
Chapter 31. Lose

This is a lose lose situation, if I set Emilia free she will be so big of a problem I may even have to kill her, and I don’t think I can deal with killing someone especially not my own mother. I watch the scenery change while having a hundred thoughts flying through my head creating a full on windstorm, why do every time I turn around I have to make a lose lose choice.

Setting her free will do damage, but leaving Libra wherever he is any longer will do much more and getting trapped in a house with what I though was my mother would cause me to die of losing my mind before I could ever get to him, I need to save him by any means.

Now we’re in the same white room as before, I sniffle slightly, annoyed when Callene chuckles. I go to the table we previously sat at and take a seat ready to demand Libra be brought to me when suddenly he appears in the chair before me in ropes and ropes trap me in the chair I’m in as well. Callene full on laughs at this, I don’t tug at the ropes feeling their strength burn through me and there’s a man standing behind him with a sinister smirk on his face. He has the same large and broad build as Callene but white hair instead of jet black, not white like Satchel’s but shinning white something like the animation forest and I know immediately its Repoeine.

“Libra are you okay?” I ask, seeing nothing visible on him but knowing how these creatures can play with your mind, those type of wounds aren’t able to be seen. Libra nods, seeming out of breath and water drips from his golden locks as if he was being drowned.

“Its splendid to meet you Serenity.” Repoeine says, walking toward my side of the table. He runs a finger over my cheek and I shiver and flinch back, his hands feel like blades then I think back to Callene’s earlier words. “Your more beautiful up close.” He smirks and Libra thrashes around in his chair, a murderous look in his eye.

“Keep your hands off of her.” Anger is clear on his face.

“Depth, I do what I wish unless you plan to get up from that chair and stop me.” Repoeine smiles sweetly. “Look at you, you’re no good for her anyway I mean you couldn’t even protect her from Callene here.”

“Get to it, I didn’t get set free to hold hostages for all time.” Callene snaps.

“Did she set the queen free?” Repoeine asks, walking back toward Libra.

“She refuses but if she doesn’t there will be costs so yes I believe she will.” Callene shrugs as if it doesn’t really matter to him.

“You were to get her free Callene, not subject to the thought.”

“Honestly brother the bat could stay where she is for all I care, in trapping her I was set free you all should be partying instead we’re wallowing in this nonsense.” So he doesn’t care.

“This is not nonsense!” Repoeine’s voice booms through the white room. “Leave, I can handle them both.” In seconds Callene is gone and I see what he meant by Repoeine having blades for fingers at times. Ten long sharp blades replace his fingers and the pointer one lightly traces the skin of Libra’s neck.

“Whatever you want, its yours just let him go.” I say shakily, gaining both Repoeine and Libra’s attention.

“No love don’t set her free they-” Libra is silenced by a blade poking his Adam’s apple and a tiny trail of crimson drips from it, he swallows nervously as do I.

“Whatever you want, I will make it happen.” I say again, ignoring the warning look in Libra’s eyes. “I have to,” I look to him, “I need you free, safe, the manor needs you okay? And I’ll do anything for your freedom even set Emilia free, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“I’m suppose to play that role.” He says softly.

“Sometimes roles are reversed.” I nod once , turning to face Repoeine who looks disgusted.

“His freedom is bought with the queen’s freedom.” In one swift motion his drags his pointer blade down Libra’s cheek, and blood follows, I choke down the scream I have due to it and Libra winces slightly but only looks away from me completely. “You have no freedom, I want to keep you.” He says simply.

“No.” Libra speaks and Repoeine pushes the palm of his hand against his open wound, resulting in a string of violent curses from Libra.

“Your very valuable to this world and you managed to create something beyond our power, not to mention you are very dashing. I will set him free after you lift Emilia’s cage and then you will join my siblings and I, as well as free our parents.” I do a double take on all his requests, narrowing my eyes in disbelief.

“Free your what?” I nearly stumble over my words.

“Our parents, how does that sound?” He traces the other side of Libra’s face with his already blood stained blade and I know all it’ll take is one wrong answer for him to cut his other cheek open, the other side still gushes blood.

“It sounds insane. How will I set your parents free? The seer didn’t say anything about parents.” I laugh a dry nervous laugh.

“Seer’s make mistakes just like anyone, there aren’t ten of us there are only us five and our parents. They have the power of multiple which is why they were portrayed as five.” I blink, as if to snap back into reality only to see that this is reality, there are two super mega corners waiting to be set free, and they have the power of multiple and if I don’t make some kind of choice now it could cost Libra his face. It could even cost him his life. “You will set them free by using all the elements at once, first our mother than our father in the order they were trapped by. Wind, fire, water then water, fire, wind.”

“This isn’t a fair bargain, I do all this for you and in exchange all you do is set Libra free? I don’t even get freedom, not that I’ve heard so far so why would I do all of this as your prisoner?” I throw myself against the ropes, fury burning through me, I’m so sick and tired of everyone trying to black mail me and use me in this world.

