminds me…have to call or text the girls after dinner. I’m sure they’d want to hear how my first day went.

Rachel’s smile grew ever wider, “I see the wheels within your mind turning my love. Yes, after dinner you may call your friends.”

I giggled, rolling some hair over my right ear. This actually felt great. While not a normal girl, I allowed myself the illusion that I was. But the reality was that this was only to last until mid-March and then…Japan.

I know I dreaded returning to my old world, and for good reason. My exhaustion was a clear reminder of that fact. And it only was going to get worse as the semester wore on.

The sound of a cart being wheeled into the room echoed into my ears. I turned to see Abigale pushing in that cart with covered plates sitting on top.

I smiled to her, “Hey Miss Abigale.”

The kikimora smiled to me as she rounded the table, “Good evening Young Miss,” she then placed the plates before us, and then turned to me, “we missed seeing you around the Manor today.”

I sighed softly, “It’s like last year all over again.”

The maid nodded, “I agree Young Miss. I am assuming Marie told you of her latest prank.”

I giggled, “Oh yeah.” The faint sight of her tail swishing behind her body showed that she too found it funny, while her face maintained the firm professionalism I had come to know her by.

She stepped back, bowed to us, “Please enjoy your meals my Ladies,” and then looked to Fenris, whose eyes were locked together for a brief moment.

I rolled mine, geez you two, if you want to find a room, just get one already. It was like reliving when Arcturus came to visit. The maid then turned, quietly leaving the room.

Rachel and I then leaned forward and pulled the lids off of our plates and began to eat. As we did, I knew that a new routine was about to settle in, brief as it would be.

Part of me wished that it was the fall again, and this was just a faint shadow in the back of my mind. But…reality can be a bitch sometimes. Best to just go with the flow.

After dinner I retired to my room, plopping myself onto the bed. It felt so good to lie on my bed again. I didn’t even care that the main ceiling lights were on. All that mattered is that I’m in my room, and on my bed.

The covers smelled of freshly cleaned linen, meaning they might’ve been changed while I was gone. I wanted to just drift away on them, finding my dreams. But…that would have to wait. I rolled onto my back and saw my bag was at “Study”.

I slid off my bed and walked over to it, pulling out my phone. When I booted it up, I saw that everyone had sent me dozen of messages, all asking how my day was. I grinned softly, responding to each of them. This then prompted everyone to instantly calling me.

One thing I love about my computer, which is a brand new one, a summer gift from Rachel, is the ability to handle multiple calls at once. So I pulled up the phone program and there I saw the faces of my friends as well as Marron’s. A soft blush ran on my face when I saw her.

We spent the next couple of hours talking to each other. Each person spoke of their day and the “woes of high school”. When the conversation had shifted to me and my day at school, I was hesitant at first to discuss it. But with some prodding from Mandy, I finally relented and told them about my day.

“You just have to tough it out girl,” said Heather. “I know its hard being back there. Hell I’m amazed that you are.”

I smiled to her, “Yeah, I feel out of place there.”

Marron leaned in, “Remember when I had you sweetie? You kept up the dual-life thing pretty well.”

I giggled, “Yeah, I remember. And this kinda feels like that, only in reverse.”

She nodded softly, “You’ll get through this, trust me.”

My cheeks blushed softly as I nodded to her. In a strange way, Marron had also raised me a little. So hearing her encouraging me really meant a lot.

“Heather, time for bed.”

“Mandy, get off of the computer. You have school tomorrow.”

“Jennifer, say goodnight to everyone.”

The girls all sighed, responding to their parents. They all then said their goodbyes to me and one by one, the screen went dark until it was just Marron and me. I stared at her, my legs drawn into my chest.

She smiled softly to me, “You okay sweetie?”

I nodded, “I’m okay. While today wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, it just doesn’t feel right anymore. I just want this to be over with and I can move on with my life, my real life.”

She smiled to me, “I know you do. You’ll get there, I promise. Just have to be patient, something you're known for.”

I blushed softly, “Thanks Marron.”

Her smile broadened, “You’re welcome Baby Ahri. Now, you get onto bed before your mom shows up.”

I giggled, “Okay. Love you Marron.”

“I love you too sweetie. I’ll talk to you soon. Night.”


Now the screen was completely empty. I leaned back into my chair, staring up at the ceiling. It was times like these that I really loved this new life that I was given. I leaned over to the clock as saw that it was past 10:00. Not really that late, but enough to make me want to go onto bed.

I rose from my chair and kicked off my shoes and got dressed for bed. As if on command, the lights then dimmed slowly until they completely turned off. Fenris hadn’t been with me at all that night, so I figured either he had gone out to hunt or was with Abigale. Either way, it’s kinda nice to have to room to myself.

I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over me. My first day was now over, only twenty-six more to go. My eyes slowly closed, letting the warmth of my bed surround me, finally letting me drift off to sleep.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.