“After you set my parents free, I honestly won’t want you as a prisoner anymore, your pathetic just like Callene mentioned.” Libra clenches his jaw in anger, I can tell there’s only so much more he can take before he speaks, and I know there’s only so many times he can speak before one of those blades end up a place there’s no coming back from.

“I set the queen free, you set us both free. Or you kill us both.” I say in a cold voice, a voice I don’t even recognize. “I’ve had enough, you all think I’m some weapon you can just pick up and load whenever your ready, I’ve been toyed with and tormented too much for one day I think I deserve a break.” Repoeine looks shocked by my statement and pushes the blade into Libra’s cheek as a form of retaliation. Blood drips from a small dot it made and I sit there not phased on bit. “If you kill him, I put it on your demented soul that you’ll have to kill me too. You don’t want that do you? I’m your parents’ only means to freedom and my patience is running pretty thin.”

“If I kill him you’ll be forced to do what I wish.” Repoeine threatens.

“That’s the only threat I’ve heard in this world yet that has never phased me.” I say lightly, taking in both him and Libra’s shocked expressions. “Kill him, go ahead.” Libra’s eyes widen and Repoeine furrows his brows. “I’ll be like an outbreak you can’t get rid of, I will show you the definition of hell because Libra won’t be there to tie me down. Without him I care for nothing in this world,” I say truthfully, I care only for my father other than Libra and he isn’t in this world, “I set you free, so I know for a fact that there’s a way to trap you,” his eyes grow wide as golf balls at this, confirming my assumption, there is a way to trap them, “we do this by my terms you let him go right now or we don’t do it all.” In seconds the ropes that bind Libra vanish and he’s able to stand.

“I won’t leave you.” He clutches his cheek and I shake my head.

“I have this, I need you to alert the others and put the manor on lock-down, if you need me I’ll be lifting a fire cage.” Repoeine waves a hand at Libra and he disappears just like that, now its just us and the ropes that keep me here, ropes I could so easily burn. He said his parents are bond by all the elements combined, so if I use one at a time I won’t set anything free, maybe I could burn these ropes.

“Bring me to her, I need Daelortoze to be there or else I won’t be lifting anything.” Repoeine waves another hand and in seconds we’re by the cave, I however am still tied up in a sleek white chair. The cool night wind bites at me and I can barely see but the cage of pure fire lights up the night, Emilia stands in the middle with a scowl like none other on her face. The cage full of morphers however, isn’t here anymore.

“Hello queen, how are we?” Daelortoze’s voice calls from the air, I stare up at him in silence.

“Is this all necessary Daelortoze?” My cold voice remains.

“Yes, I need Emilia by any means queen, go on.” I raise my hand as far as the ropes will allow and with it, the cage raises off Emilia. I let it float in the air as she sighs and the patter of her heals travel toward me. As she walks I let the cage float above her head and once she’s to me her hand connects with my cheek making a noise that crackles through the night and leaving a stinging feeling on my face.

“Really?” I drop the cage back over her head then I burn the ropes that keep me in the chair to a crisp, Repoeine gasps but I ignore him, I stand and make my way to Emilia’s cage, walking straight through the fire bars with out feeling so much as a sting. Daelortoze goes tumbling back when he tries to enter the cage and so does Repoeine, I smirk down at Emilia who cowards to the ground. “Just me and you mother.” With a pull of my hand, she’s at my feet. “Give me the crown or you might die here.” This was never part of my plan, no I planned to set her free but she just had to put her hands on me and awake an anger that can burn cities to the ground.

“You stupid child I will do no such thing.” With a swoosh of my hand a crackle sounds and her leg bends, then her other leg and I ignore her screams and the corners’ protests. “I should break your neck like you did to Aisha, she didn’t deserve that and you don’t deserve me.” I push her back against the fire bars and they burn her, she whimpers and screams in pain, trying to get away from he cage’s bars. “See I came here to free you, but then you have the audacity to slap me as if I’m your daughter. So much audacity.” I raise her entire body from the ground as I raise my hand, her eyes widen in horror. “Do you know what getting me angry could do to you?” I break her legs again, one by one I snap the bones back in place enjoying the sound of her screams. She deserves to scream, for Aisha, for Libra and for the many morphers she brainwashed and made hibernate with her and for me, her daughter who she couldn’t care less about.

Analexania is here now, she and Daelortoze are making winds stronger than I’ve ever seen before in an attempt to blow the cage away while Repoeine, Callene and who I’m guessing is Kelenimen create a blazing cage over the cage I’ve already made. “Mother don’t be so selfish, its either the crown or your life.” I shrug, still holding her in the air as she thrashes to get down. “You have caused me so many problems, I don’t think I really want you to live.” I slam her against the bars and she cries out in pain, clutching her head but its nothing compared to how Libra screamed, or how Aisha never had the chance to so anger still blazes through me. “Have a seat.” I put her down in a hand motion and then I sit down in front of her.

“Lets put our differences aside, it seems I’m not the queen since you never ’passed me the crown” so why don’t you do that for me.” Winds roar and fires blaze but I ignore it all. “Or I’ll be forced to end you and save myself all this trouble, I’ll be queen, and you won’t be a threat anymore all with a snap of my finger. How’s that sound?”

“Let me go you stupid-” I cut her off by filling her lungs with wind, she coughs and I smirk.

“Child? She I’m not a child and I don’t appreciate that term, I’ll ask you again for the thrown and if something smart comes out of your mouth, I’ll set it on fire.” She swallows.

“The fifty-ninth rein has come to an end, the souls of new morphers are soon to be begin,” she mumbles in a thick accent, grabbing both my hands and closing her eyes, “now, here I hand over my thrown to my only blood relation, to her I give the crown.” Daelortoze screams for her to stop but she doesn’t, she grips me tighter and a rush of power flows through me. “I give her the thrown, it is her time, its her time to take it. I give her the power of every morpher who does not belong in this rein, and may she repel it into the universe.” Confusion washes over me, mixed with a uneasy feeling of dread and a a quicken in my pulse. “Take the morpher power and put it into her, may all those who follow me be replenished.” What? I try and pull my hands back but I can’t, her grip is like iron, her eyes open and the blue is replaced by pure white. “Queen Serenity of the sixtieth rein, I give her the animations, I give her the thrown and I give her the power. Take this burden from me.” A wind stronger than all the corners winds combined flushes through the lands, blowing the cage away and putting a stop to all power being used.

My head throbs with a striking pain, Emilia finally drops my hands a sinister smirk on her lips. “My child, you wanted the crown and so there you have it. I only hope you enjoy the powers as well.” I clutch my head, screaming in agony as she backs away from me. It feels like one thousand tiny needles piercing my brain all at once. I feel the crown fall onto my head but I quickly snatch it off.

“Are you mad?” Daelortoze snaps, I’ve never seen him, or any of them angry but they’re all fuming now. I hear it in their voices as they yell at Emilia but I pay it no mind as I try to get off the ground while feeling as if gravity is determined to keep me down.

“What did you do to me?” I can’t even walk and the pain in my head is consistent, I scream again, the pain now racking through my entire body. It doesn’t stop and Emilia doesn’t answer Daelortoze. “What did she do to me?” I bang my head as whispers fill it mixing with the striking pain.

“Emilia, I should kill you now for this.” Daelortoze spits.

“Just use her.” She says, shrugging.

“Shut up!” I yell, not knowing whether I’m talking to the tiny voices are the tiny people. “Just shut up for a second please, god!” They all go silent to my surprise but the whispers inside my head don’t. “Tell me what’s wrong with me.” I claw at my head in attempt to reach my brain, a pain runs through me again and another yelp escapes my throat.

“That’s the power of every morpher I brought with me surfacing itself in you, they’ll never shut up darling because your not meant to have it. If I were to be forced out of my crown I figured I’d make it hell for you.” I scream again.

“Bring me to Libra.” I bang on my head only making the tiny and sudden pains worst. “Someone bring me to him right now!” I scream again, my throat burning from the noises I can’t see to keep down. Daelortoze yells something about not being able to use me and I couldn’t care less about what he’s saying, what I care about is how I can get these voices to stop saying. Callene waves his hand and I vanish, ending up in Libra’s room where he’s seated on the end of his bed. “Ah.” I clutch my head, he looks up to me, a thick white bandage covering up his cheek for a wound that I’m sure will leave a scar.

He darts to my side, holding me up as I grab fistfuls of my hair and tug it until my scalp burns. They whisper things in different languages, ancient languages like I’ve heard Satchel speak in but some do speak English. They talk to each other about this rein and how different it is from theirs and the only solution I can see is finding them, they’ll see sooner or later that they don’t have power, if that’s even how this works. “She, she gave me the thrown.” I croak out, lying down across Libra’s bed. “But she, she gave me the power of all the morphers she brought with her.” I wince in pain, rubbing my head. “They won’t shut up they.. it hurts so bad.” It does, it feels like someone is continuously connecting a hammer with my head or sticking my body with needles, I don’t know how much more I can take.

“She what?” Libra’s eyes go wide, a little blood starts to seep through his bandage and his breathing gets heavy. “Serenity you need to get up now, Gemini has to deal with this. You could die.” He runs his fingers through his hair in panic , pacing the floor immediately. I register his words before sharing my throbbing head not believing this.

“No, its just a little pain.. its just-” A whimper silences whatever lie I was about to tell myself with a nerve racking scream following behind it. Libra jumps to my side, grabbing me in attempt to pick me off the bed. I curl up in a ball not as a defense mechanism from him, but as one from the pain, from he voices.

“Don’t fight it, let them talk you have to welcome it or else you’ll die faster.” His face twists in pain, I finally un-ball myself and he’s able to place a hand under my legs and one under my head. He winces and I want to tell him I’m sorry but I can’t, I’ve started to let the voices have their way and now I can’t tell them apart from my thoughts. I hear Dorraine let us out but even her voice mixes with the many.

Through the many voices, one stands out, its the girl and she says “we don’t belong here anymore.”

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